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It didn't fail on youtube, it failed on the other video sharing sites though.


All these vertical ads that change your orientation on YouTube would disagree


And like a 3rd of all content on YouTube is a Short that is always vertical


Now. But that’s because of TikTok etc.




vertical videos are very prevalent on youtube shorts. with instagram reels and youtube shorts, it appears they’re trying to copy the short form vertical videos that seemed to make tiktok so successful (although i’d argue it was the innovation of the sound feature that makes tiktok stand out).


^ The thing that made tiktok popular is that people could use music without getting curbstomped by record labels lol.


Because at the end of the day it is still a phone and not a tablet.


Part of this is pc vs phones. You normally hold your phone vertical, so watching videos that are recorded vertical does not feel odd. But on the pc (and tv and so on) the monitor can not be (easily) rotated from landscape, so vertical videos feel very wrong and wasteful. As for why no one complains anymore. We got use to it, sites started catering to the vertical market (tick tock, YouTube shorts, etc), and pc is no longer the normal way we use the internet (phones are far more common)


It's still a sin to me


The videos never leave the phone. They are filmed vertically on a phone and then viewed by others vertically on a phone


Most people in the world didn't actually care. So it never went anywhere. And now most people not only take but also consume those videos on their phone, so having it in the format that most accurately matches how they are likely to hold their phone makes sense to many people.


It's one thing to record something vertically. But there is this prevalence of cutting a TV clip into a vertical format where ⅔ of the screen is cut off. I loathe the vertical video trend. That alone should be enough to ban TikTok with extreme prejudice.


Social media is on phones instead of computers so vertical videos are natural.


I blame TikTok.


I still complain about it.


Just because people everywhere kept complaining doesn’t mean the majority of people actually cared. The vast majority of people really don’t care one way or the other.


PC / TV screen vs phone. If you watch on a vertical screen, a vertical video looks far better. But most of the phone apps (snap, insta, tik tok are set up more for vertical, since that's how most people look at their phones (shape of the hand). When I'm taking videos, if I think I may want to be casting this to a bigger screen, I do it horizontally. Sometimes I get one in each format.


10 years ago, we were complaining about all the YouTube videos that were vertical. Most people have gotten better about filming horizontal for YouTube, but most people filming stuff actually only put it on social media, which is a vertical medium. I recently had to make a short promotional video for Instagram, and it felt so weird editing in premiere vertically.


Once I started using AirPlay to watch my videos on my tv I started filming most of videos horizontally because it looks so much better blown up.


It’s catered towards the viewing platform. Vertical is for quick phone viewing. We’re not gonna see vertical movies anytime soon.


Probably now that most people view videos on their phones it's not as bad to view a vertical video. It was annoying on a PC but it's fine when scrolling reddit on mobile for example.


The portion of people viewing things mainly on phones got far bigger and those that mainly used laptops or PCs kinda aged out of those things.


Can watch vertical with one hand


And record videos easier with one hand.


Apps started to be made specifically for vertical orientation. Apps like tik tok and instagram. I mean, it's smart. Why fight the majority of phone users? Just go with what they're already doing and make it a feature.


Mobile apps like TikTok which primarily present their videos vertically is what killed that crusade.


In two words: Youtube Shorts.


The user interface of video platforms changed to accommodate vertical videos. People complained because back in the day if you record a vertical video and showed it on YouTube, it would be shown as a horizontal video with black on the sides making the video smaller. So now video platforms show both because a lot of people watch on their phones rather than PC computer


I still film horizontal because any video I want to watch again, I’m casting to tv and I wanna *see* the whole view.


tiktok and gen z maturing enough to use phones on their own


Fucking TikTok happened.


Who wants to turn their phone sideways to watch a video?


TikTok went vertical and it was the most popular….everyone followed.


TikTok is the simple answer


Most people are dumb and don’t think about things.


It's just easier/feels more natural to film vertical, a bunch of niche internet complaints wasn't going to change that.


How are you currently holding your phone?


I know sometimes ive recorded something in landscape without my phone 'rotating' the camera perspective. Looks fine while recording, but everytime you watch it itll be the wrong orientation later. Plus, recording in landscape doesnt work as well for something that will be posted on social media, where you would have to click on the video in order to have it fill up your screen.


It's a pain in the ass to remember, especially when something cool is happening in the moment.


Because phones are the preferred medium of the age group that matters to media people


Another question is why did it bother people so much when they saw a vertical video? Maybe it's the transfer from Millennial to Gen Z.


I still think it's a sin. However, its easier to hold your phone vertically than horizontally, and well.. TikTok.


You just can't beat stupid. Logic will always fall victim to stupidity.


I'm dreading the inevitable day when movies are made in a vertical format and shown that way in theaters. It'll happen.


I don't watch vertical videos on my TV or computer, only on my phone.


The problem was people didn't listen to us. I think the reason is that vertical is the natural way to hold a phone, and most people view things on mobile today, so the reasoning that horizontal is better always and you are going to want to view on a big TV failed to convince people.


It’s harder to use horizontal images for wallpaper


Vertical videos started popping up because of the form factor of phones and an extremely small vocal minority got mad about it. That did not affect the trend continuing because the reason for it only got more entrenched.


Not only that, if I turn my phone and film horizontally, or even take a horizontal picture, when I view it in the photos app, it shows it sideways, and if I turn the phone to see it upright, it rotates the picture. Forever sideways. Sure you can print it and turn it how you want, but still.


Everyone has vertical screens now. I always tried to stick with a square format.