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I tried farming it. I tried it 37 times and gave up.


Me too. Took a very long time, gave up and found one later randomly lol


I would feel bad saying I got mine on the first try, but that was the only thing in this game that didn't take me literally hundreds of hours to find .


Same here


Some times nms can give pleasant surprises.. some times unpleasant ones. Lol


I farmed around 40 times with my Solare ship. Then I decided to fully construct and tech-upgrade a fighter ship (higher damage) so I can shorten the battle cycle every time a little bit. Took about 1,5 hours to get all the parts and tech I wanted, and what can I say... first time battling with the new fighter gave me that S Class Capital Freighter. Sometimes it's like the game laughing directly in your face :)


You just described life.


In a similar boat keep getting C


I always thought it would be easy to find a needle in a haystack just jump in ND roll around till you get poked




In many ways, being shirtless around hay is worse than pin pricks. At least you've forgotten about the pin prick in an hour. Hay leaves me itching for hours.


So when I was offered a "roll in the hay" I correctly declined.




oh, how high my understanding of this is


Been there. I showered 3 times and still couldn’t get hay out of my ears nose and back


It hurts even with cloths, dunno why they’re so sharp, how do cows or animals even chew on them


Lol. Thats sux. I picked a 3 conflict 3 wealth vy keen system and gkt one first try. Took 4 rolls to get the s class tho.




He meant "rolls". If you don't know, the way that works is: after the freighter surrenders you can check its class, if it's not the one you want you can leave the system then come back in. When you return the battle restarts from the beginning. This allows you to basically farm it until you get one that you like


Ah ok makes sense. Does it still work if we leave the system through its space station and the re enter throw hyper drive?


If you land anywhere other than the freighter and exit your ship, then the game will auto-save and you'll have to wait another five warps and another three hours for your next freighter battle. Ideally you would create an auto-save in the previous system to the freighter battle so you can immediately try again.


Unless they changed it in the last few patches. You save anywhere. Use your 5th Jump after 3 hours to initiate the freighter attack, look at the freighter and determine if it's one you want. If not reload last save pick a new system to check. Repeat until you find a ship you like. Do not engage and land on the space station and save. Leave the station and kill the pirates. Enter the frighter, exit the ship and use your scanner it will give you the ship class. Reload and repeat until you get an S-class. Took me like 95 tries to get my dreadnaught.


I was under the impression that landing in a space station immediately dismisses any pirate raid in progress in that system, and that this has been the behavior for the past year or so (Echoes update?).


As I said if it was patched. I haven’t play in several months. But that was how it was done.


Unless you find a system that has a battle in it every time you warp into it. I found 2 different systems near each other that have battles in it every time you warp in. Both are Gek 3* Economy systems.


This is the way, found two s classes this way in maybe 45 mins. Didn't like the rolls on the first so kept at it. Also great for nanites (can get around 500 per if your quick enough), units and reputation.


Took me 19 tries or so and then I jumped to a random system in a last ditch effort as I had to get ready to leave, and I finally got the S class lol.


Does this still work this way? Im reading different strategies


“Am I the only one who gives a sh*t about the rools?!!!”


mine took about 30 mins of rolls trying....


I got one of these 1st time, easy...... on my fucking expedition save 😭😭


Happened to me too on the last expedition. Too bad I didn't note the system. Maybe a S class ringer


I’m new is there something specific with expeditions? Or did you have an alt specifically for expeditions?


Wow! Some random I ran into last night had one of these! They showed me around and gifted me a 100m units. They said they were still new to the game too. Super friendly and nice. 😁 This game has been incredible with the community.


ok how the heck do you get one of these?


As the other poster said, but one caveat: pirate dreadnought encounters won’t spawn unless you already own a capital ship. So at the very least, you need to have claimed your free 1st freighter from the ‘shoot down ships to save the convoy’ pirate encounter.


Thanks for the info! Edit: 17 Days later, I now have an A Class!


Defeat a pirate dreadnaught, they randomly spawn when you warp into a system. You can get the dreadnaught as a reward


I've defeated multiple and never saw how to get it because I was destroying them way too fast. Had no idea you could make them surrender.


Destroy the shield generators left and right on the top. Then blow out the engines.


It is new as of two updates ago


Same. I just nuke them every time.


Can you warp between two pirate systems to reroll the spawn?


Its a %chance per warp so i believe so Some systems have guaranteed spawns too iirc


I found an A Class dreadnaught with 34 slots the other day and even though I had an S class freighter (with bad rolls) I ended up swapping it.


I also found an A class with only 29 hours in the game. I feel like some parts of the game are so half baked compared to others


Yeah I agree - once you understand the pattern to a lot of the systems it gets fairly repetitive and most aren't very deep. But I'll be damned if the game isn't beautiful and doesn't scratch an exploration and collection itch.


Can someone spell it out for me? The way i understand it is you need a freighter to spawn this thing. then when you defeat them you can...buy it? or get it for free?


After owning a freighter, you'll eventually come across a massive space battle where one of these dreadnoughts is firing its huge cannons at a civilian freighter. You have two courses of action: - Shoot out the engines and the shield generators then do a lot of damage to it - Shoot out the engines and all the anti-freighter cannons - Shoot out the shield generators and the engines then destroy the dreadnought If you do the first two, it'll surrender and you can board it and you'll get it for free - it'll repair itself when you jump out. If you do the last one, you get a huge amount of credits. There is a very small chance that it's an S-Class which is what I was hunting for.


Thank you!!!


I’d like to add my experience after reading this post: I had saved on a space station right before the battle triggered on my next jump. After much experimentation with saves I found this conclusion: Once you trigger a freighter battle, the game auto saves. After defeating the pirate freighter and landing in the bay to check the class, if it wasn’t S, I would reload my auto save and instantly be back in the freighter battle, with a new randomly generated class. One thing I should mention is one time I let the game idle after checking the class, then went to reload my auto save and there was no battle. Luckily I had saved on a station before the battle and was able to reload from there. Took me about an hour to get mine. Hope this helps someone. Happy hunting.


How I got it in one sitting: Find two systems near each other that both have the encounter. Name them so you can find them quickly in the galaxy menu. Battle 1, check class, switch galaxies, battle 2, check class, switch back to galaxy 1, rinse, repeat. 3* economy may help with class RNG, but with this freighter, I'm really not sure. I used two 3/3 systems and found it in less than 30 minutes. Happy hunting


*Star System. Not Galaxy 😉


I'm seriously impressed by your dedication. I've tried several times for a few hours and the best I found was an A-class that I already have. The fact that you persisted and kept searching until you found it is genuinely cool to me. Xdd


Same with me. And I have a star system that I use with a 100% pirate battle spawn every time I warp there. Highest I’ve ever gotten was A.


Damn, this ship looks like i need to buy a new computer, download the game again and start farming


I had spent hours finding a dreadnought capital ship (I think that is what the long skinny sentinel inspired ship is called) and was just about to start upgrading it. I jumped out of the system I was in (not realizing what kind of system it was, a high threat system). Then as I was returning to the system where my capital ship was, I find it was under attack from a pirate capital ship. I didn't even know my capital ship could be attacked. Luckily I had learned how to disable them from videos as it was the first one I had seen. I go on board just to find out it's S class. It almost hurt letting go of my just acquired capital ship I had spent so long trying to get but I relented. It was one of the most infuriatingly lucky things that has ever happened to me in this game.


Well…. Get to the point it spawns. Save before attacking. -go to space station and exit enter ship. Took me 3 tries to figure out how to disable and prevent it running away. Than 3 attempts before getting a s class. Rng luck for someone that rng normally hates.


i got that ship on the second try


I literally got it on my second try this morning


Lol, I got mine first try. Needle in a needle stack.


I got one 3rd try…


This is the 2nd post in 2 days I’ve seen about this, are S-dreadnoughts really that hard to find?  I found one on 2 different characters, and I don’t think my attempts even reached double digits either time. Did I just use up all my NMS luck on cap ships?


Took me 15 minutes to score my S-class. And that's not even the fastest. I scored my original max size star destroyer on my first freighter rescue (once those styles were added to the game). I love (love!) the pirate freighter. Fun fact: underneath your hangar, there are three very large, armed anti-freighter torpedoes. No clue why they are stashed there. It's either a clever booby trap, or the result of a really bad choice on the part of the captain.


I quit farming the first one I encountered because I got 4 c's in row. Got a B on my second encounter and S on the 3rd after upgrading along the way because they're always free.


Literally got mine after the second try


As a 40k Chaos fan - this is on my list to have.


Took me about a week. Spent a bit over an hour each day doing it. I lost count of how many times I did the run. I stopped breathing for a while when I saw the S class.


Was this really hard to get? I got this my first time warping to a pirate system


If you really think about it, you have a 50/50 chance of anything happening - it either happens or it doesn't. Jokes aside, yeah for me it was. It's called Random Number Generation for a reason, some never see anything but C-Class, some get their S-Class instantly, and everywhere in-between!


I got an S class not long ago but the cargo space is actually kinda bad lol. But I can get bulkheads so don't care much


That is a damn good looking ship


Got one to spawn ONCE. Fucked it up and failed to do ANYTHING before the bastard slipped away.


If you are having a lot of trouble just use someone's glyphs


At least yours is an S class, when I play with my friends, it shows them it's an S Class freighter but on my screen it says it's an A class 😭😭😭


Easier than it seems, there are pirate systems with a 100% chance trigger for the event. And you can find two together. Then every jump is a 100% the event. That's how me and my friend got ours


Bugger me, I'm still looking for a s rank multi tool


Just. Upgrade. The. One. You’ve. Got.


Considering that just gotta save up first


I have a bunch of resources I could share


I found that I have a 1 in 10 chance on the Switch. I'm currently 1 in 25 on the steam Deck


Skill issue. I found it on my first try. (I am feeling incredibly superior rn)


Not skill, but RNG. The R in RNG stands for Random, which is why some people spend ages never finding it and some people get it instantly. It's a mixed bag and that's exactly why.


I know. But as someone who plays binding of Isaac a lot, I tend to say skill issue even though it is something completely out of anyone's control. An inside joke, so to speak.


What exactly am I looking at and why is it special? Is it the S class or the freighters shape/model?




So both?


I tried it 2nd fight and got it dunno how I could be this lucky


My first dreadnaught I lucked out and it was an s class


Got this the first system I jumped to lmao


HA you dont even know what i had to do, i found this little shit THREE times before i could buy it because my game continued to crash everytime i tried to buy it.


I found one on my 5th warp to an outlaw system.


At least you found yours with storage 😭😭


I had an A class civilian freighter and traded for a C class pirate dread because they just look awesome. A few days later I randomly stumbled on my current S class while doing the Atlas quest line lol


Where is this ship? How do I get it? Haven’t played this game in a long time. Now I wanna


Now find one with squared SC slots.


This man asking for the world over here. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I uh got this on my first try. First time player here. I did get the one people apparently don't like but I love it. https://preview.redd.it/7u5z813cx0zc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49bc3b7feca3178c32fa2a5ab662d2465ca29113


Oh wow, that’s a sweet lookin’ Dreadnought! Do you by chance recall what galaxy / system you found it in?


Hmmmm. I do not. It wasn't my home galaxy


I like this style of ship and it would of been my freighter I had not found a pirate S class.


I didnt know about these so i was hunting an S class venator. I found 2-3 of these S class while hunting that, and the venator took me >2 hours


welcome to the club my dude


I spent 2 hours refreshing for my red gek pirate ship…Thought it was bugged because I saw so many B class’s. But you know what they say, 99% of gamblers quit right before they hit it big


AI generated


"In the future, star cruisers will be randomly generated!" - No Veggie's Sky


I just can’t believe it’s real, that’s why. Congratulations on your find !


I've since given it all the engine types so it can go to any star, saving up for the distance upgrades now.


I had an A class freighter built up for close to 500 hrs before getting one of these recently. Had all but given up. Congrats.


I got a A class still looking for the S


Why just this games RNG? Random is random…


I got an A class and gave up trying to farm the S


I got an A-Class early on but wasn't satisfied without an S-Class.


Yeah I’ll probably go back and get the S, but after 3 hours I was done. 7 A class. Not 1 S.


Wait until you realize that it makes no significant difference. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


What is it?


Wait that is a freighter?! Is it a sentinel one?


I don't think you can keep sentinel ones. This is a pirate one from a trigger-able random encounter.


Oh sweet how do you actually get a pirate freighter? Do you just have to damage them enough to where they surrender?


I am. At 507 jumps


I got one too. Took me a while to grind, but it was worth it!


I tried farming for just one tier S freighter, took me 30 hrs and only found two A tier, gave up in the game


I’m so sorry, mine was legit first try, congrats tho!


I think I did it six times and I got mine


Nice! I was shooting for an S-class, but then I decided I'd just stick with my A-class. It's kind of boxy but I like that it looks like a freighter as opposed to a battle cruiser.


I got mine on the 3rd one I fought. I wasn't even looking for one because I already had a nice looking freighter already. I think in NMS the time it takes to find what you want is directly related to how badly you want it. In the same save it took me a few weeks of gameplay to find a good pistol multitool that matched my color scheme.


While I love SO much about this game, yeah… the aspects that rely so heavily on RNG are disconcerting at times. And honestly, I’m to a point where I’m just tired of RNG as a video game element. I absolutely love and enjoy anything and everything that involves players learning and crafting the things they need / want, while anything involving RNG just makes me cringe because it ALWAYS feels like a cheap attempt to milk extra gameplay. The worst part is that “randomness” doesn’t actually exist. Like, literally. Anything that happens in nature is 100% cause and effect… While “random” is a human concept. If anyone does the research, they’ll find that “RNG” is just using algorithms to create a sense of randomness, but isn’t actually “random” at all because it’s all based on cleverly designed parameters. Anyway, I digress.. Yeah, not a fan of RNG, lol 🤣


Took me about 15! Wasn’t too bad. 🫣