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I had only tried once last year. It was not too bad honestly. I don’t actually like pineapple but the contrast between sweet and savoury is interesting. I would try again.


I love pineapple and love pineapple pizza. 🍍


It's better with pepperoni instead of ham IMO


This is the way!


I just don’t like HOT pineapple. Cold/room temp pineapple is great.


Have you try fried chicken and bacon with maple syrup? Hahahaha. It is also interesting and gooodddddd~~~~~


Bacons make everything better… the combo sounds really good


I like getting pineapple when I order spicy chorizo on my pizza. I don't handle spice well and the pineapple helps cut it down a bit.


It’s mostly a meme people copy without thinking much. Then some others might have had a bad pineapple pizza *once*, and it was enough for them to swear it off for life.


idk i simply dont like the flavor of it combined, but i very much enjoy both separately


Same here, I love both, just not together, to the point that I won't eat the pizza and take the pineapple out because it is still sweet and I find the combination gross, I don't like my salads with fruit either, nor salsa with sweet fruit combined, I am Mexican and hate tacos al pastor with pineapple, I always get them without. To each their own, I eat my sweet fruit after the main dish when available, not together.


I used to be on the pineapple hate train. It was fun. The old lady and I had 2 kids within 14 months of each other. Now I can't get enough pineapple on my pizza. Things change. Taste buds included.


You’re just tired (jk, I get it)


Pineapple by itself on a cheese pizza isn't the best but if you put like a bunch of meat and maybe something spicy it will make the sweet pineapple flavor really pop out


Pepperoni, jalapeño peppers, pineapple is one of my favorite combos


Swap out pepperoni for bacon, and your bacon pineapple jalapeno pizza is delish, you're welcome.


Swap out bacon for chorizo. You're welcome


I’m with you on that, so good!


same, that’s my go-to!!!!


Pineapple pizza isn’t my go-to, but I’ll certainly eat it if it’s offered to me. My friend likes to order pineapple, pepperoni, jalapeños, and Gorgonzola. Sweet, spicy, salty, savory…it works so well.


I always get pineapple and pepperoni. I'll add jalepeño peppers next time.


Chicken, jalapeño peppers, and pineapple for me


Pineapple, ham, bacon, double onion, a shake of red pepper, and I’m eating the food of the gods.


I find that replacing marinara sauce with bbq sauce helps tie it together


Me too, but sometimes I like to keep my red sauce base and drizzle bbq


Hawaiian pizza was always ham, onions, pineapple. It's good. The saltiness of the ham contrasts nice with the sweetness of the pineapple and the bitterness of the onion along with the savoriness of the sauce and cheese.


I'm not a hater but it's not for me. The sweet is jarring. Too intense and out of place when I expect a cheesy pizza. But I always order it for groups because some folks love it. That being said, I love jokingly arguing about trivial things, so when the discussion comes up, pineapple pizza is an abomination crafted by Satan and should be cast into the fires of mount doom.


I like it. I think it's the best pizza flavor to re-heat for breakfast.


It's not that it's controversial. Pineapple has been a reasonably common topping on pizza since at least the '70s and '80s. Every Pizza shop that I have ever gone into my entire life has had pineapple on the menu. Rather it's that you are looking at an internet shibboleth. Saying that you hate pineapple on pizza is a way to signal that you get the joke and are part of the in-group. So it's a thing people say as a knee-jerk reaction. Almost none of those people actually care about pineapple and pizza, even the littlest bit.


I asked someone this once, and they said, “even if pineapple on pizza tasted good, it doesn’t belong on pizza.” Which like, I guess, but I’ve seen buffalo chicken pizzas and hamburger pizzas, so we’ve kinda crossed the Rubicon already


People like to go hard about everything. I'm just glad it's pizza toppings and not civil rights. That said, I don't usually like it because it's usually canned pineapple. I like fresh pineapple on mine. I get a Hawaiian pizza from a wood fired pizza place locally and it's great. Dominos? Not so much


Personally i hate pineapple on pizza because i hate warm mushy fruit on a pizza.


This. It’s the hot/warm pineapple, which I hate in EVERYTHING, not just on pizza.


Ham and pineapple has always been a good pairing, I've had Pineapple glazed ham growing up during Christmas time. It's good. That same flavor combo, you just put on top of pizza crust. Like an open faced, baked sandwich.


I don’t know why people are so triggered by someone else’s pizza. 🍕


Hawaiian pizza is typically ham and pineapple, not just pineapple. It is a pretty good pizza topping. I rarely get it because there are usually *better* toppings available, but if offered, I would definitely eat. I've had one or two nice vegetarian pizzas topped with combinations along the lines of mushroom, peppers, onion, diced tomato, and pineapple, and enjoyed those too. Pineapple goes quite poorly with a lot of other pizza toppings though. While obviously this is personal preference, pineapple and pepperoni for example, just don't work together for me. Nor would pineapple and beef. There's just a lot of pizza toppings where adding pineapple would ruin it. A lot of the hatred is just a meme / bandwagon though. Or people who have never tried it and imagine that fruit on a pizza would be automatically bad, despite the fact that several fruits are very common pizza toppings: tomato, peppers, jalapeños, olives, etc.


>tomato, peppers, jalapeños, olives, They may be botanically "fruits", but from a culinary perspective they are not, i.e. you wouldn't put them in a fruit salad and you wouldn't serve them for desert. That is the only distinction that matters in the argument.


Also, the original Hawaiian pizza had large very thinly sliced pieces of pineapple. The pineapple chunks that most places use just get soggy instead of caramelizing.


I greatly prefer bacon pineapple and cherry peppers over jalapenoes.


Seems like a weird combo, but I bet it's good (I'm allergic to pineapple, so I can't try). From my experience, it's as simple as, "this person likes a thing I don't like, so let's hate on them for enjoying something different." I never understood why some people can't just let other people like what they like. 🤷‍♀️ Reminds me of when you mention your favorite band to someone, and they're like, "That band sucks." Ok, well, I still like that band... or, in this case, pineapple on pizza. Haha.


I don't like pineapple, but I have no objection to it on other people's pizza. More information: [Hawaiian pizza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaiian_pizza).


I also don't like pineapple in any form, but especially warm pineapple on pizza. My spouse loves pineapple on pizza, particularly with spicy pepperoni, jalapeño, and slivered almonds. Pizza "night" here is like 3 nights because we can't agree on the pineapple thing and the kid doesn't like mushrooms, so we end up getting 3 pizzas.


I don’t like those flavors together. Not sure why there’s so much controversy.


From my perspective, the cronch is wrong. I'm not against a mix of textures, and salty+sweet is great, but the sensation of biting into soft pillowy pizza and getting a sharp, complex, pineapple *cronch*, is deeply unpleasant to me. It's in the same vein as undercooked onion in something - worse texture, but at least it doesn't come with a burst of intense onion flavour. But I'm not fiercely anti pineapple on pizza. Eat what you like, I can always pick off the pineapple if I have to.


I'll never understand the controversy, I don't like it because I don't really like pineapple in general, but put whatever you want on your pizza, doesn't really affect me


I think it’s because people like conflict. It’s fun to be on a side of something. It’s fun to “hate” something. I definitely have been there. I think people tend to get more caught up in defending their opinion than their opinion itself. I for one don’t like pineapple on pizza, but like most things in life, it’s a mild dislike. I don’t hate it. If there’s Hawaiian pizza at a party, I’ll just opt to eat something else. Having loud opinions is fun, but I’ve learned it’s also exhausting.


It’s the combination of salty/savory and sweet. Some people just don’t like it. Every now and then, I eat some fresh, hot, crisp, salty fries and chase it with vanilla shake. Salted caramel. Candied bacon. Prosciutto and melon. Feta and watermelon. Mmmm.


Various North African/Middle Eastern savory dishes with dried fruit... 😋


For me, personally, fruit and melted cheese do not go together.


Anybody who even mentions whether or not pineapple should or shouldn’t be on pizza or how much they hate the word “moist” are people who are chronically online and have no personalities


I've wondered about that too. There are people that don't like olives on their pizza and I see no big fuzz about that.


It is not controversial. Personal preferences are just that. They are not indications of ultimate "worth." Let's get sophisticated and not use norms where they don't apply.


Pineapple + tomato sauce = vomit taste in my mouth. I have had pineapple in a hot casserole with cheese and enjoyed it, though.


I am holding out for *Pizza* on *Pineapple*.


Its actually nice, i hardly ever order it tho


Its the only time Ill get pineapple or ham. Something about the combo I love


Sweet and savory is a great combination and not at all unique to pineapple on pizza. Hating pineapple on pizza is just a meme at this point and it's really childish...


Love pineapple on pizza as long as there’s ham/canadian bacon as well. I’m a sucker for sweet/salty combo.


Because people don't order bacon with pineapple like they should.


I don't like pineapple in any context. I don't like on pizza because of my general dislike of it and its just provides a flavor on the pizza that I don't like. So no, pineapple doesn't belong on my pizza. You are free to enjoy it if you wish.


It’s sweet. Pizza to me isn’t sweet. Ruins the whole thing for me.


Because it's *disgusting*. Why not strawberries on a pizza? Why not kiwi fruit? Why not jelly and ice cream or jam and custard? Because foods that go in desserts have no business being on a bloody pizza!


Personally, I tend not to like my fruit cooked. And I prefer hot food to be more savory than sweet. More generally, the hot fruit/cheese combo isn’t universally loved.


The liquid content makes the pizza soggy if the pineapple isn’t drained properly. The flavor also permeates the entire pie, which is problematic for folks that half-and-half pies.


I don’t care for pineapple at all so I’m not getting it on my pizza. It’s also a fruit. Fruit on pizza is a bit weird, to me.


It's a meme. People hear it's bad, and shit on it. Sure there are some people who tried it and dislike it, but there are a lot of people who haven't even given it a shot. Pepperoni and pineapple on pizza together is heavenly.


It's because they're not eating it right. You need to have a balance of flavors so you make sure to have green peppers or jalapeño with your pineapple and ham or Canadian bacon because it cuts the fat and mellows the sweetness.


It's one of those internet jokes that has gone way too far until it is past the point of being funny. Like bacon being good or birds not being real.


People get weird about sweet on things they think of as savory. Pizza is a weird hill to die on because most pizza sauces are heavy on sugar.


It is meant to be a savory dish and the pineapple changes the flavor profile into a sweet and sour dish that most people that are looking for a pizza type of experience are not seeking. Generally mixing sweet savour and sour is not a pleasant experience for most people. It makes the flavor profile too busy and too contradicting. That said people have different tastes and if you like it go for it. Just bear in mind if ordering for many people getting pineapple on pizza may be frowned on because you could be ruining the pizza for them So maybe discuss it ahead of time.


I’ve always found this super interesting because I HATE sweet and salty. As a kid, trail mix made me cry. I’d separate the pieces and then I’d be upset that the chocolate pieces had salt on them. My only exception that I’ve always loved? Pineapple on pizza. I always add onions to my Hawaiian pizzas, too! People are fickle and all very different. I’m sure many will not understand how I don’t like trail mix 🤷‍♀️


YES! Pineapple and onion is my favorite pizza. Let that fickle flag fly.


Well it is a bit more complex than even preferences. If all of us had the same biologically identical taste buds our preferences would line up a lot more alike but our receptors are actually different. Some people also have genetic mutations that alter the taste of certain foods. Cilantro is a big example as some will taste soap and others an herby fresh flavor more similar to oregano than soap. This is not to say that exposure to foods as part of your culture can not also change your perspective though. People that eat certain flavor profiles often will develop a bias (or aversion) to that profile. It is even suggested to allow your kids to experience and enjoy a variety of food to expose them to as many foods as possible early on.


>Generally mixing sweet savour and sour is not a pleasant experience for most people. It makes the flavor profile too busy and too contradicting So y'all never ate at a Chinese restaurant before or ordered Chinese take out? Weird...


I raised an eyebrow at that too. The famous 5 Thai flavors include sweet and sour. Teriyaki is something I'd consider a combo of sweet and sour. (And teriyaki burgers are a thing, which involve pineapple.) Heck, barbeque sauce usually involves some vinegar (sour) and sugar or molasses (sweet), so it's not just an Asian thing. And it's not a savory, but lemon and lime deserts are a really common thing.


People don't like mixing sweet and sour? Where did that come from? Sweet and sour pork/chicken and orange beef are some of the most common American "Chinese food" dishes ordered. 


>Generally mixing sweet savour and sour is not a pleasant experience for most people. It makes the flavor profile too busy and too contradicting. That's a funny way to say most people are cowards and can't try anything new


Because people assume they have a monopoly on what a pizza should be 'Americans!' 🤦🏻‍♂️ and like to jump on the band wagon and think they're being cool without realising without pushing the boundaries and attempting new and creative things food wouldn't become what most of us love now Lol I live in a Country where we put Tikka Masala Chicken on Pizza 🤣


That is not as weird as pineapple. Chicken needs seasoning, why not tikka.


It's not a polarizing topic. It's something a vocal minority of annoying people pretend to have a strong opinion on to draw attention to themselves and sound quirky.


It's an arbitrary standard based on nothing in particular, and it's based on culirant stereotypes that people mistake for tradition and authenticity, which are both meaningless words when talking about food. These same people would be appalled at what went on "pizza" before it left the very small neighborhood in Naples and became a worldwide phenomenon following WWII. Pizza for a long time now has been a food for the masses, and there are no rules for what goes on top. In Italy, for instance, you can find many places that serve pizza with French fries and hot dogs. If you ever find someone who tells you something doesn't go on pizza, that person is an asshole who concerns themselves with other people's food choices and just avoid them altogether. There are plenty of toppings/ingredients that many would find unusual, but are delicious.


If the pizza has tomato on it, (Isn’t a white pizza), then you are adding an acidic topping to it. I think that if you balance it better you might have better results. You’d also have to keep in mind that you are adding a lot of moisture, so if there’s cheese (assuming you already did away with the tomato) you’d have to balance it well, in order to avoid a swamp on your dish. Tomato and olives aside, (and some other topping I probably forgot falls into the category) fruit on pizza is usually paired with sweet pizzas. (Not that big an issue imo, I can understand why people live weird food combos at time).


People who hate it have never tried it I’m convinced of that. Both with and without is good


Nah. We just don't like the mix


This reminded me of our sweet spaghetti. Welp, to each his own.


Some people are unknowingly allergic to pineapple and experience a burning sensation in their mouth from it.


Hawaiian pizza are really delicious. It is a discussion of soccer vs football. To each their own. I guess people are sentimental about their food.. expecially Italians


It’s worth noting that pineapple as a pizza topping has regional fluctuations in popularity. It is far more popular on the west coast of the US than in other regions. https://today.yougov.com/consumer/articles/22421-pineapple-pizza-toppings-pepperoni-popular


It's just a preference. If someone has a specific viewpoint on what they like on pizza, and pineapple is not on that list, then it's a hard "no." I am a meat pizza lover, so I won't do veggies, anchovies, etc. Sausage, pepperoni, ham, bacon, all fine. Onions and peppers, nope.


The meme is Italians hate it because it's not traditional. But they put slices of potato on pizza, so is anyone really listening to them on taste?


i like both pineapple and pizza, but the combo isn't really my favourite! mainly because i don't like the cooked pineapple tbh! i enjoy fruit as cold as can be, and right out of the oven is kinda weird to me


The vast majority of people love to shit all over something other people enjoy. This seems much worse since the internet. It becomes trendy to dislike some things because everyone else dislikes it. It makes people feel superior to other people.


fun fact: in Australia 'Hawaiian' pizza, ham and pineapple, is considered the bland pizza you order for kids who might not like more complex flavours. It's considered the safe choice.


Forget pineapple, try a few mango slices instead


Some people just hate fun


i cant speal for everyone, but in my friend group the consensus is the texture. the flavor is nice and balnces the salty of the meat and cheese, but the texture of the pineapple after being baked is unpleasant.


Along with anchovies, it was THE 'niche' pizza option that just showed up on menus and popular culture for people to dunk on. My stepmom would douse hers in ketchup (that phrase still makes me gag) but nobody argues about that because it's not 'mainstream'. It's not a fan favorite, but still somehow popular ENOUGH to end up in front of the masses, so it's a lightning rod for discourse. These sorts of things tend to become a feedback loop of "lol lets argue about this" as well.


I like it, but I can see that having something sweet on a salty pizza would be a confusing taste message for tongues.


I'm not into 100% salt salt salt. I like the sweet and savory that "Hawaiian" pizza offers. It's really good with a light smattering of bacon and a light layer of BBQ sauce instead of the traditional marinara or tomato sauce.


I think it's largely due to how conservative Italians are about their cuisine. They want to maintain it, not get freaky with it. However, if you're high in just the right way, want to eat something but can't quite decide whether it's sweet or savoury that you're craving for the most.. enter pineapple pizza with ham/bacon and blue cheese!


I just don't like the taste but I don't make a big deal out of it, if people like it.


You know how people like hot honey? A good Hawaiian pizza with spicy pepperoni and pineapple is just like that. The fatty spicy pepperoni just tastes great with the sweet and acidic pineapple. It's even better if you add hot pepper flakes or jalapenos.  Now, I would never add pineapple to a standard pizza with things like mushrooms, olives and green peppers, it's got to be it's own thing. 


I think it's one of those low stakes things that people just argue about for fun. It's easy to take a strong stance because it's unimportant. The pronunciation of gif is a similar issue.


Some people have extremely limited palettes. The same person who “hates pineapple on pizza”probably orders chicken tendies or hamburgers for every meal and doesn’t eat any fruits or vegetables. Cheese and fruit together is a concept older than pizza. Pineapple is known in the culinary world to be amazing to cook savory dishes with. It’s a stupid ignorant view to just hate pineapple on pizza. Especially if the argument is “it’s not authentic” or whatever.


Because it stings, makes the pizza mushy, and while yes sweet and savoury go together well I never liked this specific combination of it. Same reason I don't put chocolate on pizza


It's a meme. Internet memes suck. Eat what makes you happy.


It's the internet hive mind. Somebody started the meme, and an avalanche started. Before nobody cared, why would you care what toppings someone has on pizza.


I adore sweet and savoury combos. Just not with cheese for some reason. Also it’s mainly the texture for me, it feels so out of place on a pizza.


Sometimes, it's that they heard it's gross, so they go along with it. Reminds me of how some get with raisins. When they were a kid, they got an oatmeal raisin cookie when they thought it was chocolate chip, so raisins are horrible... Everyone's tastes are different, but going along with what's popular is appealing to some.




It's evolved into a meme, so the divisiveness is played up for jokes. I didn't used to like it myself. I think mainly because I'm not a fan of canned pineapple but I love fresh pineapple. Grilled pineapple is delicious, but warm canned pineapple is not. So I think there is an execution factor as well. Proponents say the sweetness of the pineapple balances out the savory and sweet part of the ham and cheese leading to a more complex and satisfying flavor profile. But sweet toppings on pizza/Italian dishes aren't that common, so it's not surprising that it puts people off. Also the pineapple can make the pizza more watery and soggy.


I have a hang up about sweet foods being hot. If it is sweet, it ABSOLUTELY must be cold or at the very least room temperature. Fruit is usually sweet, therefore it must be cold and does not belong on a hot pizza. If the pizza and pineapple are both cold, i would at least eat it if i had to even if i didn't care for the sweet and savory mix (which i usually don't). If they are both hot, don't even offer it to me because i would rather stop eating completely than eat a sweet food that is hot.


Blah. Personally, I like a good acidic sauce and don't think sweetness has any place on a pizza. The sweetness is overwhelming, so much that it counters the pineapple's own acids. It destroys the umami of the pepperoni, blots out the spices, adds too much liquid, prevents other subtle flavors from being perceived, and just isn't good on pizza.  Great as a snack or part of dessert. 


Hawaiian is my favorite kind of pizza, and all I know is that I've never seen a pizza shop that doesn't have it on the menu.


I'd eat both but only separately. The pizza stays as a pizza and the pineapple a pineapple


Pineapple, bacon, banana peppers, red onion. Best pizza ever. With a side of peppercorn ranch.


Some actually don’t like it, some are indifferent but really like to hate.


I dislike pineapple on pizza. I also dislike mushrooms. But with mushrooms, I can take them off the pizza and give them to the mushroom lovers, and I don't taste the mushrooms. With pineapple though, if I remove it, the pineapple juices and flavor remain on the pizza, so its just tougher to share.


I think it sticks out as the only sweet pizza topping (in the US at least). I don’t really care for it but it’s fine if other people do


It's controversial because it became a meme to argue about pineapple on pizza as though it was life or death. It's like hating on Nickelback or something. People grab on and it turns into a running gag whether or not it's objectively true. Pineapple and ham on pizza is one of Canada's greatest cultural contributions, along with poutine, SCTV, and BNL.


Hawaii pizza with bearnaise sauce on top is pizza of the gods!


Why do so many people like it ? It's a strange combination imo but every pizzeria offers it .


I truly believe the hate train is a mixture of group think, people who are just happy to be in on a joke, and people who only eat pepperoni pizza (but still don’t like eating the crust). Sure, I can understand people not caring for it. But the joke is getting old.


I think its yucky personally.. I don’t think those flavors go together.


i remember the first time i tried it, never wanted any other topping since


I never liked it as a kid. Something about the sweet savory combo was too overwhelming for me. I like to add it to ham bacon pepperoni and green olive now.


I don’t like the way the intense sweetness from the pineapple overwhelms the flavor


It's a slight against the imaginary god, evolution and everything in between.


It's just one of those stupid Internet hate bandwagons, like people who don't even listen to rock music ranting about how much they hate Nickelback.


Just pineapple might be a little off to me, but the pineapple is a perfect compliment to the salty and umami flavors of the ham and pizza sauce.


For me: I can’t wrap my mind around putting fruit in Italian food. It’s a mental thing for me, BUT many people like it, so who cares.


People just love to hate, most of the people who hate on it never tried it or are picky eaters in general.


Some people don’t do savory and sweet mixed together. Not me, I tear that shit up


Idk- those people be cray. Pineapple and jalapeños, all the way, all the time.


Largely it’s a meme - like how people got all weird about the word moist a few years back. People also looooove using preference as a personality identifier


Ya don't see any other tropical fruit being put on pizza. There's a reason why....it sucks.


bro found out about the internet yesterday


I think most people complaining about it are Europeans who consider it just another awful American thing they can't comprehend. Actually the first person to put pineapple on pizza was Canadian. You are probably to young to remember, but back in the days of yore, North Americans would stud their hams with pineapple slices. So this Canadian was just co-opting this flavor combination. It just didn't translate well transatlantically. Also, a lot of people getting worked up in a tizzy about "pineapple on pizza" are forgetting that ham is crucial to the combo. I personally can take it or leave it.


People are accustomed to their pizza being savory but adding pineapple makes it sweet&savory.


I’m allergic, so that’s why for me. my family loves pineapple on pizza!


Hawaiian pizza was invented by a Greek dude living in Canada. Fun fact I like to share when I can.


What can I say, ham and pine just tastes good on a pie.


I feel most people are actually pretty neutral, but it's become a well recognized meme. So as a part of our weird human social behaviors we divide ourselves (somewhat in jest, part serious) to say "this is my group, and we're right. So your group is wrong" Do you like Hawaiian pizza OP?


I just don't like the mouth feel of warm pineapple honestly


Nothing wrong with the topping itself imo, it’s a matter of preference. My personal issue is with the name “Hawaiian” pizza, because it was invented in Canada by a Greek immigrant. Pineapples aren’t native to Hawaii, they’re from central or South America and were brought in by white plantation owners who were the ringleaders of the racist coup against the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893. The kingdom of Hawaii pre 1893 was one of the most progressive nations on earth at the time. The republic era post 1893 saw the adoption of American Jim Crow era style laws that heavily restricted nonwhite peoples’ rights and liberties while setting up for annexation by the United States. These pineapple and sugar plantation owners essentially ruled Hawaii for almost a century, first under the republic then largely controlling civilian politics and influencing federal decisions during the territory era. The massive influence they had economically allowed those plantation companies to retain significant influence for the first 40ish years of statehood. Even today some of those companies retain massive amounts of land and political and economic influence in Hawaii. Companies like the Dole company and Alexander & Baldwin. The idea that pineapple makes things “Hawaiian” is because of those pineapple plantation owners promoting it as an export, when one of the major reasons they conducted a coup was because of American tariffs on sugar cutting into their profits. Once tourism started taking a significant stake in Hawaii’s economy post WW2, those same plantation companies whose founders led the coup and oppressed nonwhite people in Hawaii, including a nearly successful genocide of Native Hawaiian people and their culture, started investing in tourism and marketing a certain vision of Hawaii that also promoted one of their primary exports and moneymakers. Today the Dole plantation is still a rather popular tourist destination on Oahu, “dole whip” is a popular treat pushed more towards tourists than locals, and a bunch of tourist traps use pineapples as a symbol of Hawaii. You can essentially spot marketing pushed more towards tourists and transplants in Hawaii by if they feature pineapples or not.


Something about the warmed pineapple with cheese and tomatoes I just find gross. I am not a picky eater in the slightest, but this is one of the only Western foods I don’t care for.


My guess is that a significant amount of the people involved in the debate have probably never even tried it are are formulating their opinions based on speculation. I think it requires companion toppings to be good. Salty/savory meats like bacon or ham and even cinnamon combine with the pineapple to elevate it to great levels. Just putting pineapple on a cheese or pepperoni pizza is a bit meh though.


Cause pineapple doesn't go with cheese or bread, it just doesn't


It's just an easy train to play on. Pineapple isn't any less "correct" than tomatoes or anything else, but it's fun to have the equivalent of an online water balloon fight. Also it's delicious.


American cuisine has recently not had much to do with either mixing sweet with savory nor with cooking fruit on…kind of anything. The pendulum is swinging back towards that, and has been for at least a decade, but lots of people are raised without putting applesauce on porkchops or eating mango salsa. Then when faced suddenly with those foods it seems weird AF, and you may or may not try it, may or may not like it, and may or may not play up your reaction for dramatic effect. I vaguely prefer not to have pineapple on my pizza, but there are plenty of rather standard pizza types I’d choose Hawaiian pizza *over*, it’s really not a big deal.


Hawaiin pizza was (ironically) invented in Ontario, Canada and it’s definitely a favourite in my home! Ham and pineapple just taste great together on a pizza (unless you don’t like pineapple of course).


I like the sweet savoury contrast to


What’s really interesting to me is how much more controversial this topic is than, say, eating strawberries and mandarin oranges and candied pecans in a savory lettuce or spinach salad; another “pick your own topping combination” food.


I don't know. I don't like sausage on pizza but I don't make it weird for everyone who does. I love the strong sweet/salty contrast. You don't see people getting weird about pineapple salsa, which follows the same principle, or with stuff like teriyaki and barbecue sauces which are mostly sugar and often liberally spread on savory foods. Pineapple has both a ton of sugar and a lot of citric acid, which makes it ideal to complement salty and savory flavors like ham and bacon. It's not weird at all. For me, the worst pizza is my dad's favorite sausage, green pepper, and mushroom pizza. There's something about the green pepper and the italian spices that reminds me of elementary school, and I've just never liked that sort of sausage in any context. I love mushrooms but they don't really add anything to this but a bland and squishy element on an already bland pizza.


It was a big meme in the 90s, bolstered by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Michaelangelo liked pineapple on pizza. Raphael liked pepperoni. People played with that. Actually, the turtles obsession with pizza *in general* sparked a renewed real-life interest in pizza itself. Pizza suddenly became really cool and popular in the early 90s, and all the kids wanted to eat it because of the ninja turtles. Those kids are now Millennial adults in their 40s who still get treated like kids by Boomers, but who often still enjoy eating pizza on the rare occasions they can afford to buy it.


I used to hate pineapple on pizza….or so I thought. After actually trying it one time I realized I was missing out. It’s not my favorite pizza but I do love it still. I realized I had been influenced by a few of my family members hating it to the point where I developed this strange hatred for something I had never actually tried. I may be wrong but I feel like a lot of people hate it because the people around them supposedly hate it, even if they’ve never tried it before (as was the case for me). Or maybe they’ve convinced themselves they hate it. It’s like a weird and insignificant example of conformity culture. It makes me wonder, if there was no fuss about it and those people tried it for the first time, without being influenced one way or another, would they still hate it? I’m sure some people would still hate it, but maybe not as many. I don’t know.


It’s unusual to have a sweet topping. I don’t want it myself but I can see the appeal of an acidic, sweet topping on savory pizza.  I’d rather have pickled peppers. 


I think it’s good. Not my favorite, but good. Warning signs for me are if the pineapple is too wet, or the cheese too heavy.


I don't like sweet beverages. I don't like sweet desserts. I don't like sweet chocolate. I don't like sweet cakes and breads. I don't like sweet sauces on meat. I don't like honey ham. I don't like sugared bacon. I don't like sweet potatoes. I don't like sweets like jams or cinnamon and sugar on my toast. So why would anybody think I'd want sweet fruit on a pizza?


It is often soggy. It's sweet syrupy soggy bread with sweaty Ham. It's not good. The combo of cheese and ham makes pools of liquid that spills or drips. Also- I don't like pancakes for the same sticky, globby mess. I've had one pineapple pizza that was different and delicious. It was chorizo and pineapple. The fruit was TINY bits and had been well drained and it was pretty good.


Regardless of how it tastes, or opinions, pizza is Italian. To be authentic, it should only really have traditional Italian toppings. Would you ever add Mexican spices to an Indian dish? Would you add Mozzarella to Korean food? I mean, you could, but it wouldn't be true to then call that authentic. I believe the same applies for pizza. To be fair though, what passes for "pizza" here in the UK, 90% of the time, isn't pizza at all. It's just bread with cheese and tomatoe base. Most people haven't tried authentic pizza to know the stuff served up at their local takeaway is actually, at best, something else, or at worst, trash. Call me a pizza snob if you like..guilty as charged!


Pineapple only really shines when meat is included. It doesn't compliment tomato sauce at all.


I just don't think it goes well with cheese. Pineapple and ham on a foccacia with maybe a dash of sauce, sure. With thick mozzarella/provolone pizza, nah. I don't think its an anathema LOL, but it isn't my flavor profile. I don't like very sweet peppers on my pizza either for a similar reason. I'm not a sweets and cheese person. I had a pineapple ham pizza with hot peppers once and that wasn't bad, the heat offset the weird sweetness. I don't why all the culture hate though. It's pizza, and someone elses at that. If you don't like it, don't order/eat it.


Maybe because it used to only be available on the west coast for forever and people don’t like unfamiliar things? I moved from CA to VA many years ago (1990’s) and they looked at me crazy when I asked for a Hawaiian pizza, they didn’t offer them anywhere there. I had to order a ham pizza and go buy pineapple and put it on myself 😂 Plus people just don’t like anyone or anything that’s different in general. I understand not liking the taste but to be literally offended by the idea is crazy. But putting anchovies on it is somehow normal 🤷🏼‍♀️


People have no personality and just repost early internet opinions


It’s not terrible but I don’t think I would go out my way to buy pineapple pizza


The texture is just wrong on a pizza and sweetness is too much. I will deconstruct a Hawaiian pizza slice if I’m given it lol


I don't like sweet things on pizza, plus if it's good pineapple it's juicy & I don't like wet/soggy things on pizza. Maybe it's also broken down by people who eat a slice of pizza walking vs being seated & having the option of using a knife & fork.


It's not really controversial, it's just a preference that people get overly offended by. If someone doesn't like something, there's really no need to pushbthe "why?" Some people don't like black olives on thier pizza, and some people will actually eat a cheese only pizza.


A lot of places don’t balance the pineapple and cheese correctly. Making it a soggy sweet mess or a overcheesed mess with a weird hint of sweet. A good combo has a nice balance of some cheese, light sauce, and a pretty equal combo of pineapple and Canadian bacon.


I don’t like it because I don’t like warm fruits banana is the only exception to it.I think pineapple is too hard I can’t enjoyed it on pizza. I love pineapple in a fruit salad but not on a pizza.


cuz people think its cool to not like pineapple pizza. so when someone say i like pineapple pizza everyone around feel cooler saying huuuuhhh its disgusting


I only like it if there’s ham with it, I need them to be combined. I think that the people who complain about it all the time either just don’t like pineapple period, or they didn’t grow up with it on pizza. Or, they just can’t fathom the idea of mixing sweet and savory flavors, which sounds very sad to me. Reminds me of people who refuse to try zucchini bread. More for me I guess!


Its sweet, and I don't think that tastes good on pizza. Its not AWFUL, but it isn't great either. I prefer salty/spicy stuff on mine, personally.


It’s the only thing I eat on my pizza


i just don't like pineapple, the texture or flavor. however, i don't care if someone else eats/enjoys it. people like what they like and i would rather live an let live than bitch/whine about what someone else is choosing to eat.


I personally don't really like toppings that I don't associate with a typical pizza (pepperoni for example). The way that a pizza bakes in the oven just tends to get greese all over everything, and its just weird when it comes with traditional foods that I don't expect to taste like they're hot and greesy. I don't typically eat stuff like pepperoni on its own, so it doesn't really matter.


One time when I was a teenager my mom ordered hawaiin pizza while I was out. The next day she let me know there was leftovers. I had some but I took the pineapples off (gives me canker sores). But I have to say the combination of sweet with the pizza was pretty freaking delicious 😋


My favourite pizza is double cheese and pineapple, garlic base or tomato...don't mind either way. It reminds me of being a kid at parties with the cheese and pineapple hedgehog.


Love pineapple and ham. Maybe some banana peppers too. Just the sweet, salty, savory. Yum.


It's a meme. People need to feel outraged by something. The pineapple-on-pizza thing comes along and they can't wait to be appalled. For all the songs and poems about love, our favorite emotion has always been righteous wrath.


I think its mostly a lighthearted meme, a bit of fun. Even the most authoritative Italian isn't going to fight someone for adding pineapple to their pie. I don't like it personally, just not what I want from a pizza, but if someone else likes it, cool, just order a separate pie so I don't get any pineapple juice on mine. Also don't share my dips.


italians get mad when you break pasta lol. they are very firmly rooted in their traditions. funnily enough, pineapple is not native to hawaii, nor are tomatoes or mozzarella native to italy. but they brought pizza and a stick up their butts to new york and it became a meme i guess. pizza is actually traditionally something they would give to poor people, just throw whatevers leftover or old on some bread and toss it in the oven. for the record, with fresh ingredients and actually made properly in the nyc style, hawaiian pizza is really really tasty. it’s not supposed to be mushy, your pizza just sucks and i pity you lol


I actually prefer those hawaiians or maui or whatever they call those pizzas topped with pineapples Its not because pineapple is one of my fave fruit but i just like the sweety taste of the pizza coz of thise pineapples


1.) Fresh pineapple makes a world of difference. I'll eat canned, but fresh cut makes a huge improvement. 2.) There's a fair bit of "not traditional, so hate". And there's also a fair bit of "it's just too sweet." But I think there's at least as much faux outrage as real.


Some people just have very simple palates and don't enjoy sweet and savory together.


Not only pineapple, warm fruit in general is gross to me


It's a taste + texture thing for me. I hate wet squishy things on my pizza. The thought of warm, tart pineapple juice in my mouth as I go to take a bite makes me want to shudder.


It's kinda icky if the pineapple pieces are too thick. (Which they usually are.)


I like bacon, pineapple, and onion.


Pineapple on pizza is only good when it's hot. If it's cold, it's terrible.


I like pineapple pizza. Hate ham.


I just don't like pineapple, it's super sweet and doesn't taste good. So it's the taste of it that bothers me wherever it is. Be it pizza, cakes, or simply the fruit itself.


I don't like to mix sweet and savory. It's weird.


It's called recreational outrage. I've noticed that it's far more common with conservatives (US-TN style) to make jokes about how liberals love their avocado toast and fruit pizzas. I love it of course, being the mad liberal I am.