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No. I go to the movies about 70 times a year and I would say roughly 67 of the times I'm alone.


Nope not weird. It’s totally fine to treat yourself to time in your own company.


No, not weird at all. When I was that age, I did it all the time!


I don’t think it’s odd and I think it happens more than people realize.


Of allllllllll the things that might be “weird” to do solo, going to a movie alone (where you’re not supposed to talk anyway and have something to clearly pay attention to for hours) is at the bottom of the list.


No. Of course not.


No. Often when I go around a third of the people there are on their own.


It's actually such a treat to go alone, you just have to plan where to sit so no one sits near you. It's strategic. But other than that it's super fun.


I don't think it's weird at all. I used to plan my work schedules so that I could go to cheap matinees on my days off and have the place to myself.


I go to dinner and a movie by myself for Thanksgiving every year. I get made fun of by my family, too, and the waitress usually thinks something is wrong and is extra nice and careful with me. If I had an S/O, I'd take them along, I just don't like being in large crowds. And going at that time of year means I usually have a theater to myself. It is a little bit weird, but who cares, it's relaxing.


I do it all the time. Wife talks too much during the movie. I see it alone first.