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They're just driving in the Nissan lane.


This sub makes me want to get a train horn. My 25 year old Lexus horn aint cutting it.


Same here, idk if you ever heard a Honda civic horn but it’s so pathetic


Some asshat would use this horn on pedestrians walking. I lost respect for the horn.


Haha true, but how quiet my current one is is almost dangerous tbh.


I borrowed someone’s car, they have no road rage, they also have no horn…it was not fun.


Thanks for the share brotha haha


It’s called “gutterballing”




Big nissan privilege


You have to treat Nissans with a little more compassion. They don’t have all the facilities for good decision making. I would’ve let them in to prevent problems with cyclists.


Fuck cyclist. We should adapt to the same laws of water on land, the biggest boat has the right of way. I've ridden a bike since 80, and if I an idiot can stay out of the way, so can everyone else.


What trim dodge ram did you buy?


In this instance, the CAR is in the BIKE lane. Learn to treat humans better, and maybe appreciate that its one less car causing you traffic


Fuck humans, you're all assholes. Case in point, but I still stayed outta way on my bike, you're welcome.


You realize the same people who ride like assholes are the same group of people who drive like assholes, right? Or are you just venting?


Already stated my problem "cyclist." Not people that ride bikes but "cyclist." Cherry pick laws of vehicles and pedestrians to whatever fits their ego at that point in time. Just to hold up an actual vehicle that doesn't want to do 15 in a 30. Which is already slow enough.


“Hold up” implies the road only belong to the car. If you werent aware, in most states its literally illegal to ride anywhere except the road. Secondly, in most states, its legal to roll stops or reds with whats known as an Idaho stop. Maybe educate yourself before slinging mud


Have you ever had a conversation before? You argue like my exes. Shift point when losing ground. I would ask you to educate yourself, but I don't think there's any hope. Plus you proved my point about cherry picking


No, youre implying that all cyclists are breaking the law when you dont even know the laws. Maybe you should give your exes a ring - bc you brought them up out of nowhere like you miss them


No, I'm implying they're assholes, not even implying really. That cherry pick laws, like you do with trying to make a point. Also the point I was making with my exes is they argued poorly like you and kept trying to change the point instead of staying with it, and just like them I'm leaving you.


I think Nissan drivers are just as capable to make good decisions however have always grown up in Nissan families so are used to seeing others make poor decisions, are used to other drivers giving them the right of way so they think they are in the right, they drive a Nissan so don’t understand that some people actually like their cars and try not to harm them, and lastly they’ve been hurt in their lives so don’t GAF about hurting others. And because I think they are capable of learning, if I had a dash cam I wouldn’t have let them in either.


If Nissan drivers WERE capable of making good decisions, they would not buy any Nissan product. Res Ipsa Loquitur.


If there's a problem with a cyclist the Nissan can turn on their hazards until there is room to reenter the lane. People need to learn that risking others safety to save 1 min on a trip is not okay.


It’s not your job to teach them that lesson. Risking others’ safety to make a point to another driver who will probably only get mad at you instead of learning anything is not worth it.


"Just let shit people do whatever they want. Encourage them to keep doing it by letting them get away with it. Letting us-I mean, them be absolute fuckwits on the road is actually the safest option!"


I get what you mean but if you're not a police officer with the authority to ticket/arrest someone, this is not worth doing.


The police don't do jack shit, either. It's fucking Mad Max out on the road anymore, and there need to be some consequences.


If ya can't beat em join em I guess, right?


God bless you, you’re the hero we all need on the road. I wish I could do what you do but I have a wife and dogs I’d like to see at the end of the day. Getting shot by some clown in a Nissan is not on my bucket list. There’s a lot of gun violence in my area. Perhaps you’re a vigilante in some ritzy area, who knows. Stay safe.


Are you a cop


You mean those useless pricks who get paid to watch this shit happen and are too busy giving each other handies in their cruiser to do fuck all about it?


Handies you say? Hmmm, law enforcement is starting to sound like a good career, after all.


You couldn't be any worse than what we have now.


Not only that but you’re fucking with a Nissan driver. There is a good chance they’re armed and dangerous.


I feel like you’re not being realistic. As a cyclist Nissans are a common enemy. I’d rather keep people safe instead of pretending I’m a public educator or enforcer.


I understand you. Typically my anger and hatred for these kinds of drivers outweighs my calmness, but you're right.


Much love


I'm honestly glad people have this mentality... that said, I depend on my car to live. Someone else can punch their ticket.


Not letting them in compounds the risk to everyone’s safety. Trying to each other drivers a lesson is a dangerous mentality.


Depending on the mood, might not give them their way. YES, of course we all know the Nissan Way™ handbook says bike trails, lanes, playgrounds, shopping malls, hospital lobbies, and sidewalks all qualify as freeways. All entitlement to life, liberty, and pursuit of ambulance to a Nissan Driver.


tbh, more than one occassion i've used the emergency lane to let a Nissan through not worth the uninsured whiplash injury when they crash into you.


Yeah true that. Or gun pulled and get shot at. Could be 100 other Nissan drivers could drag you out your vehicle steal your belongings and start stomping on your head. Unpredictable bunch of motorists. Anything can happen. It's the Nissan Way™


Nissan drivers are the new Hell's Angels.


I love it! Move over Mo-Pegans


That is insulting to Hell's Angels everywhere. They at least have a code and honor it.


I saw a dude in a Sentra open fire on another motorist. Their stereotype is real.


We all know it is. When you see a sketchy tinted out beat to shit Nissan, try playing games with them is like playing Russian Roulette. Good chance nothing will come of it, BUT it just might.


It all depends on how many warrants they got lol!


Currently dealing with this from a dodge ram driver. Surprise, surprise


The people in this thread downvoting those saying OP should have let them in is incredible. It’s almost as if every downvote was made by the literal Nissan driver in this video. If you think the safe and responsible action here was to block the driver and not just let them in, you should have your license revoked and your vehicle seized because you’re a fucking idiot.


Half the posts on dashcam subs are miserable people who think upholding the rules of the road (at the cost of their own inconvenience and potential of getting their car hit) when they get the chance and to stick it to the other idiot driver is the equivalent of saving gotham city Get a fucking hobby jfc. It isn't the end of the world to take your foot off the gas peddle and let the fool get his way.


dude, i actually got blocked by one on his cammer soapbox after pointing this out. they want to be right soo bad. its like "good job, you proved to be Right and your reward is a broken vehicle that won't be fixed by idiot's bootleg insurance. congrats bro"


I saw no one selling gas. Did you? To peddle is to offer to sell.


Potentially be part of killing people to uphold the law. Maybe the other person made a mistake and on the spot took a bad decision in panic. Better make it worse /s


Yeah, the right move here is for OP to just swallow their pride and let the car in. Sure, the Nissan driver is an idiot and completely in the wrong, and OP has obeyed traffic laws thus far, but it is not OP's responsibility to dish out justice to other drivers who are making the wrong moves. A driver's main responsibility is to get to their destination without ending up in any trouble. In this same sense, I'd even wager OP isn't even in the "right" because this Nissan has become an obstacle that they are failing to avoid. As good as it might feel to block this bad driver out, it is not the right choice to make.


OP is flirting with 'failure to avert an accident'. Specifics vary by state, but I feel certain they all have something requiring drivers to avoid accidents even when it means yielding your right of way. I know Georgia & Utah do. Insurance companies will also penalize you for this--they care about risk avoidance, not right of way.


No this isn't even in the realm of that. So many people have no clue what that law means


Educate us then--if the person recording were to have been involved in an accident that could have easily been averted, what would have omitted them from falling under the penalties of failing to avert an accident?


Particularly when the asshole driver is cruising along in the bike lane, obviously not giving up.


Lol no one said it was the safe and responsible action, but the Nissan driver has all the power to get out of a position that he got himself into. *He’s* the one who should have his license revoked, (you know, the guy actually breaking the law) because he’ll keep doing this knowing that everyone will let him pass, potentially putting more people at risk.


So your solution is what? Take on the responsibility of the police and teach other unlawful drivers lessons with your own vehicle? The exact thing you should never do? Nothing you said matters because you can’t control others peoples irresponsibility, you can only account for it and protect yourself from it. The other driver being in the wrong is irrelevant because they’ll do it regardless, so any type of “corrective” action just puts everyone in the immediate area at risk.


I don’t think anyone was right but holding OP this responsible for anything that happens as a direct result of someone else’s bad driving is wild to me


>Take on the responsibility of the police and teach other unlawful drivers lessons with your own vehicle? Hardly, if anything you are simply continuing on about your day while obeying the laws of the road. Letting them in is a courtesy, not a requirement. Cammer was under zero legal obligation to let the idiot in... Had there been a collision, it would have fallen on the idiot driving in the bike lane. So the answer is to ignore them, eventually the problem sorts itself out when the Nissan driver figures out that people won't simply cater to their idiocy and let them in, or they hit something and have to pay for their own stupidity.


Hah, right, be irresponsible then? Your obligations or lack thereof are, again, irrelevant. What is relevant is reality, and ensuring safety for all parties on the road, not teaching randoms a lesson and causing problems. Even if the moron in question causes an accident, that in no way suggests they’ll improve their driving skills or consideration in any capacity whatsoever. So you’re correct in one sense: one scenario is that it “solves itself” by you not accommodating their stupid and easily identifiable behaviors and let them total your car. If that’s how you want to spend your time and risk your property and family, I gladly volunteer you to be the one to teach bad drivers everywhere their lesson—just keep the rest of us out of it.


>What is relevant is reality, and ensuring safety for all parties on the road Which the Nissan is failing to do. >not teaching randoms a lesson and causing problems. Again, ignoring them isn't "teaching them a lesson". The only person causing problems here is the Nissan. >So you’re correct in one sense: No, I'm correct in all of them. >If that’s how you want to spend your time and risk your property and family, Ignoring them and maintaining your lane puts you at no more or less of a risk anyways, so this argument is moot. If you are that concerned over the safety of your property or family, then don't leave the house. >I gladly volunteer you to be the one to teach bad drivers everywhere their lesson Again, ignoring them isn't "teaching them a lesson"... Not sure why you don't seem to understand this simple concept.


jesus fucking christ nevermind, your reading comprehension is atrocious and you can’t even follow basic logical outcomes. Hope I never meet you on the road cause I’m sure you’ll just sit in the middle of the intersection as you watch someone run the fucking red light, moron. ✌🏼


Projecting much? Oh and smooth move blocking thinking you'll get the last word in.... Just goes to show you've already lost the argument.


I'm just glad there wasn't a cyclist in the bike lane.


Naw. That would have gotten rid of two pests at once.


Florida drivers do this stupid fucking shit all the time. They will attempt to pass you in the bike lane on a bridge. I put one into a barrier. 😂


People drive like idiots yes, but meeting them with equivalent idiocy is literally equivalently as dangerous and bad. If they had a fear reaction because you wouldn't let them over and something bad happened, you would have been held partially accountable. Safe driving is on both ends, not just their mistake.


That's how a lot of these posts go. Someone can straight up merge into someone else, causing an accident, and people will blame the cammer for not just letting them in


Exactly! I see 2 idiots in this video. Yeah, Nissan driver did a bullshit move. But the second bullshit move was not lifting off the gas for 2 seconds to let them in afterward. This is how the ENTIRE concept of defensive driving works, you don't make the situation even more dangerous just because someone else fucked up. You prioritize safety above all else. I bet idiots like this don't even move over for people working on the side of the road, because, "I would have to cross the painted lines, and that's ILLEGAL." Yeah, you know what else is illegal, accidentally striking someone when you had plenty of room to move over and give them space. Safety above all else.


Might wanna edit the title lol it's not oc if you got it from someone else...


Every fucking state every fucking city.


They’re everywhere!


The safe thing to do is let them in, but I wouldn't have, and I'm very glad you didn't. The worst thing that happens here is he hits your car or a parked car on that side, and RIP any pedestrian, but either way he's 100% at fault, and liability is easily proven here lmao. 10/10 you're beautiful for this


You have two options: A. let the guy in B. Don’t let him in because if he hits you or someone else it’s his fault. If you choose B because “he’s at fault”, you are juvenile, dangerous, and are much more likely to get in an accident than people who choose A. I can’t imagine preferring to get involved in an accident to idk? Teach someone a lesson? Grow up. Get a hobby. Stay off the road, you’re a hazard


Good for you staying the course.


Nice, you’re just like me and would rather crash then let an undeserving motorist jump in front of you 🤣


Drivers like this is why we pay so much for car insurance. Both drivers!


Brake and let them in instead of making the situation worse. No one wins if you let them hit your car.


Why can't they break and get in behind him lol...


Because they suck. you wanna suck too or do you want to get where you’re going without any accidents?


The only thing thing broken is the traffic law. And the rule of grammar. BRAKES are used to slow or stop a vehicle. But you managed to BREAK the rules of grammar.


The cam car actually could win in that case. Other driver would be at fault and some states don't split fault so they'd be 100% at fault there. Then you sue them for everything they own. That's the American way. Never let a inconvenience or tragedy get in the way of you abusing the system.


YOUR not YOU in this case.


Or if they hit a pedestrian/cyclist.


well, scam Tow companies will continue to win after the uninsured nissan hits them


Never lay off the horn. Stay on it! People love that shit!


Of course it’s a fucking Rogue.


A Rouge driver.


he he.


What has the color red to do with the thread? Rouge is French for "red".


while i agree with others that this is dangerous for any potential cyclists i have to say its satisfying to see someone not give in to these entitled assholes.


Sometimes I wish we get a one-time ram-em pass.




“Zipper merge! Why don’t you zipper merge? Zipper merges are the best! If you don’t zipper merge you clearly are an idiot!” -All the driving subreddit trolls who don’t actually drive anywhere and just post on Reddit. Why? Because of this shit. You see this shit?!


This has nothing to do with a zipper merge


Wow a lot of you would rather get in an accident than tap the breaks…because “he’s at fault” What? Why? Does it make you feel tough to enforce the rules of the road?


How do you tap a break? I might tap my BRAKES if I were in a generous mood. But likely not.


It’s not about enforcing the rules. I just don’t like people cutting me off.


I live in a big city, so I assume every car is stolen, and nobody has insurance or a license. I keep my distance from idiots like this. I got hit from behind by an unlicensed, unregistered, uninsured asshat once already. I paid for the repairs myself since it was cheaper than my deductible.


My question is, did you not see this coming? Pull into the bike lane when you saw them coming and close the window.


I see you’re trying to make a point but think about the cyclists that might get hit


Another road hazard


Thank goodness there's a bike lane they can drive down


Good on you hold the line!


Why are Nissan drivers so entitled?


There's a reason they call it Defensive Driving. But yeah, that's an asshat.


At that point. Ure bein a dick. Don’t make what he was doing ok. But come on bro


99% of the bad Nissaners are 15+ year old Altimas


Honk him up and let him in, the fuck am i watching


Fuck that. Dont' give in to bad drivers.


great way to end up dead imo


But at least he does knowing he was in the right


ZiPpEr MeRgE! /s People are stupid.


Especially those who use alternating caapital and lower case letters.




Especially those who double post.


I shall send a note of apology round to your governess in the morning. How the post got doubled I know not. And now, "POOF" - it is gone!


Yup, Tesla drivers seem to think this is their privilege too. Had some tesla douche do the same thing to me but he didn’t let off. He was willing to cause an accident to protect his pathetic pride. It’s hard to believe we’re the same species as these morons.


What he did was stupid and wrong, but what you did is WAY worse, just let him over.


I don’t see how what OP did is way worse, Nissan driver is at fault and should STOP their vehicle and wait to merge not continue doing 45 in a bike lane.


Fault is irrelevant, if you can avoid an accident you should. You can’t control what the other driver does, but you could easily set ego aside and take your own action to remove yourself from the situation. You will grow out of this


Literally blocking someone out of a lane is a douche bag thing to do, he sped up to stop him from merging in front, he is being childish and reckless


Thats not to say OP was “WAY worse,” the Nissan could have braked and merged behind like a normal person.


Yeah it is really mature to just cause an accident because you’re right


He never said it was mature. It was and is the Nissans job to safely merge and he could have done so by braking.


Yes, OP could help mitigate the chance of accident, but he is by no means CAUSING the accident. You are sounding like you drive a Nissan.


If you see a dangerous situation and can do something to mitigate/prevent it but choose not to, or in this case actively make it worse by intentionally blocking them, then yes, you have a hand in causing it because it was preventable. Insurance would also look at what could have been done by both parties to prevent an accident and I'm not sure what percentage of fault would be ruled for each, but OP would definitely take a hit to their rates since it would have been preventable.


Good point. Both drivers are definitely at fault, I guess my point was that Nissan was worse.


No disagreement there!


You sound like your 15 and think you’re really cool


Ahaha wow nice comeback… Regardless, I think OP could have handled the situation better, and acknowledge that drivers need to work together on the road, but this Nissan is posing a greater danger to others around him and would definitely be at fault if this were an crash.


Yes, and OP knew the Nissan was driving reckless and matched his energy. Road Rage has never benefitted anyone. And it isn’t about who is at fault, OP was willing to get hit and cause a bigger accident over their own ego, instead of just letting the guy over. And I totally understand getting upset over that, but op took it too far for too long.


I can agree with that. Just not that it was way worse than Nissan.


Why can't dipshit nissan just slow down and go behind?


I don’t know, but why are you willing to cause an accident to find out?


Everything the nissan did was illegal/ wrong. Id argue that they were the ones that would be causing an accident.


Exactly...the person who is LEGALLY in the actual driving lane has right of way. The person who's driving in a fucking BIKE LANE does not. If a collision did occur, the one illegally going straight in a turn-only lane and driving down a bike lane would 100% be found at-fault, ESPECIALLY with video evidence to prove what a dumbass they are. Being a dick for not letting them in is irrelevant....there's no law against (only) being a dick. There ARE laws against going straight in a turn-only lane and driving down a bike lane. These asshats keep doing shit like this because people LET THEM do it. If EVERYONE prevented them from getting in, there would no longer be an incentive to try.


Ok, and you would want to spend the next 30 minutes to an hour waiting in the dark for cops to show up and take your statement, then waiting at the very least a couple of days to weeks for your car to be fixed at the body shop, all on the assumption that insurance will find them 100% at fault? Most insurance companies will look at this video and say the driver could see that the other car was trying to enter their lane and will assign fault both ways. I had a very similar scenario happen about a year ago where I was in the left lane on a 2 lane street and there was a car slightly in front of me in the right lane. There were parked cars coming up, and instead of slowing down and merging behind me, the car on my right decided to just merge right there into my front right fender. Insurance said I was 25% at fault because I should have slowed down and let them in.


Check out the original comments on idiotsincars. I'm not the only one that feels this way.


I’m sure you aren’t the only person who feels that way. Have you been in many car accidents?


Not many. They suck. This is the internet and I'm a defensive driver. In reality I would let the idiot in, but it's nice to see an asshole get shafted every now and again


Did you miss where the Nissan drove straight through a right only lane to start this?


What the person driving on an actual lane did was worse? Please explain that logic. What OP did wasn't good, but only a complete and utter motion would call it worse. Go ahead and try to explain how it's wise than the guy passing on the shoulder. I'll be waiting


Omg just let them in already tho. Putting bikers in danger by not letting them in (even if they are an asshat)


It’s the driver that is driving in the bike lane that’s putting bikers in danger dipshit


I agree with you but sometimes psychopaths just need to be given the right of way


While thats true, its also why they keep doing it. It's feeding the beast.


I know, right? "You did something wrong? OK, go ahead!" That's EXACTLY why they keep doing it, because people LET THEM do it. Stop pandering to the fuckheads.


it all comes down to who has the least to lose. that's what i tell myself when I give in to crazies like this


No, they need to be given *THE FINAL SOLUTION*


Fuck that.


Yep they are a hazard but the guy not letting him in can easily fix that hazard


Tbh I would’ve kicked both your asses who gives a fuck of the hey gets in front of you you’re both making the road a more dangerous place for what? You pride? If you’re going that hard for your pride you must not have much to live for in life


Some of the people determined to put their butt right in your face will go to great lengths to do it. It's some kind of life goal or something. They feel insulted to be behind anyone.


I think both are idiots. One should back away. The person with the camera isn’t proving that they are very smart by speeding up and not letting them in. If the car on the right crashes into another car, both should be liable for damage.


That last sentence might be one of the most illogical and ass backwards statements I’ll read today 😂


You don’t need to commit murder to be considered a murderer. Helping or assisting in the act, and failing to take any action to stop it, makes you just as guilty.


No, no it does not make you just as guilty. God I hope you never get called for jury duty 😂