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Make a better sub and steal all their users. If you feel they aren't following the [Reddit Moderator Code of Conduct](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct), then use the report form. (on that page)


In my experience, this does nothing unless the violations are egregious to the point that Reddit may get in trouble.


As it probably should be. Users create subs then moderate them. Reddit and other users benefit. If a small number of users have an minor issue with the people who make & maintain the product, they can spend their money elsewhere. They can compete with the mods/sub creators too. If the issues are serious, Reddit will act. If the issues affect enough users the either/both (a) there will be multiple complaints; (b) lots of users will welcome the alternate subreddit competitor that anyone can create & moderate.


Authority of any kind requires oversight and accountability. I was spot banned and privately called a "White Suprematist" by a moderator of a certain very popular and large subreddit for *legitimately* using the reporting function and posting a comment that politely questioned the way that post was addressing the issue of racism. (Probably) the same moderator, using the generic moderator account also posted and pinned a comment bragging about **using the reporting function** to find and ban users who used ("abused") it. INCLUDING a count of each type of report, of which I think there was more than 100. (I'm don't wish to go back and check.) They also said they would be passing those name to higher Reddit moderation in an effort to get them permanently banned from Reddit itself. I filled out that reporting form and submitted screenshots and everything. Came back negative. They reviewed the incident and determined it didn't violate the content policy. All moderators of this subreddit are still there. Nothing changed and nothing came of it.


People seem to forget that mods on here are average shmoes who most likely don’t get paid for being a mod


Exactly. It's weird how people act like mods are some kind of evil monolith, when most likely they're just regular people trying to keep things orderly & don't have time to deal with petty grievances. As someone who has been on Reddit for over 12 years with no issues with these "toxic" mods, I can't help but assume that the people constantly complaining about them are just people who don't know how to act right.


>I can't help but assume that the people constantly complaining about them are just people who don't know how to act right. Yep, this is it. *"You run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. You run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."* Been on Reddit for 15 years and the only interaction I've ever had with mods over those 15 years was getting temp banned once for unknowingly broke a rule of that sub. I accepted it and moved on instead of arguing about it and making a big deal of it.


>don't have time to deal with petty grievances. They apparently have no time for anything else. Petty grievances is Reddit's bread and butter.


Yeah I can’t speak to their experiences. Only issue I had was on a board about shin megami tensei, I was asking about why some comments got deleted and rather than answering my questions they just gave the most basic non helpful answers Turns out I was going against an arbitrary rule they had that wasn’t outlined in the rules, but in a separate sticky thread that was buried under two links in the rules


I agree and disagree with you. I always hate the framing of, "I haven't had a problem so it must not be a problem." But you touched on not having time. I think that is one problem I've actually heard mods bring up. They often don't have time to deal with users in good faith so many of them just use permabands as a quick solution. I don't know why but all but one experience I've had on AskReddit with mods was a good experience. The only bad experience was a mod that was clearly abusing their power. I think it's because they didn't like something I said on an unrelated post. But all other experiences have been very helpful and friendly. But many other mods on other large subs just seem to ban people rather than engaging with them.


I don't think I would call Reddit mods anything as generous as "average."


That's partly because mods constantly pay their own backs talking about nodding as this great heroic sacrifice.


I mean if they can't use power very well they shouldn't have power 🙂 Being unpaid doesn't change the fact they signed up to take lead of managing a ridiculous amount of people's experience; it's entirely on the mods if they want to take that mantle up or not. I'm not shedding any tears


Can I ask for some personal anecdotes regarding bad experiences you’ve had with mods? I’m not contradicting the stereotype but I personally haven’t really seen it during my time with Reddit and I’m curious because a boatload of other people seem to have had bad experiences




Damn yeah that’s pretty petty


>Users create subs then moderate them. For hobbies or various topics, sure. But what about geographical regions? For example, I was banned from /r/florida for a bullshit reason. First, my comment was shadowed. When I realized I'm being shadowed and reached out to the mods asking them to unshadow the comment, they permanently banned me. No prior warning. No explanation. Just a permanent ban. Not even a temporary ban, but straight up permanent. Even the ban notice didn't contain the reason. When I messaged the mods wanting to have a dialog about it, they replied with a bullshit response and instantly muted me, preventing me from addressing that. I live in Florida. Why the hell should I not be able to post in /r/florida only because the mods are assholes and curate a certain type of users in the sub? Create another Florida sub? And how would I name it? People that live in Florida join /r/Florida without any "marketing". Creating a sub with a different name wouldn't a have the same benefit. This is landed gentry. And Reddit will need to deal with it sooner or later. They could deal with it sooner, or the legislators will force them to deal with it later. There will be a tipping point when Reddit gets as much heat as Facebook and Google did. It's stupid of them to just wait for it to happen rather than be proactive. Now, for a sub that deals with counting how many sharpies one can insert into one's butt, OK I get it. Make up whatever rules you want and enforce them as unfairly as you want. But for subs that leech off of names of regions and de-facto become the official forum for that region, given the rise of Reddit, this will only end one way. With legilators passing overreaching legislation to address a problem that could have been addressed internally.


There's an example in this thread already. r/NiceVancouver took users away from r/Vancouver. It's had ups and downs, with right now being a low point - but they succeeded. I'm all for paying customers getting what they want. I paid for Reddit Premium, and when I stopped getting what I wanted- I stopped paying. If you are paying, I suggest you threaten them, or stop too.


ROFL. Pay for this? LOL. I just cycle my Reddit accounts. I stopped caring for what mods think or want some time ago. What I'm talking about isn't whether it's possible or not to create a competing sub. I'm saying that given the growth or Reddit, some subs are becoming de-facto "public forum" for localities. And if Reddit doesn't figure out how to deal with that, legislators will force it sooner or later. And that won't be pretty, because when the government gets involved in "making it better" or to "protect us from ourselves", it's rarely pretty. I remember when Spez (or was it someone else) mentioned landed gentry. The mods in r/florida started shitting bricks. Scared they will lose their power. So they immediately relaxed how they apply their rules to those they don't like. It lasted about three weeks. And when the mods figured out that nothing is going to change and they are safe for now, they basically reverted to the same old approach of suppressing those they disagree with. Once again, the point isn't about founding another sub. It's that given how the technology is progressing, some subs are becoming the go-to place simply because of their name. And mods in those subs are blatantly trying to influence politics. This won't end well because both left-wing and right-wing politicians will have a problem with it once it gets on their radar.


/r/NiceVancouver comes to mind


It's frustrating, isn't it? I got banned and muted from a sub last week. No mention of why other than "code of conduct" no mention of what comment triggered it, if any. I love Reddit, but the moderation system is hot garbage, but it's free labor so Reddit will never change it


Yeah, they usually don’t tell the reason why, what rule and what comment. They just do it. Let their sub die


Consider the AVGN sub, r/TheCinemassacre has almost as many users as r/TheCinemassacreTruth which is a sub originally made after some admin abuse. You make a better subreddit.


There are a zillion subs on Reddit, go hang out in a different one, or make a different one for free


"Make your own sub" is fine for niche communites. r/Vancouver or r/France are pretty hard to replicate though, since they're the top sub for Vancouver and France, respectively.


If the mods of those subs are generally terrible, then probably other people in them will be happy to go to a different sub about the same topic. For example, I really don't like the vibe of r/nyc but I like r/asknyc a lot. If OP is the only one having a problem with the mods, then yeah OP moderating a sub will likely not help


It's true only for subs in English: try that in Spanish subs, for example. The same guys moderate most of them.


The same guys also moderate like 90% of the top subs. Not gonna paste the copy pasta on it, because that has a tendency to get people banned as well, but it’s easy to find.


So make your own


No way: I just don't go there!


The only subs I use are for really niche communities though


Do you think most people in that community agree the mods are toxic, or is it mostly you that doesn't get along with them?


Just mute the subreddit and move on. It's not worth it, fighting a dickhead mod to stay on their subreddit.


I was on the elite dangerous sub once. Someone explained they really wanted a game like that but where you could walk around their ship. I responded by saying that you can do this right now in star citizen, and while the game is pretty mid right now overall, the ship flight and combat with multiple people is pretty fun. I promptly got banned and the only note was "byeeeeee" No warning or anything. And now I can't participate in one of my favorite communities without making a new account


You leave the sub. That's kinda the whole point of reddit's "do whatever you want" approach, you can make your sub and do whatever you want with it, but it's up to the users if they stay or leave.


You can't, especially if they are really comitted. We have a major problem with San Diego, CA. r/sandiego will like ban all Padres posts and favors rw opinions and news articles and stuff. At least one of the mods is like a reddit OG from like 15 years ago or something, but allegedly lives in Arizona. Its terrible. People tried the "make a new sub and steal the community thing" so we have r/sandiegan, but the mods of r/sandiego shadowbans everyone who posts there and accuses them of like brigading and promoting nazis or something. Its insane. But theres nothing anyone can do about it. It seems this kind of thing is becoming more and more prevalent because more and more subs seem to be uo in arms about toxic mods no one can do anything about.


Moss should not be allowed to make rules that remove people’s freedom of speech. Only rule should be to not insult or having hate speech. It is a forum and people should be allowed to speak


There is no "freedom of speech" on Reddit, outside of what the company and the individual sub allows. You don't have to like what is or isn't allowed but it's wrong to imply that a redditor is allowed some kind of absolute freedom of speech while on the platform.




I got banned on a sub for stating that Hamas steals aid which was confirmed by US government


I just leave the sub entirely. For example, I really liked the questions and discussions in askwomen, but their mods take down 90% of comments, NO JOKE. Go through one of their posts some time. It's just a huge list of "removed by mods, removed by mods.... etc" It's ridiculous. Literally every comment I put in there, no matter how mild, nonconfrontational, whatever, was removed for one reason or another.


I left that sub because of that too. plus any comment you make has to be worded just right so you can't be accused of derailing. I got banned from there for derailing because I was trying to help the op with a very specific situation that I had personal experience in. She needed to get out of an unsafe situation and didn't know what to do. I ended up messaging that op later with a bit about my experience and what steps and considerations I took to get out. She messaged me a couple months later to let me know she was safe.


> derailing Yup, that was what finally made me leave now that I think about it. I'd go through a post and EVERY comment said "removed for derailing" and I was like "derailing from WHAT, there is no conversation left to derail?!"


posts are basically impossible to read because of all the removed comments.


Dude, Reddit will do jack shit unless the mod would do something really bad. Reddit has 2000 employees and makes 800 million dollars per year. They have 60,000 people who sit hours upon hours working for them for free as moderators. Why would they ever try to do something to discourage 60,000 people to do this shit for free? Do You know how much it would cost to pay 60,000 people per year? Reddit moderator is a meme for a reason.


Most moderators and even Reddit mods are on a huge power trip. Most haven’t had any respect all their lives and gotta find a way to feel big and important by banning arbitrarily on Reddit.


r/dataisbeautiful. Permanent ban for disagreeing with them.


What happened?


I made several requests to be reinstated, never even got a reply. Moved on.


you don't. mods are a single dictatorship on reddit. either work around their restrictions or find a new subreddit to post.


Ignore them, honestly. It won't matter tomorrow.


Can't do anything about it. Reporting them to reddit does nothing. Remember Reddit hired a convicted pedophile on staff a while ago and for years they protected a sexist, trolling supermoderator who literally lured minors to his house to give them drugs. Just stay out of the subreddits where those pathetic little no life losers play emperor.


You go outside and get some fresh air. It's just reddit, dude.


kind of a lame response though, isn't it? You enjoy participating in communities, now you can't because BS mods. Why is it weird to be that invested in something you enjoy?


if you enjoy participating in a reddit community, getting banned from it is probably your best-case scenario


If you enjoy watching tv and movies, being banned from all cable and streaming services is probably your best-case scenario -to give you an example of how dumb your statement is


Make your own sub and hope hundreds of thousands of people decide to start using it instead of the original sub


Nothing. That is the bitter reality of how Reddit is structured, for better or worse. Subreddit-level Moderators have all the power in their subreddits. I'll paste my experiences that I posted elsewhere in this thread: Authority of any kind requires oversight and accountability. I was spot banned and privately called a "White Suprematist" by a moderator of a certain very popular and large subreddit for *legitimately* using the reporting function and posting a comment that politely questioned the way that post was addressing the issue of racism. (Probably) the same moderator, using the generic moderator account also posted and pinned a comment bragging about **using the reporting function** to find and ban users who used ("abused") it. INCLUDING a count of each type of report, of which I think there was more than 100. (I'm don't wish to go back and check.) They also said they would be passing those name to higher Reddit moderation in an effort to get them permanently banned from Reddit itself. I filled out that reporting form and submitted screenshots and everything. Came back negative. They reviewed the incident and determined it didn't violate the content policy. All moderators of this subreddit are still there. Nothing changed and nothing came of it. ---- If anyone wants to see the post in question, I'll gladly link the public information (if it's still up) so that they can see for themselves and decide.


Leave the sub and move on with your life.


There is no single sub on reddit that's crucial to your life, so you just move the fuck on.


I think most redditors have alt accounts. Not that I would recommend this. That is against the TOS.


I do have and to be honest I don’t even bother to contribute in a sub with some entitled mod . I won’t beg to participate and help their sub if they treat their people bad


Wink wink


Go the fuck outside


It’s scary


least lying redditor


As someone who has been outside before, I can confirm that it is, in fact, scary


I mean outside definitely is scary idk what to tell you


Ignore them, you're not entitled to their spaces.


It isn’t “their space” if they don’t own Reddit


So just let them win?


Win what? This isn’t a competition. There is no winning. It’s a place for discussions. Do you think you win by being the most right or even upvoted? Cause you’re not winning at anything just cause people agree more or don’t.


Unless you're contributing to the major sub for your city, for example.


What’s the example? How do you win in such a circumstance?


What's the example? What city do you live in? Probably there is a popular sub of that city called r/cityname. ie. r/Berlin or r/Tulsa or r/Toronto. That sub is THE sub for that city, even though there will be other subs like r/TorontoDrivers or r/Toronto2, for example. So by being banned, you are banned from contributing to your community's largest and presumably most active and vibrant sub. That sucks. The solution? Maybe perma bans should not be the norm. Even a 1-year ban gives a person hope. Permanent ban, based on some volunteer dog walker / moderator, seems extreme for most people. Brutal trolls and obviously a-hole posters who repeatedly ignore warnings excepted.


It's their choice to have you in or not, it's not about winning.


In the same way that when you march into a business you hate and start attacking the customers you wind up "letting them win" when the police drag you out, yes. You are not entitled to everybody else's space. If you don't like it, build your own space and exclude whoever you want.


I don’t attack other people, I voice my opinions sometimes even the truth and get banned for it


I think I know what you’re talking about and looks like you broke a rule. You take something personal and get defensive and snap back, instead of just calm down and let it go. I think you can’t recognize when you’re being toxic. Now you’re here lashing out at the mods for your attitude, and you don’t like the answers to your question. Blame the whole world, it will never get better for you.


You must not have gotten banned before, mods don’t care if you break the rules or not, they will ban you if you say anything they don’t like


I have though. Fighting back and being a defensive snot doesn’t help. I can tell you have that part of you that can’t handle it and blame it on mods.


Moss are not entitle to power trip


>so what is there to do? Move on & don't break sub rules going forward. Also just because you were banned for what you consider a "lame reason" and don't want you bothering them afterwards doesn't make them "toxic".


I was just banned from three subreddits simultaneously for leaving a comment in a seemingly unrelated 4th subreddit.


As they have every right to do. It's happened to me too, I realized that wasn't a place I wanted to hang around anyways and moved on.


Yes it does, mods are soft af


Idk man, doing something that gets you banned, crying to the mods about and getting blocked by them, and then coming here to complain about it is what seems pretty soft to me. You also seem like a kid, and trust me this is not anything important to get upset about. Like I said before, move on and if you want to hang around somewhere be mindful of their rules. Having the rules enforced doesn't mean someone is being toxic. But complaining about having rules enforced, then doubling down and insulting people is *incredibly* toxic behavior.


Nah the mods are pussies They won't even chat about the reasoning or handle a dispute on their shit ruling; they're meant to block/ban you from modchat as a spam procedure but I gaurentee they'll do the max time for it every time over literally nothing It just sucks to follow the rules and to get banned over what seems like personal feelings of the people in charge; that's why they seem soft(because they break their own rules for seemingly no reason) -- trying to dispute it or to understand what rule you even broke is a pretty logical conlusion if you didn't do anything wrong in the first place Talking on the internet is fun after all!


i think you're misunderstanding the dynamic. it's not an epic power struggle between mod and user. there's no emotional component from the mod's perspective. they're trying to manage conversations between hundreds of bitter and poorly socialised redditors at any given time. if one of them seems unusually annoying, it's easier to ban them and instantly forget about it than to wait and see if they progress into a villain of the week. asking for an explanation is like a fly buzzing back and asking why it was lazily swatted away: the swatter's only question is going to be "how the hell am i supposed to tell you apart from all the other flies?"


Make the “CircleJerk” for the subreddit in question and then just start making mock posts of the type that used to go on the original subreddit. A little creativity goes a long way and soon you might have a thriving forum.


The circlejerk subs are braindead though


You go outside, touch some grass, and then enjoy a life well lived.


I just stop using that sub. Once the moderation turns toxic, the quality tends to go downhill anyway.


Just give up. They have more power. Unless you become one of those hackers like in the movies, you're out of luck.


Stop trying to get me banned 🤬


Got banned from r/onepiece one time because they literally had a post of a real-life fully exposed breast, nipple and everything, and I questioned why softcore porn was being allowed on a subreddit about a children's manga


You don't.


>a mod bans you for a lame reason You swore on a sub that forbid swearing. Didn't you?


Move on. Let the unpaid nerds have their power trips. There are always other subs to discover.


The only way I have found to deal with Reddit mods is closing the app


I can tell you from my experience that a few mods are there strictly to judge others on how much they already know about the subject area and to keep out "newbie" posts. "There are plenty of other sources you can learn about this subject matter, don't bother us here" type of responses. If you push back, you are out. They aren't as committed to the subject area as they are judging others for not already knowing whatever it is. It reminds me of the brutality of  Stack Exchange. We all come to these various subjects with more or less knowledge - please be gentle in your guidance.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Even if it’s only power over a subreddit. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Power doesn't corrupt. It reveals


That has happened to me on a few subs. I just figure it's a toxic space anyway and find an alternative. You can still get past that you want though, use a VPN. They are scared of that.


Nobody is scared of that. Mildly annoyed, maybe.


Okay mod. ;)


I mean it’s a private company they can run how they want. The solution, if you need one, is to switch platforms.


Moss don’t own Reddit though


Lmfao good luck convincing Reddit of that


[removed for derailing] Can we guess which sub this is? 😂


Where are you hanging out that this is a problem? I've engaged in some fairly spicy arguments on this site before and never so much as I received a warning.


I found an account with 20 karma in r/news that claimed their entire family was killed in both Israel and in Ukraine. I made a comment that it made no sense. Instant ban for harassment. Mods didn't even respond to my inquiry why they're defending obvious troll accounts. Combat footage banned me for saying the word 'redneck', apparently that's hate speech to them lol.




I was talking about shooting guns with friends. It wasn't even hateful, you're just a snowflake. Big surprise, an brand new account with no karma is the real victim in society because they're white.


Make a new account. Mods are completely powerless to stop you. Make a habit of deleting your account ever now and then and become someone new! I mean, we all change as we age. Why be judged for post history that doesn't represent you anymore?


Just touch some grass, man.


Go outside.


Drink some water, maybe stretch a little, and do some light reading. Stay off the internet until you can internalize that reddit is social media and too much social media is bad for your psyche.


Subreddits have rules and they are run by Admins who can curate content and keep it on track according to their intended platform and topic. If your content is considered low effort, disruptive, off-topic, etc., it is the mods job to remove it. If you keep on posting unwanted posts, it is the mods job to ban you from participating in that sub. Subreddits that become free-for-alls lose quality members and continually have people posting gripes about how the subreddit is failing to provide quality material. Rather than complaining about not being able to post this or that, familiarize yourself with the topic, tone, and expectations of the subreddit and participate accordingly. This is what you would do if you wanted to join a club or work for a certain company.


You provided a bunch of info we all knew. I've encountered mods who have banned me from a subreddit bc I voiced an opinion (that was on topic) that they personally didn't agree with. It can be frustrating to try to partake in a conversation that you have solid opinions/thoughts about, then to be silenced.


What is the “lame reason”? I’d be curious to know what that is. I mod three subs (two small that I created, one large I was added to) and whenever I have to ban someone 9/10 times they message me with accusations like this. Yet their ban was a clear, repeated violation of our community’s rules. So I’m curious, OP, why were you banned?


Yes! I got banned from r/randomthoughts and they won't give me a second chance. It was kind of my fault, because I made a sarcastic comment against abortion, which they consider to be a political statement. I guess that wasn't very smart of me, but I was very nice to the moderator that banned me, and I politely asked if I could have a second chance. I told them I will not be controversial or start up trouble. They were very rude to me and said no. I even asked a second time the next day, and they said have a nice ban. Like seriously, not even a second chance or a warning?


I have to deal with many of them. I could just use a business phone and keep posting in the same sub if I wanted to, but I don’t even bother. I let the sub die. I just got banned from “funny” because I posted a funny picture there, supposedly someone else also posted the same years and years ago (how am I supposed to guess that and who cares about that). Everyone was loving the post, I was bringing joy and fun, then I got banned. I was often posting fun things in there and people always had fun. In the end you should just let the sub die, and at the end of the day you let Reddit die


Which is ironic of Reddit is that its purpose is to be a forum where people have free speech. Meanwhile mods treat it with censorship. We are not talking about insulting people


Yeah, I got banned from my hometown sub for no real reason. It’s irritating.


Cope like the rest of us by the fact you are not a fat loser that needs to Jannie for free just to feel an small amount of power


Looks like someone's been hanging around in r/StarWars...


Make an only fans account, post nudes