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That pastor is going straight to hell lol


I’ll sell him plots of land in hell for $30 per square foot


What a steal!


I looked online and found zero evidence this is even real. No name of the church or pastor. Obviously if this was true, it's absolutely disgusting but I believe it's just click bait.


This is horrible and so exploitive. I have several plots in heaven I'd be willing to let go of for $25 a square meter just to help out. DM me if you are in need.


Do you take Bitcoin?


do you accept prayers??




Hi , interested in this offer . Do you take exposure/promotion as payment ?? I am sure I can tell God about your kindnes s and generosity ! 👍😊


This is literally why Luther and Calvin wanted a seperate christian religion, apart from the catholic church. Now it's happening again in the U.S.


The church is in Mexico.


A fool and his money are easily parted


Hey hold on a minute... wasn't it because of scams like that that the Protestant church got created in the first place? Because they didn't like the Catholic church selling tickets to heaven or some similar bs?


I believe they were called indulgences? And they were used to pardon people of sins I think, so you could just buy your way out of "trouble". But yeah, pretty much lol


Basically a ticket to heaven.


Yeah that started the entire Husit movement


Martin Luther is rolling in his grave right now


Congrats, you have more theocracy knowledge than 95% of Christians.


Since its eternity I will take a 100,000 year loan. I will set it up on ACH


On acetylcholine?


Anyone who has read the Bible or has any knowledge of the Word will know this is just a silly gimmick. John 14:1-3 says, "Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also"


It also says to love your neighbour, including the people you don't think as neighbours, and that nobody will know when the end of the world will come but you see how well that worked out


I swear there is a commercial that plays on Los Santos radio in GTA like this.


Martin Luther turning in his grave as we speak


Hear me out... 10€ per square meter in hell. Satan approved. Get it now, because it is getting crowded there.




A fire sale, if you will.




This is satire. A previous post from this [comedy Facebook page](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100057393972348&story_fbid=933199341936523)


This is about as Christian as Trump selling bibles.


You know what? If they're that stupid they deserve to lose money.


There is a line when it comes to scams where I will stop feeling sorry for them and instead feel contempt, and this is far past that line.


Is this the onion? Has to be, right?


I feel bad for the people buying this, I hate the people selling it. People who buy this are not stupid, they are desperate and indoctrinated into this believe that you can or have to pay your way into a good afterlife.


Yep, and when they pass away, they'll get a big shock when the "house" they bought isn't there, because it ain't heaven that they will see.


God: "Don't use my name for vanity." Random sociopaths: "I'm gonna ignore that!"


They paying taxes on all this?


Man the IRS that powerful you got to pay property taxes when you in your afterlife.


Imagine getting to heaven and you're still not able to get on the property ladder


I have to be honest, this made me laugh, but I get why it's terrible


If I buy one of these does that mean I can commit all of the sins I want and still go to Heaven?


It’s a shame people fell for this, ytf would he be using the un-freedom metric units. Of course he uses imperial like the greatest and free-est god-fearing nation!


I’m selling plots for only $80 a head. For another $10, I’ll throw in a temporary plot in Hell.


That "iglesia del final de los tiempos" is a parody account


That pastor really doesn’t believe in what the bible says.


Good luck with that. St. Peter authorized me to sell tickets to get through the gates of heaven.


I mean if people are dumb enough to "name a star after someone". Then this is genius for whoever is selling it lol


Do you have to buy the stairway to heaven to get there?


Location, location, location.


well,... i will watch the guys die inside if they realized they are in hell and there property in heaven is overtaken by some refugees🤣


God has only spoken directly to one person: Moses. No one else. Who is this dude to think he's on the level of a prophet?


Moses is the Listener


Maybe he IS Moses?


https://www.starregistry.com/ STARS HERE, GET YOUR FRESH STARS HERE


Took the “I have a bridge to sell you” thing and made it worse. 😭😭😭 How long till they just start selling indulgence?


Are these plots leasehold or freehold? If leasehold, what is the annual ground rent, review period and uplift? More info needed before purchase.


Better buy now, otherwise the ones that bought in early are gonna drive up rent to the skies. I really hope it is a gag gift, for people who do a large donation to the church.


just going to copy one of my comments from a similar post >hahahahahahaha i kinda hope to see stories in the near future of people who put all of their life savings into this and then be totally broke and homeless.


Well, you just described most doomsday cults, plenty of stories available.


True, and I just love hearing about new ones. I can't wait for the next one of these to pop up so I can paste my comment again LOL


I mean… It’s only a step off from selling indulgences.




Do you own your own plot in Heaven? .. would you like to release the equity now before you die? .. Call 555-FUCKLIFE


These are the same people who would get to that heavenly neighborhood and start an HOA.


The people are so poor, all they have is money


And this is why universal suffrage is bonkers. Just like you have to take a driving test before you step in a car and manage a vehicle in traffic, as you would be a danger otherwise, a voting test should be the minimum requirement before any election. Something of this kind would be more than enough to take away a few voting rights for the greater good, as these people are obviously lacking any critical capacity.


It's the same as buying land on the moon. Actually, moon is worse because that land actually exists, and by the time people are actually ready to build anything there, no one is going to care what some idiot did 200 years ago. The land is going to belong to whoever gets there and claims it first.


The existence of a garage in heaven implies there are also roads, traffic, and locations to get to surrounded by a sea of parking lots. At least Hell is probably a walkable community.


I'm okay with this as long as multi unit housing or homeless shelter isn't near my patch of heaven.


Didn't someone get arrested for selling plots of land on the moon or mars or something like that? I am not against religion, but there is no religion that requires money to go to the afterlife


If they're that dumb, they deserve what they get!


Hmmm maybe its time these plots of land are insured against any wrongdoing or damage.


Didn’t every church ever stop doing this back in *checks notes* ah yes, the late 1700’s when industrialism and democracy separated church and state forcing the corrupt Vatican priests to stop their money for forgiveness speil


Die now and you can squat before they get there!


This *has* to count as fraud, right? There's no way this is legal.


Religion is the worst grifting organization ever. My wife was working remotely during peak covid doing PPP loan stuff, they stopped doing that and had her making calls to a megachurch to get donations. In her forced scripting it would mention the stimulus checks and remind them that they have to donate 10% of that to the church. She quit that week they made her do the church calls, because she could not deal with it. People telling their whole life stories and struggles while they are still providing their credit card numbers to give that donation. It felt so morally wrong for her. At this point, these people know there is no heaven or hell, because if they actually believed in these things, they know where they would end up and it's not looking up at some pearly gates.


Protestant moment


Martin Luther turning point to separate himself from the Catholic Church and create the Protestant one precisely because the Catholic Church were selling indulgence back then. As in, the priests were telling their believers to pay them to absolve their sins. They made heaven pay to win. Now I guess it just came back full circle.


I picked the wrong profession. That scamming religious people outs their money business just looks so easy. P.s. isn’t this type of shit the written reason why Noah made that boat in the story?


Bet a certain orange grifter is kicking himself for not thinking of this. Or he will try to steal it, put his own spin on it to make it look like it was his original idea first, and resell it to rip off more money from that cult of his.


Between the maga crowd and evangelicals. I don't know who's easier to scam


I feel like we could pop a sign saying “This way to Heaven” over an industrial sized wood chipper and be done with a lot of these issues. Heck put it in like a dozen different languages. This is my new climate policy less people, less environmental destruction.


I think it's a good thing. And the people are giving it Willingly! Take them right to the bank!


Dan Carlin does one of his shows about this religious ideology called "prophets of doom". In it he describes the walkie talkie to God which is the first thing that came to my mine when reading this post. But more interestingly he talks about how people come to believe such things and sheds light on totalitarian control. Really interesting stuff from "Hard Core History"