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Alberta NEEDS to harness Nuclear Power ASAP


Dany will never allow this shit


Perhaps you haven’t heard that the Alberta government just a few days ago signed a major agreement to build reactors here in Alberta.


Maybe you're thinking of the cyclotron, that makes the nuclear medicine used for diagnostic imaging?


No, it was a news story just a week or two ago. It was about building actual nuclear powered electricity generators here in Alberta.




Perhaps they can draw a dick on a wall.


Where were your tinfoil hat overlords last 40+ years? Too busy sucking o&g dicks and now they are all nuclear all of the sudden? Bunch of fucking clowns.


Wow. What a world you live in


The world with a sac of potatoes as a premier of Alberta and no nuclear, I guess. Right?


We tried to build nuclear here back in 2007 or so. It wasn’t the government that killed it.


Since there’s no nuclear in Alberta, it means you never tried anything. Like I said, just a bunch of a fucking clowns.


The citizens in the area didn’t want it. Bruce had proposed a large plant in the Grand Prarie region


Bruce did all he could I guess and just fucked off. Good job Bruce.


Nicest non-albertan:


Who is this fucking clown???


Your typical R/Calgary leftist.


The fact that UCP are useless fucks doesn’t make me leftist. But the fact that you think they’re good makes you an idiot.


Stop repeating R/Calgary/alberta talking points. Danielle publicly supports Nuclear.


Everyone supports nuclear, genius. She can also supports alien invasion.


How can she support Nuclear but actively prevent it? By definition, if you actively prevent something, you are not supportive of it.


I dunno. Ask Alberta UCP clowns. They supported nuclear for ages.


Or in other words, you expressed a contradiction and aren't rational enough to acknowledge it.


It’s not a contradiction. They are fucking liars.


And yet you can't explain why, only assert it.


I’m not asserting anything. They are, in fact, lying. Like 100%.


The fact that they’re lying straight to your face for ages and you think it’s some sort of weird contradiction confirms why the rest of the Canada thinks of Alberta as of the fucking stupid laughstock. Absolutely no surprises here.


Can you please tell us what parties you believe are most likely to use nuclear energy?


Who gives a shit? BC cons build the fuckin dam. What Alberta cons did except running their mouths on o&g blowjob fests and asking for help from neighbours provinces?


Also who “us”? Are there several of you using a single account or you just have mental issues?


Holy shit bud you got me so good with this one!


It could be Donald fuckin Trump who will build a nuclear plant in Alberta for what I care, honestly. What I don’t believe in is a pathetic bunch of the fucking buffoons you call Alberta UCP. They won’t build shit, that is all.


I am not so pessimistic. But she does seem to be a real champion of O&G, which is very defensive.  Surely there is a way we can appease our O&G overlords so they can reap some of the rewards of nuclear 


Of course she’s a real champion of the oil industry. It’s one of our biggest industries. It supports our economy. Why wouldn’t the premier of a province be supportive of its biggest industry.


>Of course she’s a real champion of the oil industry. It’s one of our biggest industries. It supports our economy. Why wouldn’t the premier of a province be supportive of its biggest industry. I agree. Thats why i am not so pessimistic. The trouble is Nuclear is a threat to O&G, and the fear is that the Gov't will bend to O&G protectionism, and not help out the new entrant (Nuclear).


Fair enough. I don’t see the oil industry pushing back on that at all. The oil industry needs electricity in the oil sands and I expect they will be completely behind it.


How is Nuclear a threat to O&G? Most of the Oil and gas production is for things that don't involve generating electricity. And as a result of the federal government, most oil and gas companies aren't rushing to build new electrical generation plants.


They’ll just slap that new property tax on all the plebs’ asses and call it a day. And tinfoil hat UCP clowns will be too busy to protest for their freedoms with their mouths occupied.


UCP is more in favour of the other political parties in Alberta.


Nuclear design engineer here: I was involved designing CANDU reactors for the government of Canada and nuclear processing facilities for the United Stated Department of Energy. True we have access to 1/3 of the world uranium fuel close by. We still need it processed in Ontario into ceramic fuel pellets. (The lefties chased that plant away from Saskatchewan) Seismically, we are at or near the granite pluton known as the Canadian Shield. Super stable and a low design risk on the systems vs other places we built reactors. Alberta’s power requirements require smaller generation stations spread out vs 2 large (they are built in pairs) reactors in one place. ..plus the larger cooling water volumes required to avoid algae blooms from too warm water, which can kill a lot of fish from algae. The small modular reactors fit our needs perfectly. There are already sites picked out that are ideal (NW & NE to start, central too for the two biggest cities) Exciting times.


>..plus the larger cooling water volumes required to avoid algae blooms from too warm water, which can kill a lot of fish from algae. This gets skipped over a lot, even though it's an important point. I think modern reactor design can address this in part, as well as your point about multiple smaller reactors which will have a similarly reduced draw. Still the ongoing reductions in water flow in Alberta are a cause for future concern in all sectors from cities and towns to industrial and agricultural.


The popular thing to do now is use cooling towers/ponds to retain as much water onsite as possible.


Did you ever work at CNL in Chalk River, On, Formerly known as AECL?


I did work for AECL in Saskatoon, Mississauga (Sheridan Park), Whiteshell Labs, Pickering & Darlington.


This guy knows what he's talking about. Uranium processing is no joke and cooling water is a major problem. Proximity to sk or unproven deposits are not really relevant considerations at this stage.


Cost of the project, time to take in building it, political addenda and public opinion are the main hurtle to overcome. Don't get me wrong I'm all for it


Would make total sense but we have so many regulations it would expensive and hard to build. Look how hard it is to build a simple pipeline from Alberta to BC


You basically answer your own question, people are afraid of it. Also anything that sounds like it will threaten the O&G industry is a hard sell in Alberta, and the people that are against the O&G industry will lose their minds if uranium talks are brought up.


Fear is definitely the biggest issue. But honestly I’m pretty left leaning, and most of my anti O&G friends are pretty supportive of nuclear technology. The most aggressively against it I’ve met are my buddies on the other side of the aisle begging for separation lol


I don’t think every topic in these subs have to devolve into a Left vs. Right. There’s definitely more factors involved, like the older generations having lived during scares like three mile island and Chernobyl, or even the younger generations and Fukushima.


I agree, I was just speaking to the comment about anti O&G people being up in arms about uranium. In my experience that is not the case. I honestly think way too much is made of the L-R divide too, I’ve got friends on varying degrees of both spectrums. Most people are generally pretty chill if treated with respect


The L/R divide is manufactured for sure. The outrage machine is powerful and L vs R is a simple enough that everyone feels confident enough to be a part of a side regardless of how much they know about politics, yet generic enough that it can be a blanket term to blame any bad policy on


What many people do not realize is that uranium and radioactivity is plentiful in hydrocarbons. Coal can have 22ppm Uranium. Our natural gas processing plant accumulates a lot of Alpha radiation particulates. Even the human body contains a variety of radionuclides.


The O&G lobby in this province will guarantee we never progress our economy. We will fall behind while other countries/provinces invest in renewables and other sources of energy. Fuck the petrosexuals, we need to move forward, not backward!


Come back to reality. Where is the O&G lobby blocking renewables here? And Alberta falling behind other provinces? We have the 2nd most generation in Caanda for both wind and solar.


Nimbys. Nimbys everywhere.


Big reactors are terribly cost inefficient. New technology that allows for small reactors that are more cost effective is very close and the Alberta government recently announced they're studying bringing them here. Search for SMR - small modular reactors.




Did you read what you replied too? Dur


Also more nuclear waste with the small ones and how long can we wait.... Meanwhile gas drillers can find work drilling for geo thermal energy that is distributed wherever drillers have recorded warm boreholes they have records of every boreholes!


I would 100% support that.


The feds and provinces agreed to some kind of micro nuclear power plants. I don't remeber the details but I think it's proceeding, albeit slowly. Nuclear energy is a must have for our ever growing energy needs.


There was an announcement made in the last couple of months about the UCP and a producer of nuclear reactors working on a joint project of some sort in the Province


Nuclear power is not as clean as they make it out to be. Look at Ontario and how they are dealing with decommissioning Douglas Point. When I was in college there in 1978 we toured the Bruce Nuclear power plants that where plants they where impressive in size and with the amount of technology they where using at the time. At one point we were shown, down a long hallway we couldn’t go down, where they temporarily stored the spent fuel bundles. During a question session at the end of the tour we asked where they would be storing the spent fuel bundles once they had “cooled off enough”. The answer was they were working on a solution but expected to have an answer soon. Forty years later they finally had permission to create a mine on then property, which is sitting in the Canadian Shield, to bury the material there. Douglas Point was a single reactor. But physically it’s enormous and the calandra is the largest part. The cost and effort far outweigh the 40-50 year lifespan of the reactors. Throw in the need to safely store the highly radioactive waste from the reactors for 250,000 years make it an impossible challenge. SMR’s are not much different. While burning Natural Gas to produce electricity does pollute I still think we and Mother Nature can deal with the carbon better than the waste from Nuclear power.


If by “unexploited uranium“ you mean uneconomic accumulations of uranium, I agree. There is an enormous amount of exploration needed to identify economic accumulations before any discussion about the practicality of using it to fire a reactor in AB can occur. This is the difference between thinking we have something and knowing. SK has world class uranium deposits because first and foremost it has the geological setting for it and has spent decades to get the industry to where it is.


Easy/short answer is that building nuclear/nuclear power or options takes a long time and requires lots of money up front. Given that governments only care about 4 year intervals, no one wants to start a project they may not be able to take credit for or ruin their chances at declaring a budget surplus and getting elected again. Tldr: politicians don't actually care about constituents.


Reactors don’t burn uranium out of the ground like coal silly. It needs to be enriched, and no one is doing that commercially in North America. Even the Americans buy their commercial enriched uranium from Russia


Not true. Some Saskatchewan uranium is so enriched (20%), it must be mined robotically and bone dry. Any water present would act as a moderator and it would begin to heat itself. Uranium is processed into yellowcake in Saskatchewan (it’s beautiful neon yellow), then it’s shipped to Blind River, Ontario for diluting to 0.7% uranium-235; then it’s packed and sintered into ceramic pellets, in Canada. Then it’s welded into zirconium fuel bundles, in Ontario.


Because Canada has been brainwashed into believing nuclear energy is bad by environmentalists morons and dumb shit politicians- “solar and wind are the way to go”. Dumb Motherfuckers… nuclear energy is king lol. Nuclear energy doesn’t give a shit about sub zero temperatures, wind, dark etc. nuclear energy, like natural gas and coal, is not impacted by weather.


You forget that during hot weather nuclear plants have trouble getting enough cooling because you cannot dump heat when there is not enough water supply Rivers have a habit of slowing down during heat and drought and even cooling towers need a steady stream of water.


Environmentalists and regulations are the biggest hurdles. Thankfully both appear to be changing.


Well you're not wrong... but it seems people, particularly in the west are opposed to reactors. It is likely however, given the proliferation of data centers, electrics cars, and general population growth, that this solution will be the ONLY one that meets demand. At least until there is magic.