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Omnipotence, I can do literally anything


Create a pill of omnipotence.


The ability to split myself into lots of people then merge again. I'd go live in lots of different places at once, then travel back and forth and share memories with myself.


Time travel (so much shit to sort out...)


Oof, I felt that one.


I wish had a power to yield crops for times, so that no one will suffer starving


Global bone meal... I like it!


Shapeshifter or mind control


Mmm... yes... mind control... what would you use it for?


Make people do what I want haha nothing bad but it would get rid of little annoyances


Me - "Hey bro, can I have some money." Cashier - "Umm... sir? You're supposed to pay us..." Me - *does the thing* Cashier - "Right away, sir!" But seriously, getting that one kid to stop running around or the parent of said kid to actually to something? Priceless.


Haha I was thinking more along the lines of making slow walking people in front me walk faster or couples who are all over each other in public to stop 😂


My usual go to for this question (as a lot of non-geeks ask sometimes) is telekinesis because with it you can achieve many other things. Want to fly? Lift yourself. Protect yourself? TK shield. Move objects, people, break things. All good and simple for people to get. Else if you just want to be OP "Reality manipulation." Changing the world as you see fit kinda tops everything, just hope my sanity remains in check however, I've read enough comics to know how badly that goes.


Well the powers you mentioned is no fun and I would get bored within a week. I'd appreciate it a lot more if it had limits. I'd go for teleportation. Go anywhere, any time. Know a guy you down like? Teleport. SLAP MUTHAFUGGA!.