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I feel like the most obvious is the analytical knowledge to go for it on 4th down way more often than they used to. Like.. 4th and inches from the 35 and they would still try the field goal. Statistical analysis and recent years tells us that was always a dumb idea.


All the ways of injuring a player without it being illegal yet.


Who to bet on in the big games.


If he had any sense coach immediately moves upstairs to GM and becomes the single greatest GM of all time.


A lot of modern strategies/schemes work because of all the rules changes over the past few decades, and might not have worked in the 1970s. So brushing up on the rules would be an important part. Being able to watch copious amounts of game film is also a huge part of the game today. Of course, by "film" I mean high-def digital video from dozens of different angles. Back in the '70s, that just wasn't an option in the same way. Any game video had to be shot on physical film or videotape, and there just wasn't the infrastructure in place to have as many different angles as today. But I assume that in your scenario, the modern coach would do everything he could to maximize usage of game film within the limits of the technology of the day, which would probably give a pretty big advantage. And building a dynasty through the draft would be easy, assuming the coach retains knowledge of which historical players were busts or lived up to their potential.

