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You're looking at ancient history! Way back when NMS was still fairly new, you couldn't build bases yourself and had to find computers like that in the wild. They're still scattered around the galaxy here and there.


Imagine finding one of these one a cliff face back then


Hahaha! Never found one there, though I found one underwater once. This was before the underwater bases, too.




Not sure that would have been possible to find. The game was fairly good, even back then, at flattening out building structures on the terrain. They probably flattened around these base computers back then, just as they would have any building or structure.


And before even that, you had to find a base foundation: a single round module that had the base computer built into it, in a large circle of flat land.


I remember finding my first one of those. It was such a big deal, lol! Especially because I started out on a super nasty acid planet and had to constantly find shelter to duck into.


I’m not sure but I think those were recycled and changed into the settlement sites.


oh damn, found one on one of the galactic hub planets


Same, I found one on New Lennon once.


Really?! Holy shit, I've been playing for 2-3 years now. I never heard that before


They’re usually in great building spots too


indeed this one is in a flat plain


That's true, I discovered one some time ago also. It's amazing 🙂


I found one when I went to the second planet in my first permadeath save after it told me to get chromatic metal for a base computer lol




Put your computer right next to it. It will look like a glitched setup.




im temted to do it


I found a great one way back then. It was on a mesa overlooking the sea. It was spectacular.


Never knew. I found one in my leviathan run.


There quite rare


I had someone recently tell me that he found over 130 on one planet. But I’ve been wandering across my current planet and haven’t found one yet. I did recently find one a few months ago. It was really nice! It’s nice that the land all around it is so flat


Whoever said they found over 130 on one world is a load of shit. I don't play nms much anymore and all the time I played I only found a handful of them.


They are not a load of shit. [You can see for yourself here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/comments/frkjlw/109_crashed_ships_131_base_computers_in_the_wild/) (coordinates of just the base computers [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/comments/frk7s0/1_planet_131_base_computers_in_the_wild_no_thats/)). Note that this planet is in Eissentam so make sure you are in the correct galaxy when visiting. Bases computers are rare but planets are also very, very big.


"When confronted with evidence, I downvote."


I’m glad you posted! How did you find them? Do you find them on every planet or just certain ones? I’m on a planet that I’m trying to search for them on and I’m not having any luck. If you have any guidance, I’d love to hear it! I have something specific I’m trying to do with this base and I want it to be flat. Thanks!


Note that this was someone else, not me. I believe their procedure was something like the following: 1. Find a fairly level planet with no water and sparse flora. This works best on moons, as moons never have water, have gentle terrain, and are small. You want sparse flora because you don't want trees: they make it harder to see stuff on the ground. 2. Drop a save beacon at the north and south poles. Color each one differently so you can tell them apart on your HUD. 3. Start at the south pole and follow a line of longitude north. This requires 1st person view: align your ship such that it's headed towards the north pole with a longitude of 0. 4. Fly low. Use 3rd person to see around you. Periodically switch to 1st person to make sure your longitude hasn't drifted. Correct if needed. You want to be low enough that terrain detail render, and slow enough that you can recognize features. You'll start really slow but eventually will be able to do this going about 200u per sec 5. When you get to the north pole, continue south. Your longitude should change from N to -N. 6. When you reach the south pole, shift your longitude by 1 or 2 degrees and repeat from 3 until you get to 180 degrees.


That’s pretty clever. I’m not sure I’ll do it, but that’s actually really clever! Thanks for the suggestion. I actually have a plan and I’m interested in doing it on, but there are a fair number of trees. But! Those rogue base computers are typically surrounded by a big empty space. I’m sure it would be a lot easier on the flatter, less Flora intensive planet I might have to play around with that idea. We will see how far I get! I’ll let you know if I find one


Huh. I did more of the moon than I thought. [See results here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11Td7Un0RJ9olymHgu0E-xZ6yBlWTP7lhAOYGrNk2Pm0/edit?usp=sharing). This moon has trees and floating islands, so I am sure I missed a few things. But looks like I got about 1/6th of it mapped.


So if I’m correct, you got one base computer? On 1/6 of the moon done? Hmmm. That’s pretty impressive! I might have to try something like that out. I’ve been trying to approach the game in a different way. I have about 1100 hours in. I’ve been following the storyline through all the plaques, etc. I can’t believe I’ve never done it. I still just have the gek to do I’m really noticing the music now more so than I ever have in the past. I’ve always enjoyed it, but noticing how much it changes with each type of interaction. Mapping a planet, Or maybe just a moon, would be interesting for me. I don’t know that I’ll do the whole thing, but it might be kind of fun! How are you doing it? And an EXOcraft or on foot?


I’ve only found two or three in my 1100 hours. Unless he found a planet that just happen to have a ton, I’m not sure. Do you know of any way that you can actually search for them? It’s not possible, as far as I know. I’ve Only heard of finding them by stumbling across them Edit: typo


It's easy to search for them. Use charts for "Commerical" waypoints. You'll want to get a huge stack of them. ~~When you use a chart, NMS will only plot one location of a specific type, so you have to keep consuming charts until it locates a base computer. They key is to not visit the other waypoints they find so that they stay on the active list. Once a lot of waypoints are marked, consuming a chart may complain that a marker for a given type already exists. When that happens, you don't lose the chart so just repeat the search until it finds a waypoint.~~ Edit: Looks like this no longer works. :(


Thank you! Had no idea it was part of the commercial set of charts!


It used to be. I just tried this and it no longer works. :(


Yes, I was just about to go through and try to do it. I use the charts so much so I was a little surprised that it might work. Guess I will just have to fly around and run around and drive around and see if I stumble across one! Edit: typo again. Thanks, Siri


Sounds like I will just have to stumble around. It just occurred to me that you were the person who originally posted about the 130 bases! Obviously, I wasn’t paying attention. 😂


Nah, that wasn't me. I just saved that post when I saw it, so it was easy to find. I followed their procedure and mapped about 10% of a small moon (it took a long time) a while back, just to see what came up.


HOLD THE PHONE. I just did this on the white grass, aggressive sentinel planet you pointed me at *and it found a base computer!* It said at first that it detected a shelter, but when the icon appeared on my hub, it was for a "habitable base". [Pics or it didn't happen](https://imgur.com/a/0lXzFlg). Now my brain is going to be stuck on this until I figure out why it worked this time and not the last time. Maybe it works reliably here because it's an uninhabited system, and there are no other commercial structures to find?


I am pretty sure the "uninhabited system" thing is key. You have to try several times with the chart, but eventually it will locate a "shelter". But a shelter can mean either an actual shelter, or a habitable base. So...I bet this works in regular systems, too, but it would be a bit of a grind. You'd have to have enough maps to find all POI types, and then go visit the "shelter" that it found, and repeat a search until it gives you a habitable base instead of a shelter. Edit: Not viable. A "shelter" is literally any nearby structure. So in a populated system, you'd have to be very near the base computer to get one this way.


[This person explains the process](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/gccwgd/comment/fpakz8g/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) better than I can.


Grab yourself an exocraft and just drive. You might end up stumbling onto one


That’s basically what I’ve been doing. I’ve been running around and flying right above the ground in my ship. I’ve been doing both. Good point on the exocraft. I don’t use it very much


I think it's still a thing in creative mode. Just loaded a fresh creative character today and it spawned me right next to an unclaimed base computer.


I have a question about creative mode if you don't mind; Is it like normal mode where you could potentially meet other players in the galaxies or is it solo player mode with invites?


It's a thing in all modes.


Can confirm. I found one either in PD or in survival, I’d have to go back and look at my saves


OOF that sounds like a terrible game design lol


It was just the early incarnation of base building. Back then, bases were created with all pre-fab parts, and these building spots overrode the terrain to create a level building area, similar to how the terrain is leveled around other structures.


Nice find. I remember searching for one of these back in the day when it was the only way to get a base. Since then I've only found maybe 3 total.


I have found one- and named it found base!! Are they not a feature that pops up in newer updates?


Looks like it's actually a REALLY old feature


Found two In the Hilbert Dimension.


This game keeps on giving. I have been playing for many years, 2018?, and still find a few new things to me items.


I’ve only found two of these. The first one I found was on my second planet I visited and the second I just found two days ago.


Ancient history, cool find buddy! I been to ~400 planets and only seen this once