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In the U.S., burial at sea is permitted by the Environmental Protection Agency. The plastic raft and similar items won't be allowed since they're not readily decomposable in the marine environment. Other materials that will decompose quickly are more appropriate. Rules and FAQs on how to arrange it is available at https://www.epa.gov/ocean-dumping/burial-sea


Viking funeral is perfectly legal in the us. Glad to see I have options.




Wait wait wait wait wait, "aircraft", forget the boats, you're saying my flailing body could be jettisoned from an aircraft missile style?


Argentina used to do that for free. You didn't even have to be dead.


I think this whole thread is gonna be one of my all time favorites  Remindme24hrs 


And... ya killed it. Time to jettison it from a mach 2 aircraft into the ocean.


Think you forgot the exclamation point - commenting on this so you still have a notification to go back to


Chileans were jealous and adopted it too.


You spelt Boeing wrong.


Omg, this made me laugh too hard. Thanks for that.


Your family could sail out to sea on a beautiful old wooden ship and lay you to rest by shooting your body out of a cannon.


Aasand this is now what I want.


It would need to be a bloody big cannon.


A brightly colored circus cannon would do nicely


Alright, scrap the cannon, and have your body yeeted into the ocean by a trebuchet.


A brightly colored circus cannon would do nicely


Punctuation matters . Bloody, big cannon.


I think the punctuation could be correct for either one in this case.


Yeah, I think it's like saying "a fucking big cannon." You wouldn't put "a fucking, big cannon."


In your example, necrophilia followed by disposing the evidence. Works.


A friend of mine had his ashes fired out of an 8pdr cannon if that counts.


I used to have a friend who made sure everyone he knew remembered that when he died he wanted to be fired out of a circus cannon to a specific Led Zeppelin song


Sounds like an interesting way to be laid to rest.


I know of one occasion where they slid the coffin out the side of a helicopter, here in New Zealand.


Do you intend to still be flailing when this happens?


On the 91st birthday or my death, whichever is first.​


Imagine just strolling along the waters and a flailing body sinks your ship. That or surfacing after a dive to be face planted by a corpse at Mach speeds 😂


So you’re saying use a boat made of ice.


Pykrete https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pykrete


The fire was "accidental"


That’s it, I wanna be lobbed from a F-35 at max height


but if I drag the boat in the body out to international waters Then is it legal to do a Viking funeral ?


It's not illegal to announce a non-burning funeral, tow it out, and have some remembrance candles next to some dry flowers. On a small wooden boat that is rocking back and forth in the waves..


On water, no, “Viking” funerals are not legal anywhere in the US. On land, there’s only one state that allows open air pyres, and that’s Colorado: https://cowboystatedaily.com/2023/01/11/want-a-viking-funeral-only-state-that-allows-it-is-colorado/


Wild that my absolute tinderbox of a state is the only one to allow this.


So you're saying we need to go far enough out we're in international waters?


Unfortunately, burning a body to ashes requires high heat for long periods of time with a maintained fire. Viking burials are not legal because the body would leave identifiable remains which would need to be investigated if found.


Yes of course, unlike the perfectly legal dumping of a non cremated body mentioned earlier.


Just find the shark waters, and try to do this while the body is fresh. Maybe bring a bit of fresh pig blood too.


After all, you’re just Vinlanders to us Scandinavians. 


Yea, one of the few places the vikings landed and got promptly evicted from. Twice. Once for the skraelings and once for the inuit.


This makes me wonder if sea burial would be more economical or ecologically viable way of discarding human remains. Some research makes it sound like skeletonization can occur in as fast as four days in the right parts of the world and then the bones fall to the sea bed. That seems a lot better than using up acres of land for cemeteries for people who won't be remembered in 50 years anyway.


As long as we don't pump them full of embalming fluid first, yeah it definitely would be better. Return them to nature, circle of life and all that....


If you want to go even more ecologically friendly, you can get your body decomposed. Family can make a nice garden out of your dirt.


That's both really touching and deeply disturbing Edit: if you're into weird shit with trees and corpses, check out the book speaker for the dead


Bury me with a fruit tree in my chest so my friends and family can eat me one last time 🤣


Just not a vegetable garden. I hate when my squash tastes like Uncle Jim.


What’s for dinner? Mom’s spaghetti squash.


I think sea burial typically involves weighting the body so it sinks.


Had no idea the government would tell me very specifically how to dispose of a body rapidly and permanently.


Fun fact: Yellowstone hot springs dissolve bodies overnight


But the park rangers hate scrubbing the grease line out of the pool.


Fun fact; There is an area of about 50 square miles near Yellowstone that you can theoretically kill someone and not be able to be charged for it due to some kind of technical jurisdiction issues. So it is very convenient to have body dissolving pools nearby.


They are the experts. Maybe that's where all the skeletons in closets politicians have come from 🧐


They aren't in the closet, they're out at sea. It says so right in that article.


Supreme Court saw this page and decided "nah, EPA shouldn't decide that, we should".


Justice Thomas saw this page and thought, "how can I turn this idea into a grift?"


"Justice" Thomas is the oxymoron of all time. May he rot in whatever hells may exist, starting now. Or 70 years ago.


Well if it isnt permanent you havent really disposed of it have you? Youd have just put it away for safe keeping.


Looking at the numbers of burials at sea in 2020, what the hell happened in Oregon in April?! I mean, I know COVID was happening but why the specific jump in Oregon only? https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2021-11/bas_2020-summary-table.pdf


Hmm -- there aren't entries for every month, so I wonder if they submitted information in batches. It's also a very eco-conscious place, so I'd imagine that maybe plays a part? Florida's numbers are higher but somewhat less surprising somehow....


lol I had the exact same thought, I didn’t question the Florida numbers because, well… it’s Florida


Did a ship go down in April? “OK, we have 30 days to file the burial at sea form for all these people.”


Fuck you need to let them know at least 30 days before.... Im sure having a rotting corpse for a month wont work...


It’s 30 days *following* the burial at sea.


This has to be one of the most interesting things I’ve ever read.


Why are human remains ok but not pet remains though?


Oregon reported an anomalous 652 burials at sea in April 2020 — COVID burials? Another 170ish later that year. Florida leads the way in burial at sea, but that’s spread out pretty evenly throughout the year. Oregon is second but their numbers come all at once in big chunks. I wonder why that is. Edit to include source: https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2021-11/bas_2020-summary-table.pdf


With chevron defense gone, does epa even matter /s


Oh sick! I want to be covered in blood before they dump me so my body gets eaten by sharks


that would be called a burial at Sea and there are a lot of specific rules and regulations for doing that legally


Why is it called a burial when you are not getting buried. 


You are. Just underwater.


Man that’s deep


Buried by water.


How do you call being under several million tons of water?




Uncomfortably buried


Being an OceanGate passenger.




Excellent! But truly, all the fathoms. All the way to the bottom.








Because burial means the action, ceremony, or practice of interring a dead body. It can also mean a grave.


For any legal question, you need to say \*where\* you'd be doing this.


Somewhere off the coast of the US, but presumably it could be international waters?


Legality is kind of weird on this one. It was illegal for me to spread my wife's ashes where i did. But was where she told me, so i did. I trecked miles into the woods to find the spring for her favorite view and spread her there. End of the day the ppm were likely so duluted were homeopathic. In my view i gave her one past trip.


You did what she asked of you and it hurt nothing and no one. Who cares if it was legal. It was beautiful.


My original location was her favorite camping spot at medicine bow national park in wyoming. But her brother kind of killed himself there before i could make the trip so had to go with plan b.


There is no medicine bow national park. There is however a national forest near Laramie?


That is the one! There is a plane crash there? We hiked up and found an engine still there from like the 50's? Been like 20 years since i have visited. Thought was a national park. Thanks for the correction.


Yes. That’s Med Bow peak which is part of the Snowy Range mountains, a plane out of Denver slammed right into it in the 1950s.


I thought was a national park. Thank you for the correction. You are correct that wife was from laramie. I would know more, but my moms are an interracial lesbian couple. I was not exactly welcome in her parent's home.


>homeopathic as part of physics final in university, they told us the mass of homeopathic drug necessary to guarantee a single molecule of its active ingredient, and then had us calculate the schwarzchild radius of the resultant black hole. It was not small.


ELI5 please


Homeopathic medicine is a field of quackery based on the theory that water can "memorize" substances put into it, and take on its properties. The idea is to put some some folk medicine type stuff into water and then dilute it. Modern day homeopathic medicine will dilute the original solution centillions (yes, centillions) of times. When you're that dilute, it gets to the point where the amount of medicine you'd have to have in order to have a single molecule of the active ingredient present is celestial body sized. The schwarzchild radius of a mass is the minimum size you would have to compact the mass down to for it to form a blackhole. The earth is "not very massive" so you'd have to compact it down to 9 mm before it forms a blackhole. The sun is much more massive so you'd only have to compact it down to a 3 km sphere for it to form a blackhole. I don't remember the answer for my physics test but the professor asked us to express it "astronomical units" (AU), where one AU is the distance from the sun to the earth.


My mother’s ashes have been placed all across the US. Most are at locations that had specific memories. Others were places that she wanted to go but didn’t get to before she died.


I am chronically late, everywhere I go. I'm not overly exaggerating, it's a real problem for me. I have directed my husband to cremate me and put my ashes in an hourglass so I can finally be on time.


I am trying so hard to not laugh out loud as people are still asleep here. I absolutely LOVE this!!!


Holy shit I love this.


Have you been tested for ADHD? I used to be like this. I have a very good sense of how long something should take. The problem is, my "sense" only works in perfect conditions. From my house it the airport is 100 miles. That drive takes 1 hour and 45 minutes so I would always leave exactly 1 hour and 45 minutes before I had to be there. But it only actually takes that long when I'm going at 2am and theres zero traffic on the road. The 90% of the time I'm actually going to the airport, theres at least mild traffic and it takes me anywhere from 2-4 hours. When I finally realized how unacceptable it is and incredibly rude of me to be late to everything, I found out I had ADHD and since thats been managed it has helped me tremendously.


>my wives' grandmother I'm more interested in whether this is just bad grammar, or if there's a really weird family situation going on...


Bad grammar. It's been a day. I have one partner.


You can also become a tree https://www.betterplaceforests.com/welcome-forest-memorials Or a coral reef https://www.eternalreefs.com Or just get left in the woods https://swanpointcemetery.com/green-natural-burial/


cant you also get turned into a diamond or something like that


Pressure and time i suppose


So any day now...


I live relatively near swan point cemetery, had no idea I could just get left in the woods there. Now I know if I get murdered someone might just hide me there...


Just giving you shit. There's a ton of stuff you can do in international waters, as long as it doesn't wreck the environment. As long as your body is gonna stay down there, they can put you down there.


In international waters you could have multiple wives too probably! * Happy 🎂 day.


Sister wives perhaps?


Cousins are also acceptable


Nice I’m from West Virginia too


He married ALL the sisters 😅


Same thought.


>Legally, can I do that? Legally, if you go out to international waters, I don't see why it couldn't be done. But you can't do that yourself once you become a body. Someone would have to do it for you.


Counterpoint: Dead man's switch/timer.


You can 100 dump your body in the ocean after 15 miles I think. It may be 25. Another cool thing you can do is what my father pre paid for. Fireworks. No bs. His cremated remains will be loaded into 3 fireworks shells and blown the fuck up. How cool is that? “Going out with a bang” is legit


I can't believe this isn't getting more of a reaction. My husband heard about this and we're planning it out as we speak. He has always loved fireworks. This is a dream come true for him. Although, it also depends on the person. His is a life well lived. His passing will leave some sorrow but he has brought such joy into so many lives that his memorial will be a celebration of that spirit, so fireworks will be an amazing way to remember him.


To be honest I thought my dad was full of shit when he first told me. It’s just so fucking cool that it couldn’t be true. But for about $3k he’s getting it done. Doesn’t include the cremation or anything but it isn’t super expensive. He also paid for like 5 years ago so prices may have gone up


We saw the concept featured on an episode of the TV comedy series "Wild Travels". You know what? My sweetheart worked so hard and saved money all his life and in the end he'll use a few thou to go out in a blaze of glory. Why not!!?


12 nautical miles. Then you're in international waters.


I've been considering donating my body to science, then once they're done with me, putting my ashes in with some tannerite and shooting it.


That's a big chunk of rubber to pollute the ocean with. Your body will float back to shore unless you put a lot of effort into keep it down, too. You'll rot, inflate, and go bob back to shore somewhere and horrify a beachgoer. Just all-around a really bad idea. You CAN be cremated and have your ashes cast in concrete to use for an artificial reef, which is a pretty cool idea IMHO.


I never heard of that but just looked it up because of your comment. My father was a fisherman… this would be so perfect for his ashes. Thank you for mentioning this! ETA: called Eternal Reefs


I'm just imagining sending my body off in a raft in the just for it to get sent back by the current to some beach in front of a restaurant with just like a swarm of birds following me waiting to pick at my flesh.


mafia style? chicken wire and cinder blocks?


Or sewn up in a canvas hammock with a cannonball at your feet. It's traditional.


Or a fisherman! https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna39192386 I remember this being on the news.


Yes to an extent. Not the raft part. I'm going to the body farm to rot out in the open when I die, and then my bones are going to be cleaned and donated to a local museum as a display.


that goes hard


Body farm is my wish, too. Just leave my bones out for the animals to crunch.


Ive heard the body farm has a long waiting list


TIL of body farms..


And here I am asking to be launched into a black hole for science 🤣🤣🤣


When I die, I want my remains scattered around Disneyland. I don't want to be cremated.


When I die I will be cremated and I want my ashes put in a disco ball so I can keep partying.


Ahh the old Osama funeral


I want my body buried on any property I own, if I ever do. Then nobody has to pay property tax on it. If my corpse can carry on into eternity helping someone evade taxes, my life was worth something


Dump your body by an oil rig. So many fish around those things to eat your remainsZ


Just to clarify, bodies have to be treated with respect and according to the law. So, you can't just take a body out and dump it in the ocean. However, 'burial at sea' is a recognized practice in many countries, but it has to be done following specific legal procedures. You'd need to check the regulations for the country you're in.


Returning to the ocean feels like a very respectful way to go, if you ask me... especially if the person requested it. Just sayin'.


Not sure if you're intentionally missing how much 'treated respectfully' actually entails. There's a huge difference between me stuffing your body in a plastic bag, throwing you into the back of a van, and driving you out to sea just to fling you overboard, versus having your body properly cleaned and dressed by a mortician, placed in a casket designed for sea burial, and transported by professionals. Once at sea, a ceremony is held where people say kind words before the casket is lowered into the ocean. Respectful treatment involves following legal procedures and honoring the deceased properly. I mean, in both cases you are 'returned to the ocean'. But clearly one is more respectful.


First option sounds like the intelligent one. Why would I pay to have a dead body cleaned and dressed and put in an expensive box just so I could shove it into the sea? Anyone does that disrespectful shit to me I would be pissed if I wasn't dead. Roll me off the boat, pour a beer over the edge and go the fuck back home.


After reading this thread I'm going to really side eye anyone who is dull and unimaginative enough to be buried in a cemetery.


The US Coast Guard has a burial at sea program.  There are rules to follow and I believe you would need to be cremated, but if you love the ocean and want to be interred there then there is an established way to do it.


Nah you can be buried at sea without being cremated. You can literally just load the coffin onto any boat or aircraft and go three miles out and dump it overboard. https://www.epa.gov/ocean-dumping/burial-sea


When a whale dies and its body sinks to the deeps, a complex multi-year ecosystem develops around the carcass in an otherwise barren environment. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QxSUsn8H2zs or search "whale fall timelapse". I totally, totally want that kind of interment.


Idk if this is up your alley, but you can also be buried in a bag with a tree seed or seedling. So the tree uses you as nutrients and it’s like you become part of the tree after you die. I smoke too much pot so I think this sounds lit af


I don't smoke any pot and I also think it sounds pretty lit.


I'm a diver and am going to be buried by Eternal Reefs. They mix your ashes with concrete and make them into reef balls. The balls are deposited into the ocean and, with time, will grow into a reef. If you'd like, I can get you their information.


What about a Viking funeral? I’ve always preferred the idea of putting me out to sea and someone sets fire to my boat…


Death will be my very first opportunity to not care about anything ever again. You can't ruin that for me if you tried.


If you go into international waters, who's gonna stop you?


Maybe the ships captain when you bring a suitcase with a body in it


This isn’t about the legalities of burials at sea but nonetheless an alternative option to consider… Eternal Reefs Welcome to Eternal Reefs Eternal Reefs are permanent living legacies that memorialize the passing of a loved one by helping to preserve and protect the marine environment for the benefit of future generations. https://www.eternalreefs.com/


You can legally have a burial at sea.


Hey, you just go right ahead. Fuck the law. Every country is dumping whatever the hell they want in there. The fish may enjoy your body. A rare delicacy for them.


I've always wanted to be air dropped into the Amazon jungle so I can return to nature as fast as possible. No corpse is lasting a day there.


I urge everyone with a "I'd rather just have my body go back to nature in some way" attitude to look into Human Composting. Ask A Mortician has a great video on it.


Your family isn't going to want to drag around your decomposing body. Get cremated and dump your ashes in the ocean


My father is a maritime engineer. A number of years ago he devised a plan for a small ocean going vessel designed for end of life care. When your time came, you and your family would board the ship and head out to international waters. There would be a nice ceremony, you could say your goodbyes, then you would go in to the treatment room where the humane euthanasia cocktail would be administered while your family was on the top deck. After you passed away, your body would be prepared, and on the top deck would be one of those human cannons from the circus. Your body would be catapulted to the deep. Your family would return back to shore.


If you live in the US, absolutely. EPA keeps a general permit for just this purpose filed under 40 CFR 229.1. You have to be taken at least 3 miles out to sea, and then have your body dropped in waters of a minimum depth. This only covers human remains, so no pets. You could not use the raft, as no items that aren't easily biodegradable in the marine environment are allowed without a [SPECIAL PERMIT](https://www.epa.gov/ocean-dumping/special-and-research-permits-ocean-dumping) for it. Even with the permit, you couldn't use a raft. It's for stuff like headstones or artificial reefs. Might I suggest the viking burial? Bring along a wooden dingy. Place your body inside on top of lots of tindling soaked in kerosene. Cover with real flowers. Have someone with bow experience fire a flaming arrow at it to ignite it on the water.


It would be easier to hire a plane, have them fly low and drop you out.


I’ve legit said take me out on a boat and throw me to the sharks 😂 I don’t care what they do with me I’ll be dead, it’s not like I’m going to mind


You won't care. You'll be dead. So tell yourself whatever you want to believe will happen to your body.


It's called a burial at sea and I've participated in several. There's a minimum depth and you have to make sure whatever you're in will actually sink but if you meet both those requirements it's legal.


I just want to be buried in the ground. No box, no sheet, just buried in the ground with dirt. The worms and ants should make quick work of it.




Check out the Neptune Society - they cremate you and then put you in a man made reef!


Donate everything to others, please. Don’t waste your organs. There are dozens of people a single donor body can help in life changing ways. 🙏🙏🙏


Based on my understanding of the Supreme Court decisions this week, you can dump a dead body and anything else anywhere you like the government can't say shit. A live body better be at work or a paid for residence or it's going to jail.


Well if all the cruise ships can toss all their trash out on international waters, I don't see why a perfectly biodegradable person would be a problem?


My plan is to use the last of my mortal energy to walk into Yellowstone and die there. Letting the wolves, bears, and other critters consume my body.


Im donating my body to science when I die. They handle disposal and even give the family a bit of money for a ceremony.


I am choosing to have my body airdropped over the arctic, to feed the starving polar bears


I want my ashes flushed down a toilet in Milwaukee, then a week later my wife can go to the garden center and buy a bag of milorganite and fertilize the lawn.


You could DEFINITELY do that if you would just have yourself CREMATED. That's my wish. You're asking a LOT for those who love you to physically put your dead body into the sea?? To me, it's kind of a selfish thing to ask of anyone. It's hard enough to say goodbye. It took me 13(?) yrs to even put my daughter's ashes in the ocean in Rhode Island. She was murdered in 2004. PLEASE think about those you will leave behind.


I’m sorry for your loss, I don’t think that I’d be able to do that. You must be a strong person, I hope life’s been kind to you recently.


Not necessarily, but I'm still here. I have to believe that God has brought me thru everything so far. Otherwise, I would not be here. 🙏🙏


I sea, said the blind man.


Why would your dead body care about the law?


Sure, why not? What are they gonna do? Slap your corpse??


Is this like a Poseidon thing?


With the VA, I have a full Viking funeral/pig roast setup. I am bound by U.S. laws. No plastic rafts or anything toxic to the environment is allowed, whether being burned or not.


Yes, you can be buried at sea.


The idea I've had, is to have a metal cage built so I'd sink to the bottom. That way the bottom feeders can have a feeding party and I won't wash up


International waters


You can’t do any of that as you won’t be alive to do it! 😂


If your dead.. who cares If it's legal..?


For my dad, who was a yachtie, we got these biodegradable turtles & they put his ashes in them to float away into the sea. It’s such a lovely thing & they also feed the fishies!


A better idea is to be cremated and have your ashes dumped in the ocean or a beach. Cremated remains are the same size as sand so you would help combat shrinking land due to rising sea levels.


there is drowning, but how do you "dump your own body" if you are already dead? the question is can your family dump your body in the ocean. and at the very least it is legal in international waters since there are no rules. or even closer if no one is looking. but closer means it might wash up on the shore and that would be a big legal thing.


[I'm doing the eternal reef burial](https://www.eternalreefs.com/) and may actually do that for the rest of my dad's ashes as well


Get cremated then you can be put anywhere and your toxic body won’t just decay into the local ecosystem


If you’re dead, they can’t charge you with a crime. If not being charged is your definition of “legal”, then ‘yes’. However, similarly, suicide is a crime. Once again, if you succeed, you can’t be charged. But people who fail sometimes are charged. It’s actually pretty rare for people to be charged with the premeditation of suicide though. So if you spend your years planning the perfect self body dump, you probably won’t get in any trouble. Just know that now that you put it on the internet, they’ll be watching you closely. Ell oh ell!


Yes, burial at sea is an option, but you want to do it through the right legal channels and with the proper procedures. If you don't do it right, there's a risk that your body washes up on shore somewhere and (in addition to being upsetting for the person who finds it) the police will have to figure out who you are and if you're a murder victim. You'll also want to make sure you're buried in a way that will allow natural decomposition and doesn't pollute the water, so you'd want a wooden casket or cloth shroud rather than a plastic life raft.


Bodies float, even the muscular ones after death.