• By -


Oxygen is witchcraft. Oxygen duplicates carbon. Use to fuel the MK2 refiner for further witchcraft. Oxygen duplicates sodium. Oxygen duplicates salt and chlorine. Oxygen turns ferrite and pure ferrite into rusted metal, which turns into double the original ferrite. Stick Oxygen and any of the basic goodies into the MK2 refiner, and it will *probably* turn into something. I knew to give myself a fat stack of Oxygen from my main save, but I didn't remember all the potential recipes, and spent a good chunk of time looking for magnetized Ferrite deposits, Cobalt, and Chlorine when I could have just duplicated what I had by mixing with Oxygen. Oh! And Pugneum + Mordite makes gold. Kill creatures, kill sentinels, get gold, which you need a lot for the seeker thingy. If you have gold, gold + oxygen makes large amounts of Pyrite, which can fuel the ship without needing Tritium. Dihydrogen + Sillicate Powder makes Deuterium, which you NEED at the start. That's most of them. There's one other useful 2-element recipe I'm forgetting, I had it on the tip of my fingers when I started writing this, and I've forgotten what it is. Oh well, I'm sure it's fine.


Holy shhh! I just started out the game, this is super helpful!!!


I have 350 hrs logged and didn’t even know about this, this is great to know 


I've been playing for years how didn't I know this either ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Some of these are exclusive to the expedition. They might not all work in a normal save.


Brother I'm still on the starting planet and need Deuterium, I don't have the refiner, how do I get it? I've not played for 7 years and canny figure out the basics haha please help it's my first expedition!:(


Combine Dihydrogen with Silicate Powder.


how does oxygen duplicate carbon?




My cursed dust. My Dune. My Arrakis. BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA




Bring nothing, I'm a firm believer that's how one should experience the expeditions


Agreed. I feel like for this expedition in particular you should bring nothing and turn off multiplayer. To give you that truly alone feeling. 


This for me. Always start a new save on these, purely as I like the challenge of starting from scratch,


I've done 10 expeditions blind and being able to bring ANYTHING is new to me. I want to be stranded, -ADRIFT-, but I want to take a few things with me. 😋


This is the way


I found out with this one, I didn't even need to bring anything. Mostly cause by the time I got to summon the Anomaly, I already had the upgraded modules installed (it was the two mining upgrades)


Consider that there are no merchants or upgrade/scrap terminals. I brought maps which helped me locate a new ship and I brought 9999 units of various resources so I could get going quickly and not mine and refine for hours.


This is cool, Ill do this! I take my Maps with me :D


I just found out yesterday that larva core gives you alot of nanite clusters. Which you can use to copy your starship/multitool from your main save Might be old news, but this is my 1. expedition.


I didn’t bring anything and I don’t wish I had brought anything.


Get a sentinel ship ASAP. Much longer warp jumps and easier to refuel.


Bring nothing. Know that uranium is your best friend because you're going to need a shit ton of takeoff juice and it's cheaper than launch fuel. I burned probably 1k of it. Warp hyper cores. Don't mess around with that low rent 87 octane stuff. First extreme planet you get, it will be a radiation planet. Grab uranium and a couple dozen storm crystals. They will save your ass on the back end. Beyond that, it's about the experience. Go in cold. Learn something. Try something new. If I geared a toon based on my main it wouldn't be a challenge at all. My main is absurdly wealthy and has enough stuff to crash entire galaxies. That's not fun. I saw a guy running around in a speeder. Come on man, use the random trash ship. It's part of the challenge.


I thought I was clever bringing exosuit expansion and ship storage expansion items, but you can't use them as all spacestations are deserted (at least where I am now)


You guys know you don't need a space station or the anomaly to install suit\ship\MT upgrades, right?


Not upgrades, expansion slots. I got em from a previous expedition and you do need to use them at a terminal


You mean that they increase your inventory space by 1? Blue for ships, red for MTs, purple for your exosuit?


Don’t remember the colors lol but yes!


Yeah, my mistake calling them "upgrades". This is exactly what I'm talking about though, adding slots.


I haven’t seen a way to use the ship storage expansions (i brought some too) but the exosuit ones work at the anomaly. You have to pay for 1 expansion, then interact with the terminal again and it will let you use any additional you have


Also to u/CaptHarpo When you use one of these it randomly (so there's a bit of luck involved) allows you to expand the inventory of either suit, ship or multitool, and if you have some of those expansion modules in your inventory you can keep on adding slots to that particular inventory. https://preview.redd.it/x3szknp4tp3d1.jpeg?width=1740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b85954ce0e4b940c05b1099b9ee81b62fa0212cf You used to be able to occasionally get these from the Travellers appearing in space stations - if you said the right things. I don't know if you still can... Edited for clarity, thanks u/CaptHarpo


Brought all the basic elements and metals. No tech.


Don’t bother by the time you can finally grab that stuff you won’t need it legit spent like 1hr looking at videos and talking to ppl to find out what to bring to make it easy and didn’t even need any of it by the time I got to the anomaly


Didn't know this, but I'm not sure I would have imported anything anyway, to keep the spirit of the expedition. That said, the O2 and carbon cheapness on the birth planet was interesting.


I wish I had *remembered* just how awful all the in-game chores truly are. These activities are neither fun nor interesting (like chores). Gotta do one's chores to get one's useless souvenirs, though.


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I took a bunch of stuff with me but can’t see it in my inventory, what am I missing?


It's on the anomaly, you have to go there to get the stuff you brought.


A bunch of rolling paper and NipNip flowers is all I need


The most basic of starting materials 😅