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Carrying on the legacy




no in my town there are a lot of kids with ninjago merc but mostly these are their older siblings or just bought bc it looks cool


I work with kids 7 to 10, and some of them are massive Ninjago fans. It's not mainstream, but it's still there.


Do you have any discussions with them about stuff that resolves around Ninjago? Like favorite characters, seasons, etc.


One of them loves Lloyd and Skybound is their favorite season. Another one is constantly trying, and failing, the out knowledge me. I also had a coworker who loved Ninjago and we would nerd out about the Crystalized trails.


That’s great! It sounds like you have such a fun workplace like that where you can talk about your shared interests with your coworkers!


My sons are 7 and 9, and have been watching Ninjago since about 2021. Every once in a while they'll go back and rewatch entire seasons randomly. 






bro! He is probably a teacher or works at a day care! chill out!


There is a reason why this show tries to pull new watchers with soft reboots.


My friend recently told me that her younger 8yo brother finished dragons rising (she's so proud of him)


Of course


Ninjago is still a kids show, the reason it seems like the fans aren’t kids is because you most likely don’t regularly don’t interact with little kids, and online discourse is dominated by older teens and young adults


Ninjago is a show for all ages


Yeah U know I have some relatives that never heard of it. Its kind of sad


My son is 5. They are going to have a costume party at the kindergarden in February to say goodbye to winter (Hungarian tradition) and he will be going as Kai.


My son is 5 and loves Ninjago, loved dragons rising. The more complicated plots go over his head, but he loves the ninja and draws them sometimes. I think he'll only like it more when he's older and really understands what's going on.


Imagine being younger than ninjago


I’ll definitely watch it with my Kids. Quick story, I lost my baby he was only 3 months in the womb. But I have Lego sets that I bought for him. I keep them there in a box this is what I would have liked to do with my kid. Watch these shows and build legos. Going on I’d like to do this with my kids.


Yes my little siblings watch it


I’ve worked with kids that are between the ages of 6-10. Most of them at least know what Ninjago is, and some of them have seen the entire series. I was shocked when a 7 year old was able to tell me everything that happened in Ninjago from Season 1 all the way to the end of Ninjago Crystalized


i bet he tries to do spinjitzu at home too so do i although i was always confused what a "whip around" was good thing the show clarified in crystalized


I did babysitting for a while and one of the kids I babysat was super into Ninjago. I remember he really liked young Garmadon so I made him a custom minifig for him, I wish I had taken a photo


Well...yeah,it's a kids theme,most of the fans are children.


U dont think so. Yes it is a kids show but I think that most ninjaho fans today are teens and adoults.


I mean most shows like these have adult fan bases.It's just that kids don't interact because,well their kids.


I guarantee you most of the watchers are kids. It is just that most of them aren't discussing it on forums.




The whole point of the show is to sell toys to kids


There might be more adults buying Legos at this point but E for Everyone I guess from Kids to the Elderly they really hit the jackpot with Legos


My six year old cousin watches it. We just finished Hunted together and I forgot how EPIC the music gets during that part where Lloyd has the Dragon Sword.


my kids do and my nephews and nieces do aswell and when my kids friends come over they watch ninjago sometimes


Two kids here who do. One obsessively. It’s how I found this place.


My housemate works with elementary school kids and he confirms they watch and love ninjago


Of course, I sometimes see kids with ninjago tshirts or caps, maybe it isn't as popular among little kids as it used to be, but it is probably because this show runs since 2011 


Maybe its beacouse of legi sets. When K was like five u had a ton of ninjago clothes beacouse i love lego.


Yeah, there are always young children who buy the sets and I personally know kids who love watching Ninjago 


I think that it is reversed from example I started watching Ninjago becouse of sets. Today kids start buying sets beacouse of show.


I would say people are still watching it, more than most think. One reason is it's listed as top watched on my netflix feed whenever I go on there. Two is, locally, ALL the ninjago sets were completely sold out in every single shop when I was trying to get my Christmas presents this last year/last month. I kept being told that they can't keep them on the shelves, due to a resurgence of popularity. Leading me to conclude that yes, people are still watching Ninjago. Both of my children loved, (one is now grown) ninjago. What I have speculated, is that for some reason, it seems to be less popular to ADMIT to being a fan of ninjago, and I cannot fathom why. Because it's lego....? Or? I don't get why things like TMNT are OK to be popular, and I see merch all over the place, but not ninjago? I honestly don't get it. But there has to be some reason, and I think it's so lame, and ironically childish. It is hands down one of the better animation shows out there, along with things like Avatar, the Last Airbender etc. And yet, it's seen as 'lesser' somehow. I honestly think part of it is the marketing on the part of Lego. I just see less visibility, etc. Things that are lame in comparison, get lots of attention.


I think you're totally right. I feel like there's always this looming cloud of "unserious" that always sits above Ninjago. It may be a combination of it not looking realistic ('cuz Lego people) and people who like cartoons probably just see it as a shitty advertisement without knowing how the show is written. I've always thought it was strange that people could usually admit they like other kids shows, but once you take Ninjago seriously you must be crazy. I feel like whenever I bring it up randomly outside the fandom people just don't take me seriously (like as a person) unless they are also a fan. I remember some kid decided to bully me once just 'cuz he saw I follow a Ninjago page on social media and even my parents never took me seriously about liking it and would laugh whenever it had actual themes because they thought it was stupid for the Legos to get serious or something (even though that's kind of why the show is good). Now I'm 22 and not only love the show, but honestly I don't think I can find much like it in terms of creative plots that don't conform to a simple formula.


Yes, and it's really not OK either. The narrow minded attitude that so many people have now, and in an age that is allegedly more open minded no less, more accepting of differences, or embracing that it's OK for adults to like 'kid things'....yet, I still see a great deal of ignorant judgment. I find the entire thing just so immature on the part of society. Which is also partly why I hate so much of society lol. Too much that doesn't make sense to me, especially being neurodivergent. I have very high standards. I am very fussy. I hardly like any media. Ninjago is absolutely one of the few better quality shows, and it's just so annoying that people won't take you seriously trying to talk about that. Yeah, it's legos, but so what? All animation is 'fake', right? Even though they try to do some of it to match our appearance more, it's still just made up, and let's not get into all the things that are completely not realistic, like My Little Ponies, or whatever. Yet, even that will be taken more seriously. I honestly don't get it.


That is also totally wrong to be bullied for this. I don't know what is the matter with so many people.


It depends what vountry are you from. Im from Slovakia and last week u bought a Coles mech yesterday i came into the same store and nothing exept the mech I bought last week sold. For me show is more important than the sets. Ofc sets are cool but for me its like sets promote the show.


I was recently rewatching the show a few months ago and stopped watching when I got like 4 seasons into the second show with the weird new character models and the shitty new voice actor for Lloyd. I watched the og show and completed it but I'd gotta say the show def fell off for me after season 8 or whatever the season was that introduced the hands of time. I'd definitely give the new show a try again because I'm being a bit too biased and nostalgic towards the earlier seasons of the og show.


I mean Gen Alpha is pretty screwed up. I feel like Ninjago died a while ago along with my sanity. It's on Netflix, but it's probably not talked about much or as hyped up as it is from back in like 2011-2015.


My kids love Ninjago--14, 11, 9, 7, and 5. The single digit ages are the biggest fans. My 14 and 11 year old like finding Easter eggs in the show and appreciate the more subtle humor in it.


I don't think kids paying Netflix subscription to watch Ninjago


Yeah but most of the households have netflix


I think some kids have parents that can pay, not all of them of course sadly but many, enough for the show to make money


I work at a school. I see Ninjago hoodies and backpacks all the time


If you ask this 3 years ago, i would said yes


But today it doesnt seems like it


most kids don't even watch tv anymore so probably no


Is it even on TV anymore? I tought it was only on Netflix.


i think some seasons aired simultaneously but kids don't watch cartoon network anymore a survey came out that most if not all of cn's audience are over 20


my country doesnt have a CN


yeah they downsized the network but cn is still in america where the survey was taken


If someone watchs it now its on Netflix


I have a 4 years old cousin that watched the fisrt season but I think he doesn’t like it much


To be fair I saw a few problems that don't bother me but might've bothered them like the Ninja's abilities being very inconsistent from them being very clever and competent to them being absolute idiots the older animation didn't have much during fights so it can feel like they aren't capable of much. However this was slightly improved later on but they still rely a lot on vehicles and robots and whatnot (obviously to sell toys)


my boys, 5 and 3 love it and got me hooked as well. i bought 2 packs of cards today since theyve been good boys.


Yesterday i saw a 10 year old buy a ninjago set, he was talking about it to his parents, i think he watches it.


Now kids know Ninjago from show. When I was a kid I learned about Ninjago from sets.


It seams like that they want legi beacouse "its that from the show". I wanted to see the show beacouse it was something that has lego sets


Are you not good at english or are you typing very fast on your phone?


Very fast on phone


Anyways, it's because, not beacouse


When I concrentate I know.


My nearly 4 year old brother watches it


Yep the kids at the kindergarden I work at does, they have shirts, caps, socks ans everything. They don’t watch it like chronological like we do but they consume the lego and the show.


My lil bro likes it, he's nearly 9


Yes, my 6 year old cousin still watches Ninjago.


I mean I’m almost sixteen ani watch it


When i worked in a primary for my work experience last june a kid was obsessed and would stop telling me about it


My son is 4 and loves it


My kid is 6 and watches Ninjago.


My kids do. 8 and under.


My 8 year old loves it and me!


My little brother does hes around 10


skibidi toilet kai vs titan drillman multiverse garmadon ohio grimace


WTH 💀💀


My 10 year old brother is damn obsessed over it He wants an Jay backpack but no store here sells it


im 12 (almost 13) and i still watch it!! i remember watching s5 as a kid, so i rewatched it in december and now im hyperfixated :3


Making my 4 year old cousin watch it lol


Fairly sure they do, I remember I was at London at the LEGO store and saw a bunch of kids at the Ninjago section trying to convince their parents to get them a set of their favourite ninja xD safe to say it’s still going strong


when I was in europe I saw plenty of children in Germany, Spain and France wearing Ninjago clothes/bags/etc, So I belive they all still do!


I discovered Ninjago recently through my cousins are who still in elementary school


Now I'm just saying at me being 13 I have been keeping up with the Ninjago series and have been since I was 8. So do I count. (I also recently turned 13 also)


My 12 year old sister watches it with me, but I introduced it to her and I don’t think she would’ve ever found it otherwise


I’m 14 and I still enjoy ninjago




yep, my little cousins (9, 10) got me (16) into it


My brother 10 watch ninjago all the time


Yes I see many kids with Ninjago clothing and every kid I know watches ninjago


My brother (10yo) does too, mainly because of his older brothers interests in it introduced it to him in the first place


I don’t think it plays actively on tv anymore. At least not in order.


Not that I know of.


My 11-year-old brother watches Ninjago with me. So yeah some.


I have watched all the seasons and I'm a Senior


bro have you seen yt?! grown men watch this show.


I know