• By -


When they studied primates they found females being vocal made males go off quicker. I wouldn't be surprised of there was some of that wired into both genders to expend less energy in the activity to get the result, now we don't need to conserve energy like we used to


This is known as female copulatory vocalisations, and it is evident in a variety of primate and non-primate based species. There is still debate regarding the primary evolutionary function for coital vocalisations; however a prominent theory in primate species (non-human) is that vocalisations during mating attracts more males for multiple sex acts, thus decreasing the likelihood of infanticide due to paternal uncertainty. Additionally, this creates sperm competition, thereby enabling competition for high-quality sperm. As above, certain studies (though having small sample sizes and inconsistent findings) suggest vocalisations serve as an expression of sexual pleasure and promoting earlier ejaculation. So from an evolutionary perspective, male vocalisations seem to serve little function, and is possibly why it is less evident, although anecdotally during my time flatting in London, some dudes definitely like to give it the full monty, so who knows. Edit: to add, with the extreme pervasiveness of pornography, which tends to follow a ‘pornographic script’. Porn stars utilise vocalisations extensively - and given the pervasiveness of pornography today, it’s likely used as a primary means of socio-sexualisation, and leads to expected learned behaviour of what is ‘expected’ or ‘normal’ during intercourse. Just a generalisation, but I think this type of learned socialisation via porn plays a role too.


This guy vocalizes


Every guy should vocalize, us ladies love it


I knew women love it when I shout "YAHOO!" or "WOWIE!" during sex


I read "YAHOO!" in Mario 64.


Say, madam, capital knockers!


Vocalise, but not in the way she expects! >!Vocalise the entire Bee Movie script!<


You promised you wouldn’t tell everyone what gets me going.


I wholeheartedly agree. I’ve always been vocal (moans and grunts) when it comes to sex. I let the other person know just how much I appreciate what they are doing to my junk or how much I appreciate what they are letting me do with my junk to them. I can get a little aggressive with my language / physical dominance at times. It’s not all the time, and it’s usually only when I’m really worked up. I’ve never had anyone say they didn’t like it, but I’ve often wondered.


Or doesn't, based on his research




thank you balls licker 1234


I regret this username so much.. was actually supposed to be a cricket reference to my bowling style. ‘Ball-slicker’, wasn’t until someone said this after I’d already made the username…


This reply made me uncontrollably giggle LOL I can just feel the sadness and regret in your comment.


I appreciate that my despair can create joy for others hahaha.


That’s the forward to my autobiography, word for word.


Gotta throw an uppercase in there brother


I'm a sample size of one, but a woman moaning gets me to shoot off way too fast, I have to try and pretend I can't hear her. It's probably more a cue that to orgasm soon just like having your dick in a vagina is.


I just do math in my head or dig my fingernail into my thumb.


23 x 3… oh shit!


Lmaooo Idk if ur even hot, married, or young but reading this comment did something to me💀💀💀😂😂😂


This is why I love Reddit


I believe those are called scientific commenter vocalizations. The primary function of those vocalizations is still debated, but the predominant theory is that they attract more Redditors, which decreases the likelihood of a question going unanswered. Additionally, this creates commenter competition, thereby enabling competition for high-quality comments. As above, very small studies with very, very small, self-reported sample sizes suggest scientific commenter vocalizations serve as an expression of sexual pleasure and promoting earlier ejaculation.


Brought to you by ballslicker1234


Based on this sounds like it’s evolutionarily advantageous to the individual male to be as quiet as possible so as to reduce chances of other males hearing


Seems like we should switch. Women stop moaning so guys can last longer, and men start moaning so women can finish faster.


I can believe that. The sounds my wife makes are like my favorite fucking thing in the world.


I be hootin and hollerin 🤷‍♂️


Dixon Dallas??


*He's bouncing off my booty cheeks....*


*I love the way he rides* 🎵


*I can hardly breathe when he's pumpin' deep inside* 🎶




“Awhoop! Oh ooo WOO HOO a yee haw! Feels so good!”


Ride 'em, Cowboyyy!


I'm working here, lady.


Well work *louder!*


"You can show me how to do it or you can tell me how to do it but you can't do both."


Ok I'll need a strap on for this...


I know you're joking but as a bi man, I definitely moan much more when I'm bottoming (doesn't really matter to whom). Guess that must be something psychological.


Sensations are more intense when they are being done to you versus when you are causing them. Your body expects to feel the results of its own actions and reduces the intensity Think about giving yourself a shoulder rub versus having a masseuse do it.


I've heard many times from people able to put their penises in their mouths that it feels less like getting a blowjob and more like giving a blowjob. I feel there's some rustic wisdom in that.


The most interesting thing about your comment is that you’ve known multiple people who have told you they can suck their own dick lol


What can I say? I run with a certain crowd. We call ourselves the "Big Dick Bandits". I'm just kidding. That topic comes up fairly often on this sub and I see it mentioned every single time lol.


He means he's read stories on reddit lol


This is why I won't try. I don't wanna find out if I like sucking dick


>Think about giving yourself a shoulder rub versus having a masseuse do it. I'd say a better example might be tickling yourself vs being tickled. A shoulder rub is also harder to perform comfortably on yourself, so that definitely plays a part too.


I’ll never massage my own neck again


Or maybe I'm not joking


"If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself"






His family built this country!


I read that in a New Yorker accent.


Heeey, I'm working heeeere.


Why don't men moan when they are on bottom and do nothing, then?


Because they are still concentrating on not coming.


Thank you for your service


😂😂😂 I love your comments


Frankie say relax


Also it is never not working I always use all my glute power to provide you with a good angle


I thank you on behalf of womenkind


Bottoms moan, you wanna see your man moan? get him to actually bottom and you hit him with that strap on, you do it right and he'll sound like a happy cow.


My own sounds make me cringe and I feel awkward about them


Beauty is in the voice of the blowed.


This is beautiful


I'm something of a poet, myself.


shakespeare has nothing on you


Word homie. I sound like young Forrest Gump.. *"You don't say much, do you boy?" * *Me:* ***Autistic dinosaur screeches***


That's the stuff!


I sometimes moan out excerpts from IRS Publication 915 for 2022.


That's what I'm talking about baby


Woman here. Do it anyways.


I second this. Guys, you know how hearing the pleasure you're giving your partner is hot and a turn on? IT TURNS US ON TOO!!! Women are also awkward about it during their first sexual experiences. Then they relax and let themselves moan with the flow. Let us hear your beautiful, sexy voices, men. I assure you they are welcome.


Another woman, I love it!


I promise you 99% of women are too but we do it because it's expected and would be more weird not to.


This is how I used to feel. At some point, I realized it's not exclusively for me. I take signals from the women I'm with based on their reactions and sounds. They enhance my experience. Thus, I wagered that my partners would also take signals from my reactions and sounds. My suspicions were correct. TikTok also had quite a bit of content exploring the topic.


This. It feels weird and if I do make noise, it's involuntary


The involuntary noises are the best ones. Love me a small gasp when I change up what I'm doing to his dick.


Mine is a mix of Tourettes with a dash of demonic possession, I made a video once and I was horrified. In my head I was Jenna Jameson, in real life, It was more Rocky Dennis


I had a boyfriend that made zero noise the first few times we slept together. Zero noise, zero cum signals, like I had NO IDEA he’d cum and was confused as to why he was standing up. Eventually got some noise out of him though and he loosened up enough to be real loud at times. Let it fly boys, squeal! Its fun


I dated a woman that was EXACTLY the same. She told me that she thought making a lot of noise was insincere. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Interestingly enough, when she climaxed from oral sex, there was a change in how she tasted. No denying it then. We did it a lot and for a long time, so it wasn't like she didn't enjoy the activities. She just didn't want to make noise.


The taste changed??


Its a little gush of fluids. My fiance is the same


I feel like a lot of men think it doesn’t seem “macho” to make a noise.


The sensations are very different. It wasn’t until I explored prostate stimulation that I understood why women made noise. I genuinely thought the moaning was fake.


wow thats really interesting insight actually. gonna use that if i need to talk someone into pegging


Hell yeah, that's the spirit.


and remember, its not gay to stick something up your butt. its not my fault god put mens g-spot inside their ass okay!


i wont need much talking to be convinced.


I've had 0 success with prostate stimulation. 0. And it's not for a lack of trying I ended up giving up entirely


Doesn’t work for everyone :( happens with us girls with certain sensations too.


I was about to say: taking is a lot more intense than giving.


Same with my husband. We literally tried this for him a week ago and the noises he made when he came … it was like he couldn’t control it.


For me, a lady, the moaning makes it feel better. Now that I know that singing stimulates the Vagus nerve, I wonder if that's not the reason.


I 100% agree with you and I’m the same. An anal orgasm sounds very very similar to a female orgasm imo.


It’s cause you’re gettin the “mm-mm-mm” and giving the “ah-ah-ah” lol


I had a similar experience at my first colonoscopy, too.




Same, my animal like grunting might even make the neighbours call animal control :/


*screaches like a pig*


I hear Banjos playing


It takes a lot of work to fuck someone. If you want to make a guy moan then you have to let him relax and receive the pleasure


Only time i’m making involuntary noises is when my girlfriend is sucking the soul outta me


The dementor's kiss 🖤


Choked on this one.


Brad, we said *kiss* not *deepthroat*




>The dementor's kiss 🖤 Now that you mentioned it...


Yeah she’s good at that


Wait hold on now mf


my ex once licked my balls during foreplay and by god did i moan.


Wait, your women are making noise during sex?


"The mortician said with a furrowed brow, his confusion palpable."


twosentencehorror spotted


Hello? FBI? This one right here.


I feel weird when I do it. But alone if im super horny i moan when I masturbate. Probably a mix of societal expectations and my own fear of intimacy


Thats really hot


"Thats really hot..... Hangry4Poo"


Thank you :)


If a bloke has a dick penetrating him I'm sure he'll start moaning


Dick, strap-on, whatever




Cant multitask


That’s not true lol. They grab the butt slap the boobs while pounding


Slapping the boobs put the image in my head of a titty-based Newton's cradle.


A lot of men do. Their voices are lower pitched so it's not that prominent.


So low only whales can hear em.


And Dory


And my axe!


AaAeaEeOouUoOOoOo -🐋


idk but DO IT MORE, it’s incredibly attractive. id want to know i’m making ya feel good ya know? i love it when men feel good. i think i just love men LMFAO.


Yes. Yes. Yes. I’ll elaborate on this, too, for the people that say “ah I feel stupid.. “etc. Legit, pleasure noises is the one thing in this world that electrifies me above all else, so believe me when I say - it is not stupid. If you want to land it correctly, think of this. You know when you take a bite of something that is truly hit-the-spot delicious and you say “mmmm” because you feel it in your soul? Or when that hot shower hits your exhausted body? Those noises. Even a sharp intake of breath at the right time… oh my gosh I can’t even explain it. You don’t have to just start moaning and “making noise,” even the occasional sound is enough - but it is truly best when it’s one of those “that really hit the spot” / “that was so good it made my bones feel warm” kinda sounds. For the non believers, let me put it this way. A noise like that is an absolute top tier treat - the world’s most perfect “good girl” without the words. There’s not much that isn’t worth doing in order to get those sounds out of your partner. Staying silent is not unlike saying it was all “meh,” even if your words say otherwise. Silence in such a beautiful moment of sharing vulnerabilities is selfish and sad. Cruel, even. Also worth noting: it doesn’t have to be during intimate moments. If they are into you and sounds affect them, even obscure but deeply felt sounds will sometimes trigger the effect. End the silence!!!! Ahhhhhhh (I’m married and my DMs disabled on my end)


>DMs are disabled on my end This girl reddits


Hell yes! Do men realize a lot of the reason women make noise is for their sake? It’s not like it’s completely involuntary lol.


I don't think so. It depends on the person. I was with guys louder than me LOL


Most likely because it can be seen as an expression of vulnerability, which men have been socialised to repress in favour of being strong and silent (and therefore more masculine). It could also be that mainstream porn is primarily marketed towards straight men, and straight men typically aren't interested in listening to other men grunting and moaning, (and potentially distracting from the sounds the women are making). Men and boys internalise what they see and hear in porn and assume that it's abnormal or inappropriate for a man to make noise during sex. All this is a shame, both because men aren't fully letting go and enjoying the moment because they're censoring themselves during sex and also because most women really want men to make noise. Every time someone creates a thread asking what women wish men did more in the bedroom, making noise is always one of the most popular answers.


Consumers of NSFW audio and ASMR are overwhelmingly female and men irl still have not caught on. All these big nsfw audio accounts I see on tiktok and youtube are men with female audiences. Hell there's compilations of videogame men's grunting and injury noises


Ahh so that's why the Dark Souls guy sounds like [that.](https://youtu.be/O93kuTo2QDo?si=sEb9yc_66Um3xRnX).


> Consumers of NSFW audio and ASMR are overwhelmingly female and men irl still have not caught on. I would love to see this backed up by... anything, especially the ASMR thing because males have a much lesser presence in the space numbers wise from my not scientific cursory test with personal viewing habits taken out of the equation. That is to say, most popular asmr content creators are women, and most specifically gendered videos are aimed towards men. Now NSFW Audio, I dont have a quick way to get a general picture but am more likely to believe because women are big into book porn vs men.


>most specifically gendered videos are aimed towards men Boyfriend ASMR is pretty big though. This is embarassing but go on youtube and type something like "boyfriend asmr" or "boyfriend asmr spicy" and you'll get videos with a couple hundred thousand views. Get even more specific and add an anime character to your searches like "diluc nsfw" or "gojo asmr" and you'll get videos with millions of views. I will concede though and admit that in general maybe there are less female consumers of nsfw audio, seeing as men just consume all manner of porn a lot more


Well said. I have actually replayed parts of clips where a man verbally reacted while the camera wasn’t even in focus because it’s so rare. So many excuses for men to not make noise. It’s really like they’re shutting down their inner monologue. We need to change the marketing & the product to make it all more realistic. Men getting annoyed at women for just laying there, but so do they lol


they're not getting the air pushed out of them


Surprised it took this long to find this comment, hah. I've been on both sides (doing the thrusting with a penis and being thrusted into with a vagina) and it's a wildly different experience. I was always completely quiet when I had a penis, the sensations just weren't overwhelming enough and I had to focus too much on the pleasure to get to the finish line. But being railed hard enough can actually force you to gasp for air, and there is so much sensation going on all at once that it's easy and almost natural feeling to put a little voice into that gasp.


Right? I'll end up with dry mouth at the most inconvenient times from all the gasping lmao.


I'm a parent now lady! 95% of the noises I make during sex are "shhhhhh shh shhhhh" now.


I don't have kids but this made me lol


No idea. I'm fairly vocal/expressive and most women like it. One recently didn't, she said afterwards over text I was weird during the sex. I had to press because she wouldn't explain in what way. She eventually said "I felt like I was having sex with a tiger" lol


Don’t ever change for those types of women.


Did you say "that's gggggggreat" or something?


I just lost my sip of tea to the table to the floor upon reading that comment 😅


Easier to answer if framed a different way: why do women make more noise during sex than men do? Answer: communication. _In_ _general_, men are often in control of the act and feel responsible for their partner’s pleasure (one hopes). Each moan, every muffled scream (or not muffled), even a change in breathing, communicates to us whether we are on the right track or need to try something else. It works remarkably well. And it’s usually sexier than her shouting, “NOW REALLY GET IN THERE AND ANGLE UP MORE! INCREASE YOUR SPEED TO 60 BEATS PER MINUTE!” Although at times, it’s the most efficient way of getting us back on track. Edit: I should clarify that I’m more vocal when she’s firmly in charge. So much can be communicated with tones and breathing. It just comes down to communication. And Communication is key: I had a partner who some would consider fairly vanilla. She preferred simple missionary style and she didn’t make _any_ sound at all, except for breathing. But her eyes… she would lock those piercing emerald eyes onto mine, and I could. not. look. away. I was hypnotized but I knew right where she was in the process. I can’t explain it. I many ways I think she communicated better than any of my other partners.


My boyfriend screams


😳 are you pegging him


No... But maybe I should include this in my repertoire? He's currently hiding under the bed.


He’ll scream the roof down 😉 😳 is he stuck


>is he stuck He will wish so, as I'm about to drag him out in a few minutes


"What are you doing, step-boyfriend?!"


My man is pretty verbal. Dirty talk, moans sighs and grunts...all that. Usually he's noisiest when I'm doing the work. I've heard it's common for guys to do all/most of the physical work during sex. Perhaps that's why most men "don't make much noise".


I sound like a ox, so I guess it is different? I have had sex with females who barely make noise. Once I thought I had given the worst fucking of my life. Felt my libido fade and just laid down, and she was like, "Why did you stop?" I just responded that I could not see any sign of her pleasure, and she was just like "I cum silently". Apparently, she multigasmed on my cock all the while she was silent and micro twitching. So, it really really differs. Also had sex with who sounded like a tortured whale.


to reduce noise pollution


My moans are generally muffled by the pussy I'm eating


Some women make a lot of noise, some make almost none. I always assumed it would be the same for men, but as I only have sex with women have no way of knowing from personal experience.


Very often, or at least the way it used to be, men were expected to be the driver in the bedroom. Sex is a lot of work in general, but if you're the only one making an effort, you don't have breaths to spare (broad generalisation, I know).


I feel like our default sounds during sex are just animal grunts or uuuhhhuhuaaaahhaaaahh The male brain is concentrating and thinking so much during sex that we can’t develop any sounds we are comfortable with so most avoid sound all together I mean it takes a lot of concentration to stay hard, fuck the way she likes it, keep your face from looking like a stroke victim, touch her, pull her hair, keep yourself level, avoid cramping etc etc etc Even when a woman is on top, most men have to concentrate even more to avoid popping quickly


Don't discount those grunts. Love to hear em.


Having pegged a man….yeah there’s 0 breath remaining for sounds, it’s a cruel workout, much respect.


Because woman are sexy as fuck and we are trying our hardest not to nut too soon.


Just nut then nut again?


My husband does when it's his turn. Usually I'm more vocal during the foreplay. But when he climaxes he often becomes paralyzed, for lack of a better word. He makes noise but when I keep milking him he can get just as loud as me.


Try running and talking at the same time….


Women are chasing that orgasm. Meanwhile, men are holding on for dear life, thinking about what they had for lunch last week or counting the number of bricks in the wall 😂


I’m too busy talking dirty


I was just gonna say something about this. Mine just whispers “good girl” in my ear and then I die. He no longer needs to moan cause I’m already a puddle.


Hell yeah


We don't want to alert other men.


Brain busy working


Probably because during sex women are getting a rigid stick of meat shoved in and out of their bodies. I imagine thats more intense that the external stimulation men get from sex.


I start moaning when they make me moan. I've had it happen when getting head but that's about it.


You know, I think on the whole, my husband is far noisier than me, and has no inhibitions about being heard by the neighbours 😅 I have to make an effort to let go, but at least he knows the noises I do make are honest and just couldn't be suppressed...🙈


When it comes to dudes, you’re not listening for the moans to know if he’s having a good time. You need to watch his feet. The toes tell the story 😉


Not nearly as hot.


Spend your teen years trying to be quiet as possible and it gets burned in.


You think teenage girls scream the house down every time they masturbate?


I was like they are on to something here. Then that was quickly shut down by this comment.


I have no idea, **OFFICER.**


Air has quickly exited my nose.


I love this question. So, I'm on top, pounding away, varying speeds, shifting positions, I am already a complete and utter sweaty mess, dripping everywhere, the sex towel is in frequent use to keep me from dripping all over her too. My heart rate is somewhere around 155+ so I'm currently in the middle of a quite stressfull workout. And then this question arrives going "hey .. I know you're putting in a full body work out right now but could you kindly on top of that make pleasurable noises too? Not that heavy breathing or grunts you might also hear in a gym at set 3 repetition 9, no, please make it a constant moaning that sounds nice and pleasurable" LADY I AM DIEING ON TOP OF YOU TRYING NOT TO CUM TO SOON WHILE POUDING IN YOU! MY HEAD IS TURNING PUPRLE FROM A MIXTURE OF EXHAUSTION AND LACK OF OXYGEN (because my dumb ass brain apparently gets enjoyment from not breathing during pleasure .. but who needs oxygen during a workout right? RIGHT?! - which in turn leads to a dead quiet person btw, try making noises while holding your breath and try cuming when your brain is apparently wired to needing that lack of oxygen) or short answer: some men simply don't moan .. my ass is quieter the more I enjoy it, the less focused on myself I am the more you'd hear moans or uttered words cause my brain is apparently still recieving some amount of blood to function in that moment - so in my personal case the more you hear me the less I am actually enjoying it (still enjoying it though, just less), but don't fucking tell the wife or she'll never stop worrying about that one.


You make sex sound incredibly unpleasant. Like, I’m now legitimately wondering what people like about it.


for men... those few seconds at the end. but really its about the connection for us. That is why you hear most men say if they just want an orgasm, they will do it themselves. its FAR less work.


Are you kidding, I wanna have sex with this guy


Well, you should just take what I read and then overlay the fact that the feeling is so pleasurable to me that I still go back to it whenever i can :D So the pleasure recieved is greater than the physical stress (at the same time, a workout never hurt anyone either right?) and on top of that comes a very intimate great moment with a person I love, so theres your reason to do it again .. and again .. and ag..you get it \^\^


I seriously worry that having sex is a hazard for you. Dripping sweat? I thought the sex TOWEL was for the woman when she squirts, not the man when he sweats and drips and reaches a 155+ heart rate with low oxygen supply. Sex sounds like a bittersweet endeavour here.


Okay, as a girl, I love when my boy makes noise. It’s never like a moan, I will hear him breathe sharply and very subtle noises like that. It’s the best feeling. 10/10


Some reasons, in no particular order: 1) We're concentrating or mentally coaching ourselves, trying to sustain a particular pace, angle or technique. 2) We're mentally trying to figure out what's working or if we are doing something right for our partner. Watching and listening takes focus. 3) We don't know what we should say or how to make it sound hot. Guys in porn are either quiet or else say seriously goofy stuff, so we don't have much to go on for coaching on what to do or say. How many times can you really say oh yeah or oh god or yes baby before it gets old? 4) Trying not to get off yet 5) Making sure we haven't started to get soft 6) Straight up insecurity from multiple other sources 7) Stray thoughts from weird places in our brains and trying figure out why the hell that went by. 8) Enjoying the view 9) Getting winded but wanting to keep going anyway. 10) No clue that not making noise could be seen as an issue by our partner. Hope that helps. Communication is the key tho.


A lot of men believe moaning is effeminate or gay.


It's so weird. Imagine a guy balls deep in a beautiful woman but who is *still* worried that his buddies are watching from the bushes with a spy microphone waiting to call him gay


I as a man sometimes moan when there is a finish line, but usually not really, as kinda tired after all the "work"


I can tell ya'll from experience, most girls LOVE when dudes make noise too (moaning, words) so give it a shot. They eat that up