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Yes, everyone is 'proud' in a sense when their own country makes something rather than outsourcing it cheaply and abusing labor force. One thing people forget that made in China doesn't automatically mean bad, what normally happens is that US companies outsource it to China, and whoever gives them the *lowest* bid gets the job since saving money is everything. If you give them the proper specs, proper guidelines, and outsource to a proper company that knows what they're doing, your product will be just fine.


Apple factories in China produce very high quality products with strict inspection and QC


And suicide nets for employee retention 


The suicide rate at Foxconn was lower than China (or the US) as a whole.


Pretty sure those nets are cause they have great insurance policies that would have whole families set up for life and they don't quite understand there's no payout for suicide. But "workplace accidents"? Well, you get it


>great insurance policies that would have whole families set up for life and they don't quite understand there's no payout for suicide Most standard life insurance policies pay out for suicides after a certain period (I've seen 2 years). If these don't, then I'm not sure they'd qualify as "great" since suicide is just a death from illness like any other.


So we need suicide nets installed everywhere. Got it.


Like the ones on the empire state building and I think the space needle too


And Golden Gate Bridge




The joke is that correlation is not causation


You can also correlate the rise of butter price with the rise of divorce rates or the increase of drowning in summer with the increased sales of ice-cream :p


I'm guessing this rate was collected and verified via china?


Everything that paints China in an ok light is propaganda and false, everything that paints China in a bad light is true and unbiased


Foxconn also has factories in Taiwan, it is primarily a Taiwanese company, and there hasn't been similar issues heard from Huawei or Xiaomi factories.


Was waiting on this comment. Always at least one


Of course, because of the safety nets.


San Francisco public library has suicide nets. So there's that.


Company: go ahead and try lol go ahead and try


Failed attempts of suicide will be severely reprimanded. *"You will be sorry to not succeed the first time"*


High quality nets at that


There is also some world class audio gear made in China for the Chinese domestic market. Very few people outside of China know about it because it's not usually exported.


Can you DM me a link?


Love to see this link too.


There are many. Just start researching. There are also a ton of very high quality Chinese IEM and headphone manufacturers. Linsoul being one.


Thank you


Companies like Hifiman are pretty well known. Arguably some of the best reviewed headphones for clarity and soundstage but with the caveat that their QC is trash, buy it once replace it four. That sort of thing is what keeps me from ever buying them especially when you're paying over $1000 for headphones. German companies like Sennheiser or Beyerdynamic on the other seem to last forever.


Yes. My granny smiths and golden delicious were well... delicious!! Although the last Iphone I had was dog shit.


Chinese made Teslas are high quality as well.


Better than the ones that’s rushed in the US.


Apple haven't had its factories for about two decades, it's all made by Chinese companies. It isn't really the top brand anymore, with xiaomi and huawei at least at par if not superior.


Not only that, tolerances are a huge part of what determines the cost of manufacturing. If the tolerances are lax it's gonna be cheaper to create but you as a consumer will be able to tell when you put two "identical" products together. The manufacturer may be capable of much lower tolerances but that's not what their client (usually the company who's logo is printed on the thing) asked for.


This in response to the earlier comment might be seen as conflating low tolerances in manufacture to quality or "proper specs," "proper guidelines," and "knowing what you're doing." Just to be clear, knowing when you need extreme precision and knowing when to use high tolerances to reduce cost is exactly a part of "knowing what you're doing" in manufacturing.


I have witnessed firsthand as a young engineer, the VP of our company getting the lowest bidder from China, telling them to do it cheaper, they do it, then go back a bit later and tell them to do it even cheaper, and they do. The Chinese manufacturer cuts corners in whatever way they can based on the US company's demand to fit their profit margin and/or be competitive in the market. They're a monster we created.


Yeah, any time someone complains about ‘cheap Chinese crap’ they need to remember why it is the way it is. It’s not some grand scheme by the Chinese government or companies to sell us junk out of spite. We just outsourced our demand for cheap labor, cheap materials, lax environmental standards and poor labor conditions, etc., to the lowest bidder, which increasingly is no longer China anyway.


I'm an engineer working on a project where a lot of design work, documentation, etc for new product development is done across the pond. I have weekly meetings with their team and they are pleasant to work with and I can outsource work to them and have it be done over night while I sleep. Most of our manufacturing is done here in the US so it doesn't necessarily relate to OPs question, I just wanted to share my experiences working with some awesome and efficient people without being political.


As the old Chinese saying goes, "You get what you pay for". Remember, the goods you get are always related to the supplier you choose and the price you pay. We can control our ex-factory prices, but we can't control the pricing (and tariffs) of US sellers based on supply and demand.


It’s easy to mentally associate “Made In China” as low quality but these days so many good products come out of there.


So many Amazon products are just sellers buying wholesale goods off AliBaba and no one bats an eyelash cause they can get it overnight so it doesn't feel like it's coming from China


iPhones are largely made in China… but “Designed in California”


Exactly that, if the company doesn’t care or the specs aren’t demanding, you can find a lot of bidders (suppliers). If the company does care or the specs are high quality, then there’ll be fewer suppliers bidding. The company will still go with the cheapest option either way, the quality is moreso dependent on the requirements rather than the pricing; the pricing comes into play when the bidding for the contract starts.


Yeah I have a Made in China Acoustic Guitar that I honestly just got as a couch banger but it is so well made and the specs on it are as good as an instrument 2 or 3x the value. Everything comes down to QC, if Company is welling to pay for better QC and the parts used are half decent then nothing else really matters.


I had to work with Chinese porcelain factories on some custom glassware we were selling. You get what you pay for, everything we’ve had them make has been great. Attention to detail and commitment to quality.


Great Wall of China was made in China. It seems solidly built.


A lot of tool manufacturers have declined in recent decades after outsourcing to China. There is a noticeable difference in the quality of craftsman tools made 50 years ago vs today and it’s not just survivors bias. While not 100% of the time, still a majority of the time outsourcing to China = cutting costs & cutting corners to make it as cheap as possible. Working on industrial equipment it feels self defeating in a way, the idea of using Chinese made tools to keep what’s left of American industries still running. I try and buy American made where I can to support other people like me.


I have the feeling that people on this sub have no actual experience. The Apple/Foxconn factory is in China but basically western run. As far as industrial machinery western products are much better than what comes out of China.


Foxconn is a chinese (or taiwanese, if you want) company that manufactures a huge lot of other stuff, it isn't a western nor apple factory.


This is a really great answer and a great segué into talking about media literacy. Throughout the 70's and the 80's, US advertising and gov propaganda developed an even more incestuous relationship then they had in decades prior which lead to Japanese, Taiwanese and Chinese products being considered 'low quality' and poorly built. It was easier to convince consumers that the product was of inferior quality by playing off of the existing racial stereotypes of the time.


Yes some Chinese products are superior to us counterparts. I think of some junk classic American knife makers like OKC have turned out in the past few years compared to stuff American knife makers contract to companies in China and Taiwan.


you mean when okc started producing more in China and Taiwan?


A guy that worked at OKC posted on reddit a while back when people were talking about how messed up their grinds were getting saying he worked there and they had like one guy doing all the grinding and yelling at him to go faster with no QC, so they were shipping stuff that didn't even have an edge on it from the us factory.


IE Apple and Weber as a few examples.


It’s worth noting that China’s reputation as manufacturer of bad quality of products is not exclusive to the American mindset. I’m from South America and Chinese products are synonymous with cheap, low quality, undesirable items. Not sure if China cares to clean its image, but it’s how the world sees Chinese products with a few exceptions.


I know from personal experience that quality control can often be hit or miss. My experience deals with ordering PCBs and it can be hard to find places where a not insignificant amount just go straight in the bin.


Bro have you ever bought furniture from IKEA/Wayfair and assembled it? It took me 5 fucking hours to assemble my coffee table. Of course I'm fucking proud of it. Sure, it may collapse at any second, but that will never take away my pride.


Oh I love how you get to the fucking end of assembly and find out you messed up one part and have to dissemble it. But I will do it and finish it because I already put so much time into it!


And that is EXACTLY why my coffee table looks like it's melting 😤. Because of course, part C looks exactly the same as part F and fits perfectly where part F should go... just to find out at the end once part F doesn't fit that I fucked up in the MIDDLE of the instructions. Now I'm fucking up all the pre cut holes and hammering when I shouldn't be hammering because I'll be damned if I just spent 4 hours laying on the floor fucking up my knees and back to have nothing to show for. Damn that was traumatizing and I'm honestly pretty worked up just remembering the time I almost gave up on life trying to assemble a 3 foot coffee table.


How?? IKEA is literally idiot-proof, you don't even have to be able to read to follow the instructions.


True. I only buy IKEA, because somehow they are the only one, with LEGO, to have figured out proper instructions


IKEA is way better quality and more consistent than what you’ll find on Wayfair.


I’m convinced wayfair only sells factory rejects. Absolutely anything I’ve gotten from them is damaged or deformed.


How is that related to the question?


Why wouldn’t they be; China makes both cheap and expensive stuff.


So does the US. At least the cheap Chinese stuff is still cheap to buy. Not so much in the US.


Yeah, it’s called exploitation. If you’re getting something “cheap” it’s a result of lack of demand and too much supply or someone getting shafted.


Welcome to the difference between minimum wage and slave labor.


American made......in Mexico


Mexico is in America.


American made.....in China/Philippines/India/


Pride in one's country is pretty obligatory in China tbh.


I asked my friend how life in China was. “Can’t complain!” He said.


Is that the joke? Because if they complain, the government will disappear them?


Yes. Originally it was for Western and Eastern Germany. The guy say "I can't complain", the western ask in disbelief "really?" And the Easter german clarifies "No, really, I *can't* complain..."


It is very much a joke. The average citizen in China really isn't any more oppressed than anywhere else in the world. It is, however, in western governments' interests to make it look like an authoritarian hellhole that you can get jailed/killed over minor offenses in, and the people swallow the propaganda up.


Unless you're a targeted minority, like Buddhists or Uyghur.


> Buddhists ????????????????


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 


Did you know that this copypasta also does fuck all, and the whole "if you receive this in China you lose internet" thing was also a meme? I swear redditors have a collective of two brain cells that they can't ever seem to rub together.


I try posting something pro-China on r/China sub and I got a similar DM by their mods. All the western talking points. Fill with Sinophobic rhetoric.


It does fuck all because the firewall blocks it. Commemorating the tiananmen square massacre lands you in jail.


Stay in school


That’s true, but it absolutely still does piss off wumaos which I’m all for.


asked my friend how life was in north korea and he said "내가 널 죽여버릴 거야 개년아"


I lived in China for two years, and visited a few other times across a 7 year span. Production pride wasn't so much a *national* thing, it was a *local* thing. They were proud of what their *city* made, and they appreciated what each city was famous for making. They would ask what our hometowns were famous for, and mostly we Americans didn't have a local product in the same way they do. Detroit used to have cars. Pittsburgh is steel, but it's not the same when it's not a household product. As for if they had an irrational belief their stuff was great quality? No. They very well understood that even products coming from the same Chinese factory were very different based on whether they were made *for China* or made *for America*, and the latter is what they thought themselves lucky to get their hands on. This includes my travels to over 10 different cities in as many provinces. That was about 10 years ago, so maybe things have changed since then, but it's better than all these redditors who are like, "I've never been to China, but..."


If you see a Chinese subway vs a USA subway, you can see the real difference in how much more pride they have than us.


Of course, Dji, BYD, xiaomi, huawei and many other Chinese brands are worthy of our Chinese pride.


The west are so scared of Chinese made EV they throwing in 100% tariff. If Chinese made products are so bad why so scared?


Indeed. The U.S. claims that China subsidized $250 billion, but if the U.S. subsidized $250 billion of its own money to get an advanced electric car industry, then their politicians would be trumpeting that as a feat. By the way, the U.S. Infrastructure Act subsidizes $1.9 trillion.


Your premise that Americans are necessarily proud of American products is flawed.


I see where this is boeing.


You made a funny.


Most of Boeing’s parts come from China, and there’s everything from counterfeit parts to counterfeit titanium making it into the supply chain from China. Just sayin.


The leadership at Boeing have a responsibility to ensure high quality manufacturing. They're not doing that. Buying crappy parts is a fault in management.


It varies by companies but yes American made, in America is usually better than the stuff made in foreign countries for American companies. I think it's due to how far away they are and how cheaply American companies outsource for.  You don't go to the best factory in Mexico, you go where it saves you the most money


It’s hilarious to me when people put Americans in one box like it’s not one of the most diverse and multicultural countries in the world lol


It is a bit strange whenever a product is advertised as being made in the USA


People want to support businesses that don't outsource jobs.


Eh, personally I don't mind knowing what I'm buying wasn't made in a sweatshop.


You should ask this question in certain Chinese platforms like Zhihu. People here would only be sarcastic or condescending.


Depends on the product made. There was a time a few years back where locally made infant milk powder was made with various chemicals that poisoned many children. You couldn't find foreign/imported infant formula for love nor money afterwards. Even now people still trust foreign brands that are imported more than local brands due to the sheer amount of food adulteration in China. Infant formula is vital in China as mothers barely take enough maternity leave for their C-section scars to begin to heal. Most infants are left with grandmothers to raise after a week or two in most Chinese families as if you have a job you really need to be there as you need the money. Many products get praised online but those mostly fall into two camps. The first are the uninformed who have been told to think a certain way and do so. The second are paid actors and they are usually paid by the state to post the same type of posts. They are called Wumao or members of the 50 cent army due to the amount they used to be paid per post.


I remember that for years after the scandal, New Zealand kept running out of baby formula because Chinese tourists would go specifically to New Zealand to buy them


I also remember there were massive queues to go across into Hong Kong where people would clear out every shop that had baby formula stock. It got so bad that shops started putting limits on what people could buy and there were severe shortages on formula in HK afterwards. Weirdly enough these people also went for Ferrero Rocher as well due to the gold wrapping on the chocolates being considered good luck. I remember seeing tons of Chinese day-trippers trooping back across the border with their haul of both tins of formula and massive bags of Ferrero Rocher. Simply due to the fact that HK had the easiest and most accessible supply. As for New Zealand I had heard somewhat about that but I thought it was more that Chinese firms began to invest heavily in to the dairy sector in NZ afterwards. I may have picked that up wrong.


Nuance on Reddit? Begone with thy logick


You forgot the part where Johnson and Johnson got sued for the exact same thing


I think you may be confusing talc powder with baby formula there. Regardless there is (or was, I'm unsure of the current status) lawsuits against Reckitt Benckiser Group due to premature babies developing a disease called NEC. It was/is a risk that the manufacturers did not make known that premature babies fed their formula could develop. That wasn't J&J.


am in china rn, at the high end supermarkets for rich people and tourists the foreign imports are branded as more luxurious in the normal supermarkets and most other stores chinese products are preferred as they’re a quarter of the price no idea about pride but i don’t see “made in china” being used as a label of quality unlike in the US “made in ” is OTOH


There are some products that the Chinese have every reason to be proud of. For example, I collect watches. I have to say that they are quite capable of making watches on the level of a Seiko (at least) and they have some very good quality watch movements that are Chinese made and designed.


I saw a video art piece by a Chinese woman who walked around WalMart pointing out all the Chinese goods. Spoiler: it was everything. She was proud in the video but it was a loaded pride, part of the art piece. I suspect she was, in fact, not proud and was attempting to draw attention to something more sinister.


I'm Cambodian Chinese 60% Chinese so I have family or still in Chinese they might be working in making our stuff for us


Americans being proud of products being made in the USA is largely a result of advertising, and I have no idea how other countries propagandize their local products.


Honestly Chinese, and Asians in general, are actually pretty quick to criticize their countries fabrication industries. I've heard them complain about most Chinese products and indicate western products would be better. But conversely they are proud of other products, especially ones with cultural significance. Local fruits, teas, cloths, food, medicine and healthcare, and local specialties are all highly regarded.


I knew a guy who was incredibly proud of the quality of Chinese knockoffs. He’d brag that they were as good as the real thing but at 1/10th the cost. He’d also get livid when people talked about the inferiority of Chinese products, he’d always start yelling about how Apple products were all made in China and those were considered the best tech in the world at the time.


For food? No. The Chinese people (for very good reason) are skeptical of the food produced in the country, which is partly why they import so much stuff like milk powder and baby formula. I'm sure they love their Chinese cars and phones though.


Like Americans being proud of Apple products manufactured in China?


No, they’re just trying to get food for their family


You have to realize, though: The pride from "Made in America" came about because of the massive influx of foreign-made products that happened once globalization started. Before goods could be shipped cheaply overseas, virtually everything was "made in America". Then shipping became cheaper, globalization started becoming a thing, and we enjoyed a huge wave of products coming from southeast Asia and other places. Think of all the electronics coming from Japan, think of all the Japanese cars that started getting very popular during the 1970s oil crisis. ***Only then*** did people start asking, "Hey, what about the loss of jobs here? What about the manufacturers here that are suffering?". Only then did "Made in America" start to become a slogan, something to add in advertisements. I can't imagine China is suffering from that kind of economic problem, losing billions in revenue/jobs to other countries.


Chinese nationalism and pride are complicated topics, not just because criticism of the government, industry, culture, etc. are illegal. And chinese manufacturing is quite complex as well, with many industries represented and an extreme range of quality from state of the art science shit to actual scams coming from factories without electricity that regularly lose employees due to on-the-job death and suicide. That having been said, Chinese are generally fiercely proud of their manufacturing and they have good reason to be. Probably more so than the US to be honest, though I’d argue that our average product is higher quality than their average product.


Not China, but I previously lived in VN and always noticed it was the foreign made stuff they marketed and preferred, not the local stuff.


America generally avoids putting lead in paint. China, not so much


And asbestos in drywall. Source: numerous environmental engineers I have worked with, during interior commercial walks, where they are taking samples for ACM testing. Quote, "asbestos is still used today. Mostly in Chinese building materials." I had no idea.


Made in America is not a sign of quality. It's what grifters use to try and get money from the naive.


American steel is pretty amazing.


Doesn’t America pay better wages, have better worker protections, and (mostly) more regulated materials than China?  It might not be perfect, but I like knowing that I’m not buying a product built by a child.


Depends, if you're not illegal working under a subcontractor to hide your status/age. You got some protections. But they aren't as enforced equally in every area.


But if the product costs as much as one made in china then either the materials are significantly cheaper or the company is taking less profit, and we know what companies think about making less profit


Yes but the problem is, products made in America are more expensive because the things you just mentioned. American wage stagnation is so severe, we’d rather buy cheap products made in China than pay more for products made by MAGA blue collar workers.


As a Chinese Canadian living in Canada, I now know that things (especially clothing) made in China are of higher quality than those made in south Asia (Vietnam, Bangladesh, the Philippines, etc...) simply because the Chinese have spent multiple decades doing this while the south Asians are just starting out (so Chinese manufacturers have more experience). But as time goes on, I find it more and more difficult to find clothes made in China as production is moved to those very south Asian countries.


Even the Chinese bootleg stuff are so well made.


Mainland Chinese have pride in some products but will avoid products people consider junk, inferior, or have caused harm to Chinese people. Infant formula is not trusted after a huge scandal a few years ago, and imported formula from Honk Kong is very valued and smuggled in. Foreign automobiles are seen positively despite their prize because many Chinese brands can't be relied upon. They really love WeChat and all of those associated apps. You'll even see WeChat Pay being used in Chinese restaurants in the US


according to Laowhy86, no, western brands are seen as luxurious and Chinese people are generally suspicious of Chinese brands


LMAO. You watch that fucking anti-China clickbait grifter?


You should take what that guy says with a grain of salt. He's basically built his entire grift out of reactionary anti-Chinese rhetoric.


No. Chinese people are scared and disdainful of food made in their own country, because they know much of it is fake and dangerous. For example, when they need baby formula for their babies, they will do anything to get it from any other country except China.


That's no longer true. It was an issue in 2008 when a company added chemicals to fake a quality test. In total 300k babies got sick and six died. As a result two people got executed, three went away for life and a couple of others got 15 year sentences. But nowadays it's a growing market again.


Chinese people are proud of whatever their communist overlords tell them to be proud of.


They r proud of Chinese made products meant 4 domestic consumption. It is known over there that stuff meant for domestic consumption are higher quality than stuffs meant for exports. Unless, it is a prestige domestic brand trying 2 reach out 4 international market , of course.


“[she say that she did-in-t love me](https://open.spotify.com/track/523JMQXpp4DvDAkrqsEKjt?si=RgWEirvjTeW29BsiJhM3ZQ&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2i7St5ecMlhPk4eUtS0ES6)”


Not for the same reasons... but it's probably very common worldwide, most have a point of pride in various industries. Note 1. China has a pretty large and developed manufacturing tech now, more than most think and 2. Made in X country is something of a bygone worldwide Up to 15 or more countries may have been involved in making a product. Legally you can make some part in the US and call it "made in America". I don't know the details but that is a thing these days.


No one is proud of anything. Americans just want to pay as little as they can for junk they don't need. The Chinese are just trying to make a living for themselves. Although there are more rich Chinese than there are rich Americans, they're over populated and the majority are living in poverty. They don't have time to be proud of anything.


“Chinese don’t have time to be proud of anything”? What are you talking about? Have you ever been to China or rural part of China?


I'm not proud of American made goods in general, we make as much garbage as China... We have some great products, but so does China. Btw I work in manufacturing in America and have worked places that make quality and places that ignore half the customer blueprint to save money.


The Chinese government is trying to fight the mentality that Chinese people think their own products are inferior and in general have a consumption problem. They've been making progress


I think they would be more proud of the industrial plant they’ve created to make the products more than the products themselves


They have a different standard for many export items.


Aren't iPhones made in China? They can make some high quality stuff, you get what you pay for.


Of course they are. The big problem is American consumers are not proud of what gets made in the US. If consumers demanded domestic made goods, that’s what we’d get.


I think if you're living in China, it's pretty rare to find anything that ISN'T made in China.


China is capable of building quality products.  I'm sure they're proud of those and significantly less proud of the cheap garbage.


My wife is Chinese. They're proud as a whole that lots of stuff is made there. They don't consider it high quality even when it's not bad. Anybody that can afford will buy foreign.


Wait is this legit? I could not care less if something is made in the US or not. I don’t even check where things are made lol.


Depends very much on what it is. Chinese products that Chinese are proud of (ignoring the asterisks): the aircraft carriers, COMAC C919 jets, Huawei phones with Kirin chipsets (at least before the sanctions came down and Huawei became a dishonest phone brand), Loongsoon CPU, Moore Threads GPU, and high tech stuff like that. Cheap shit on Taobao and Pinduoduo? Not so much.


I've been in quite few Chinese EV cars and they are really nice, nicer than a lot of other cars I've been in. How long they last or how often they break down is yet to be determined however.


My question is when did we as a country lean into just buying Chinese goods and being happy about it? There are stores like 5 Below, that is their whole thing, selling cheap Chinese crap, now not only do we shop there, but we brag about it? When did we stop being concerned about and just lean into it?


Yes, but at the same time, Chinese brands have a reputation for cutting corners that even Chinese consumers are wary of. On one hand there’s pride, on the other hand, foreign brands are more trusted for quality and reliability.


being in china, hk and aus alot in my life. i say its a mixed bag. as a general rule i found that high quality good from china are something to be proud about. goods like tea leaves are something they are extremely proud of and are legitimately very good. also artisen clay tea pots. basically what you would consider traditional chinese goods, especially artisen goods. on the otherhand chinas consumer goods were once considered low quality. especially in hk when they could import goods from other places. especially in the early 2000s. that has slowly changed, before "made in china" in hk was considered inferior in quality but products are pretty good now. in aus, made in china is basically everywhere but there is no real problem with it. made in aus has a logo with a kangaroo so its pretty obvious if something is made in aus. ironically the best products made in aus is obviously food and ugg boots


In China they are proud of how much progress they have made in such a short time. Not necessarily about made in China products. But more about how rapidly the country has ascended in importance on the world stage. They also have a little bit of a chip on their shoulder about being taken seriously (they know that sometimes they are not taken fully seriously and it pisses them off). A lot of Chinese people also are embarrassed if a Chinese person abroad acts foolish and comes to light in videos or whatever (goes viral). And I would say that a lot of Chinese people secretly fear that things made outside China are actually better. It is kind of like imposter syndrome. They have a nagging doubt.


Of course. Some Chinese brands are premium and well made. These are just not the ones that are exported.


Sometimes they might be. At least in one case when they're not it's because of "tofu dreg construction". [Buildings Cracks Into Two, One Side Falls to Ruins; China’s Tofu-Dreg Buildings Survive Only 5 Years (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3fv2HIce3g&ab_channel=ChinaObserver) Also heard dumpling there being filled partially with cardboard to cut corners. But don't have video of that going down.


Chinese production relates in large part to Dengism, which is still a bit controversial in china (as a split from maoism in the later part of the 20th century) so that would be a factor China doesn't produce a huge amount of stuff for the sake of it They opened up their economy in somewhat unique ways to help gain leverage after being a very poor nation in the first half of the 20th  century It is and was viewed as an unfortunate necessary compromise by many So hopefully westerners keep that in mind overall


Sure, especially if it’s made in their factory


Most USA products are made in China. For example, Apple, Nike, and other brands are made in China although they are American products. In terms of name brands, Chinese people will often prefer foreign products because they consider them to be better quality and are more prestigious. They will often prefer cars like Audi, BMW, Mercedes, and Tesla. They do have some pride in some of the EV vehicles (BYD) and some cellphone companies like Huawei. I have lived in China for 15 years by the way.


Of course, but depends on whether its competence is from cheap labor or high tech. Like Huawei, DJI, BYD, TikTok, Chinese are quite proud of them, despite some controversial propaganda.




Nothing is made in the USA anymore. Companies don’t want to pay Americans a living wage so they outsource it to China or Taiwan paying workers a penny or two. Every American company that outsources jobs deserves to go out of business


I heard the quality of Chinese goods is much better domestically in China as that is what the customers demand. Americans shop mostly by price, so the manufacturers cut corners, leave off features, reduce quantity to make stuff hit a lower price point.


it's funny how Americans are proud of their 'made in the USA' products, while Chinese people are probably proud of the fact that they can make 'made in China' products and still have the rest of the world buy them!


Hence the phrase, “Fell apart quicker than a Chinese motorcycle”


they should be, americans won't stop buying them


A lot of made in China products are much less expensive in the US, so people often buy them here as gifts when going to China.


The most expensive products say like a blender are made in China to export and make their way back. Similar products even nice ones made in China for the Chinese market are considered inferior. Sorry for the mental gymnastics.


Tbh even in high end markets Chinese production is starting to outshine existing leaders in simple bang for buck. For example in the watch world, many examples of high end watches being produced by Chinese with quality per price ratio not be matched. Only name brand is holding them back. Turns out years of outsourcing increasing number of parts to China creates craftsmanship knowledge that the original brands themselves don't have.


Made in America doesn't hold the same value it once had. Also, I worked at Harley Davidson, and I opened the package that said made in China, then the internal package said Made in America.... so are things really American or just repackaged Foreign products.


Yes, five years back there was a trend on Chinese internet when people actively praised reliability of products made in China


What is specific about America and China in this question?


Top replies all say yes but from my knowledge they’re wrong. Chinese people often avoid buying things made in their country. Its to the extent some companies put fake english words on their products to make people think its not from china.


Definitely. The progress of chinese manufacturing has been astonishing. Other than a few select components (special lenses maybe), most precision engineered products come from China. Shenzhen is the Silicon Valley of hardware engineering. Nowhere else in the world can you send a design in the morning and get a prototype in the afternoon. That said, people need to understand that China (and India) is huge in population. Thinking of these two regions as countries often confuses the reality of things. China has excellent manufacturing but there are also horrible quality issues coming out of certain plants. Just like there are terrible products out of US and Europe but magnify that by a factor of (XX) due to the difference in population size. One example of buying items from Alibaba and Taobao. It has been taken over by middlemen instead of actual producers. In fact, a lot of product pictures just lift from each other and you don’t know what you are gonna get. This has been a big gripe of mine. So much so that I have gone back to Amazon. TLDR: China & India are huge markets and product quality varies. Do not buy from Taobao or Alibaba


Made in America could also mean prison slave labor just like Made in China


doubt you'd be proud of your country exploiting people like yourself it's a manufacturing hub because it keeps prices low through exploitation and pumping money into it so sure, they may be but I wouldn't say it's for the same reason someone in Germany could be proud about the automotive industry there


Yet many are exploited to oblivion in the US. Wage theft is the most common crime. Prison slave labor basically runs our agriculture industry.


There’s a reason why propagandists call it “free labor”. It is a freedom doublespeak lol.


No, if they can afford it, people in China always want to buy foreign made items. Luxury goods, baby formula even ziploc bags.


They come especially to Japan to buy medicine, make up, electric appliances and diapers in bulk...


I see a lot of westerners go to SKorea to buy skincare products too. In bulk as well


Aren't American cars generally low quality?


Those crappy ‘American’ car brands are made in China. Ford, Buick, Chevy…


Most of them are too young to think about it.


Agree. Don’t kids in America usually go to school and all that stuff? [https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/30/economy/child-labor-louisiana-texas/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/30/economy/child-labor-louisiana-texas/index.html) >A 14-year-old boy who cleaned meat cutting machines was “falling asleep in class and missing class as a result and suffering injuries from chemical burns” in Nebraska from 2021 to 2022, according to the Labor Department. Another 13-year-old suffered severe burns from cleaning agents. Wonder if this kid knows he’s forced to work in the USA.


Proud or forced pride? Depends on the situation


No one is proud of mass produced consumer goods, the pride is just a way to get other people on board with giving their money in a way that benefits the people making them. "Buy American" isn't a call to be proud about America. It's a call to spend your money in a way that ends up in an American's pocket.


No. Chinese consumers on the whole try to buy foreign products because they they know the quality is better and safety standards exist. Unfortunately with the [failing economy](https://www.heritage.org/asia/commentary/chinas-economy-trouble-xi-jinping) [crashing real estate markets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhNJ0atFh1U) and [banks making people ask for permission from the police before withdrawing money](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL01dyZKgsg) Most Chinese people can not afford to buy foreign products they are too busy dealing with [doh-fu dregs](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/q8D1UqQdf4A) [crumbling houses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-2DtL-Wjkc) and [sinkholes ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCzwp4u9Zbk)


I hate to break it to you but all those products being sold by American companies. Were produced in china too. That's why they always advertise they're an "American OWNED" company. It's not saying they're super American patriotic, they're covering the fact they're just resellers of the same Chinese products.