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Gek in the game🥺 Gek in lore😬😬😬😬


\>MFW Units Received


me when money


When the Technology recharges


*releases pleasing scents*


Ah yes, casual mind control


\*insert first spawn joke\*


I find the Gek cute even if they are sociopaths


This art style is very Ghibli-esque, I love it! :D


woah, im flattered! thanks!


So true! It’s all in the eyes!


The colors and coloring style too.


Korvax,we never forget,we never forgive


How do we tell him?


Came here to say this. Nobody ruin it for him.


Korvax Prime will remember which side you decided to choose


Your Gek is well cute, well-drawn, but also I question their intentions


Thank you! Cautious optimism over here


Yeah some people hate on the geks for the lore but they are cute, you proved it :)


you are too kind!


You have captured some great personality there.


Thanks! This one was great inspiration!


I would love to see an Akira Toriyama version of No Man's Sky that would be epic


These are my results through midjourney - the first couple are Gek Merchants by Akira, the rest is planet secret done in that style. ----Geks: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979199583135596614/1015826929426907167/Generations.AI_No_Mans_Sky_Gek_Merchant_by_Akira_Toriyama_37b81da3-0afd-498f-9a53-96b5d08b5e66.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979199583135596614/1015827904866816100/Generations.AI_No_Mans_Sky_Gek_Merchant_by_Akira_Toriyama_d93bd3a6-0a82-40ed-afe1-099c3d03ff9b.png ----- landscapes: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979199583135596614/1015829821126873128/Generations.AI_No_Mans_Sky_by_Akira_Toriyama_by_Studio_Ghibli_39306374-4172-4620-9d33-3cb9a5733c83.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979199583135596614/1015829769843118120/Generations.AI_No_Mans_Sky_by_Akira_Toriyama_by_Studio_Ghibli_905878a5-097c-4e0c-81d2-8729cdd02a14.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979199583135596614/1015829148138213386/Generations.AI_No_Mans_Sky_by_Akira_Toriyama_by_Studio_Ghibli_ae60e70c-9681-4981-954b-d6968151b100.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979199583135596614/1015829144816320654/Generations.AI_No_Mans_Sky_by_Akira_Toriyama_by_Studio_Ghibli_94b55956-66d2-49c0-96e8-8538cc1fc6a7.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979199583135596614/1015828684000731177/Generations.AI_No_Mans_Sky_by_Akira_Toriyama_by_Studio_Ghibli_031ce8e0-e16e-47b4-ae95-c28a7257eec6.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979199583135596614/1015825018174849084/Generations.AI_No_Mans_Sky_by_Akira_Toriyama_47519134-b6e0-4607-aae0-cf06e196a181.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979199583135596614/1015825181547167774/Generations.AI_No_Mans_Sky_by_Akira_Toriyama_4c0153db-31cc-4b9d-b733-6c97ee8ef3a6.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979199583135596614/1015825253781479535/Generations.AI_No_Mans_Sky_by_Akira_Toriyama_c7c7f8bf-108a-4cfa-b085-fda4d244f58d.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979199583135596614/1015825390230589490/Generations.AI_No_Mans_Sky_by_Akira_Toriyama_5807a0ee-4592-46c9-8fe1-f1047744c288.png ---- Prompt used: No Man's Sky, by Akira Toriyama, by Studio Ghibli --test --ar 3:2 --upbeta u/mothjuan


Holy freaking hell you just made my week I would give you an award if I have one this is just Wow ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Yahoo!! Just made these while rocking the little one to sleep - Midjourney is a CRAZY amazing tool... I just posted these to the sub too, b/c why not!?


Amazing job indeed Thank you!


Wow, this stuff is awesome! Especially love the 2nd last one. I thought the foreground rickets were little walk overs until I saw the vapor tail in the bottom right. Amazing scale!


BRB with that


Yall are gonna hate me, but I don't like the Gek. I like the Robots :D


Yeah the gek are terrifying lol when they just stare into your soup with those big eyes


RIGHT?! And they fart and make weird smells


Trying to make you smell their pheromones, very weird




That's an awesome drawing. My fiancé drew my Gek character a long time ago. If I can find it, I'll post it on the sub :)


Would love to see it!


cute lil dude. though i would say they look just a *tad* evil. your art is very cool btw!


Everybody be cool


Really trying here. So hard. I shoot all Gek on sight just on principle.


Isn’t that comparable to going to modern Germany and shooting up random civilians bc they’re great grandad was an SS soldier


Is so cute we almost forget it is a money grabbing sociopathic little creature


They look super cute! I want this one as my frigates first mate so I can hang out with them after an expedition


Just wait until you learn about their history


Ahhh shit


As you can see, no one here is going to tell you. But uh... if you want to love them, ignore their history. Ignore the lore.


Haven't experienced this....lore...yet, but yeah Id like to think whatever offence their kind did, this specific dude did not participate.


geks are probably my favourites. I want a hundred of em


Awww, you ready to be murdered or genetically altered against your will by them?


Funny when you think about the fact that they’re an ancient warrior race


And genocidal at that.


But this guy isn't ancient


Just because the species has a genocide past doesn't mean they are bad all together of course just like this little gek Hmm.. they probably find being called little offensive


It helps to have your entire species forcefully genetically altered against your will.


Bur they refuse to own that fact.


Honestly I prefer the fully black eyed gek, looks cuter to me, still nice though


Omg this is so cool


I will never forget nor forgive what the geks did, no matter how cute the little frog dudes are.


Aye we got a problem? - a gek


The current gek have nothing to do with their awful ancient past (which was a long ass time ago) and even renounce it and became business people to try and be more peaceful with the other races. Something like that. It’s ridiculous people see current ones as genocidal maniacs when it’s their ancient ancestors who did the crimes


I am racist.


Personally I’m more pissed at the Korvax, they’re the reason I can’t pick up a pebble when I want some ferrite.


The Korvax worship the Atlas, but I didn't think they created it or the Sentinels.


They didn’t, but their the reason the vy’keen lost the war when they turned the first spawn against them, do your research


Okay see I might be wrong but I thought the history went like this: Hirk wins the civil war with Nal, unites the Vy'keen and promptly declares war on the Sentinels. The Vy'keen suffer horrendous losses but manage to push the Sentinels out of Euclid. Meanwhile, the Gek and their fanatical First Spawn leaders decide to go on a galaxy wide conquest with goals to take over the universe. They enslave the Korvax, destroy their home planet, and temporarily cut the Korvax off from their Echoes. They start to Third Reich in space all over the stars, but avoid Vy'keen space while the Vy'keen and Sentinels were fighting. However, once the Vy'keen "win" their war with the Sentinels(not defeated, just regrouping in intergalactic space) the First Spawn see their opportunity and invade Vy'keen space, since the Vy'keen are exhausted from their previous war. Korvax slaves begin rebelling against the First Spawn, destroying their spawning pools with nanites. The Vy'keen begin losing ground to the First Spawn. At this time, the Sentinels return. The see the Gek are being complete jerks to everyone and start fighting together with the Korvax to crush the First Spawn. I didn't think the Vy'keen disliked the Korvax beyond the fact that they don't like that the Korvax worship the Sentinels and the Atlas. However, I thought the Vy'keen blamed the First Spawn for causing the Sentinels to return and still resent the Gek for that to this day. TL;DR: I thought the Vy'keen blamed the First Spawn/Gek for the Sentinels returning, not the Korvax.


I thought the way it went was vy’keen were about to win, but then we’re essentially flanked and had to fight a war on both sides, with the first spawn attacking them from the center because they were directed to do so by the korvax, causing the already weakened vy’keen to lose the war, but honestly I don’t know anymore, but the korvax dislike the vy’keen and are Allies with the sentinels, so that’s reason enough for me to not like them. But the main difference between our versions is that in mine the first spawn attacking was after they were engineered by the korvax, because the korvax edited the gek’s genetics in the spawning pool by sacrificing themselves to spill their nanite blood into them. So basically it IS the korvax’s fault.


Okay, whew it is confusing. So I've been re-reading the Plaque entries and you're right, the Korvax not only poisoned the First Spawn breeding pools but with some pools they altered the Gek DNA. Not to attack the Vy'keen, though, The First Spawn did that on their own. To make them more docile, push them towards being traders, and most importantly to the Korvax, plant the seed of belief in the Atlas. The Korvax genetic intervention caused the Gek empire to collapse into civil war between the unaltered First Spawn and the Atlas believing First Spawn. The Atlas believers won and freed the Korvax from slavery. Then the remaining unaltered First Spawn were eradicated. The Vy'keen actually condemned the destruction of the Korvax capital world, Korvax Prime, by the First Spawn. I don't think they hate the Korvax they just disagree about whether or not the Sentinels are a good thing. They do hold a heavy grudge towards the Gek though since all 3 races believe the destruction of Korvax Prime is what caused the temporarily defeated Sentinels to return to Euclid. But man when you read the Plaques it is hard not to dislike the Gek. They were tripping.


Honestly I don’t know what anything means anymore, I just re read the wiki, and I done with lore for the day


They need to stop spewing their pheromones all over the place 🤢🤮


mfer looks like they wanna fart in your face and ask how good it smells.


Considering they communicate mostly through pheromones that isn't entirely off.


Some people have absolutely no chill. Great drawing


that poor decapitated gek


Ah yes, the war criminals


As far as I understand the gek have murdered billions of other creatures and are now like “naah, not a big deal, better not to talk about it. Reperations? What reperations?” IMHO they are appalling.


I forget how to do spoilers on a smartphone. These aren't plot spoilers, but can be pieced together by visiting and reading Plaques, particularly Gek and Korvax Plaques. So don't keep reading if you'd like to find it yourself: The Gek Dominion is a defunct Gek empire that had a simple caste system. The military and political leaders were from the First Spawn caste. If you weren't in the First Spawn caste, you were in the subjugated Low Spawn caste. The First Spawn believed their so-called genetic superiority gave them the right to expand the Dominion, through force if necessary. The Dominion had a military that rivaled that of the Vy'keen and genocided any species that resisted their conquest. They enslaved the Korvax and destroyed their home planet. The Korvax rebelled by using nanites to poison First Spawn breeding pools. The Atlas and its Sentinels got involved and the Gek could not defeat this mechanical alliance. When the Dominion surrendered, the Korvax and Sentinels gave the First Spawn a choice: stick to their racist beliefs and die or convert to Korvax religion, worship the Atlas, and live. The Vy'keen have never fully forgiven the Gek but it seems the Korvax have somewhat. The Korvax believe as long as the Gek follow the will of the Atlas, there will be peace.


Irl a ton of cultures have committed genocide and some leaders of said countries hold onto the denial, but should we reduce individuals to actions of the past and they present leaders ideals? I think not. Same with this guy.


Well I am talking spices general denial of their past. And this guy… is he a rebel or takes part in the denial?


He's a rebel


The first spawn did all the mass slaughtering including their own kind in order to keep the strongest ones.. the current gek are nothing like that and renounce their awful past. They literally became businessmen to try and be more friendly with everyone.


Sounds awfully relativistic to me.


The Gek genocided the Vy’keen. Fun fact. That’s why the Vy are so salty I guess lol


You my friend are sorely mistaken, Geks are some of the most hideous creatures known to man.


Bro geez I didn’t know so many people thought geks where adorable😂


At some point it's not a geck anymore. If you change their entire face shape to make them cute, then they aren't cute.




thinking this fucking matters shows a lack of comprehension in general-

