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Well, there's no real intelligence there, so why not make it artifical.


This is an interesting thought. Yeah, the user based dropped so low, they needed to use A.I. to pretend there are actual people.


Do you see me on there blasting every single post I find with a picture saying “don’t feed the ai”


Hes talking about your contacts and Facebook users in general. Facebook isn't spamming those images from your friend's accounts, your friends are posting them


The average Facebooker is only slightly dumber than the lower half of Reddit. We're not too far ahead of them.  The upper 10% of Reddit is definitely smarter than 95% of Facebook, though. So that's nice. 


And 90% of reddit thinks they are that top 10%


Compared to Reddit, Facebook is full of Rhodes scholars.


So, you're saying you're not on facebook. Ok. I don't care.


Facebook feeds are sort of the cutting edge of attention algorithms, it'll show you outrageous/tested content to get you to look for even just seconds more. I get crazy celebrity stuff for shows I've never even watched just because certain faces will cause me to slow down for a second. That's all it takes for them to make value assessments.


Agreed. I get all sorts of absolute BS in my feed. For like a week, I was scared to look at FB in public. They were pushing these these newly created "sports pages" that was just images of cheerleaders or volleyball players, where the clear intention of the image was to stare at their crotch. Like a cheerleader doing a high kick, or a volleyball player fully bent over. Like WTF facebook! If I wanted porn, I would go browse porn at home. I'm not 12 years old. I don't want these girlie pics in my feed. I blocked like 6-8 different pages before it stopped.


They kept sending me AI images of Korean flight attendants. Like, I don't have anything against that demographic, but..  why? 


LOL, that is funny. For a while, I broke their system. I kept blocking every "sponsored post" they sent me. Their system was trying to learn what I wanted, but couldn't get it. It finally got to the point within a week that it was suggesting brand new business pages, in foreign countries, with zero likes, zero pictures, zero posts, etc.


Yeah, most of the images are labeled as places I've been in my life- different mountain ranges, lakes and canyons in the western US. I do pause to look because they will be labeled 'Bighorn Mtns' which are next to where I live and I look at it for a few seconds thinking 'that ain't the Bighorns'. I suppose it is some kind of test they are conducting to see if folks can be fooled.


Actual answer: since the dawn of Facebook in 2004, those running Facebook Pages have been gaming the algorithm: more impressions leads to more engagement leads to more profit (either by selling the page or other commercial promos). Facebook used to penalize Pages for bait but they stopped. The deluge of AI images on Facebook is the latest iteration of engagement bait. With AI image generation now sufficiently accessible by the nontechnies that make up the most of Facebook's modern demographic. Those same people are not discerning enough to identify if the content is AI generated, and since it looks cool, it gets tons of likes (unlike Instagram and Threads, Meta does not have a "Made by AI" flag on content, even if said flags are useless). More likes means more algo juice which leads to a selection bias of "why has my Facebook feed become filled with A.I. images".


Well, maybe there is an opportunity here for a new social media platform that commits to at least trying to filter out A.I. generated material. I just want to see what my nephews are up to and if the Thai food truck will be at the brewpub on Wednesday. I'm willing to accept adverting to do that, but having to wade through fake A.I. images to do it is making me really want to not even bother going on FB.


There is no feasible way to block AI content at social media scale currently.


Some claim to just ban AI content but even *then* there can be some questionable motives at play. A few weeks ago a platform called Cara appeared overnight, ~~but people figured out pretty quick that they appear to be training their *own* AI / a dataset of art with anti-AI filters from people's posts.~~ (dubious, see reply)


Fuck… Really? The serious insane scams haven't even begun yet. It took a few years for email scams to really become a thing


Got a source on that?


...huh, I actually can't find it. I'm gonna retract that last part, was probably just someone talking out of their ass. However there's always the possibility if it gets large enough that they change their stance, or that people start scraping the site to use as a massive database of art - so I *personally* don't know if I'd feel comfortable using it.


I'm getting the crazy ones with huge 18 wheeler convoys carrying american flags saying "why does this never get shared?"


I just logged into my dormant account to check my feed. My first one was an army lady in a wheelchair with an artificial leg. But she also had two normal feet. I’m so confused.


That is what I am currently getting, except it is a bunch of amputated veteran-looking people with prosthetic legs saying "why does this never get shared?" I saw one with a service dog with 2 prosthetic legs next to a man in a wheelchair that the AI fucked up and accidentally gave 3 prosthetic legs lmao


Thank god i haven't been getting those (yet). I guess they have a variety of themes. I have seen some of my more conservative and religious FB acquittances share the fake veteran a.i. pictures. Fake soldiers in uniform in the middle of the street with missing limbs and completely bogus prosthetics with the standard sucker bait title of "Only real patriots will have the courage to share this!". Those really make me sick. Basically a.i. stolen valor that disrespects actual combat veterans.


Oh you will. They’re great. I made a few memes out of them


Good way to recycle garbage ♻️


Mine are all military, the images are so obviously contrived, fake, un-real, clownish, cartoonish. Yet, there are gazillions of supposed “followers” commenting with sincerity.


Pretty sure those comments are AI too lol


I got a similar one except the 18 wheeler was like 3 football fields long and curved around the highway. It was genuinely hilarious though


People are leaving facebook. Facebook is flooding itself with bots to inflate intereraction. Its all ai images and bots commenting on the photos..facebook has fallen. Its just not showing yet (yay)


This is the future of the entire Internet. All of the social media sites will be mostly AI. Keep in mind that even without AI, 1% of Redditors create 95% of the content.


#Amen!! *picture of som middle eastern guy with 17 fingers sitting in a wheel chair with two wheels, holding a birthday cake with one candle while also wearing a oxygen mask leading to nowhere*


Yup, I block a dozen pages easily each day, all fake/bs AI posts....


I've been trying too but it does feel like for every one I block, four more hit my feed


Yup, all it's doing is making sure I spend even less time wasting time on a Meta platform.


I've been spending less and less time there the last few years. I also noticed most of my irl friends had also stopped posting. I think after covid, myself and most of my real life friends just started spending our time in the real world.


I've started reporting and then blocking.


You're fighting the ocean


If only I could pee in Zucks ocean....


What’s crazy are the comments that don’t realize it’s AI


I found out that a lot of the “amen” commenters are bots. At some point in 2022 a ton of old folks accounts were compromised and now they just woke up commenting on those posts.


Amen! I would like to know more about that story. 


Not only do they not realize, i don't even think they consider that it could be A.I. I find that terrifying as the tech advances and gets better that those folks will be easy prey for misinformation. Imagine a half decent deep fake video that features a failed presidential candidate exhorting his supporters to rise up and slaughter those 'evil' people that stole the election. Oh wait, that might just really happen...


Aye, it’s pretty scary to see what some of the better AI video editors can do, and in places like Southeast Asia, it’s already being used to spread misinformation for political gain- see recent Indonesian and Philippines elections. Our best bet is checking the background of things we see, reverse image search, and all that, but for older people and those who are predisposed to accept what they see at face value, they can be easily taken in and I’m genuinely concerned :(


It's bait for suckers. Once you do something on Facebook that everyone in the world can see that shows you're a sucker and puts your name and contact info out there, you've now got millions of scammers ready to target you. Sucker lists are valuable. Especially to election campaigns who have nothing to lose even if they're caught.


Just watched a video about it! [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UShsgCOzER4)


Thanks! I'll have to check it out.


Engagement=clicks=ad space So somebody rigged a bot to make an art of stuff that's 'popular', then a bunch of people did that, then they were all sampling each other


Good podcast on why it’s all gone to shit: Better Offline


Yet another reason to quit FB. It ain't what it was


Because the Zuck is a tool


an evil tool


Because Facebook is being filled with AI images. Why are you still on Facebook in 2024 anyway?


As shitty as Facebook is, there's no denying that a lot of people still use it not just for keeping up with family but because they promote their businesses there or sell something. Maybe in your place, people don't use Facebook often but it's still a pretty powerful platform in many parts of the country and the world. I do agree that it's terrible that AI images are being pumped and there's nothing being done to clean it up.


Facebook is definitely shit but there is nothing even close to being better for finding things in your local area.


That's what I'm wondering. I mostly use it to know where and when my favorite local food trucks will be around. That's where they advertise each week. And local music events are posted there, it still the best 'community board' in the little Wyoming town I live in. But I do have some family that I also keep up with still on there too. Thanks for just restating my question as the answer though. I guess I'll need to ask 'why are redditors fucking useless?' as my next question.




I dunno, the way you tell it...


It's just the answer man, don't have to get rude. Facebook is falling apart and getting flooded with AI bots, which are getting recommended to you. There's nothing really else to say on it


It's not an answer. If I asked 'why is the sky blue' and you replied 'because it's blue', that's not an answer. If you don't know, save your effort and my time.


I mean what, do you want to know the economic incentive of why people are making AI bots? Or why the algo is recommending them to you (I answered this) It's more like you asked "I have ants everywhere and sugar everywhere, what's going on" and I answered 'it's the sugar"


I do want to know the economic incentive to do this. I suppose it is about money somehow. Not sure how me pausing for a few seconds to see a fake image makes anyone money but I assume its so they can tell their advertisers that 'our new a.i. fake photo program has increased user engagement by 2 seconds!'.


Facebook pays pages for impressions, so making clickbait gargabe is incentivised. Facebook serves ads on these pages, so there's benefits to signal boost them all around, as all those impressions for advertisers looks good. You pausing for a few seconds keeps you on Facebook for a few more seconds, that's the whole game


Facebook is too OG for modern kids on the block


I’ve been seeing tons of AI content also mostly babbling about some old tv show and mixing up episodes, getting characters and facts totally wrong. It’s like they are purposely getting everything wrong to rage bait maybe?


I haven't seen those. Oh man, yes. Nothing folks like more than trying to prove they are smart by correcting pop culture references or other commonly known facts. Folks do seem to get triggered to correct that stuff. Like when the Fonz jumped that shark on the episode of the Brady Bunch where Boss Hogg was caught in his own trap by Magnum P.I.


its because the AI likes the AI images so its like a repeating positive feedback loop or something


I stopped using Facebook a while ago. It went from talking and see what my friends and family where up to, to just constant ads.


Facebook integrated meta image generator into it's messager app so now there's no barrier to entry for people to generate shit.


Thank you, I didn't realize that. That explains a lot.


Facebook has been mostly bots and algorithms for the past 10 years or more. A.I. images are no surprise. What would surprise me is if it became less artificial.


I have yet to see one of those images on FB, but I see plenty in r/facepalm and elsewhere.


There is fake AI granny photos that are scam AI post.


I mean, you say it in your first sentence. It's Facebook. The bar for "creativity" has never been so low, so It makes sense that they'd gravitate towards tools that are devoid of skill and creativity.


Ai images are easy to make. So people in lower economic countries spit out thousands per day, which will eventually get to people's feeds, get hundreds of thousands of followers, then sell the account on a 3rd party site. Just a theory from a youtube video though


I read a theory the other day that the internet is just slowly swallowing itself and by the end of the decade it will just be full of AI content, made by bots, with other bots interacting with it.


Considering the primary demographic on Facebook is typically not the most media literate, the A.I posts get the kind of engagement that is the algorithm's lifeblood. Cue the feedback loop.


I’ve got the same exact crap. Hikes I’ve done mountain that are in my backyard etc. I haven’t interacted with them at all and my feed is full of them. I spend about 5 min a week on fb.


I have been getting so many I made the mistake of checking out the comments sections on a few to see what was going on there. Some are 100% just names of people sharing it. Some are 100% 'Praise God and his creation' comments. Some did have a few folks commenting that its fake. I couldn't figure out if the people praising the image were real or not since the A.I. image of a triple upside-down rainbow over a mountain range with lighting bolts raging out of cloud and a bald eagle diving into the foreground was so crazily fake that they still could believe its true.


lol. People are ridiculous.


Those comments are fake too


Personally I’m glad they exist, it keeps my insane cousin occupied reposting them instead of forming his militia.


I’m disturbed by how many of my older fb friends (including my mom) don’t seem to notice when something is clearly AI.




Umm, well, I for one welcome our new A.I. overlords....All hail Chatgpt!


META AI, baby!!


It's Russian propaganda intended to inspire ultranationalism ahead of the election. I deal with it all the time. Fun fact, if you get a ban of some sort, such as messenger ban, Facebook stops showing them to you.


I've noticed the same thing. Perhaps it's just clickbait but I also really wonder if it isn't devised to determine individuals who are susceptible to believing AI imagery. I'm always stunned that 90% of the comments ooh and ahh over even the most ridiculous AI nature photos even among others calling it out as AI garbage. I really wonder whether these gullible believers aren't making themselves targets for AI imagery designed for political manipulation with the upcoming election. How valuable would a database of "people who believe anything they see" be to an organization (domestic or foreign) with a desire to manipulate public opinion or election results?


People under 50 still use Facebook?


Scrolled awhile and didn't see anybody mention the "dead internet theory". It's a bit of a rabbit hole but as far as I'm concerned. Completely true. Plenty of videos on YouTube about it.


Welcome to the future. There are more AI photos created in a month than there are pictures ever taken by all of humanity before AI By simple math we can all expect for 90% of the content on the Internet to be AI generated within a year or two This is the new normal


I'm not saying everyone who still uses Facebook is stupid, but if you're still using Facebook for anything, you're basically asking for bad actors around the world to try to ruin your life from 8 different directions. I still look at it occasionally, it's obvious half my relatives have bot accounts as "friends" probably because they posted something about Jesus or guns, which is like catnip to 100 million americans.


Sadly it sounds like that is the direction the whole internet is going.


I get AI Pictures of London for some reason even though I live there.


AI bots are using AI to generate images and post them. This is the new norm. AI is going to fuck up all social media as well as TV/Movies/Art and just about everything.


Hi hide or block everything that is trash.


You can write a script that AI generates content (both the image and the caption) then takes that content and uploads it. You can even make systems that writes multiple scripts, each doing this from another account. There's nothing stopping you from just doing this with a dozen systems managing hundreds of scripts spitting out junk content, all being uploaded automatically. You can even write the scripts to like other scripts content. This will boost all this junk content till it inevitably makes it's way to you. There are systems in place that are supposed to stop this and filter it out. But because this whole system is automated, and because of the sheer mass of AI content one computer can spit out, some of it can (and will) manage to get through. Basically we're living in a new era where junk content that was created, designed and written by no one is just being mass spammed across the internet. And even if most people don't like/upvote it, well, there's literally millions of posts with this shit. So if even 0.000000001% of it gets liked and shared, the system has done it's job.


Yikes! What you wrote aligns with what I think I have been seeing and is all to accurate a prediction of the future should this go unchecked. It will probably take an A.I. to battle the other A.I. garbage. Once social media becomes 100% unfiltered A.I. content, most people will abandon those platforms which maybe isn't necessarily a bad thing.


I "watched it grow" the past few months. It was in training. Mine was a "magic girl" that slowly changed features each time it came up to pick up on what would draw my attention more/longer. I'm convinced a new dating app is on the way.


So bizarre that people still have facebook.