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Incoming self diagnosed Reddit sociopaths bragging 🧛🥀🥀


psychopathy is literally a lack of empathy. Not gonna lie... psychopaths probably cruise through the day being pretty ok with their life


Not just empathy. All emotions. Emotional blunting is part of psychopathy. That's why they tend towards drug addiction, crime and high ambition pursuits. They can't really feel satisfaction and pleasure and instead have a superficial drive which always borders on addictive to compensate


>They can't really feel satisfaction and pleasure and instead have a superficial drive which always borders on addictive to compensate Same goes for depression


What would you consider emotional blunting? Tibetan monks train to not react to their emotions, and over time what can cause an emotional response no longer triggers one. But I don't know if I would call them psychopaths.


Emotional blunting as per the DSM is a diminished range and depth of emotion, as far as I recall. Criteria for disorder is based upon meeting a set number of flagging behavior as well as pathological basis. Some monks choose and train to exist in a state of lessened emotional response because of a desire to understand the nature of existence, a psychopath is forced to exist in a state of reduced emotional response because they don't have the capacity for a full range of emotions. A person can have the neurophysiology of a psychopath without being one


So could someone train to become a psychopath? And what do you mean by forced to exist in a state (who is doing the forcing)? Asking out of curiosity. I know a lot of people that are pretty much just working and living on auto pilot and it doesn't seem they have an emotional response to anything anymore.


You don't seem to understand what a disorder really mean. They're forced to exist in that state by their neurophysiology. They don't have the capacity for full emotional range. Psychopaths are generally born. Sociopaths are made, if you "trained" to be a psychopath you'd just be a sociopath or already psychopathic


I had just looked up in Google "are psychopaths born" since you got me curious but it states "No one is born with psychopathy (or any other psychological disorder). However, some children are born at high risk for developing psychopathy due to inherited (genetic) factors.". Also it seems a lot of researchers are split on genetics vs environment. https://psychopathyis.org/what-causes-psychopathy/ is the site I was looking at. But with that said it might be possible to train someone to be a psychopath, by getting enough children that are genetically showing traits of it and then raising them in an environment that promotes it, probability should produce someone to be a psychopath? Not sure where this rabbit hole leads to, it's just interesting imo.


Hello. I was diagnosed with psychopathy and ADHD at 13. As a child, I was extremely impulsive and violent.  I'm not entirely sure what type of information you're looking for, but I believe I have a similar life to most. I do feel obligated to point out that, based on everything I've been told over the years, it's a "spectrum," as with everything else. Some psychopaths turn out to be violent serial killers. Most of us turn out to be highly successful in our chosen industry (that's usually not illegal).  Otherwise, as I said, we tend to live "normal" lives. If there's something specific you'd like to know, feel free to ask. I am rather open with it all as I believe education is key.


Not entirely different from what it is like to be you, I think. Most of them aren't cleaver wielding maniacs, and they do, in fact, fit into society. They go to work and come back home to knock down some beers afterwards. Sometimes they're even capable of holding relationships and starting families. What makes them different is their utter lack of emotions. There's only the emptiness that they spend their entire lives trying to fill. Whatever success they may find in life is only a quickfire burst of the closest they'll ever get to happiness, before promptly becoming nothing again, compelling them to seek more of it. They're not capable of "love" in the sense that other people are, and their care often comes from a sense of utility. At times they'll display benevolent behavior, but there's always an ulterior motive behind it. On the other hand, this also means no negative feelings. They don't get depressed, and their self-worth is never shaken. They will, however, appear to be depressed more often than not, but this strictly comes from a feeling of stagnancy in their lives, or the belief that they deserve more, and not that they believe themselves to be unworthy. They also don't get heartbroken, but rather miss what their partner provided to them. It is a curious way to live.


I dunno but it sounds insane


Psychopaths - lack empathy - have a great control over their emotions ( Probably manipulative ) - tends to be more successful . sociopaths - has small or no empathy ( Probably has a bad control over their emotions | can get mad easily | )


People assume it's all "no empathy" and whatnot, but that's not true. I do have empathy. Loads of it. *Almost too much at times.* **That empathy lets me emulate emotions.** **And those emotions let me manipulate people into doing things I might want them to do.** As I've grown older, I typically try and make it a "net gain" for the person I'm manipulating though. As to not burn the bridge so I can use them later down the line. An "equivalent exchange", if you will. Granted, this *might* be a coping mechanism to help me not feel bad about bending people to my will. But eh. \-=- **I am also able to separate my emotions from my current thoughts (typically).** If I need to be "sad", I can do that without actually "feeling" the emotion. I can emulate the *signs and markers* for the emotion (tearing up, broken speech, etc), but that is wholly separate from my thoughts and what I am seeking to accomplish. For example, I got pulled over the a while back for one of my headlights being out. My license has been expired for months and I didn't feel like doing anything about it. I "freaked out" (externally) when the officer told me even though I've known for *months*. Apologized profusely, even though I had no remorse in my mind. Almost brought myself to tears because I knew it's what I had to do. **My thoughts didn't stray or falter.** **Heck, it was almost a game to me.** I got off with a simple ticket. Due to the laws of my state, they should've impounded my car and probably detained me. The officer even mentioned that. Am I grateful to the officer? Of course. But it would've been an entirely different outcome had I not acted naive and I knew this in the moment. \-=- **Humans are simple. Excessively so.** Their thoughts can be altered by simple facial cues and well placed words/phrases. It's also extremely easy to lie to yourself when you have an accompanying emotion backing it up. And when you believe your lie, other people tend to believe it as well. It's also easiest to just "copy" whoever I am talking to. It's really easy to get someone to do something if they subconsciously see you as "them". **Anyways, feel free to doubt me on any of this. You live your life.** **Fairly certain that will be the brunt of responses (especially after seeing the top comment).** \-=- **Also not doing this to boast. If anything, it's quite alienating.** Since I can just emulate any emotion I might want, I usually just default to that when around people. A lot of people get scared off by who I actually am, so I rarely let that side out. I am very clinical and information oriented. If information is not being exchanged in a conversation, I want nothing to do with it. It's just easier to be who I need to be in that moment, to make sure people are there when I need them to be.


As you said you choose to lie, emoluate emotions, manipulate. Would you also be able to choose to do the opposite? If yes, is it because it's just easier to do the first? Would you consider you have a conscience, do you know how it feels to feel guilty? No judgement, just want to understand better


Criminology and criminal justice grad here: psychopath and sociopath are the same thing. They lack empathy and make really great CEO's and serial killers.


They are NOT the same!


Unless you're more qualified than my professor, Dr. Kris Henning from Portland State University, I'm going to have to disagree with you.


My understanding is that psychopathy is genetic, the brain just doesn't develop properly in the areas that handle emotion. Sociopathy is a personality disorder(aspd) and is learned in childhood due to trauma. The resulting behaviours of both are similar, but to say they are the same is misleading


Sociopaths are law breakers whereas psychopaths are not necessarily law breakers.


They’re not the same. They are both terms that are used (often incorrectly) to describe the same condition, antisocial personality disorder, but they have different characteristics. Psychopaths can mimic the emotions of others and appear “normal” whereas sociopaths typically can’t unless they’re higher functioning. Psychopaths tend to be more organized thinkers and sociopaths are more disorganized thinkers. There are more differences but my point is they’re different. There are a lot of conflicting theories about these two terms because they’re not clinical diagnoses but the general consensus is that they’re not the same things. Perhaps you misunderstood.


I'm not one but I honestly don't think they'd be too different from your average person. They're not bad people, they just lack emotions/ empathy


There are a lot of people who talk about their experiences with ASPD, and how (like any personality disorder) it is a painful and difficult condition. Low empathy can lead to misunderstandings and isolation, risk taking can lead to life-long consequences. ASPD, the disorder behind these terms, starts in childhood and usually after significant neglect or trauma. Ultimately, it’s a way people adapt to trauma, a self-protectiveness.




Are you a psychopath and/or a sociopath?


well if you ask all my exes probably both to some degree


Wicked fun


If they were also intelligent and wealthy, probably something along the lines of a supervillain...


Have they labeled it as a spectrum of is it still like binary diagnosis?


You think your awesome and everyone else suck and you want to watch the earth burn


That shit is crazy…


I think it’s awesome, I think it’s awesome too, yeah it is great isn’t it? Yeah, I love it…


Ask some women I’ve been around.




Interestingly, you made me think of this one (self admitted in treatment, he says) sociopath I've seen make videos, he was going to treatment and as a part of it would have disclaimers regarding his statements. An interesting point he made was people saying "you must care because you make these videos, so you don't want people to get hurt" He explained, no, that's not why. That assumption and basic humanity is what social predators prey on. He's making these videos because he gets validation from seeming knowledgeable. He gets satisfaction not from helping but from the fact people THINK he's helping and from the idea he's making himself better in a purely selfish sense.


Like a Guru.


Pretty awesome


wonderful. empathy is an emotion that is more of a liability than it is an asset.