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I got Monster Hunter Rise on sale last week and can't put it down. I struggled to get far into previous entries of the series but this one is far more accessible. (Which I can understand is a bit of a downgrade for series veterans)


Hadn't considered this one. Thanks for the recommendation!


I second this recommendation, but be warned, you may have a very hard time putting it down if it clicks for you. I put over 300 hours into this game and still feel like there are weapon types I have a weak grasp of.


Easy to enjoy, hard to master is definitely my sweet spot for games.


I didn’t come here to say monster Hunter but man it is good. I bounced off after about 50 hours, but that was a “go hard” can’t wait to get home from work 50 hours. I actually came here to say Moonstone Island… a VERY different recommendation but if cozy is the vibe, you can’t get any better (IMHO)


I'll check out both.


As a MH semi-veteran (MH3, MH3U, MHGU, MHR) with over 300 hours each, I don’t think most will be able to master all weapon types. One weapon type takes a long time to fully master. Just the way I like it, if I feel like replaying MH Rise for a fresh experience I’ll pick a different weapon type


Same. I pick one weapon and stick with it until either a new playthrough or a whole new game.


How does the MH series compare to Dauntless? I hop in and play it in spurts every so often. it's fun , especially late night on weekends when I just want to have a few and unwind and don't want to dive too far into a story driven game. At face value Dauntless seems very MH-esque so I haven't purchased any since it's a good enough experience and is F2P.


Obviously I figure MH is probably superior considering the F2P nature of Dauntless, but is it enough of a better/different experience to spend the money?


I've not played dauntless so I can't really say tbh


Do I need to get the Sun break version?


I've only just been playing for a week. But I don't think you really need to get the sunbreak expansion when starting out. You can't access that stuff till you get to a high level in the game. At that point if you want to upgrade it will be because you enjoy the game and won't grumble about the bit of money you could have saved if you'd bought it sooner.


If you liked Mario Rabbids Sparks of Hope, I would recommend Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle. It was my too-good-to-be-true, can't-put-it-down game when I first played it. The Donkey Kong DLC is really good as well.


I would go as far to say that the original is actually considerably better than the sequel.


Sweet, maybe I'll try that. I always worry that going back to the original after loving a sequel will be disappointing, so this is a helpful endorsement.


The first one was quite a bit more challenging, which I thought was good. I found Sparks of hope to be too easy


It doesn’t quite match the vibe on your list, but have you considered Hades? At a glance I thought it was NOT my kind of game at all, but after playing it for a short while, it became my favorite game of all time. I’m playing it a second time currently and it’s just so good. You will fail a lot, but it’s a good fail. Every time you lose a battle, you are rewarded with story, opportunities to grow and be stronger, and chances to invest your winnings into things like improved weapons and gifts for NPCs. I have never felt frustrated from losing, and I’m eager to jump right back in for another fight. The story is great and the NPCs have such rich personalities. It’s very easy to pick up and put down, or play for a few hours at a time. You’ll have a heck of a time trying to beat the first level for a little while, but you’ll quickly get to the point where you’re clearing it in a few minutes, like you own the place. It’s such a satisfying feeling!


I love that game! Not my style either, but it’s gorgeous, I love the art. And I get way too into it, have I gotten far? No. Do I love it? Yes. OP, Hollow Knight is wonderful, and dare I say give Cult of the Lamb a try? You have to take care of your cult AND hack/slash. It’s so fun.


How is the performance of Cult of the Lamb on switch? I really wanted to get it for Switch specifically but I heard it was laggy


It has points that get laggy yeah. They’ve released a couple patches since I played last so it might’ve improved. But honestly despite some laggy aspects towards the end game, it was so much fun and well worth it - esp at its price point


That sounds awesome. I've never tried this genre, but this is going on my list. Thanks!


Pikmin 4


What do you like about it? The reviews I've read haven't grabbed me, but I'm open to being convinced.


It's beautiful and very very fun. It's the reason I bought my switch. There are many ways to go through the world, many fun puzzles and the landscapes are so well made. The music is good, the creatures are very interesting. Big Pikmin 4 fan


Word. That sounds really good. I'll put it on the list. Thanks!


It's a great co op! Great for a range of age groups and teaches some really cool multi tasking skills


Ooh, extra points for that. Definitely going on the list. Thanks!


Got pikmin 4 awhile back and never played any previous ones. It’s a cool game that was unlike anything I’ve played before. It promotes time management and there’s little challenges that were very enjoyable. I legit could not put the switch away and beat it in 20 days. If you decide to try it I hope you enjoy it


That sounds great. Thanks!


I think Kirby Return to Dreamland deluxe would be a safe bet.


I hadn't considered that one. Thanks!


Animal Well - been a long time since I couldn't put down a game


I hadn't heard of this one, but the review I found was very intriguing. Thanks!


13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim https://youtu.be/5rhTnDROzi0?si=i-hdb7K79U57XWeB


That looks interesting. I hadn't heard of this one. Thanks!


You'd probably like the Ori games, hollow knight, and Mario 3d world


Both Ori and hollow Knight have been somewhere on my "should play" list for a while. Maybe I'll try one of those next. Thanks!


I think you could give Hollow Knight a try


Yep, that's been on my list for a while. Maybe I'll do that next. Thanks!


It's great overall: art direction, platforming, combat, music, storytelling. Do keep in mind that it's a challenging game, but very rewarding. (I have a spoiler free guide for new players sticked in my profile if you want to give it a look)


I like a challenge as long as there's a decent learning curve or the game is forgiving. I've heard only good things about this game, so I really don't know why I haven't tried it yet. I'll definitely take a look at your guide when I get it. Thanks!


I'm not a grinder and I don't like to be punished for the sake of it. I think that HK is the right amount of challenge: it's hard, but beatable, and I hardly ever felt that a death was unfair or out of control, there's very little RNG involved. There are a few difficulty spikes, but they're manageable. If you get the game and play it, come over to r/HollowKnight and tell us what you think :) (also, let me know if the guide was useful \^\^)


FWIW HK had been on my list to try since its release and I finally started it a couple months ago and have been kicking myself for not trying it sooner.


Ok, I gotta get that one. Look for my comment here saying the same thing soon. 😂


Yeah it’s great. On the surface it seems like another sidescroller but 10 hours in you’re gonna realize how deep it is.


If you have young kids or are a cat person, maybe Little Kitty Big City? I have a six year old and together we beat it in a couple days, passing the controller back and forth. There’s also a lot to collect, so it can be a quick game or can stretch it out.


I do have young kids! I'll give this a look. I skipped over this when it came out because I was cranky about not getting stray on switch. 😂


Few indie games that are cheap and amazing (various genres) Stardew Valley, Hades, Dave the Diver, overcooked & dredge


I second all those recommendations except Overcooked. Play that with someone you want to break up with lol.


Ooh, dredge looks interesting. I hadn't heard of that one. Thanks!


If you're an RPG fan, the Xenoblade trilogy is just begging for your attention. Each game is easily 100 hours plus. A very worthwhile investment. They throw a lot of information at you in the very beginning but if you give them a few hours you'll be hooked by the story and mechanics and won't be able to put it down.


That sounds great. Is it worth starting from the beginning, or does it matter?


I would definitely start with the first game (definitive edition). All three of them have their own self-contained unique stories, but there are connections that I'd rather not spoil for you. If you play them in order, you'll get a grand payoff that's sure to resonate with you. The end of the second game hits especially hard if you've already played the first one. The third game itself is a completely different beast if you've played the first two. But again, each does a great job of telling their own story outside of these connections. I should note that each game also has an expansive DLC episode that, while not as great as the games themselves, add a lot of richness to the lore and definitely help with the connective tissue.


Cool. They're on my list, and I'll be sure to go in order. Thanks!


Not sure if this will be right for you but personally Game Dev Tycoon is my current ‘can’t put down’ game, I’m pretty addicted to it


Interesting. I've never really tried a sim. Maybe I'll give this a look. Thanks!


When I'm in a slump like that, with anything not just video games (and assuming i don't want to take a break), I like to find options that are short and sweet. Nothing kills this mood more than a game that overstays its welcome.  To that end, *Toem* is on discount for cheap on the eshop. It's a fun little photo scavenger hunt game. It's not long at all, but it's engaging, and when I eventually hit the end credits, i was still invested enough to go back to 100% the game.


Thanks for the thoughtful response! This looks super interesting, and it's hard to say no to a discount.


Good luck!


I always make my pitch for Death’s Door. It’s one of my favorites.


That looks fun. Thanks!


Axiom Verge 1 is an excellent Metroidvania if you ask me (I also really love the second game, but most people prefer the first) and Crosscode is a really good rpg if you‘re into that. It has challenging puzzle dungeons and a kind of unique feeling to it. It reminds of a mix up of the old pokemon games and 2D Zelda games


I’ve been replaying Let’s Go Pikachu and have put a couple dozen hours into it the last week. Pokémon just sucks you in, man.


I've never played a Pokemon game, despite growing up on the TV show. Maybe I'll give that a go. Thanks!


Welcome! The Let’s Go games are a good way to start! They’re remakes of the Gen 1 Game Boy games, and they include a lot of references to the anime.




Interesting. My beef with Minecraft is entirely around the OBSESSED children I have known who play it. I don't want my kids to be Minecraft zombies. What is there for adults to like about it?


you can create anything. Want to build a house? go on. Want to build more? go on.


I also recommend checking out the reddit of minecraft and asking them this question to see what they would say. There are more experienced players than me there!


Hi OP, if you like JRPG's you should try Octopath traveler 2! I've been obsessed with it and sinking all my free time into it. I recommend 2 because it's not related to 1 story wise and it does almost everything in 1 better. I played 1 and loved it as well.


Ooh, I'll give that a look. I haven't played a lot of jrpgs, but I've enjoyed at least one. Thanks!


The xenoblade chronicle games


I never looked at these (despite the sideways in botw). I'll take a gander. Thanks!


Have you thought about the Xenoblade Trilogy?


You're the third person with this recommendation, so I'm definitely putting it on the list. Thanks!


Roguelike game perhaps? Balatro Slay the Spire


Interesting. I've never played a roguelike. I'll give these a look. Thanks!


Try Hades!


Inscryption is another deck builder roguelite that drew me in more than any game last year. So full of secrets and layers. 10/10 for me. It will surprise and delight you if you dig the basic gameplay.


Cool. I'll have to give that a look. Thanks!


I picked up Gordian Quest on the weekend for $3 (CAD) and have been loving it. Rogue-lite with lots of characters and character progression. Tons of fun.


Hmm. I've never tried a deck builder, but I'll give this a look. Thanks!


Swords of Ditto is a fun roguelike Link To The Past clone, with local 2-player co-op! It's a ton of fun, and very cartoony in style!


Ooh, intriguing. Thanks!


Disco Elysium is like reading the best crime novel


Now that's interesting. Totally unlike anything I've ever played. I may give that a try. Thanks!


I have been absolutely sucked into Stitch. Sadly there is no multiplayer, but if you're looking for a game where you will be like "ok, just one more puzzle" this is it. I didnt expect it to be this good and addicting. Plus, you can play it handheld with a stylus, which makes it even better


Oh, interesting. The crafty vibes appeal. Is it good on a big screen? I'm not much of a handheld player.


Crash bandicoot 4, splatoon 3


I've considered Splatoon for a while, but ruled it out because the single player content seemed light, and there's no split screen for local multiplayer. Is there more to the single player experience than I've heard? Thanks for the recs!


No, it's best for multiplayer, try Neo the world ends with you.


Got it. Thanks for the recommendations!


Neo the world ends with you


Astral Chain.


I was in the very same slump. Then I bought Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 on sale, and I've been playing it 4-5 hours a night since. Just in case you're looking for something off the beaten path


I've never played a business sim. What do you like about it?


I used to play it a lot back in the day when it first came out, so I'm fully ready to about nostalgia got me in the door. But, I think it's nice as a way of passing the time, and paying attention to things I don't normally pay attention to in games. Rather than managing teammates or ammo, I'm reading over guest feedback because they think my cheeseburgers are too expensive. You have tremendous control over everything. You can name the items in the shop, change the colors of the rides and decorations, you can even create custom families that will get mixed in with the guests they visit the park. I'm currently working on a Wild West themed park, but I've painted all the buildings and rides in purples and pinks and yellows and oranges, sort of a vaporwave color scheme. Last night, I built a small "strip mall" in the park, where I had a wild West style bank, saloon, sheriff's office, etc. You can also custom build with a variety of walls and floors and roofs, so I built an Inn from scratch. Then I built a ride where guests get on a horse, and I built the track to go around the small town and through the inn. Then I built sections of the ride where animatronic bandits fire at you. There are specific campaigns with objectives to complete, as well as a sandbox mode where you can just build your park from nothing with unlimited money. I don't know if I can sum it up, really. But I know I certainly haven't yet. I think it's just nice to get lost into just building my park, building the rides in it, tweaking things to make people happy, and occasionally spotting the families I made walking around.


I'll have to give this a look. Thanks for the detail!


I'm playing it again as we speak. Aiming to be in bed before midnight tonight. If you don't like it, I do apologize. I know it sucks to go on a recommendation and have it not hit the spot. I got it on sale for like $13 and the price was definitely right.


I appreciate it either way. Good luck getting to bed before midnight! 😂


Tinykin is a short but very sweet platformer with a Pikmin-like vibe and awesome music. I gave it a try after seeing some recommendations on here in a similar thread and was really hooked.


I'll give it a look. Thanks!


You should play UnMetal!


Interesting. I was never an MGS player, so I don't know if the jokes will land, but it sounds fun. Thanks!


Same here, but this game is hilarious.


Nice. I'll give it a look.


All I can really do is give you a list of some of my favorite games on the switch that I love: Oninaki Unicorn Overlord Borderlands 3 Monster Hunter Rise Doom Eternal Diablo 2&3 Crysis Remastered Astral Chain Bayonetta series CrossCode Torchlight 2&3 Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+2 And i guess it would depend on how old your kids are and if you're okay with them playing games with violence cus every game I've listed has violence in it other than Tony Hawks (which I think would be a great one for the kiddos and is an excellent port). But the only ones I would say that little kids shouldn't play would be Doom Eternal for the exceptional goriness and Diablo 2&3 because of all the demonic stuff.


Wow, that's quite a list. Thanks! I haven't played any of those. I've never really tried the more adult games - in college, the people I knew who liked them went for games with really complex combat mechanics (combos involving several different buttons and precise sweeps of the joystick to do a particular move), and I really balked at systems like those. I should take a second look now that the only people who could judge me are my children. 🤣 Curious about the Tony hawk games - sports games have never appealed much to me. Is there something beyond skateboard tricks that I'm missing?


There's some missions in every level. Like get certain high scores and combos or collect the missing tapes, etc. it's pretty fun though to try and complete every mission in every level. That might just be the nostalgia talking though cus these were some of my favorite games as a kid. This one the kids would prolly like more than you if you've never played it.


Cool. Thanks for the suggestions!


I would just watch gameplay or reviews on each of these games and see if they pique your interest. They're some of my favorites and none are super hard games other than Crysis Remastered, it's a very challenging first person shooter. But then again, I've been gaming for the majority of my life. Hope you find some you like.


I have too. Sometimes that makes it harder to find something you love. I remember spending hours playing the donkey Kong games as a kid, so I was really sad to find that tropical freeze didn't have any of the same magic for me. I don't know if a gameplay video would have revealed that. 🤷‍♂️ Thanks again for the suggestions!


No problem


Wow, that's quite a list. Thanks! I haven't played any of those. I've never really tried the more adult games - in college, the people I knew who liked them went for games with really complex combat mechanics (combos involving several different buttons and precise sweeps of the joystick to do a particular move), and I really balked at systems like those. I should take a second look now that the only people who could judge me are my children. 🤣 Curious about the Tony hawk games - sports games have never appealed much to me. Is there something beyond skateboard tricks that I'm missing?


THPS is becoming my new Mario Kart. I play it between bigger games as a new skater while I find the next big time sink.


Yeah it's a great port, definitely takes me back. Hopefully when switch 2 comes out they'll port over Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4 and Tony Hawks Underground 2. Those are my favorites


Animal Crossing


I never quite understood the appeal of this one, but I'm probably missing something. What do you love about it?


First party switch offerings have been amazing this generation. I can also recommend a ton of JRPGs if you’re into that. However, based on your list now, I’m curious if you’ve gotten into any Resident Evil games before. At first glance it might not seem like your thing, but I was absorbed into the series really easily when the mechanics clicked for me. And I loved every game on your list as well. There’s even a couple games in the series that I accidentally played through in 1/2 play sessions just because I couldn’t put it down. The big thing for me is how “video gamey” they feel. You have a constant stream of unlocks, new places to explore, challenges around every corner, while still feeing pretty immersive from the atmosphere. The best games in the series available on the switch are the Remake of the original, followed closely by the port of 4. Both are on sale for $10 iirc!


Those sound great, actually! Thanks!


Celeste! Not sure if it's your vibe though?


Yep, love that one. I think my death count is around 1500 right now. I do find that I have to be in the mood to commit to it for a while - the tight platforming is not someone my brain can retain if I skip a few days. But it's a great game.


Splatoon 2&3 are both incredible. Ive played high hours in some games like botw, totk , and Aninal crossing. Botw had 175 hours, totk 155, and AC 90. Those all took me months to build up the hours. Enter splatoon 2, put in 40 hours within the first month of owning it. (5/31/24). I then got splatoon 3, started playing on the 14th of June and already have 70 hours as of today. Not even a full 2 months and already 110 hours between both these games. So addictive and stays fresh forever.


Wow, that's quite an endorsement. Are you playing online multiplayer, or solo?


Both. Online multiplayer is pretty good despite the matchmaking being weird at times. The game has 5 modes, 3 of which are constantly available. Turf war is the casual non ranked mode which is super popular and playable any time. There’s 4 ranked modes that all cycle through during the day, with 2/4 of them being available at any time. They also have a co-oP ranked mode called salmon run which is not only fun and addictive but sets itself apart from the main game experience by providing unique gameplay mechanics that have been expanded further in the third entry. If you don’t want to solo queue there’s options for matches with friends who also play.


Additionally the single player campaigns are pretty fun. There’s a few instances of multiplayer maps being reused for single player levels but mostly they have a lot of cool game mechanics and interesting level design. Hard to explain the level design but a lot of people compare the vibe to super Mario Galaxy. I don’t think the levels in S2 are THAT good since I can’t see myself replaying them as much but in splatoon 3 they made the main campaign much better and very replayable. For S2, Octo expansion took this to another level by basically providing a campaign with double the level amount, significantly more difficult, etc. For S3 they went in a different direction and the dlc is a rouge like campaign that’s meant to be replayed constantly. People hate on this entry for not doing the genre justice but I have been enjoying it despite a little bit of repetitive gameplay. For a while people have complained how short the story modes were and that is true but the quality is pretty legit. I held back for the longest time on this franchise since I figured 60$ for 10 hours was dumb unless I planned on playing multiplayer but I spent probably 20 hours playing the dlc campaign for S3 so far, so there is some value in just buying to play the single player.


Ok, that is super helpful information. Thank you! I'll put this on my list.


No prob. I was clearing out games from my backlog and trying to play stuff I’d been holding off on. Accidentally picked up splatoon 2 at target for only 20$ on clearance and I knew it was gonna be one of those never put it down type games. I also have switch online + expansion pass , which means that I get access to the octo campaign without paying more.


If you find the same price, espcially if you have access to octo expansion def scoop it up. Amazing way to spend 20$.


That's a solid deal. I'll keep an eye out.


The Witcher 3


I'll take a look. Thanks!


If you’re looking to play with your kids, I would recommend Dk country returns (they’re coming out with an had version for the switch soon). I can assure you, it’s MUCH better than tropical freeze, and a true joy to play. It’s only two players, but still really fun as a multiplayer game. A slight warning though, it gets really hard after world 4 (out of 8 worlds total), so if your kids don’t handle harder games well, it’d probably be best to avoid this one.


Oh man, this is going on my pre-order list.


Darkest Dungeon 2 is coming soon


Balatro … it’s a poker themed deck building roguelike. And it’s insanely addictive


I'll have a look. Thanks!


Solomon’s Key


Wow, the throwback vote! What do you like about it?




A link to the past


The SNES game? Did I miss a remaster? That was a great game.


I saw Unicorn Overlord mentioned once in a list, and 13 Sentinels mentioned once as well. I just want to 2nd both of those. I discovered Vanillaware through UO, loved it, saw people also praising 13 Sentinels, so got it and loved it even more. I’m addicted to this dev now. Their games are very unique and hard to compare to others. Here’s hoping more of their gems get ported to Switch!


Oh cool, I didn't realize those were the same dev. Thanks for the rec!


Yokus Island, just $2 and Neon Abyss is $5. Best $7 you'll spend, trust.


I'll check them out. Thanks!


You're very welcome. If you like souls-like and guns, can't go wrong with remnant for $25 at Best buy. Really good game https://www.bestbuy.com/site/remnant-from-the-ashes-nintendo-switch/6537632.p?skuId=6537632


Interesting. I'll put it on the list. And I just bought yoku's island after really enjoying the demo. Great tip - totally unique mechanics.


Palia! It's FREE! If you do download if you can use my referral code then I get a cute hat :) [https://accounts.palia.com/sign-up?referral=538b9f98-d01d-4b92-adde-e6c80c836d3c](https://accounts.palia.com/sign-up?referral=538b9f98-d01d-4b92-adde-e6c80c836d3c)


Luigi's Mansion 2 HD




Dave The Diver. Thank me later.


I've heard such good things, but this one just doesn't grab me. Maybe I'll try it anyway - this many endorsements can't be wrong.


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