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It’s something that will have to go away with time. You can’t dictate what people are teaching their kids at home and that’s where it all stems from.




I feel like the parents would just turn off the tv or switch the channel.


It's about perspective! A ball depending on its size could be use for many things but we only know it's about sports.


Treat everyone equally. They are all assholes in their own unique way.


Is an unexpected type of equality to treat individuals with. Away of saying what one's deserves in accordance to their current status. Instead of pursuing a profound source for one's capabilities and abilities of achievement, performance etc.!


Be firm in the position and don't waver


Military base conditioning and results! Go in accordance to the statement you present. But really haven't we learned anything yet, not even with the on-boarding of the "ww3." Savorlike thinking is that we are now becoming aware of the perfect lineal curvature of the universe within the world 🌎 we live in.


Probably a melting pot society that is homogenous. But we are moving toward a more multi-cultural society.


Awareness! It's something powerful. But maybe not to be discussed!


Everyone who has a bias, feels that they are aware of the information that they have taken in, and using it for their own survival. The best they could do is make sure they are not using it illegally. Implicit bias should not affect any decision that the courts have deemed would violate someone's civil rights. But people will choose where they spend their time and money. And every law I've seen to counter that affect, has caused people to get up and move somewhere different and spend their money somewhere else. And that includes Conservatives and Liberals.


The word "illegal" should be prohibited! If there's anything illegal that could be done through or with a bias it should be the bias to be banned 🚫. Law makers and regulations are in place because the same flaws. The mare purpose of development tools are contradictory to the nature in which it flourish. Leaders pursuing services and products deepening financial outcomes from and of society within all escenarios are for imperial status of the wealthy. People won't be free from this flaws even if they move to Mars! Being aware isn't about just learning laws, regulations and developments as a hack to curve the system. But to know who and what you are, regained the ability to value individuals regardless of their financial or social status is empowering the self.


But bias is a thought. And thoughts cannot be banned. And if someone tried we would be back in the same rabbit hole


Brilliant! so, no need to runoff someone's end-closing ideas when we all learners of both positive and negative outcomes and used cases.