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“Your yard is one of magic and beauty.” Now that’s a compliment.


I’ll say. I’d frame that note and hang it on the wall forever 🥰


Definitely going to do something with it!


As a fellow steward of a Victorian, I adore your house- and what a fabulous garden!!


Thank you! We love it, too!


Thank you for fighting for us, love🐝🦋🦋🐞🐝


This is absolutely gorgeous -- the note you received is spot-on! Could you share plant names for the photos? I don't recognize all of them


Happy to! Starting with the first flower photo: 1) Hairy Beardtongue (Penstemon) 2) Southern Blue Flag (Iris) 3) Foxglove Beardtongue (Penstemon) 4) Wild Columbine and Common Milkweed 5) Spiderwort 6) Thimbleweed 7) Hairy Beardtongue (Penstemon) 8) Missouri Primrose 9) Pink Evening Primrose 10) Evening Primrose (Also called Yellow Sundrops) 11) Alumroot 12) Large-Flowered or Showy Beardtongue (Penstemon)


I’ve never seen Missouri Evening Primrose and it’s super cool looking


The flowers are huge. Size of my hand.


You're a hero, OP. Looks amazing!


Yay for raising hell! A guy in my town did the same but it is definitely an uphill battle.


I love your yard!! I’ll have to share a few pictures of my own, one year behind from what you posted but I’m seeing some familiar faces and limbs here. What has your watering strategy been?


I haven't watered in two years. Just rely on natural rainfall. That's the beauty of planting natives!


"Two years ago, city council instituted a native lawns program after I raised hell about what happened. And I replaced 100% of my front lawn with native landcaping." Inspiring! Looks great to my eye too. (I'm no expert at all, but I have seen how it is rough going at first; it tends to look "messy" and neighbours make...interesting comments). But once it fills in properly (which takes patience and a thick skin) it can look good and provide all those critically necessary ecological benefits. Keep fighting the good fight!


You should put a little sign that says it’s a native pollinator garden. That way people know they can do it too!


I've got a couple to put out! On the list...


Did you start with pretty small plants? Tight spacing? We’re on year two for part of our conversion, so next year we should hit the sprint phase for some while this year’s work will be walking. Can’t wait!


I started with 32s. Probably 250-300 plants (at about $3/plant). And I planted everything about 12-15" apart. I've also collected seeds each year to fill in some of the remaining gaps.


Your yard is beautiful! My yard transformed once I went native. So many more pollinators (and different types) as well as birds for the seeds. I was shocked at the night and day difference! My only regret is not having done it sooner!




I am on year two. This gives me hope!


Not just the yard but the house itself is beautiful. Man imagine all the pollinators if everybody had a yard like this.


Way to go! It looks lovely! What is planted on your hell strip?


I have eight raised beds there for veggies and more natives.


Cool! I thought it looked like pumpkin or squash :)


The little bit you can see in the first picture is actually broccoli!


Oh wow! I’ve never grown broccoli, didn’t realize it had leaves like that!


Looks amazing!!


Wow, your fight with the city really paid off! I’m happy for you and the ecosystem you’re helping. Truly excellent work!


Why did the city remove the milkweed?


The neighbor reported me for weeds. Tbf, I did have some weeds along my alley access. But a city worker came out and decided that the milkweed *in my yard* was a weed and removed it. He massively overstepped.


Damn, that sucks :(

