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“Oh it’s just the crack”


"thanks, I love vomiting"


"Thanks I have the gag reflex of a seagull."


"Thanks, I eat liquid charcoal for dinner."


"Thanks, would you like to borrow my spoon?"




Why are you hating on me in particular? Yes, I picked a stressful life; I picked an unhealthy coping mechanism. I’m still a good person. Edit: you and I both deserve a hug


“it’s the lack of self-worth and respect” *fingerguns* 👈😎👈


It’s the tapeworm. Her name is Elisabeth.


Miss Elisabeth Swann , Pirate of the gastrointestinal tract


Actually had this happen recently, went on ADHD meds and dropped some weight and a coworker mentioned it, so I said “Oh thanks, I’m doing drugs now!”


Like “yo it’s not my fault the FDA has me feigning.”


This made me cackle 😅


I was so confused. I was thinking of a literal crack, like a buttcrack, or crack in the sidewalk and then I realized it meant drugs and it made a lot more sense 😂


I honestly think that a grave look, followed by: "Wow. You know, I would never comment on your weight." Ought to do the trick if the person making the comment is actually fat. I don't think I know any fat people who haven't had Quite Enough of people commenting on their weight. I think that for most people, that should get the point across quite nicely.


This, or, “Why are we talking about my body?” I don’t experience it much anymore now that I don’t work with all women (former social worker here), but I used to catch so much bullshit for being thin. I like to reframe it as an inappropriate conversation rather than some validation-seeking, passive aggressive, inconsequential comment steeped in envy and self-loathing.


This is a really nice one. It's less confrontational than mine, especially if delivered in a light tone, but still gets the point across ("Why are you doing something that we all ought to know is totally not okay?").


I like the “And just why are we talking about my body?” approach. I have worked with majority women in my life, and have only experienced this in places that make bad hires.


It’s perplexing because I’ve worked with such brilliant, beautiful women, yet still heard this disappointing bullshit. I can see it for what it is, which is insecurity, and a degree of comfort in sharing this insecurity in a fucked up, semi-weaponized way. But that doesn’t make it any less frustrating.


Most of the woman I work with are a pleasant average, with good work ethic, and slow to speak foolishly. This wisdom, to govern one’s tongue, makes all of the difference. If you don’t hire them, you won’t have to work with them. And if some are fired quickly for this behavior, the others get the message that showing one’s ass will get it kicked right on out the door. It’s all about expectations.


Thank you 🥲 it’s always women who say this stuff to me! I think they think it’s a compliment? Or maybe it’s backhanded regardless. I can’t always tell. I never comment on people’s bodies/weight. If I want to compliment someone I’ll say “Oh, your hair looks so good today!” Or “I love your makeup!” Something they chose to do and put effort into. It’s always nice to compliment but maybe think about what it is you’re actually saying.


I’ve learned “I am not accepting feed back on my body. How dare you talk about MY body?” I faced a life time of skinny shaming which turned me towards binge eating and bulimia. Eleven years later, I’m still suffering the effects of it and trying to lose stubborn weight while dealing with binge eat disorder. I hate anyone who comments on people’s weight and body. Especially when they play it off like a back handed compliment. I had one nasty person in particular who would single me out at every event just to tell me how much she hated my body and how horrible I looked as a skinny person. I was 19. When I gained weight back she came up to me gleeful that I finally gained some weight. I returned her smile as usual and said thank you. I think she was expecting me to burst into tears about it or feel bad or react negatively. That’s when I knew it was intentional acts of a 50 something woman to hurt me. Her face immediately dropped the pretense and she just walked away while I was mid sentence. She never approached me about my weight again. I’m autistic so sometimes people’s insults go over my head. And they really take offense to that. I think she thought I was being sarcastic and messing with her. Again I was 19, suffering from an eating disorder, and autistic. Not to mention insecure and deeply anxious at the time. Fuck people who body shame and give eating disorders.


I like this a lot. It is just addressing exactly why you shouldn’t say this. You don’t know if someone is ill. You don’t know if someone has some kind of chronic illness and cannot gain weight. My sister was skinny to the point where she tried to gain weight and could not. She was drinking weight gainer shakes and everything.


I'm stealing this, especially if I ever have to go back to the office, as I still work with a bunch of women.


Male here but been skinny my whole life. People who comment on it automatically got the 'i just look skinny next to fat people' comment (for those I thought would 'get' it. I wouldn't say that to someone I suspect of having significant body issues...) Last year my mom called me fat (she was having an episode from chemo which can totally fuck up your brain). I laughed so hard because she's been callingnmentoonskinny my whole life. Some people just gotta comment.


Hope your mom is ok


Cancer is a bitch, but she gets great care and feels good 4 days out of 6. It WILL kill her eventually, but her quality of life is a best case scenario so we are all thankful for that. Have a nice day kind human.


The one time I had a great comeback ready and used it, was a similar response. A coworker told me I had a huge ass for such a small person. I looked her up and down pointedly and said, “oh I didn’t know we’re critiquing each other’s bodies now.” And I promise she was in no shape to be critiqued, except maybe at the annual pumpkin fair.


I used the same tactic when one of the cooks where I was working made a comment about one of the waitresses having a big ass. He had a birth defect which resulted in his arms having all the normal parts, but being about two thirds the average length for his height. I asked him if he really wanted to start a conversation about body proportions. He tried to get me fired for that. He failed, and had to publicly apologize to the waitress.


Why is it always restaurants, lol. The HR person must feel like a judge in juvenile court. Commenting on a birth defect? But in response to a potential sexual harassment claim? *Sigh*, I’ll allow it.


I've never encountered an HR person in a restaurant, but I last worked in one 25 years ago so maybe that has changed, but I worked in corporate chains so maybe they had behind the scenes HR. When there was an issue it was handled by the manager and if it was a big deal there was a district manager who would jump in. 


Yeah, I worked for about 10 yrs in a variety of restaurants. Most toxic work environments imaginable. Not a single one of them had an HR department. Usually you just put up with the bs until you couldn't take anymore and then walk out midshift, to the restaurant next door. Wash, rinse, repeat. I would probably go homeless before working in a commercial kitchen again. 🫠


I’m very thin and large women are always saying crap like this too me. This is basically a nicer version of my go to response. —> “Ouch! You know, I would have never made a comment about your morbid obesity.”


Well good thing you're eating for the two of us then...




How about "It [being thin] is because you're obviously doing all the eating for me". For when they *really* won't take the hint.


"Maybe you can share a dozen burgers from your stash, it must be nearby"  That line got me in trouble way back in high-school, because apparently calling me skinny isn't mean, but a retort that she's fat was mean.


Sounds good, but it doesn’t work. They’ll reply with something about being concerned about your health, it’s not a big deal, lighten up, etc. “Why are you so fat and gross?” will stop a room. Follow that up with, “See? Doesn’t feel good, does it.” 👈👈👈


Usually the only people who make skinny comments are fatties themselves (from my experience) So you could always say the you're concerned about their health thing back to them if they go down that road. Or indeed any other imperfection they might have


- You're sooo skinny! - Ouch! You know, Karen, I would have never made a comment about you being overweight. >They’ll reply with something about being concerned about your health You were just worried about my health? Thanks, dear, I was worried about your health too. You know obesity causes a lot of health problems such as diabetes, heart problems ... (give them the whole list). >it’s not a big deal Sure it's not! I'm glad you weren't offended that I called you fat. It's comletely appropriate to comment on other people's weight. /s >lighten up, etc. I'm light as a light bulb! In fact, I like it that you're chubby. It matches your "a bit mutch" personality so well! ☺


I was in this situation once, years back, and used this tactic. A quite large coworker of mine who I normally got along with made comments about my low weight, and without thinking, really out of sheer annoyance, I replied something to the effect of "would you like it if I called you fat?". I felt bad about it immediately but didn't apologize, and she clearly was offended, but it put a stop to the comments and likely made her realize that insecurity about weight goes both ways.


I love this reply.


This is gold. Wish I had thought of this when I was growing up


This is the best response. It's a very quick way to turn it back on them without being hateful. It forces them to feel ashamed about the comment *they* just said to you. The kinds of people who are making rude and unsolicited remarks about other people's bodies are miserable at their core, so they're trying to create a reason to dislike you or play the victim. If you bite back, it gives them the ammo to manipulate the situation as if you're the hateful one. Never give them that ammo. Give them a mirror so they can look at themselves and what they just said to you. It's always best to take the high road, and this comment is a great way of making them feel guilty about what they said without being a jerk right back to them.


just say nothing to make them feel awkward😂


“It’s great, you should try it” my aunts think I’m a prick, but they’ve never brought it up again


Lol this is great. I don't get the comment anymore but would have loved to use it years ago.


lol yes, I really don't see the downsides as long as I have enough energy and I'm getting the nutrition I need.  It really is great.


This is actually the best one I think




Idk how I never thought of this. Envisioning it cracks me up 😂


Yes, and look them up and down slowly…then screw your face up and walk off!!😁


"Chronic disease does that."


This is actually my answer. Usually people don’t say it to disparage me. In fact, a lot of men will legitimately ask how I’m at my age but still skinny almost like they’re asking for advice. So I just be honest with them. “Nah fam, it ain’t worth it. I suffer from crippling anxiety and depression and everyday is a struggle to eat a little food. And even when I’m not anxious or depressed, my adhd makes it so I literally forget to eat.


Yeah same I would give anything to have a healthy relationship with food. It's not normal to forget to eat for two days. I don't feel good I get a lot of people want to be skinny and can be weird about it. But like yeah great thank you for your observations of me how is this relevant. My favorite is when they make jokes like you need to put some meat on your bones saying I should eat more. I usually just laugh it off cause it isn't worth it. But like no shit Sherlock I didn't ask for your input on what I should do with my body. Let's talk about yours and see how you feel but it's the first thing people talk about to you all the time. It's fucking exhausting.


I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. I am in a similar situation so I sympathize with you.


Is it really the eating you struggle with, or the preparation? Most of the times when I'm feeling down it's almost impossible to get out of bed and cook something. However I've never had issues with actual appetite, although this could be different for everyone. Lack of appetite is something you more often see associated with grief and mourning, etc.


Not the person you responded to, but for me, it's the eating itself, and has been for almost 10 years. Even when I go out to restaurants and get food I love, sometimes I really struggle get down more than a few bites. I also really don't feel 'hungry,' and will often accidentally go a whole day without eating until someone points it out to me.


Yeah, cancer,.... I don't want to talk about it..... Shuts em right up


This is my go to. I look them straight in the eye and say, “It’s wildly inappropriate that you feel so comfortable commenting on the way another person’s body looks so hopefully what I’m about to say will stop you from ever doing it again: I’m a terminal cancer patient.” I stare them in the face until they look away and are silent. It never fails.


That’s what I tell people then they feel bad about saying it like nope you done said it now. And I’m not lying when I say it I really do have one


I had someone tell me they want my chronic health conditions if it means they get my weight. I'm literally in pain 24/7 why would anyone want this.


That’s usually my response when I get called fat


I'm broke you wanna buy me some food?


Infinite food glitch


"Generally I prefer not to talk negatively about each others bodies. But if you insist, I'm happy to make an exception this time."


“I’m only skinny by American standards. My size is just ‘normal’ almost everywhere else in the world.”


I’ve actually said this or something similar in response to the “you’re so skinny” comment. It’s always the same variation of “it’s a compliment!” When it’s clear that when they initially stated, it was for sure not a compliment…


"You look great" is a compliment. "You're so skinny" is not.


What if someone was intentionally trying to look terrible though?? :)


I’ve seen American standards of skinny, and it’s soo wild to me as someone who’s from the middle east. In Asia and Africa, a whole lot of people who are generally well fed would be considered absolutely malnourished, on the verge of starving to death by American standards. There was a tiktok that circulated here about a middle eastern studying in the US, his neighbors saw him and they immediately invited him to eat, being very insistent on it. The joke was that they thought he was dying of hunger.


And as an American, I never realized how much fatter we really are until I travelled. I've been to 11 different countries from South America to Europe to Asia and that's why when I hear the "genetics" argument or other excuses you hear in the US only I'm like I'm sorry that's bullshit. We're fat because of our lifestyle choices.


Daaammmmn. What's with the drive-by?


Oooooo I like that


...assuming the comment was negative. It may have been envy. Who knows?


That sounds stupid. Nobody would say that in real life


Idk I've always answered this with "I know, right?" and continue to snack. I eat a lot and usually get more of a "_how_ are you so skinny" rather than just a statement. In which case I credit my metabolism from my mum.


Hahah same cuz i eat a-lot of unhealthy stuff ( which i’m not super proud of ) too and always gets this comment


How to reply? "Every BODY is different." Every mindset is also different. Most people (fat/thin/health-conscious/carefree) have a different plan/non-plan about how they want food to serve their body and mind. In the same way that we shouldn't assume that a thin person "never eats," we shouldn't assume that a fat person "always eats - and bad stuff at that."


I think mindset is key. Food is fuel to me, not a main joy of my day. I love my body enough to give it what it needs according to activity level, not let my taste buds run the show


So true. Me and my wife are different body shapes. If you were to ask which one of eats more than the other you'd get it wrong just by looking (and we're both women so there's not the bio sex difference to take into account)


I used to say "I hadn't noticed" or "idk I just poop a lot"


It's mostly just cico. Candy lik3 sour patch and stuff is actually pretty low cal. I loooovvveree sour straws. It's like 120 cal a pack. Be damned my old tongue. I eat all of it.  I can guarantee metabolism only has a bit to do with it. 


Oh yeah. For me I figured it out when I did a stint of calorie counting for 2 months and realized what my 'secret' is. Basically my 3000cal days are offset by my lazy 700cal days 😂 tbh shouldn't have been surprised, my steps are the same. When I'm not working I can average up to 30k and not bat a lash, meanwhile work weeks I average 3k steps, and work weekends less than 500 steps.


Ha I’m in another thread about obesity in another sub and downvoted by the dozen because I said the imbalance of CICO is the cause of obesity. People refuse to hear it.


It's both. You can still eat shit food but eat less.  I live off wine, carbs, and aged cheese. Plus mustard. But at the end of the day it's probably around 1400 cal. 


It’s not the quality or quantity of the FOOD but the number of calories, as you’re saying.


Mean girls response lol. It’s perfect, and it rephrases it as a compliment in a way. For “how are you so skinny” I’m not sure. Still trying to find a true response (born this way) that also makes the other person so insecure that they’ll never ask again.


>Mean girls response I never even realized that hahaha. Next time someone asks I'm gonna do it in that exact tone 😂


I feel this so much. Everytime I get slightly smaller, a few women in the office start telling me how "skinny" I look. Any comments on my body make me uncomfortable. And it just feels disingenuous and patronizing. I clearly don't look skinny, and that's not some goal I want put on me. I do think they think they are complimenting or motivating me... Ugh. I haven't figured out a good way of handling it. Someone here posted an article that suggested saying something along the lines of "Thank, but I'm trying not to focus on my body or weight right now." I'm not sure the exact wording, but that's what I hope might work next time.


I've often said, "I'm lucky to have great genetics."


If you deliver that deadpan and exactly like that is actually hilarious to me. Not good genetics but just genetics in general.


I didn't quite understand you. Did I phrase my answer wrong somehow? I may have made a mistake in formulating my answer in English. 


Oh! I didn’t realize. Yeah, in English people would add a descriptive word to genetics. So if it’s something good you would say “I have great genetics” or if it’s not good you would say “I have terrible genetics”. Saying lucky I have genetics sounds similar to something like I’m lucky to breathe. Like just having genetics is a condition of being alive. This makes it sound snarky and sarcastic but most people wouldn’t understand within a few second conversation.


I say that too! Im slim (not skinny imo) AND tall. Really not in my power 🤷🏼‍♀️


If they're well-intentioned and are trying to compliment you, you could just tell them 'Thank you, but I prefer not to talk about that kind of thing,' nice and politely. If they truly mean no harm, they'll hear this and back off. If they continue, then you can start with sarky comebacks.


answer with your eyes I look them up and down, pause, then make eye contact. wait about 3 seconds. it starts getting real uncomfy. at that point I change the topic and hopefully they realize what they did.


This is the way. Haha


Honestly this is the easiest and gets the point across quickest without turning around and pointing fingers (which a lot of these comments are suggesting as come backs.) After a looong moment of staring, I’ll usually follow it up with “Okay…” or “Anyway…” just to really seal the deal that *that* topic is over. I’ve always been naturally underweight - no illnesses or EDs, but people throughout my life have always loved to say shit like “You’re so skinny! Are you anorexic?” Which is so fucking weird to ask in any situation. Or weirder yet, “You’re so skinny, I bet I could break your arm.” Like, hey, don’t voice that thought maybe! I’ve heard variations of this countless times. Less as I’ve gotten older, but boy, high school was filled with it. The stare down is always the easiest. Make them as uncomfortable as they made you without turning it back on how they look, which, coming from someone thin, always will end up biting you in the ass more than it does coming from someone bigger. Just stare, make them uncomfortable, and move on.


I’m seriously ill. Fuck off.


I lost about 35lbs during/after a thyroid storm that almost killed me. I wanted to punch anyone that said 'it must be nice to lose that much weight without even trying'. Gee thanks bro it's because I was freaking dying!


Oh geez I lose large amounts of weight when I get a flare up of my ulcerative colitis. I had this nightmare of a roommate for around 8 months and she saw this drastic weight loss and she said to me, while shoving a fruit by the foot in her mouth "I wish I could lose weight as easily as you!"...I'm like "Nicole, I have a disease causing my own immune system to attack the inside lining of my colon. I'm in pain, I'm constantly shitting blood, and I can't eat. That's why I'm losing weight" "yeah but you look great!" Karma's a bitch. A few months later she got food poisoning so bad she had to spend weeks in the hospital and ended up getting a temporary ostomy bag which helped her to lose those last 30lbs in time for her fourth wedding!!! 🎉😀


I was assaulted at work and had to go on lots of pain medication which led to a complete loss of appetite and about 4stone in weight. Didn’t want to talk about it and it was enough to deal with. I would say “i had health problems” and glare at people, daring them to keep asking questions.


Yeah my ILs kept telling me how “great” I looked after the same thing happened to me. I finally told them it must have been disappointing to them that they didn’t lose me, but at least I don’t ruin the family photos anymore. Shut them up, at least.


I said this to a lady in Asda who wanted to comment on my weight while I was selecting cream cakes….i made her cry


That’s ok. She can cry and maybe she will take a moment before commenting on what you want to buy.


When starting a new job I sat down at my workstation and the heavy set girl sitting next to me said "Oh my god, eat a cheeseburger." I looked her square in the eye and said "Well it looks like someone already ate them all." She went off in a huff straight to the Human Resources office down the hall. When she came back she didn't look too happy and wouldn't talk to me. I never did hear anything from HR about it,


I’ve heard that exact thing. Back in my late teens/early 20’s, when I was really struggling with life in general. I don’t look at someone who is overweight and tell them “Hey! Why don’t you put the fork down once in a while?” Because that’s fucking rude.


I can’t be that skinny, you still saw me.


- because you ate my food.


Bahaaa…😆 or ‘ leave some food for the rest of us!!’


Wanna share some of it?


'OK, I'll just leave that with you' It's a handy response for boundary-crossers and knobheads in general, as you're basically letting their nonsense bounce off you without giving them any emotional energy.


When will people learn? A room full of relatives were recently commending my sister on her weight loss (she was never overweight) saying 'you FINALLY did it! After decades of being big!' My sis just smiled. Her big secret? She got diagnosed with stage 3 cancer, had surgery + is undergoing aggressive chemo. She's too 'proper' (🙄) to say anything but I almost bit my fucking tongue off trying to keep myself from blurting it out. That same cunt circulated the room and was then commending my mom on weight loss also. Thankfully I caught it and said 'thanks! She's been severely ill and was actually updating her will this morning.' (also true..)


Did the cunt in question have enough decency to feel ashamed after you said that?


I used to be reallyyyy small and people would always point it out, and I’d say something dumb like “sky’s blue” immediately, and they’d look at me all confused and I’d immediately follow up with oh I’m sorry I thought we were pointing out the obvious lol I always got a good laugh from it because they got pretty embarrassed.




"It's called self-control. I don't expect you to understand"


“I guess some of us are lucky to have a good metabolism”




A number of years after college I was a a good friend's wedding. His dad came up to me and asked if I lost weight (I've always been skinny). I said no, everyone else just got fatter.


Going through divorce and recently someone said this to me so I answered, “Thanks, I lost 200lbs of husband.” It didn’t quite land the way I wanted and the folks I said it to thought he died 💀


LOL. Similar experience here. My aunt mentioned my weight (I’ve actually been exactly the same since high school and she always mentions it). And the last time I said “oh well, I highly recommend divorce!” I don’t actually recommend divorce. Or marriage for that matter but her and her husband are just about to marry off their only child- still very young & it made me laugh inside to see her reaction. In my culture divorce is very taboo and mentioning it around a conversation geared towards weddings and marriage is a huge no. Honestly was surprised to see that I did receive the official invite the other day.


I honestly just answer Please don't comment on my body.


"At least I'm not a cunt."


“It’s all about perspective.”


I usually say that this is just the way my body is and Im comfortable this way


"Yeah, I know." *And stuff a full size Mars bar in my mouth.*


"It's not polite to comment on other people's bodies"


"I'm the normal weight for my height." The implications will get the message across without you directly insulting them. And if they take offense, bring up what they just said and how all you did was comment on yourself.


“Yes, I just refrain from eating *everything.* Thanks for asking.”


Why does it feel that socially it's somehow more acceptable to comment about how skinny a person is than the opposite? Both are wrong but one feels has more negative stigma.


Exactly, how about we don’t talk about each others bodies at all? Just an idea


Saying you’re skinny and it offends you is no better than saying someone is fat af. Neither are necessary


the fat people will not stop tho. im not offended by the fact they are saying i am skinny, i am offended by the intention. I would never comment on someone's body, even in a positive way, i am always careful once a woman looked at me and said 'wow you look beautiful in that dress, i would never be able to wear that'... i would have appreciated the compliment alone, but adding about how she can't wear that, rubbed me in the wrong way. maybe it was her delivery too, but it felt more like envy than genuine appreciation for how i look. I don't want to feel that. I don't want to feel you are envious of the way I look. I don't want to be responsible for how ugly you feel. I sense something similar from people who comment on my weight. I feel like they are actually envious and they try to make me uncomfortable to soothe their envy. in that case, they deserve to be reminded they are fat af until they decide to do something to feel prettier


"I know, it's a side effect of not having much time left" and watch their face drop.


Mine is always "Oh thanks, an anxiety disorder."


"You're not" "Yeah thanks it's great" "I just don't put on weight, I'm lucky"


It must be nice to have time to comment on other people's bodies (then pull out a snack cake and eat it in front of them)


"You're so fat. Do you eat a lot?"


Thanks them and say you work really hard to be healthy. Then sit back and watch that settle in.


"Thanks, its the depression"


“Please don’t comment in my body.”


“okay” source i grew up skinny 135lbs 6ft insulting them will take more of you than it will of them


Say “all the better to squeeze myself through the ventilation and into your house at night”


I once told someone the honest answer of "thanks, it's the postpartum depression" and that shut them right up.


«And you felt the need to tell me your opinion of my body because…?»


"I prefer not to comment on the shape or size of others, or myself."


jesus the amount of time i've been asked this question made me grow up feeling insecure about being skinny lmfao


"thanks i have a super bad case of anorexia" cuz its just as rude to do that as it is to call someone fat


Commenting on body shapes/appearances is rude.


Thanks! You're so not.


Thanks. It’s my eating disorder




Oh thats my tapeworm, his name is Henry!


"Thank you!" (I'm fat as fuck)


Just say thank you.


"my name. my name is bella hadid." *mews* *vogues* *struts*


Say thanks and move on


If it's somebody you barely know and probably don't see again, go with something like "cancer has to be good for something." If you know them, however, go with something like "Nah, I'm average, you're just a little piggy."


"Maybe you're just fat" Honestly, people underestimate how fucking hard it can be to gain weight.


Seriously though. I have to eat an upwards of 3000 calories per meal if I want to gain weight. Try getting anything productive done when you're in a constant food coma 🥲


“Skinny” is derogatory just like “fat” is Change my mind, you can’t


Interaction I had in a stop and shop ice cream isle at the very beginning of COVID Old man comes right up next to me: "You eat ice cream? But you're so skinny! How do you do it?!?!" Me, staring daggers into his soul: "I'm bulimic" Old man: 😳 I'm not actually bulimic but dude, ffs why would you ever say that to anyone?


“If I knew you were gonna comment on it I would’ve worn something baggier for you”


Thank you!!


If by skinny you mean a normal weight and you aren't actually super underweight, I would say "I'm pretty normal weight for my height". I'm guessing more often than not comments like "you're so skinny" are coming from overweight or bigger people who are from countries where being obese is more normalized. Not that I'm knocking on anyone's weight, but outside places like the US, being skinny is normal and very few people are going around commenting on it.


Your mom and CaseOh caused a shortage of my favorite snack


I get told this a lot…not by random people (because I’m not skinny), but by my friends, family and those that have known me for years. That’s because I used to weigh 200kgs at my worst, and currently weigh 88kg. It’s gone from “you’ve put on so much weight” to “you’re so skinny now”…you can just never win so I just laugh it off and change the topic…or go on a completely different tangent about how I lost the weight 😂


I can eat as much as i want but i just dont gain weight. Its great for the most part honestly and im good at making jokes about my self, so i dont really care what people say or think.


Thanks. I have a lot of enemies, so I try to present a small target.


"thanks, I'm too depressed to eat so I just went to bed at 8pm on an empty stomach and woke up ✨ nauseous!" ✨🤙😎


I stopped eating


"I have a tapeworm."


makes hide and seek a breeze


When I was pregnant with my 2nd child, my nephew would constantly ask his mom if she was pregnant like me and she would look at me and be like “ghee thanks” Girl I didn’t make you fat 😂


“No I have an eating disorder”, just gonna make this realllll uncomfortable now lol


"Thank you!"


Hooked on Meth, worked for me.


"can't seem to shake this goddamn tapeworm, oh! Time to feed him again" *stage exit left*


Yeah my mother in law does this to me all the time. Went from 235 to 130, got pregnant, 160 at 9 months pregnant. Stillborn baby, stress, stress. Now my mother in law says I look like shit, I look anorexic. I weigh 139 as of this morning. Not even slightly under weight at 5 ft 5. I just tell her it’s all the meth I smoke now.


Thank. I poop a lot.


"I do, just not a much as..... some ppl."


My sister died. And then I stare at them.


“So feed me, then. Bring me a burger.”


“Thanks I’m on this diet called depression” is what I’ve started telling my extended family. Which is true and it typically shuts them up.


“Thanks its a medical condition”


What’s your purpose in pointing that out?


"Compared to you, anybody would look skinny."


"I'm an antisocial cannibal and I hate having guests for dinner."


"Yeah thanks I eat so much like 3000 cal per day, but I'm always moving and walking and hustling and doing things fast with lots of effort."


"Thanks, I poop a lot" and just walk away


If you know or one, I'd love to hear. My husband's aunt is morbidly obese and LOVES commenting on my weight. I have no idea how to respond every time. It's definitely insecurity and projection, but it makes me wildly uncomfortable. Yes, I'm skinny. Thanks genetics. I also don't shove half a cake in my mouth hole at every opportunity, but nobody wants to talk about that. Unfortunately commenting on people's looks is part of our culture. It's the first thing that comes out my my family's mouth too, alhough they're a normal weight. It's just so incredibly rude. I don't notice how much people do or don't weigh. Why are people obsessed about it? Jfc just leave me alone.


You can see me?!


I’ve been told im too thin lately even though I’m supposed to have a healthy weight for my short height or at least according to the BMI it’s healthy 🤔 but I tell them I was always this way or ask them why do they expect someone this short to be heavier? The time I gained a little bit of weight and it also was pointed out, I just responded with the same thing


Me now (52m) stay about 171lbs at 5’11”. Growing up I was 110 lbs same height while in high school. Have heard every joke. People felt as they could just grab me and ask me if I eat. I couldn’t help it. And it felt like it was accepted to bully a person for being skinny but not fat. Even teachers had something to say. I had no one to turn to.


I tell people my secret is stress and if they stand there wanting more info I can trauma dump on someone and happily walk away. You sit there with my bullshit in your head now since you think it’s okay to comment on someone’s weight. People can be hateful and mean about it.. implying you are on drugs or have a disorder. I shut that shit right down… someone tried to murder my child, and now I’m skinny.. thanks for noticing. Boom.


All the nutrients went to my massive schlong.