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Yes. The nicotine salt is more potent than normal cigarettes. It can cause heart arrhythmia. I couldn’t sleep for two days because my heart was skipping beats, slowing down, speeding up, etc.


Dude go to hospital next time. Hope it doesn't happen again.


can i ask how long after u started vaping did these happen? i’ve been doing it for a few months now, not too much, and i have no physical symptoms or changes yet


If you are curious about nicotine salts, vaping, or heart arrhythmia, I recommend talking to your doctor. The comment above yours has the right idea for both of us.


Ngl tons of doctors will have no fucking idea about any of this.


I wouldn’t be so hasty to say none of it is outside their expertise… A general practitioner would definitely be qualified to investigate heart arrhythmia.


They're almost certainly not going to know how nic salts cause it or anything and will just recommend not vaping as a matter of obviousness. They won't provide you detailed info on why it happens, etc.


A couple months off cigs and only vaping I’m 20 years of cigarettes my heart murmur never acted up near as much as about 6 months of vaping has done


That happens to me with caffeine. My doctor wasn’t worried when I told him about it as long as it’s not happening frequently (several times a day)… but in your case…. Yeah I would have gone to the ER


Yes it can. Drinking too much water can also kill you.


Good old hypervolumetric hyponatremia (too much water, not enough salt in the brain)


I hear smoking is kinda bad for you too. Not sure if there's any substance to that though. /s


Vaping is fucking terrible for your lungs. Comparing it to water like that is stupid.


Not what he asked lol


Ah yes, love the downplaying of a serious health risk by comparing it to something unrelated but innocuous.


Nicotine is an addictive drug that can cause high blood pressure and heart disease. So, yes.


sounds like caffeine. nicotine itself is pretty harmless


Id be more worried about the smoke, nicotine can actually be quite good for you, it’s just that all the ways of injecting it have far worse downsides than the positives of nicotine


> nicotine can actually be quite good for you source needed


For example, nicotine influences a wide variety of cognitive functions such as attention, learning and memory (Yuan et al., 2015) and has been found to improve cognitive impairment in disease-induced cognitive disorders, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), age-associated memory impairment, ...


I see the facts have not managed to get in the way of downvotes.


Nicotine use is also attributed to lower intestinal parasite infections. Hammond, Fielding, & Bishop, 1997


Nicotine is used as an insecticide too. When I was a kid we gave our horses a bag of bull durham to make sure they didn't have worms. Common practice back then and horses love tobacco.


Yep! My wife uses nicotine bombs in her greenhouses in the fall and early spring as part of an annual treatment.


I bet that's pretty effective and without residuals from chemical insecticides.


It is to pretreat the leftover pests at the end and beginning of the seasons. She only uses beneficial insects and organic sprays such as neem and pyrethrin. And then the nicotine bombs as mentioned.


Same here. with neem, pyreththin's been around forever.


I hate to admit it but since I started vaping I have been way more focused on work and getting projects done


Also great for IBS


They are currently developing nicotine based adhd drugs as well.






Because nicotine is addictive?


Smokers have a far lower risk of Parkinson's as well due to nicotine.


Nicotine is a drug and like many other drugs can have it's useful side, but most often not used as a medication the way people commonly use it. I wouldn't necessarily say good for you as a generalization. [https://www.newhealthadvisor.org/positive-effects-of-nicotine.html](https://www.newhealthadvisor.org/positive-effects-of-nicotine.html)


You got downvotes, but yes, inhaling hot smoke is the main problem. It literally shreds your lungs apart. Same with Marijuana use, if you are gonna use it, please use a non-smoke method!


It's not even the smoke, but also the byproducts of burning organic material. Generally carcinogenic.


Just a question, What do you think the smoke is? All those "byproducts of burning organic material" is the smoke.


For sure, I just meant this particular kind of smoke generally is carcinogenic


Okay, but even campfire smoke is carcinogenic (creosote) but the concentration isn't like smoking.


Found the vaper. Nicotine is absolutely not good for you. Vape all you like, but don’t dupe yourself.


Nicotine has never been the issue (aside from being hard to give up, but so is coffee, alcohol etc) the method of ingestion has…


Vaping is horrible it’s the nicotine that’s good. The smokes negatives outweigh the nicotine’s positives


Vape dose not always have nicotine. I personally occasionally vape 0 nicotine vape to ensure I never smoke cigarettes again. Also there are tones of cannabis vapes. Can vapes kill you ... Yes but the nicotine argument is almost irrelevant.


Read this report on studies of nicotine free vapes and then decide.


The misinformation in this thread is wild.


100%. Sooo much anecdotal experience here. I don’t even vape and I’m pretty sure the truest answer here is “we don’t know for sure yet”.


I disagree, I think the answer is yes it can kill you. I honestly believe almost everything that exists can kill you.


That's because people take word of mouth and don't actually look into it themselves.


Which is the misinformation? I don't vape but I know cancer causing materials very well. I did look into what the vape solution is comprised of. I have formal education. I am not judging what people decide to do.


I’ve been vaping nicotine heavily for about 8 years now. While it’s no where near as bad as cigarettes I can tell it’s definitely not good for me. It doesn’t affect my breathing noticeably like cigarettes did (which I smoked for about a year) but I can definitely feel the nicotine raise my blood pressure sometimes. Time will tell if I’ve fucked myself but I’m probably one of the longest term subjects alive right now lol.


Same I've been vaping before juuls were even a thing. And even though I agree cigs are worse for your health I personally find vaping way more addictive. I only smoked cigs for about a year which isn't long but was able to cold turkey them without issue when I decided I wanted to, Vapes on the other hand ive tried to quit 2 or 3 times and I go about a month without one before buying another. But I think the addictive nature of vapes is less about the nicotine and more about convenience and having something to do with my hands when I'm bored.


Yeah I don’t think they are more addictive chemically but it is much harder to convince myself to quit vaping than it was for cigarettes. I used to have heavy substance abuse issues and the vape is my final crutch. It’s kinda like my talisman at social functions where people are drinking or smoking lol. Helps you feel like you aren’t left out and gives you something to occupy yourself like you said.


I completely agree!! I honestly hate that I use vapes to occupy myself though because when I don't have one sometimes I'll reach out to grab it even though it's not there, and then im just sitting there wondering what to do with myself lol. I think "habit" is a better description of vapes than addictive.


About 8 years for me too. I smoked for nearly 25 years before I switched. I don't have the breathing issues I used to have.


Everyone here is guessing. There has not been any real research into the long term effects of vaping nicotine, CBD or weed. Assuming you don't have severe health conditions, You can't die from just the vaping part. Can't really die from weed or CBD. Nicotine you technically can, but you will be puking to much to kill yourself. There have been people who died from vaping, however to my knowledge those all happened from street manufactured cartridges.


The Bristish health department has recently completed a 7 year study. Their verdict was that vaping is 95% healthier than smoking. To my knowledge this is the most extensive study to date.


Yea, partly because most UK citizens though smoking was healthier then vaping. We are a long way from 30 year effects of vaping knowledge. All we know is it's better then smoking


That’s such a safe statement to make, though, because it would be almost impossible to make something more dangerous than smoking.


Normally I would agree with you, yet more then half of the UK thought vaping was more dangerous than smoking.


Agreed. Anecdotally I've vaped heavily for 8 years after 25 years of smoking Whilst my lungs dont feel great they feel much better than they did. I used to wake in the middle of the night not able to breathe, and I'd be gasping for 30 minutes or so. That hasn't happened once since I started vaping. I also had a chest xray 6 months ago and my lungs were good. I have no doubt that vaping is bad, and I hope people stay away from it, but if it's better than smoking that's good enough for me.


The same guessing during the early stages of industrial tobacco cigarettes 😂


Actually it's kind of the opposite. There is a ton of misinformation saying vapes are bad for you (alot coming from the tobacco industry itself). With tobacco there was a ton of misinformation saying it was good for you, and doctors recommend it.


If you vape too much, yes, it can kill you. There's is a teen in the news that vaped so much that it made a whole in her lung and almost killed her. She went through surgery and from as far as I know is still with us. She's advocating against vaping because she over did it. She's advocating for the wrong reasons. I vape CBD. Not from sun up to sun down like she did. I'm still alive obviously with no health issues.


Here's a [link](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13541869/Teen-burned-hole-lung-vaping-issues-warning.html) to the news article, her name is Kyla and luckily she is still with us:)!


That’s 2 cartons a week. That’s the equivalent of just short of 3 packs a day.




> a whole in her lung hole


You vape city business district?


Im going to say COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is the most likely outcome for most people in their later years.


Did you not get the memo of vaping lung a few years back. People did die. And a 17 year old ended up with a double lung transplant. It was because of vapes of questionable quality so that was an extreme case but it shows that if you got the wrong one the wrong day it’s very possible.


That was all due to counterfeit carts though. I spent two weeks in the hospital from them. I've had no issues before or since. You also never see any new articles about people dying from it.


Yes. But like I said. If you had bad luck it could in theory happen again. Or there could be something else in there taking people out slowly. It’s currently considered equally dangerous to actually smoking.


> It’s currently considered equally dangerous to actually smoking. No it isn't. You can google that one and see that you're completely wrong in 5 seconds for yourself. It's not considered risk free, but it is in fact considered less harmful than smoking.


In the healthcare space? Where I work? And constantly have to do education on stuff? It is currently regarded as equally bad to actual smoking. We are asked to look for all the stuff that happens to smokers in people who vape. Is it the official public health statement yet? No. Because they’re not sure they want to say that because they don’t want people to return to actual smoking because of 2nd and 3rd hand smoke (3rd hand is the smoke in your clothes affecting ppl fyi). But for the person actually smoking it healthcare workers are currently supposed to regard it the same as smoking.


Lol ok.... I'm just supposed to believe you and the whole healthcare community are keeping it a secret over actual published and peer reviewed studies. No thanks.


And as of 2023 reports they're still dying and ending in the hospital. It's far from over and one report says that the number of people vaping increases by roughly 6.8% yearly world wide. That's a lot of people. People that never vaped nicotine or cannabis start just for the flavor or because peers are doing it.


No one knows yet, it hasn’t been around that long but probably…


What can't?


I’m just gonna answer straight up…. Maybe or maybe not


That sure was a straight up answer. Thanks for the info


Time will tell.


I’m not sure why in the past few years there seems to be this trend like we need to study every little thing for 50 years to have a clue. Like we know enough about anatomy, biology, and chemistry to reasonably extrapolate stuff within a fair probability. No, we can’t 100% predict everything but the chances of being blown away is low.




it is not generationally tested We can take a good guess at this.


The guess is yes


Of course.


If it's not tainted with other illegal additives, it is highly unlikely with normal use. Far, far safer than smoking from our data so far.




Virtually anything can kill you if done to excess.


More and more evidence is saying Yes




Yes. There has been a case where a middle school student needed a lung transplant from vaping, and I believe it was the metal in his lungs. You might say, “Just use the right vapes,” but with the current evidence, I’m unsure that's possible, especially since pretty much all vapes are metal. Although I haven’t researched too thoroughly, and research is likely still in its infancy, I’d play it safe if I were you.


There's also definitely many other reasons not to vape, but I’d look it up for yourself


Is there not also ceramic? Im unsure if metal parts are also used in that


I’m sure there are, but out of the ones you can buy at larger stores, a lot are metal. I’m sure there's ceramic, too. However, it’s not as if getting clay dust in your lungs is significantly better than metals since clay dust particles will probably be in the smoke. There's likely a minute difference, but clay has heavy metals in it as well, giving each type of clay a unique structure and color. Although clay is purified as much as possible, it still comes from the earth.




Not sure. But you did remind me to take a hit.


I mean, you're not gonna take one puff and keel over or anything, but sucking whatever the hell comes out of those things every day for years on end can't possibly end well


Everything can kill you son, some's just faster than others.




what it does before it kills you is far worse


Like the other guy said, there is likely an amount of vaping that can kill you that way. Otherwise, we don’t know, but probably. Hell, it could be worse than cigarettes for all we really know. We’ll find out in 50 years, the tobacco lobby already knows.


Basic fact, anything can kill you Vaping and smoking might be faster


Anything can kill you. Quantifying that to a meaningful risk, that's the hard part. Nicotine has broad effects long term in the cardiovascular system. It may or may not be a problem depending on the individual but with modern vapes and nicotine levels it's objectively harmful to you in many commonly found use cases.


Yes. Has already killed plenty. That’s why they raised the purchase age.


yes it can and especially the cheap ones. Also a lot of people tend to overdo with vaping as apposed to cigarettes die to the vaping not being as hot. [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/health/vaping-illness-tracker-evali.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/health/vaping-illness-tracker-evali.html) [https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1915314](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1915314)


Thanks everyone for the feedback, I'm not vaping right now, but all my friends are. I'll stay far away from it.


In the long term, we don't really know what the effects are. We haven't watched people do it for 40 years. In the short term, it's possible but extremely rare. There was a group of people who died a while ago, but that was mostly because of some additive. A handful of other people, usually who used an extreme amount have died. But it's clearly not radioactive. People have been vaping en masse for over a decade and they haven't been dropping like flies. PSA don't do nicotine, it's super addictive and the high is meh. It's basically like giving yourself an itch so you can enjoy scratching it. Do weed, shrooms. Even alcohol has a decent high although it's unhealthy.


Yes. But so can a car wreck or brain cancer or age or drinking too much water.


Anything will kill you if you use it enough. Cancer cells are mutated cells caused from overexposure to carcinogens. So sure. In the long run, yeah. But so will anything else you expose yourself to over and over again.


Water can kill you, food can kill you, air can kill you, earth can kill you.


Inhaling something that heats up to that temperature and breathing in stuff that has chemicals that are known to be carcinogenic (not talking about the nicotine, there’s a lot of other stuff in vapes) doesn’t seem like a good idea to me. Honestly, medical professionals recommend you try not to consume very hot liquids because it has *correlative* data associated with esophageal cancer. If vaping already has factors associated with it that are raising red flags (i.e, addictive substance, hot vapors in your lungs, etc) I would personally not want to take my chances and be this generations guinea pig. Just because there might not be conclusive data now doesn’t mean there won’t be in the future. You only have one set of lungs in this life.


Maybe if you swallow the whole pen.




It'll hurt your health, which will make you more likely to die... so... yes?


We don't rightly know yet, it's too new vs cigarettes which we've got decades of data on. But I'm gonna wager it's probably not great for you


Yes, it's about the dose


The obvious answer is, "It depends on the amount."


Yes it can kill you it also can lead the things that can kill you in other ways


Clearly yes. Less clearly, probably much more slowly than cigs. But also we don't actually know that.  In general your lungs are pretty fragile and not easily replaceable, so it's worth not deliberately putting stuff into them that's not designed to go into them.


Can it, yes. All sorts of ways. Accidental nicotine overdose due to poor mixing of the juice. Battery explosions. Contaminated juice. Bootleg juices (primarily found with cannabis ones). The use of wrong chemicals. Shady manufacturers. Could get hit by a car and die while distracted while vaping. Will the use of a vape kill you? Nobody can answer that at this time with any certainty. It appears that it's probably fine and is usually better than smoking, but there are so many unknowns. I loved vaping. I've smoked. I quit it all. It was quite hard, but I did it. Wish I had quit sooner.


This thread: “yes because I felt really bad once.”




Nicotine poisoning is a thing just by itself.


Something would have to go very wrong to die from nicotine poisoning. You'd be very ill long before you got a lethal dose just from vaping it.


Me? No. Only because I don’t vape.


They are still to new for long term effects to be known and ongoing study is still needed. For short term, there doesn't seem to be any severe health risks unless you already have an underlying condition that could be exacerbated by the chemicals or compounds found in the vape liquid. Currently the biggest short term danger of vaping, is people directly ingesting the vape liquid


Yes. Everything can kill you. When vaping you are inhaling warmed up chemicals. If some of those chemicals are harmful you may die. A few years ago there was a bunch of deaths from vaping. I think the AP investigative journalism tied these deaths to the sale of counterfeit cbd cartridges in the USA. Appearently they contained a binding agent for the vape liquid that turned into poison when heated up and inhaled. If you get your vaping liquid from reputable shops and the production of the vaping liquid follows industry standards then there is little to no immediate risk of death (you could still get too stoned, eat your vape and choke on it for example but such things are almost impossible). There was some talk about potential dangers of breathing in vapour from the vapes in regard to temperature or something a few years back but I don't recall anything definite coming out of that. . tl;dr: no, not unless you are vaping counterfeit, underground stuff made by junkies in a shed.


Lungs are designed for breathing air, not vaporised oils and other substances. So in workplaces where we're producing similar vapors and mists respirators and other PPE is used to protect people. I wouldn't be surprised if they find long term effects of use, it's just they are relatively new and many diseases take time to bubble to the surface, and then more time to see a trend in data suggesting a causal link.


Yes. Anything can kill you. A piece of food gets stuck in your throat and it kills you.


Yes it kills cells in your lungs, mouth, throat and several other places. Those dead cells become scar tissue which has a high rate of becoming cancerous


Both weed vaping and nicotine vaping can cause a condition in your lungs thats really bad and lasts a while even with cessation. So yes, indirectly. Its not really realistic to OD on either. Obviously you can take too much of anything but the quantities are insane youd have to take.


Yes, the Vitamin D Acetate added to illegal Chinese vapes literally coat your lungs in rubber goo.




I asked this to a long specialist I randomly met in a bar. His reply seemed reasonable. He said: - anything that goes into the lunges that’s not clean air is probably bad; - cigarette smoke is really bad. We know that now, but it took us decades to realize how harmful cigarettes really are; - it is likely that vaping isn’t going to be as harmful but we simply don’t know the long term effects yet; - if someone currently smokes cigarettes and wants to stop smoking and turn to vaping I’d certainly recommend that; - however, vaping is probably still a bad idea in the long run and you better find a way to quit. I used to smoke cigarettes and then traded it for vaping. I felt much better, but I also ended up vaping much more than I ever smoked. I quit all nicotine about two months ago and am really really happy I did.


* lung


Mate most everything can kill you if you overdo it. Drinking plain water can kill you.


Burning any substance and inhaling it is bad for your lungs! So yes. If you can do edibles or nicotine patches your lungs will thank you.




Of course. You’re inhaling who really knows what kind of chemicals into ur lungs. Combined with the moisture from vape. I tried vaping it was ok. Went back to cigarettes. Then I switched to rolling my own with “natural” tobacco. Much better than vapes or regular cigarettes imo. All still bad for you though. But I have the least amount of side effects now. 


A 17yr old girl from our town just died and the official report was from Vaping.


Post it


Well it's not good for you, and even things that are cn kill you.


Yes. But besides that I feel the most annoying thing is once you are addicted to nicotine, it’s very tough to quit. Doesn’t matter it’s vaping or cigs.


The vape coming off is 725F It’s no doubt irritating the lungs. And repeated irritation leads to scarring which after further use eventually could lead to COPD or worse..So yeah probably can kill you, but kinda slow


Yes. Smoking as well.


I went to a cancer support group; went to the wrong room. First thing I noticed was everyone in the group was young, under 25. Turns out it was a support group for people with Bile duct cancer. The Bile duct is 1/2 inch long, attached to the pancreas. Incredibly rare. Or it was; since vaping became popular the incidence of Bike duct cancer has shot up. Very sad. All those yummy artificial flavors are NOT checked in anyway. Turns out they’re really bad for the human body.


I've been vaping for about 8 years. Most of that time I've mixed my own juice and for the last few years I've used no flavouring at all. I expect that vaping isn't safe but I'm making it as safe as I can.




Almost ANYTHING can. Will it? That's the question. And the odds are against you.


Science is still out. Vaping hasn’t been around long enough for any solid studies yet. So far it seems vaping is just as bad, just in different ways.


The British government did a 7 year study, ending in 2022. Their conclusion is that smoking is much worse than vaping. I realise we won't know for a long time but I believe this is the most extensive study to date. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/nicotine-vaping-in-england-2022-evidence-update/nicotine-vaping-in-england-2022-evidence-update-main-findings


Thank you for providing a link!


Lead or sickness that can kill you? Yes


Yes, search popcorn lung for starters.


That's specifically from vitamin e acetate as an additive, which is generally only in black market THC vapes




it's not good for you dude. it might even be worse than smoking. and yeah, it can kill you....long or short-term. *More than 2,800 e-cigarette users required hospital admission due to EVALI through February 2020; 68 of these people died. Most cases were among teens and young adults.* [https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/can-vaping-damage-your-lungs-what-we-do-and-dont-know-2019090417734](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/can-vaping-damage-your-lungs-what-we-do-and-dont-know-2019090417734)


Those were due to vitamin E acetate cut thc carts, not nicotine vapes. Try again


Wasn’t there research that connected the high amount of deaths with mostly minors because minors and young adults are required to get their vapes from sketchier “black-market” style vapes as opposed to “safer” vapes sold by distributors? I use the word safer extremely loosely. You know (for the most part) what goes into a vape sold by the store Vapes Nation as opposed to the vape you bought from little Timmy in the B Building bathroom.


Like with most things in life there are risks but it definitely isn’t worse than smoking cigarettes.


Yes it burns your lungs and nicotine of course isn’t healthy either.


Oh god yes. So many ailments and maladies are already attributed to it. Even cases of them exploding and killing you.


Yes, Just like cigarettes.


Yes vape can kill you. Lungs may be your most sensitive organ ( I am not a doc) but I know they incredibly sensitive. Vaping solutions contain formaldehyde which is carcinogenic. If you need nicotine use gum or patches. Nicotine itself is not cancer causing. Your brain is full of receptors that live nicotine, hence the addiction problem.


>Vaping solutions contain formaldehyde which is carcinogenic. No they actually dont. What the studies found was that if you severely overheated a vape (almost impossible to do with regular usage) it would create formaldehyde. It was a poorly executed study.


Been over 10 years and no issues. I swim often and have decent pulmo/cardia stamina.


Yes. There is depleted radioactive material in it (jokingly correct, it’s lead)


Yes. Had a nurse friend say it's worse than cigarettes cause you get a sticky build up in your lungs.