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Black person here. There is no cultural aversion to left over. They probably don’t like your cooking. Eating when you’re hungry is one thing, going for left overs is a different thing.


I hope that (them not liking the food) isn't the case. I ask what they want and try to make it. They say they like what I cook but I guess they might be lying because they feel bad about not liking it. We always have things like pizza bites or Ramen in case they don't like what I make. Our current kid has ramen with garlic powder and a slice of American cheese melted in it almost every day. We don't pressure them and tell them they don't have to eat anything they don't like and they still eat what I make even though they have other options. Thank you for the response.


Make them spaghetti or chicken and add salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and bake it in the oven? Serve with rice or potatoes.


I do spaghetti regularly because it's easy and he likes it (or so he says). sometimes Ill add sausage or meatballs to it. I add the ingredients you mentioned (except sometimes the onion powder) and he'll eat it no problem (it seems) but then wont touch it after the initial meal. I haven't done regular baked chicken yet (I usually use chicken as part of a stir fry or something like that), but he made some fried chicken for us and added a decent amount less seasoning/s than when I make it (it was good though, was proud of him). Do you think it could be a comfort thing for him? Like, he just wants the food he's already used to regardless of what leftovers are available?


It could be. Ask him what his favorite food are? I will say black people are heavy on seasoning.


I've asked and sometimes he will tell what he wants. Honestly, he asks for McDonalds more than he asks for anything else. I am big on seasoning too. On the rare occasion that my partner cooks I hover over her a bit because she is usually too conservative with seasoning. Our last foster kid just liked frozen microwave meals more than anything else. That one blows my mind more than this kid. Like... you'll eat frozen healthy choice meals but won't reheat the pulled pork that I smoked for 8 hours?


They may have eaten limited things in the past.


They probably don’t like your cooking. White cooking is a big adjustment. 


Copied this response that I gave to someone else. "I hope that (them not liking the food) isn't the case. I ask what they want to eat and then make it for (or with) them. They say they like what I cook but I guess they might be lying because they feel bad about not liking it. We always have things like pizza bites or Ramen in case they don't like what I make. Our current kid has ramen with garlic powder and a slice of American cheese melted in it almost every day. We don't pressure them and tell them they don't have to eat anything they don't like and they still eat what I make even though they have other options. " Also, I know adjusting to white people cooking can be a change which is why I purposefully avoid making just "white people food". I go out of my way to make foods from different cultures. And I'm not a pro chef, but my dad was (I cooked and learned from him a lot), and I worked in kitchens as a cook for years before I became a nurse, so I feel like it isn't a general lack of ability, but maybe it's just too different? Thank you for the response.


Neither of my children willingly ate leftovers when they were growing up and as adults they still don’t. We’re white.


Ok. It was never an issue for me and my siblings and that's the only experience with children that I really have.


My kids also don't like leftovers as much as a fresh-cooked meal. I don't know what their deal is hahaha. I try to re-purpose the food so that it's "new" again. For example, if I make a chicken dish and have leftover chicken, I chop it up and serve it in tacos/burritos instead of the same meal with rice again. They like it better.


[Confirmation bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias) on your part. You drawing a conclusion based on a limited sample and then attributing that conclusion to race.


No, she's trying to figure out whether it's racial, because other than beign foster children, that's what all these kids have in common.


Thank you. I literally haven't confirmed anything or come to any conclusion, how can it be confirmation bias? Also, not a big deal, but "he."


> other than beign foster children, that's what all these kids have in common So the defining characteristics of these children are "skin color" and "in foster care"? That's it? They aren't individuals? Unless OP has raised a statistically significant portion of the black and/or foster care population on their own (which they haven't, because that's literally impossible), looking *only* at the children in their household is not a sample size on which you can draw conclusions that based on demographic characteristics like race, culture, or income background.


Oh for God's sake. She's found a common thread, and wonders whether it's just her foster kids or universal.


It's not Confirmation bias because I didn't have that notion going into this. I had no preconceived notion I looked at my recent experiences and made a guess based on that information. That is the opposite of confirmation bias. Also, confirmation bias assumes I've come to a conclusion, which I haven't. It's why I'm asking a question. It's why I'm investigating. Your response seems very uninformed and didn't answer my question.


> I had no preconceived notion I looked at my recent experiences and made a guess based on that information. Just because biases about race aren't conscious or "preconcevied" doesn't mean they are non-existent.


There certainly could be some bias or racism involved, but it is not confirmation bias. And, even if it was (which again, it isn't) your answer is still very unhelpful, especially in this sub.