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"He is my neighbor, Russia. He is pain in my assholes. I get window from a glass, he must get a window from a glass. I get a step, he must get a step. I get oil...he cannot afford. Great success!"


Whowowewa very nice


Bang bang skeet skeet


sounds like the way my wife relates to her friends and relatives


Don't you mean mmmMAH WIIIIYEF


They're also blaming Kazakhstan for the flooding in Orenburg.


Special Kazak operation?


They have the best Potassium.


Everyone still talking about Kazakhstan potassium but no one actually realises Kazakhstan is responsible for a whopping 40% of global uranium production right now


They produce way more uranium than those dirty Uzbeks


With a bone in their brain


If Russia starts eyeing Kazakhstan, France (who gets 75% of its power from nuclear) will send them a sample. Refined. At high speed.


Sorry to be so credible, but Canada can probably meet the need. Refined sure, probably not at speed tho


Why im i thinking about a swardfish with a nuke?


Replace Canada with Germany to make it non credible.


It puzzles me why Canada still has sky high electricity rates


Uranium does you no good without power plants. Canada gets only 15 percent of its electricity from nuclear.


Australia too. We have a shit ton of uranium


France will do an Uno Reverse on Russia's red line that shall not be crossed. Meaning, it will do jack.


I'm honestly lost in amazement at the degree to which post-USSR Russian leadership has managed to forget how dependent Russia has always been on its "satellite states" or "the list of places who decide they don't want to be part of Russia every time Russia looks weak enough that they can get away with it" since its imperial days (and that became an even bigger part of Russia's power during the USSR days), and that if those nations don't have pro-Russian (or straight-up puppet) governments willing to give Russia very good deals, Russia doesn't get to play in the Great Powers league. They obviously do understand it's very important to have these nations on board with them (which is why Russia's been at war with Ukraine for around a *decade* now, conducting an extremely long reprisal for Euromaidan and its results), but seemed to have failed to grasp the idea that without those nations, they can't make it in the big leagues like they used to. This is the sort of stuff that happens when you design an empire under the theory that you're always going to own every single piece of it, and then you lose a lot of those pieces and must suddenly do things like buy uranium and gasoline at market prices from a country that used to just send it to you because it was a province. It still baffles me that modern Russian leadership has consistently demonstrated that they don't understand exactly how much their country's "weight class" dropped when it lost the rest of the USSR (or the Imperial Russian domains, if we want to go back that far), and that they're no longer in a position to re-take a lot of those places unless they get very lucky with a tepid international response (like they did in Chechnya and in Ukraine in 2014).


Most is mined from irradiated pubus donations.


I think my Plumbus is also irritated?


Kazakhstan uranium, best uranium.


All other countries have inferior potassium


You Fools I Wanted You To Miss The Banana Now You Will Become Potassium Deficient


There has to be an Ea-Nasir joke in here somewhere.


Borat special agent make that.


US already claims to have intercepts that they are planning it


there were documents leaked a couple days ago from russia planning that


The Aral sea isn't evaporating, Kazakstan is stealing the Water to flood russia in preparation for their invasion


Damn Kazaks are everywhere these days. Walked out into my yard and boom first step off the pavement, dog shit. How do they do it?


There's a village named Kherson on the Kazakh side (50.9032, 58.0055) only 20km from Orenburg Oblast. So I can't exclude the possibility that Putin ordered them to "flood Kherson" and this order was carried out with the usual Russian competence before they realized that he meant they were supposed to blow up the Kakhovka dam, and now we're seeing the effects of their first attempt.


too credible at this point


Wtf, they aren't blaming the CIA or Ukraine?


Sure buddy. Go and piss on Chinas vassals. It will certainly end well.


Russia’s revenge for Kazakhstan switching over to Latin alphabet (as they should lol)


Ти срилик алфабет из вондерфол (I tried to write in English with Cyrillic alphabet, sorry if I got some characters wrong)


> Orenburg That just doesn't sound like a real place. Are we sure it's not just from Frieren?


The reason behind why there's German sounding cities in Russia is pretty interesting.


I would assume it's the German settlers brought in under Peter the great, to be credible for a second?


At least according to Quora "They were named in the 18th century when Emperor Peter the Great made German a very popular and highly respected language among the Russian elite because the emperor instigated a major national modernization project."


Just like SaintPetersburg, right?


Weren’t they putting out adds that’d say Europe would be freezing without their gas?


The one with the hamster was hilarious. Especially this winter with the Internet full of pics and videos of frozen Russian commiblocks because they had so many central heating failures.


I haven't seen these. Got any links handy?


There you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D6WwUoXfc0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D6WwUoXfc0) A few moments later: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/193gzhi/total\_disgrace\_anger\_frustration\_as\_mass\_heating/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/193gzhi/total_disgrace_anger_frustration_as_mass_heating/)


Okay jokes aside, the hamster video really made me angry. What kind of piece of shit would invade a country then celebrate that nation's supporters starting / freezing in the winter. Like, that's "cheer because Hamas gunned down children at a bus stop" level of low tier trash.


Russian mindset. There is nothing they would not wish upon their "enemies".


Well! I'd seen the video before but those stories from Russia, my god.


Incredible, it’s coming from RT.


I personally turned down my heater this winter...not because heating was expensive, no. I just didn't want russia to get warmer. Closed system and all that.


The only thing that froze was my brain from all that high stuff propaganda.


I liked the one where a girl had to eat her hamster that was super funny they believed that would happen. Edit- link to video https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/s/0HOysQIsiO


They didn't. They put stuff like that out to sway public opinion, not because they believe in it.


With RT that's the case but they did put out that kind of crap domestically as well. It's definitely the case that Putin overestimated the importance of Russian gas to Europe, overestimated the hit to the economy, the political fallout from that, and overestimated the resulting pressure to drop sanctions and/or cease aid to Ukraine. It's also the case that _plenty_ of Russians really bought into the "Europe will freeze!" propaganda. For many people, it doesn't take much when it's what you want to believe is true. Plenty of pro-Ukraine folks are just as prone to that. (e.g. "traffic jams on the Crimean Bridge - Russians are fleeing in panic!" - even though it was late August, the end of vacation season and the traffic jams had occurred at the same time of the year before the war broke out)


> Putin overestimated the importance of Russian gas to Europe, overestimated the hit to the economy, the political fallout from that, and overestimated the resulting pressure to drop sanctions and/or cease aid to Ukraine. Let's not forget that this was a strategy that actually *worked* for him in 2014 during the first stage of the invasion of Ukraine (taking Crimea), so he wasn't being a complete idiot in assuming it would work again. (Underestimating your opponents is the first step in getting fucked by them.) It actually might have worked in 2022 if Russia had sewn the whole thing up in a "three day special operation" that really only took three days: at that point, Western Europe and everybody else who doesn't like Russia being a world power would have had to get their own hands dirty in kicking Russia out of Ukraine (without UN approval, because of Russia's permanent Security Council seat and veto power) or by supporting partisan resistance groups and/or a government in exile. What Putin and Russian intelligence didn't consider was the fact that maybe, just *maybe*, everybody who'd sat it out on the sidelines in 2014 because they were dependent on Russian petrochemical products might have spent eight years preparing for the possibility of Russia threatening to shut off the tap. (Again, underestimating your opponents is the first step in getting fucked by them.) Oh, and helping Ukraine in restructuring its military so that a 3-day "special military operation" would become a joke. Stack that with the corruption that led to Russian leadership significantly overestimating the capabilities and readiness of their armed forces, and suddenly ...well, we are where we are today. The threat of turning off the tap was ineffective this time, Ukraine held out long enough for a long list of nations to put sanctions on Russia and start handing Ukraine usable military materiel, and someone blew up the Nordstream pipeline for good measure. (Do we have any information on who actually did that? Too many players in this game had good reasons to do so.)


Yeah, and you see that in the fact that they sorta stopped fighting with the west in a direct manner, unlike they did with Nordstream etc. Before. While the West still issues new sanctions against Russia.


I was told by many westerners that sanctions don’t work on Russian energy


all their news about the bad west are projecting


The funny part is, Russia said that the attacks on the refineries had minimal effect, less than 10% of production. If that's enough to buy gasoline from Kazakhstan, imagine when it reaches 20%


"The Impact of this airstrikes on our oil refineries will be negligible."


Sink the (Oligarch) yacht!


Nah. Seize it and sell it before anyone has time to complain. Those Russian yachts we seized are costing us a fortune to keep in good condition.


Oh God, does this mean that there are Russian oligarchs funding kurosanji now?


Every single Vtuber fan is on this one fucking subreddit right here, I swear.


Hey, to be fair this sub is the centre of the venn diagram between anime and warfare


Instant reminder of that one Parrot meme video on the whole Nijikuro debacle. RIKU!!!! WHERE IS MY AMMUNITION!?!?


RIKU!!!!! WHERE IS MY 3D MODEL?!?!?!?!




Thing with stuff like gasoline or diesel is that consumption can flex somewhat, but it costs a fair amount. Unless you were exporting the stuff previous to the damage, you have to ask “if my citizens daily driving makes up 15% of my gasoline consumption, how much will I have to charge them before they will cut back to driving 1/3 as much?” Obviously that percentage is made up: I have no idea what the actual percentages are, but the pain inflicted can escalate rapidly once it’s a question of supply constraints.


Petrol consumption is notoriously inflexible. Maybe at a 10x price increase.


That's why more attacks against their refineries should continue if they had "minimal effects" 


14% of overall, but hit refineries are in european  part of Russia, so by different estimates around 30% of processed oil products for western Russia are out. And there is like ONE  railroad connecting far east and west in Russia.


Partisans, you heard da man, time to put pennies on the trans-siberian railway


Imma start trading vodka for every meter of railroad line. One bottle for 1 meter 2 if you have proof its from trans siberian


> imagine when it reaches 20% The sowing season begins soon. Very fuel intensive. Russia already has no fuel headroom to manage excess demand. They had shortages last autumn. Imagine what would happen if it reaches 20%. Imagine what would happen in the Autumn when it's time to gather crops and plant new ones.


Putin: _"Stare at Alaska"_


Wouldn’t even help. Alaska has crude, not gasoline. It’s not an oil shortage, it’s a refining bottleneck. So even if they magically teleported all the Alaskan oil to Russia somehow it wouldn’t do a damn thing to solve their problem.


No wonder they liked Texas' warm water ports


Wish a fool would try


A second militaristic aggressive expansionist power powerbombing itself into the shitter by attacking the US because of oil supply issues would be *slightly* hilarious.


No it wouldn’t be It would absolutely fricking hilarious 


*Would* be even funnier if they went for Hawaii, and tried to touch the boats, though.


Something tells me they will sink before even getting halfway while the Japanese fleet shadowing them goes "tf are they doing".


If the second Pearl Harbor attack fleet had to be towed home by the first, how hilarious would that be?


Oh they'll be flying the Z flag alright. (International maritime flag alphabet "Z" is code for "I need a tug")


Would be funny in the extreme 


Tankies would be posting pics of the USS Arizona and saying they sunk it.


Wouldn't be surprised...


Well, they did point out it was not protected by NATO’s article 5.


I saw that, too. :)




Who said I was wanting to watch the military do anything? I just wanted to watch the Alaskans and polar bears


You mean the Alsakians and the Polarski Bearskij


**Your comment was removed for violating Rule 5: No Politics.** We don't care if you're Republican, Protestant, Democrat, Hindu, Baathist, Pastafarian, or some other hot mess. Leave it at the door.


Alaskans: *do it*


*Alaskans with anti tank rifles and  anti aircraft guns*  __DO IT I DARE YOU__


Stares in (checking notes) *illegal trade*.


Try it. Please. Pretty, pretty please. That might just be enough to get the US united enough to take action.


I triple dog dare them to try.


Yes if the Tommies ever bomb Germany you can call me Meier. Nothing to see here.


3000 fuel stations of Allah


3000 Pipelines of Nazarbayev


Russia running out of gasoline was the whole reason behind Red Storm Rising.


But in RSR they did not get into a tarpit immediately after they starts to invade Europe


Yeah, I don't remember the bit where the soviets invaded their own (occupied) territory and got bogged down in the book, though.


If the Ghost Rider got the nickname "Frisbee", what's the equivalent for the F22 and F35?


And their TV says that Kazakhstan is the next on the list (well, maybe after Baltic states and Moldova).


Risk war with NATO right before a planned war with Kazakhstan? Yeah not gonna happen.


But I thought they were already fighting NATO in Ukraine? /s


You're thinking like a sensible human being. Think like the Russian. We need the Baltics. Perhaps not as much as Ukraine, so we may negotiate over them, but still. We can attack Baltic states and if it goes well, well, we'll just take them. If it doesn't go so well, we can negotiate withdrawing from the Baltics for NATO withdrawing from Ukraine. Oh, also gotta fuck up Kazakhstan. They suck anyway, three brigades will suffice.


>Oh, also gotta fuck up Kazakhstan. They suck anyway, three brigades will suffice. My president... Gerasimov... Gerasimov could not mobilize enough men.


Then reassign staff from the Strategic Missile Forces to infantry, good lord, do I need to spell everything?


They still prefer to control escalation. That can go nuts quickly.


Kazakhstan are besties with China. Some gonna get spanking if anything happens to Kazakhstan.


Begging For Gasoline from Kazakhstan, MREs from China, Mortars from North Korea and Ammunition from Iran. Yeah, they are getting desperate at this point.


Wait until they are begging China for Gasoline, North Korea for MREs, Iran for Mortars, and Kazakhstan for Ammunition.


You mean North Korea for gasoline


I really just rotated each country one to the left.


I'm just waiting for Poland to come out with a steel chair...


Honestly I'm waiting for the day when Russia gets so desperate that they try starting back channel negotiations with Poland for whatever is left of their old Soviet tech by promising them Lviv.


If maskovians were living in Antarctida, then it wouldve run out of ice and snow 10 times faster than due to global warming.


hello tokayev, itz putin. we nid faiv bilion galons of gas to crush ukrainian children. За Родину!


Running out of gas in a war in eastern Europe? Man get you own fucking story Russia and stop copying the Nazis.


History may not repeat itself exactly, but it sure can rhyme


Begging is not a problem when you dont need all the 50 out of 50 hands to vote something.


[Basically, Russia wants gasoline from Kazakhstan in the event of shortages.](https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/russia-seeks-gasoline-kazakhstan-case-shortages-sources-say-2024-04-08/) [Reuters is a very credible source of news.](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/reuters/)


Yeah so whatever happened to Ukraine freezing?


They told that to their population so they would endure their own freezing better by thinking that "the others" freeze even more.


Aren't they also buying back their own oil from India or even China?


I've been at job training for the past few hours. What did I miss? Did we get Kazakhstan's response? Did they tell them to fuck off?


If only they were asking for superior Potassium instead


I'm sure they will sell it at a great markup and only accept Tenge.




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Superior gasoline, to be sure