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Day of the Departed was fun to watch đŸ˜¶


I agree. I don't understand why people didn't like it.


Personally I just think it was rushed(should've been an entire season), and I didn't like that Cole became human again.


My problem with him becoming human is not literally that he turned human, but that it was just that. He had that amazing scar and he had learnt so many useful ghost powers, but they just evaporated everything as if that didn't happen. I wish he kept literally anything from that, fear of water, being able to turn determined parts of his body invisible... Idk, something that made that change feel permanent and not just 'Im a ghost I lost my body forever :( oh wait i can be human again :0 damn 2-3 seasons of being a ghost, I will forget them forever :D'






Da y of the departed IS fun to watch


And that Whip remix, too
 Easily my second favorite after the Crystalized Whip


I agree without any sarcasm




Yeah it was good but Netflix Canada doesn’t have it no more :(


Agreed. Mostly because Morro came back


Dareth and Pixal deserve to have bigger roles. Would find it hilarious if Dareth beat a main villain. That and how Ronin's story of being better got reverted, and then somewhat came back a little in crystalized. Ronin went from villain, to anti-hero, to villain, to anti-hero


We need more Ronin.


Dareth would have been unstoppable if they taught him spinjitsu.


His moral ambiguity is what makes him an interesting side character


Remember when dareth single handily defeated the stone army 😂


Still salty that his elemental power hasn't even been mentioned post the oni trilogy.


They lose their elemental powers for some reason almost every season. I think it's dumb and they should have been able to use them a lot more than they did. In some cases I understand it for plot advancement or character development or whatever, but sometimes it was just annoying. "Oh, there goes our powers again. Guess we'll just do spinjitzu again."


Fr it felt like Kai lost his powers for three seasons straight


Yeah, especially Kai. Which sucks even more since he's my favorite


I hate Sally from crystallized


I actually think this is pretty popular. Especially because it was her song playing during the end scene and that didn't make any sense.


Her song sounded like someone who has never made or heard a song for my little pony tried to make one imo. And the weekend whip is better, if they should put anything else at the end of an episode, it should be a rickroll or the Zane dying then coming back to life theme.


fax, actual crybaby.


Her song was okay but jeez stop crying


Hands of Time and season 11 are overhated


This statement is 100% correct. Both the seasons aren't bad. They simply could've been better


Till this day I still don't understand hate for Hands of Time


I absolutely love HoT, one of my favourite seasons




I can agree with 11, especially the second part, first part wasn't bad either. But I can't bring myself to enjoy HoT


The second part is some of the best ninjago weve ever gotten in my opinion Especially the music. Its so beautiful


There's this kid I know whose favorite season is hands of time and least favorite is seabound


Honestly I get the Seabound take, it kind of feels like season one but without the original ninja really getting character arcs.


Watching all seasons for the first time except for like the first 5 I'm rewatching from years ago. I'm pretty bad about playing in my phone, but hands of time that's all I did. There was just too much happening to keep track. The idea of it seemed cool. It is my least favorite rn. Just started sons of garmadon last night and it's much better.




Season 11 is one of my favourite seasons, i just wish hands of time had more episodes


I actually love both of them seasons I can't belive pll actually hate them


Morro is weakest villain physically (just pour water on the man)


đŸ€“ But actually Morro could use wind to blow the water away... actually


Most of the fans are hypocrites. They let Garmadon get away with whatever yet shame Misako for commiting actions of equal (or less) worth. Misako is not the devil guys. They're BOTH horrible parents. And Garmadon, while a well written character, is still a bad person.


Before s8 Garmadon was a bad person, not a bad parent imo. Misako was a bad parent


Aside from season 3 and 4, he was a bad parent. And even after season 8, he's still a bad person. Misako isn't much better but I'll give her credit for trying to improve and you know... actively caring about Lloyd's survival.


Garmadon never asked to be evil. Yes he's a bad parent, but it's not entirely his fault.


Just like how it wasn't entirely Misako's fault to leave Lloyd and find a way to circumvent the prophecy (though it was her fault to leave him at the villain school).


True. Both had their faults.


That we can agree on.


Early seasons, garmadons “evil plans” never really actually hurt people, let’s be real. Also, consider his entire world view has been red tinted because of the venom. Now compare him to Misako??? The girl who abandoned lloyd and basically made him homeless, then started hitting on Wu (her husbands brother), let’s be REAL. Garmadon goes out of his way to avoid fighting or hurting lloyd, then goes to save him. The show never made any effort to have Misako redeem herself. And if we’re gonna bring up events after the resurrection, then we aren’t really talking about garmadon anymore. He’s basically a wild animal, he’ll listen to the first person he sees because he doesn’t remember anything. He’s basically manipulated by Harumi from the start.


The dragons should have stayed as separate beings. The ultra dragon is really weird.


AGREE! ultra dragon's kinda cool but i rlly wished they stayed seperate 😩


YES agree they were much cooler as separate. Image the combo of the ninja having their dragons + the Spinjistu vehicles (golden wepons)


We barely got any screen time with them too. At most we had the dragons in the pilots and the first few episodes of s1, only for them to suddenly migrate and disappear for most of the season. Even when they come back as the Ultra Dragon we rarely see them. Eventually the dragon leaves Ninjago and we find out in s9 that it died. The dragons deserved a better story in general :/


Tournament of elements is the best season


That's a popular opinion


It is!




It’s the one I’d choose if forced to watch one season forever




The Oni trilogy story line was a bit pointless because they hyped the finale with the Oni so much only to end in a disappointingly short season. The only things that were actually worth it about the story line is Garmadon's resurrection and Wu's growth




The whole trilogy is overrated tbh


Yes and very much hated opinion


I can agree


Cole shoulda stayed as a ghost




Arin shouldn't be an "Average Joe". I come to Ninjago for the bizarreness of it and I find the only reason people praise Arin's non-specialness being "it makes him relatable and teaches that anyone can become a Ninja" to be really dumb. Buzz off with that. Kai wasn't special when he started out, which made him relatable, then he became special but had to learn he wasn't the centre of the universe and that was an interesting and relatable arc to go through. Lloyd's whole story, despite being the most special character in the Ninjago universe, boils down to a boy learning how to grow up and connecting with his father. How much more relatable can you get? The fact that, in-universe, anyone can theoretically do what Arin does makes him less like a protagonist and more like a tag-along. I await my death.


Which is why I prefer Nelson for this reason


Same, he deserves to be a ninja


Nelson should’ve been a student of Lloyd not Aaron. (Just a personal opinion don’t vote)


Agreed, but its Arin, Aaron is from Nexo Knights


Skullin is the best army


Kai being the green ninja would’ve sucked (I do think he needs to get some attention in dragons rising tho cuz it’s been ages since he got any)


Thank you! Someone gets it! Allthough not only Kai but really any of the 4 would suck Kai's just the most hyped one for green ninja. They allready had their roles Zane was white (or pink) Cole was black Kai was red and Jay was blue. They were equals, a team and if any of them suddenly became "better" than others it would destroy the meaning of the team as a whole. Before we found out she's the master of water Nya was a better candidate than any of them.


Not my opinion, but my brother says "Zane and Pixel are the best couple in the show"


Lloykita is better than Lorumi.


It’s telling that Harumi and Misako get way more flack for the same kind of stuff Morro or Garmadon did. I like all 4 characters btw, just a bit tired of hate towards the former, as all 4 hurt Lloyd in some way.


I feel like your missing like 93% of the context on why Misako and Harumi are hated, While Villains Like Morro and Garmadon are loved for their villainy. In defence of Morro: He eventually redeemed himself in day of the departed, and was the main villain in Possession, him doing bad things to Lloyd makes sense. In defence of Garmadon: Garmadon knew the evil growing in his heart thanks to the great devourer's venom, which is why he abandoned Lloyd by the pilots, but as Season 1 and 2 shows, Garmadon, Still very much Loves Lloyd as shown by willing to team up with the Ninja to help with the serpentine in season 1, and his constant internal war with himself between wanting to take over Ninjago and not wanting to fight Lloyd. Season 8+ Garmadon is a bit more muddled because that's just his Oni side, and he's trying to learn the things He once knew. I think Harumi would've been remembered as a good villain if Crystalized didn't muddle things. Like after reviving Oni Garmadon in Season 8, taking over the City in Hunted, and EVERYTHING she did in crystalized, along with crystalized muddling Harumi's motivations, she got off why too easy. Misako on the other hand, unlike the other 3, is not a villain, she Is just a horrible parent. She abandoned a young, probably close to infant Lloyd because of a hunch, a lucky guess. On top of that, she abandoned him at a BOARDING SCHOOL FOR VILLAINS! When Sensei Wu would've been more than willing to look after his nephew, and as Stated in season 2, Misako didn't so much as write Lloyd a birthday card. And when she was back in lloyd's life, She, while still Married to Garmadon, Started Flirting with Wu. All for have hurt Lloyd, But 3 were villains, Harumi was ruined by crystalized's poor writing, and Mistako was meant to be a good guy, but probably did the most damage to Lloyd in his youth. So yeah, Don't go ignoring the context on why Some characters are hated.


Crystalized isn't bad, It's just very complicated, and you have to see it from two characters' difrient perspectives to understand some of it. I get why people hate Misako and I agree but with Harumi it's difrient, she did get redeemed-ish in crystalized and not just because the overlord was arespobsible for her parents deaths but because with that knowledge she knew that the "peace in the dark" was bullsh#t, and that people will definitly get hurt if he is to rule ninjago. Before she knew that she stood there without helping Lloyd and Garmadon for a while because part of her wanted to help Lloyd and the other was to blinded by hatered thoards him and belive that the Overlord would fix everything with the "peace in the dark" bullsh#t.


Nya is kinda annoying


I agree, I find Nya annoying and don't like how the show always gives her focus and plotlines especially as the show goes on.


I dont really like 11 minute episode format. The episodes feel like the 4 minutes are nothing. And then it get intresting in like 7 minute mar but then it just ends abruptly. My viewing experience is just not as fun with these episodes. 22 minute episode got me more invested in the story and overall have better writing in my opinion. I remember eatching season 11 and being absolutely disappointed when the episodes ended so soon as i was hoping to relax. Also finals of the seasons dont feel that satysfying as they leave me more questions. And no matter how many episodes they build up or start the final battle. Something is missing. The 11 minute format also brought some flanderasation to characters like Jay, whos so childish that it annoys me and i cant take him seriously. I dont hate 11 minute seasons. They have mostly good episodes and moments.


Garmadon isn't evil




OG designs WAY better than new designs.




Tbf i see them as an evolution of the ninjas getting older (instead from jay i dont really like his new design but i especially hate his newer personality)


Omega is the perfect villain for Season 10


Nelson should’ve been a student of Lloyd not Aaron. (Just a personal opinion please don’t downvote)


Sons of Garmadon was a good season


Harumi and asphra are good characters


Zane is the best ninja


I completely agree, Zane was, is and will always be the best ninja by far. He's a true legend and incarnation of everything good in humans and deserves nothing but the utmost respect.


I mean maybe saying I think COle is aroace, as its how I see him that and Lloyd+ Pillowmint/akita or anyone/thing else is better than rumi and Dareth is an okay character


Lloyd and plamfronds.


Yes, I do agree with this ship


I love Lloyd x Akita, but Lloyd x pillowmint is a pretty good ship tbh


I agree like she's better and well pillow mint is best mint


sip wise seed ossified childlike beneficial worthless soup amusing support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dragons Rising was a step in the right direction though. There's a lot of references to the older seasons.


Non cannon ships are stupid.


I agree with this, mostly because a lot of them are ridiculous because the ninja have pretty much taken all their choices and the non canon ships explain their ships by undoing existing ones


Yea, and honestly I've never cared for ships anyway. The canon ones in fine with because they make sense.


Season 8 is the best season


How is that a hot take.


Because most of the time when I say that I’m hit with “season 5 is better” or “season 4 is the best” or even “ninjago wasn’t good after season 7”


This is r/Ninjago, so you won't get a "show wasn't good after x season" and prople that agree usually just upvote, while those who don't comment.


Digitalized (season 12) had the best suits in the series


It’s actually called “Prime Empire.” Tho I prefer your name a lot more


Crystalized Part 2 was good. I'm ready for the downvotes.


You got upvoted BTW


Didn't see that coming.


Season 11 the ice chapter is one of the best ninjago we’ve ever got


It's one of my favorites


They should have done the DR explanation/beginning better. They basically invalidated everything up until that point by saying the merge was inevitable.


Hands of time was a decent season it's not the best but not bad either


March of the Oni is better than hands of time


Seasons 4 and 5 are overrated


I like Harumi


Hope she comes back at some point in DR. Maybe have her interact with Arin and learn how Arin was able to keep his faith in the ninja despite failing to save his parents, that may push her further in her own arc.


Your cooking in these comments


Oni triology is overrated




Kai is the main character and was put in Lloyd's shadow at some point


Hold up, let him cook.


lloyd should have been the only ninja with an elemental dragon


I have never thought about that but yeah I would agree.


i like harumi and misako. thats it.


I think you need a hug. đŸ«‚


Morro isn't great He's just Tai Lung with only a fraction of the menace and emotional weight that made Tai Lung a cool villain in Kung Fu Panda


I mean if Morro didn't die and became part of the squad i think he would've made a good edition


I highly agree with this


I really liked the overlords return in crystallized


I don't like Jay and Nya as a couple.


Same here, Jay and Nya are way too overrated as a couple and they're my least favourite ninjas individually as well.


I could kinda understand their relationship in Wilfilm era, but after that it lost every single spark.


I only didn't mind it in the first season tbh or first two.


Nelson should’ve been a student of Lloyd not Aaron. (Just a personal opinion don’t vote)


I don’t really care for chokun


yeah I am finding your ip as we speak I will have your head on a spike \*THIS IS A JOKE DONT GET THE WRONG IDEA\*


I never cared for Skybound or Hands of Time. - Sure, Jay being important is great, but the way the rest of the cast dropped like flies doesn't sit right with me. - The Time Element kinda creates a plothole for Season 4. You see, Chen needed *all* elements to activate his Anacondrai spell. I can excuse the Wind Element not being needed, because Morro is funking dead and there is no Master of Wind ATM. But one of the Time Brothers is still alive in the current day, running the museum. This makes the element of time feel retconned in, at least to me.


Chen needed all the *active* elements.


Was Time not active? Acronix was in the process of time travelling during Season 4, and the other one was still around, thus "active".


The element, not timetravel itself, the timetravel elemental powers was stuck in the cronosteal blades


I don’t like Dragon Rising


I like Crystallized.


Jay is the worst Ninja.


Jay and Nya do not belong together.


I Hate dareth


how could you


Explain yourself.


Lloyd and harumi ain’t that bad and if you all headcannon Cole as gay that is fine but I myself do not ship him with any ninja on the team


wait has there been anything about cole being gay in the show ?


did you watch dragons rising


Nah some people who worked on the show have said they headcannon and support people who do see him as gay but it’s mostly headcannons from fans which is by no means a problem at all.


Same, like I personally see like if harumi actually got better after crystallized, I wouldn’t mind them.


nya shouldn't have gotten her powers back in crystallized also dareth and chokun jokes aren't funny


But then it literally wouldn’t make sense if Nya wouldn’t get her powers back after something Kai already went through a got his powers back just fine, would be a big contradiction


No that was another season, while here, it would make sense with "you don't need powers to be someone" yet, nope, she just gains her powers back at the end, after the mechanic, who's the embodiment of no powers yet dangerous, tells her she's nothing without them, literally non-sensical. It's the second big problem with Crystalized after Lloyd and his Oni form.


I believe there is no problem with her getting her powers back, it’s just that she was a glorified uber driver for the ninja until that point, I think if she was still usefull before she got her powers back it would have been okay


That too, "Nya is what kept the team together!" Doesn't do anything once brought back.


Yeah, apperantly she wasn’t originally supposed to come back until the finale so that explains her lack of purpose, if only Crystalized didn’t have too many writers, maybe it could have been better


Yep, that too.


Season 7 was the best season


It's one of my favorites


Can about agree!


Omega and the oni were good villains


Not really in the enemy role but they did serve their purpose for Garmadon’s arc that he isn’t pure evil like them as he thinks


I don t really like skylor


Prime empire was pretty good


Jay was always the worst ninja


I agree, Jay has always been the worst ninja for me and can't stand how everyone loves and praises him so much. He's annoying, irritating, loud, overdramatic, rude, self centered and childish.


I stopped watching after season 11


Seabound and forbidden spinjitzu part 2 are 2 great seasons


Lloyd is mid


Seabound isn't a good season imo. I would say that parts of it are fine but the final episodes made it way worse in my eyes. I got spoiled with Nya's sacrifice and when it happened I couldn't emotionally bound with it or something... The last episodes or the ending made me think "meh bad season". Tho the season had many ups and kalmaar was very good written and solid antagonist till it somehow became boring for me when it invaded Ninjago. The season gets minus points cause the name of the season is very unoriginal and the merlopians are water humanoid snakes(or Kalmaar's family) with no lore explanation... They could just say they are serpentines that somehow fell in the sea but instead of drowning they adapted(Chokun's children) and make another explanation for kalmaar not looking like a snake. Plus the thing with 2 elements being wojira's is kinda a very weird and unsatisfying idea


Kai is the worst of the original 4


Old Ninjago (Masters of Spinjitsu) is sooooo clear of new ninjago and dragons rising. I hated the movie too. I feel like they changed it bcuz it wasn’t as popular or didn’t bring that much of a profit it used to be.


Lloyd is overrated


I quite like the new designs after season 8. Yes, even jays. I like his curly hair, I love Nya’s new design(ofc), Cole is so cool w the bun, Zane’s a little wonky at first but like I don’t mind him, Kai and Lloyd are both amazing. On that note, Jay’s my favorite redesign. I didn’t really like his old hair


I hate possession like least favourite season but I do like other earlier seasons so don't say I'm just biased towards the new seasons, one of my favourites is season 4


The Oni Trilogy is heavily overrated imo.


The Lego Ninjago Movie is really overhated. If you don't like the plot, you should at least agree that the jokes are good


wildbrain ninjago looks so bad


Jays mid


The series became worse when they changed the character's to their movie appearances.


Kai in the early seasons was incredebly overrated and annoying.


Nya learned everything too quickly, imo it’s in her character but it’s dumb that Wu didn’t train her from the beginning and then she just learned airjitsu like 1/2 a season after the rest of them. Also Lloyd’s aging made no sense and was very unnecessary, it made his character development confusing as fuck and it was tough to keep up with him because his actions made no sense for a child or a young adult.


Possession is mid


Redesign is better than the old designs đŸ„±


I prefer the redesigns to the original character designs.


They're both good, so preferring one over the other isn't a hot take.


I disliked the series after the redesigns.


I 100% agree kai went from coolest looking character to looking like a clown and I thought they were supposed to be older then why does Jay look like he's 10 at most.


Looks and sounds like he is 10 at most. Redesigns really ruined Jay as a character, since he acts like a child now. And who can take him seriously with his freckles? And the worst of it all, they got rid of his split eyebrow.


Possession was the best season by far


Saying that dareth is mid. He is king


The master of hot air, I believe? We all love Brown Ninja!


Crystalized is good actually.