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Try really, really hard to get a job.


Yeah, this is a strange post. Realistically one of two should be true: 1) it’s possible to get a job within two months. 2) it’s possible to get SSDI. If your requirement is “a job” that’s not exactly hard to do at the moment in basically any western country.


Like my friend’s dad used to say: “As long as people have mouths and assholes, there will always be jobs in fast food.”


It's possible to get a job in a week if you really want it. Agency jobs are the solution for that. Yes, it's not a permanent role, and you may go between multiple workplaces and be paid a low wage, but it's a job. My first job was agency work at minimum wage, and I got my first shift, 2 weeks after signing up. Some days, I had short shifts and was sent home early, but other days, I'd take as many hours as were available. My longest shift was 13 hours, which I did, 4 days in a row and this was while I was fasting during Ramadhan when it was in the summer


I guess I just figured 2 months isn't enough time to come up with first/last months and a deposit.


Doesn't matter. You live somewhere right now and you need to use that to your advantage. It's going to 10x harder to even land an interview without housing. You won't a) have a space to do phone or video interviews which are very common nowadays b) a place to shower and freshen for in person interviews c) an address to receive correspondence at d) a place to just clear your head and do research. You can figure out finding a room in your area after you get the job. Hell when I was desperate I found a couple places where they were just renting a den and bathroom with a mini fridge for a third of what an apartment would be.


If you hustle, you could earn enough money to rent out a room from someone with a spare room. If you resign yourself to being homeless, there's nothing Reddit can do for you.


Ok... don't try to get a job, then. See how that goes instead. Maybe it'll get you closer to coming up with rent somehow.


You'll have next month's rent in your pocket since you already prepaid at your current place, then whatever you would normally pay for rent the next month - so you'll already have first/last. You'll likely get back your current security deposit after a couple of months, so you'll need to find a way to float that until you get the refund. I'd hustle to sell your excess stuff, pick up a side hustle landscaping or task rabbit or a part time job ASAP. You can do it.


How does that fix OPs living situation?


They pay you money. Money buys living situation.


Sure but they aren’t going to be able to move in anywhere before that lease is up.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services.


S’plain how!


Yea absolutely full sprint to find a job.


Warehouse jobs are near always hiring in my area, and they pay decent compared to other entry level jobs like retail or fast food. Don't get me wrong, working in warehouse sucks big time (hence why they are perpetually hiring) but it's quick way to get employed that is available to almost anyone.


I worked warehouse before when I was younger and have an interview coming up with one next week. Always was paranoid I would crash the fork cliff




If you drive off the loading dock, it's called a Fork cliiiiiiiff


I seeeeee


There are plenty of werehouses where most people work on foot and only select few operate forklift. I worked in 3 different warehouses in my life and now work in admin in a place that also has a warehouse. In 2 of them forklift was used very rarely, one had like 50-50 ration of forklift and on-foot workers and the current one is almost exclusivelly forklift based. Point being, it's a mixed bag and if this is a big deal for you, there are probably multiple warehouses hiring around you, so just pick one that operates with smallers items (meaning bigger chance of on-foot work). Fair warning though, if you decide to go for on-foot warehouse work, prepare for your legs to be totally murdered the first few weeks, before you get used to it.


Looking for jobs that offer room and board isn't a bad plan, and you have 2 months to prepare. [https://wanderjobs.com/blog/20-types-of-jobs-with-room-and-board/](https://wanderjobs.com/blog/20-types-of-jobs-with-room-and-board/)


1.) Start selling off things you do not need or rarely use. And Save the money 2.) Stop paying all bills, except your phone (you will need it). 3.) Stop buying or spending money on anything except food & water. Meaning no money on smoking, entertainment, or whatever activities you indulge in. 4.) Use your phone & Look online for anywhere you maybe able to sleep or stay at just in incase if ur kicked out. Example: Homeless shelter, apply for some temporary housing, post an ad online, reach out to kind strangers online. You never know your luck you gotta try. 5.) Apply for jobs using your resume and or jobs based on your skills. If you studied marketing apply for marketing jobs whatever you have the best chance at getting a job, based on your experience and education. 6.) As you wait for interviews for skilled jobs through your resume application. Look for odd quick cash jobs on Craigslist and Facebook marketplace. Someone needs help moving a couch. Someone want you to help clean up some garbage. Whatever you can find just contact them, show up and get paid. 7.) Create a go-fund me or some type of help forum where people donate. Explain your situation and post it to Reddit, Facebook, or wherever you want. I know it may seem awkward or shameful but you gotta do what you gotta do. Use whatever help/donations you get to fix your situation. Always be thankful and appreciative to whoever donated and if you can in the future repay them back. 8.) If you end up homeless with no job or House. Make sure you still have your phone and charger. Find whatever public wifi you can use and repeat the steps. While making sure you still get food and water. Sleep somewhere safe to avoid thieves, shower in gyms, cleanup in public bathrooms. And do not lose that phone. 9.) If you find a job and have money saved up but are still kicked out with no home or place to stay. Buy a car and live out the car and then again make sure you have your phone and charger find a public wifi and repeat the steps 🔁 10.) Keep repeating steps 1 to 10 and keep saving. Forever stay repeating this cycle, until you are back on your feet.


I have my car and a gym membership. Hopefully it won't come down to that but thank you for the advice.


Trades friend. Trades. I was there at 28.


do you mean stock trades?


Lol no, trade jobs. Electricians, plumbers etc


Yup, I'm 24 and started working in the trades (electrical union) about a year ago. Have amazing pay and benefits and not much to stress about. It helps that I live with my parents still but I could've moved out a while ago if I had wanted to, just decided to prioritize paying off debt and buying a car instead. Plus me paying my parents rent seems to be the thing that helps them make ends meet anyway.


Oh I was thinking about the dude who traded a paperclip up to a house lol


Oh, tradies.


Get a car and live out of it until you have the savings to move into a place. Get a job and a cheap gym membership for showers. I’ve done a couple cycles of that and it goes just fine. You end up with a pile of cash at the end without your rent and utility bills. How were you paying rent without a job? Get started on this yesterday: 1. Job 2. Car. 3. Gym membership 4. Profit.


Buy right and look after it, and they might be able to sell what they bought for costing them very little


take advantage of those two months. find a job that pays you overtime and work 60 hours a week


Join the military or a company sponsored CDL training with a guaranteed job.


A lot of city Metros will PAY you to train for your license and then pay good money to actually drive. It's the case in LA and I ride the bus a lot and hear people talk to the drivers about this situation.


put up the tipi and start stockpiling wood again.


Time to start building my camping gear from the local thrift shops and strangers if I must. Cuz if I'm in the situation that's being described it's either that or under a bridge.


By the way, I've been homeless multiple times. It's not fun. I used a lot of drugs.


Go to work offshore.(OIL) Great pay and they buy all your groceries and house you. You'll have to couch surf on your 2 weeks off every month, but you will have enough in 6-8 months to put a down payment on your home. You're gonna have to actually work, though, be warned. I did 28 days on, 14 days off for 3 years from 18-21 and had 150k put away and earning for me, so I was set to start really living. Funny thing, though. I never went and bought the big expensive house or cars. I lived simply and kept adding to that money. It was tough at times watching my friends get new big apartments and cars all the time, but within 10 years I blew way past them.


Just wondering where is this located in the U.S.? In Canada our oil fields are in Alberta.


Louisiana is the prime spot, South Texas too.


I was referring to the US, my bad.


Your full time job is now getting employment


Get a job and fast. Sell anything you can’t live without. And I mean ANYTHING. You can rebuy materialistic stuff again down the road. Being homeless is not a plan I can get behind. Get up and get moving, dude!


Can you just find some short-term summer jobs? Grape picking, farm jobs of some sort of? These should be available anywhere, in any country and region.


Join the military.


What branch would you recommend


Air Force or Navy.


As a retired Navy person. I can definitely recommend they join the Air Force.


lol yes, we all wish we chose the Air Force.


Speak for yourself. Definitely glad I went army.


Strongly considering this. At least I'd have a roof over my head, I have heard people being disqualified a lot more often these days.


I think they're getting pretty lenient right now and have big bonuses. As long as you don't have a felony and graduated high school then they'll take you.


I'll go speak with a recruiter and see what my chances are of getting sent out within 2 months.


You'll go to boot camp and probably hang around base depending on what you enlist for before they need you to ship out. Depending on branch two months isn't unrealistic. Once you go to camp it's kind of assumed you've planned to live there and have "moved out." It's reservists that have to worry about their living situation post basic. Good on you for thinking of this as an option. You'll have many a career path(s) after this. Still look for a job in the meantime.


https://www.usa.gov/benefits Might want to figure out how to start deleveraging : selling things , storage . So you do have a car you can live out of ? I'm sorry you are facing this . Wish it was as simple as just try really hard to get a job. Companies are cutting jobs and hours despite the rosy economic news and low unemployment numbers. Put a link to Housing services and food stamps . Hoping it can help you .


Seems obvious. Get a job.


This keeps getting suggested but if they don’t have a home where are they going to sleep/shower before and after work lol


Their car and a gym membership for $10 a month. After they work a little, they'll have enough for rent.


They have a home right now. 2 months to save up and arrange for some options once the lease ends.


They got 2 months. There are jobs everywhere. Get off their ass and do it. Sounds to me like he has made a lifestyle out of freeloading


I’d work my ass off to find a job and secure a place to live.


Look for a job on a cruise ship - hard work, long hours but free food & board. Get a job as a fire lookout - lots of solitude as you're in the wilderness by yourself but free room & board.


Fire lookout sounds like a sweet job.


It can be if you don't like to be around people and like being out in the wilderness for months on end.


Contact your state and local government and see what benefits they have available for people in emergency housing situations.


Go live on a farm or at a Buddhist monastery


I'd call 211 and ask what resources are available. A lot of cities are trying to keep people housed, to avoid a surge in homelessness, so I bet there's an agency that will help you. If they don't, and you find yourself hard up: 1. It's better to live in a car than on the streets, so keep yours if you have one. 2. Amass backpacking gear from charity shops. You'll want a decent sleeping bag, sleeping pad, tent, backpack, and a few other things. 3. Think of it as camping all of the time, so also think about how you're going to stay clean. Many people do Planet Fitness for that because it's hard to get showers, so signup. 4. Ask around about shelters. Homeless people usually avoid them because they are dirty, their shit gets stolen, and they have tons of rules, so do your research. 5. If you're somewhere cold, and you don't have a car, you'll have a hard time, so it's advisable to move somewhere warmer. 6. You'll fall apart without a way to cook and store food, so it's best to have a camp stove and really focus on staying healthy. 7. Don't trust other homeless people, and keep to yourself unless you are 100% sure someone is legit. 8. Your shit will get stolen at least once because you'll either have to stick with it all day, which will be impossible, or stash it somewhere and hope it's still there when you get back. So, you'll want to have a plan for important documents, so you wont be completely fucked if you lose your ID. 9. You wont have an address, which means it'll be harder to get mail and apply for jobs, so make sure you know where things are going to go. Good luck bro! I've been homeless, but not too hard up a few times, so keep your head up, nose out of trouble and keep grinding until you get housed again.


Do you have experience working with kids/education/outdoors? Most of my jobs in my 20s were seasonal/year-round gigs at camps where they provided all of your housing and food. Some require more experience/education than others, and some just want you to be friendly, hardworking, engaging, and non-sketchy.


get a job and rent a room. jesus christ buddy. your path is simple. not fun, but simple.


1. If you have significant credit card debt consider declaring bankruptcy. If you have no savings it’s better than the alternative. 2. Find a job. This should be your full time job at least 60 hours a week. 3. Cut all bills wherever possible besides rent and phone. Are you already getting all groceries from a food bank?


1) I kind of disagree on #1 if finding housing is an issue. I'd honestly just stop paying for a while. Better to have a few dings on the credit score and creditors calling than to literally nuke your credit and have "Bankruptcy" be the most recent thing when landlords run a background check.


It depends on your situation and the numbers for sure, but it’s much easier to find housing in bankruptcy with some money than to have no money at all. Not paying for a while could definitely be the first step


So.. 31 years old. No job. Been mooching off of a roommate who finally got sick of your lazy ass. My advice is to grow the fuck up. Get a job. Take responsibility for yourself instead of expecting others to take care of you. 31 years old. Jesus fucking Christ.


Get a job at group home or residential living situation for old and or disabled. Plenty of opportunities for overtime and you have access to running water, food and you can make money. ( 4-12 and overnights are good shift and if you do your job well you have downtime. Get the lowest gym membership for showers and work around the clock if you can't get away with showering at work. Stack your money and save every cent you can. Save for a car or for apartment. Get a storage unit or better yet sell everything for extra cash.


Welcome to security jobs and rooms you find for rent on Craig’s list


If I was somehow in your exact situation but with my life, I'd put everything into finding a job. I'd double/triple up as well and whoever I can start working for first is where I go. (So even if you think you found a job, you keep looking seriously for a job.) I wouldn't care how much I hate the job or if I think I'd quit or get fired after a month. Just anything. I'd also look into gig working. Food delivery apps, uber driving, fiverr, whatever I could do to scrounge up some cash. Probably prep for my credit cards to take a major hit and focus on paying minimums to get them at least accessible - maybe apply for a new general purpose credit card while I still have an address. I would also do all of the following assuming homelessness starts to get more and more likely: Hopefully you have a car. Make sure you're ready to live in it. Focus on keeping your phone service turned on and access to a working car. You can find ways to shower (gym memberships) and get free wifi and live in your car, but walking the streets and with no phone is very hard to get employment. (It can take 2-3 weeks before your first paycheck arrives.) Research every food bank, pantry, homeless shelter, and support system in your area and physically write down their information. Also email it to yourself - in case you lose everything, it will be sitting on your email account in the cloud.


Peace Corp?


Those people need bachelors degree at a minimum.


Look up your city or town on Google. Type "room for rent". It could be in an apartment and it could be in a guy's big house. It might be the basement or the attic of a house. Get a job at a shipping company (UPS or FedEx) you can drive the truck or you can unload the trucks. These are good jobs that pay decent cash after a few years. For now you should be able to stay afloat if the room that you rent isn't insane expensive.


Job. Find a bedroom to rent.


Not worry about it and I’m talking from personal experience.


Get TF out of Montana


How did you end up in this situation? Why do you not have a job?


I'd get a job


Get a summer job with lodging.


I’ve been thinking about this cause I’m also not in a great spot. I would prepare a bag, a warm sleeping bag/tent, good coat, good pants. Pair of shorts for summer, multiple pairs of socks/underwear. Plan to live in car as long as possible. Utilize gyms like planet fitness for showers. Get a library card for computer access to look for jobs. Ask police/fire department where you might be able to get free meals like a Salvation Army or something.


Just try to find a job man


What would I do? Probably try to find somewhere to live!


Get a job, then go to your bank to ask them if you can rent money for a small apartment. Then pay off that rent with your newly found job


Get a job as a prep cook .and then move you way to the line.work as much as possible. You will always be fed. Summer is coming, so pizzarias are always hiring, because it's hot as fuck back there. While working as much as possible, let everyone know that you need a room. Word of mouth is 100% better than looking online because everyone looks online.


Buy another house.


Job, get temporary government help, find housing that has availability.


Personally? I'd sell all my stuff and spend the money on alcohol and drugs, and hope to overdose soon so my problems would be over forever. I wouldn't advise you to do the same tho. Look for a job asap.


join the army or the French Foreign Legion?


hope i had any kind of credit then max the fuck out of it. Fuck the banks, they created this, we are just living in it....


Learn how to suck a mean D


Get a rent controlled apartment in San Francisco, it takes 6-10 months to kick you out and they have to pay you to leave.


Find a way to Finland


Are you interested in travelling? You could teach abroad…Japan, Korea, etc. It pays well. Edit: I haven’t looked into this in many years so cannot verify if there are still jobs and/or good pay.


Kill myself.


Well. I hate to even say this, but I live in NYC…. Renters have more rights than the owners… my ass would just squat till I can get it together…