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Scan the barcode on them. Or manually enter them. The calorie count is never going to be 100% accurate and it’s totally fine to give yourself some reasonable wiggle room.


I try and get the calories exact even if it means altering the weight but then I'm afraid it'll affect the nutritional value of the meal. The barcode I actually haven't tried. I'll try it when I make dinner.


Calorie counts are not exact. They are estimates.


I know they're estimates but when it shows a 50 calorie difference on the app compared to what I've got, it's a little odd.


Sometimes companies change their recipes year to year to an older recipe might not be as exact. There are so many factors to calories and metabolic rates that I wouldn’t worry about a 10-15% wiggle room unless a doctor has advised you to be overly cautious.


Ah, that makes sense. I try my best to stick to 1200 and no more but it's difficult when there's such wiggle room. I'll need to start using the barcode scanner. I forgot that was a free feature.


It’s close enough to work.