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Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. I’m sure when the US pulls out of the pier they’ll be a cartoon of Uncle Sam pissing in the water and flipping off the shore


I fucking hope there is.


If they don't make one someone from America should


P sure the pier got destroyed by weather. Idk if it's back up now?


It’s back up now. That’s the current thing they’re mad about: they’re claiming the pier was used to launch the hostage rescue operation that resulted in a claimed 200+ casualties on the Palestinian side (militant numbers obscured).


Yeah I can’t believe there’s legitimately people calling to dismantle the pier now. Most obvious propaganda move.


Hamas probably wants it gone. They don’t want the US making things better.


I’m not sure whether this whole rumor started with Hamas or Russia, but they’d both benefit.


Somehow, all 200 were women and children.


Not just children. Infants. And all the women were pregnant with triplets.


I bet those triplets were doctors and journalists too.


The Zionists actually committed one morbillion genocides during the hostage rescue and opened a new open air prison inside of the last one. It’s much apartheid.


You've heard of jewish space lasers but what you don't know is the Zionists have created a tessaract capable of hosting the entirety of ~~Gaza~~ the open air prison inside of a different dimension. I saw proof on tiktok.


Puppies and kittens too !!!


I didn't know the ATF was an active participant.


… while nursing twins. The monsters!


Racking up the combos


For the 200th day in a row.


[Well of course that will happen when Hamas is pretty damn close to strapping actual baby armor to their unguided rocket artillery.](https://i.redd.it/lmb8fax73ra41.jpg)


[Page 9](https://stratcomcoe.org/publications/hybrid-threats-hamas-use-of-human-shields-in-gaza/87), my friend.


Well known fact: Gaza is the most trans-friendly place in the Middle East. It has 20,000 men identifying as women and children… 😕


Three of the four hostages rescued were being held at the apartment for a guy who'd written for Al Jazeera. Oooooof. Not a good look, my dudes.


It's being glossed over cuz of the "200+ women and children killed by the fascist Israelis" /s


I don't see why they're mad about that. During earlier negotiations, they demanded that 50 Palestinian prisoners be exchanged per one Israeli hostage. They're the ones who set the exchange rate of 50 Palestinians to one Israeli, so I don't know what they're upset about. Four Israelis got rescued, 200 Palestinians got murked. It's the exchange rate they demanded.


Oh no how horrible


Yeah, the 200 killed in a special forces operation to rescue hostages makes it sound like they were shooting everything and eveyone.


Over on imgur there were a few comments about how it was pure coincidence that they found hostages in the first place, the real mission was to go in and just gun down as many children as possible like it was score attack.


 "the real mission was to go in and just gun down as many children as possible like it was score attack" Well yea, they gotta keep the killstreaks going to get more air. artillery, and drone strikes. How many more do they need to unlock a tactical nuke? /s


I'm torn between my hatred of war crimes and my love of a high score


Boy, this is NCD warcrimes are just our endgame.


Remember, no Palestinian.


That's imgur, there's no need to take them seriously.


>200 killed in a special forces operation to rescue hostages makes it sound like they were shooting everything and eveyone. Taking Hamas-provided numbers not only accepting them, but **interpreting them as collateral damage** (i.e. 200+ *civilians* being killed) is truly the most non-credible comment of all time.


"Destroyed" is a strong word for it. It was dismantled/detached to mitigate the impact from the storms. That's why it was back up and running so quick.


Damaged by weather this time. It was also attacked by militants of one flavor or another at least once, because letting aid in might blunt the hate and outrage.


It came apart, was put back together, 2x now. Temporary docks are made to come apart easily rather than get destroyed by storms.


It was damaged by a freak wave due to weather iirc


The [kamikaze](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamikaze_(typhoon\)) has returned


So if the divine wind comes in and damages the thing that has been built to help bring aid to you, does that mean God wants you dead?


The storm knocked some bits loose. Took less than a week to put back together


And pissing him off figuratively and literally seems to be a good idea? Stop poking the bears ffs! At some point they wake up angrily.


Kaiju Uncle = Best Uncle.


I thought Bob was my uncle


No, he's mommy's very special friend. 


I mean they didn't just poke a bear on Oct 7th, they stabbed it. And now are crying they are getting mauled by the bear


They didn't just stab the bear, the took the bear's children hostage and used farm implements to behead (badly) expats working on the bear's farm.


I choose the Bear over the Gazan. 


FAFO of the century


"You ain't pissing on me right now, you're pissing on the Bear."


Uncle Sam comes to give aid and in exchange a child soldier comes and urinates on him.


Yeah, wanted to say, doesn’t the US send aid to Gaza? Guess it’s a Russia kind of sich where US sends aid and they forget about it in like a week and default to US bad


I'll never forget that video of the doctor in gaza complaining about how he didn't like the taste of the food aide the US airdropped. Fucking blew my mind.


I don't know if we're thinking of the same video but there was one review by a guy claiming to be in Gaza who ignored the main course, threw away the heater because he didn't know what it was, and then complained that it was bad and there wasn't enough of it and then toward the end of the video mentioned something about the peanut butter in Canada being better.


I think he also bellyached about how it was “free” but he still had to pay for it


Oh yeah that was part of it too, he complained about how much he paid for it as if that was the US's fault.


Why doesn't their bestie Russia organize aid if they hate the US?


Oops, too late. All the MREs got sold to sergeant corruptovich for three bottles of vodka and a reacharound.


Best Russian trade offer.


Weak western men don't know what it means to sacrifice for the motherland, they will suck dick for 20 euros. Strong Russian men obtain the physique of a grizzly bear through a strict diet of testosterone, protein, and trace amounts of vodka - all provided for free by their commanders


Because by the time I stopped following it Hamas had made $60 million+ selling that aid to fund their war effort. The unfortunate reality is the U.S. is Hamas biggest supplier.


> The unfortunate reality is the U.S. is Hamas biggest supplier. doubt. HAMAS biggest supplier is the german taxpayer


Iran and North Korea are trying their best to keep up. But capitalism is much better at producing surplus.


This is part of my issue with the "Gaza is starving" story. We keep getting told that the aid on its own isn't enough, but despite that, there's apparently still enough food that the mass starvation we should have seen weeks ago hasn't actually set in. My thought is that there is enough food, and Hamas has been trickling it out. They attacked the pier and relief columns because too much aid weakens the hold they have using food. Part of my evidence is that the food markets in Rafah lost oversight from Hamas for a few days and prices dropped. At the time I was thinking because Hamas was charging more than even the near famine conditions would cause, but now I'm wondering if it was because a larger portion of the supply became available, because there wasn't anyone to stop the merchants from accessing them to sell.


There's tiktoks of armed men straight up stealing the aid to sell it later. There are also tiktoks of Palestinians mad they have to buy the aid and for some reason they can't quite thread the needle on that one thought, so they blame the US.


This is exactly how it was done in Somalia in 1993 and probably still is.


you should follow this channel if you want to see the regular lives of Gazans in wartime. It also helps humanize them. https://x.com/imshin/status/1800148244338790840 Its a channel that collects videos from gazans doing mundane stuff like buying groceries and going shopping. Most of the recent videos show a relative amount of food abundance which means the USA finally managed to get a working logistical supply route program going despite COGAT's incompetence. Gaza isn't starving, and no longer food insecure. We're probably not going to see the videos of gazans swarming aid trucks like ants again


I still believe that the October 7th attacks were part of a very successful anti-obessity campaign by Hamas. That's why they are so angry about the food.


Now THIS is noncredible™️


I thought most of the food insecurity was in the northern part of gaza and that's still an active concern due to aid blockages


Wasn't that guy Canadian too? Lol


Honestly... he made me wonder.. "Is this guy like... being paid to garner support for Israel?" His bullshit was so fucking insane, it was the only reasonable thing my brain could come up with. But, I know that the truth is always so much more banal.


Double embarassing. Even a marine can put the crayons down long enough to understand "rock or something" on the FRH instructions. The fact he knows Canadian IMP rations are better really highlights that he should fucking know better. Maybe he should stick to doctoring and leave Steve to get things out onto a tray.


Bruh, US Bad no matter what.


Unironically one of the best signs the US is the good guy is the quote, "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." Anyone can say whatever the heck they want about the US but speaking ill of Russia or China inside those countries is imprisonment or negative social credit score. That's really all you need to know.


iirc, much like other conflict zones, the aid gets intercepted by militants who then sell it to the people who are suffering in the area. the people don't see uncle sam delivering aid, they see bartering what money and other things they have for food and supplies that happen to have uncle sam's logo on it. as far as they know, either the militants stole the food and supplies from uncle sam, or uncle sam sold the food to the militants. either way, they're paying an arm and a leg, and possibly more, for food that their local information outlets are telling them is not halal and is the devil's work.


This is why doing these hearts and minds gestures are pointless. The aid won't change anything except line blackmarket dealers pockets.


Tbh never seen a more ungrateful bunch than those who posted on tik tok in response to the us sending them aid


I still recall the video’s of them receiving US MRE’s and then calling them not edible. Like brother. That’s 1500 calories.


They said it wasn't halal. Despite all US humanitarian aid MREs being Halal.


Shit most if not all military MRE’s are aswell right?


I cant speak for other countries but the US has such a wide net of beliefs and ethnicities that they design them to be as least controversial as possible


The other thing I have trouble with is that. If they are starving and on the verge of famine, like they say they are. Wouldn’t you just eat it anyways? Or is it that engrained into these people. You’d think the feeling of hunger would overpower any opinions they have about it anyways, it’s human nature.


The Qur'an literally allows it. Surah An-Nahl 115.


No bro its literally allowed. If you are in a "famine" and "starving" like they say they are, you can eat literally anything. The haram things becomes non haram at that point, according to the quran itself.


Demonstrates they aren't starving. Starving people eat raw grains, their own pets, sawdust bread, and sometimes each other. Starving people beat each other to death over getting a bite of an MRE enchilada. They don't complain about the dietary content of MRE's. They do not throw away rations because they believe they are not Halal.


Halal practically only applies to food that contains meat products, but then if you are actually starving, it's acceptable to be lax about it.    There are separate menus which are Kosher and Halal which were added in the last 10 years or so. Kosher is stricter as it covers rules about where food is cooked and has special regulations surrounding food produced in Israel.    4/24 (currently, used to be 5/24) of US MREs are vegetarian and all Humanitarian Daily Rations are. In practice, the vegetarian meals are enough to ensure religious accomodations for most soldiers.  Edit: Sikhs abstain from eating Halal and Kosher meat containing products as they consider their slaughtering practices unethical.  Some Christians hold a prohibition on foods which have been sacrificed which may include Kosher and Halal meats.


I can speak for this so the vegetarian MREs are Halal as well as the special Halal MREs that have things like lentil and I want to say goat. I’ve never actually had one, but I’ve seen people get them.




Of course it's all propaganda. Always has been.


Is there a famine in Gaza? Because according to everyone Gaza was on the verge of an unprecedented famine and starvation for months now. And now the online watermelon people are saying that the freed hostages were well fed. So is all the food in Gaza going to the hostages instead of the populous? Or is the Hamas-run health ministry just lying again?




They can, but how many Gazans know that? I’d bet Hamas have been telling them they’d go to hell if they eat them, because it somehow makes them look better.


If they don't understand their own religion, there are other issues at hand.


The vast majority of religious people don't know their own religions. I could give a hundred examples (What does the Bible say about Hell vs what your average American Protestant thinks it says about Hell), but not understanding one's religion seems to be the majority position around the world. Probably something to do with authority figures insisting on being middle men.


That's your first mistake, being on the shit hole known as TikTok. It's Chinese propaganda, always has been. That damn app needs to be banned already.


Islam requires you to help them. So helping them is not an act of kindness, but you are literally required to do so. Some understand that this requirement applies only to Muslims. Some don't.


In that case, we hit up Natick's warehouse and find all the Veggie Omlettes and ship them over.


Need i remind you that the Geneva Convention bans the use of biological weapons?


Happened in Somalia 


Ok. All jokes aside. Nice arc. He’s shooting that stream six feet straight forward. Presumably into an ocean breeze.


Wanted to say, my man’s got some nice pressure going


It isn’t a political thing, he’s had to piss for a full hour now. And just as he starts pissing, a godzilla-sized Uncle Sam emerges from the waves for no conceivable reason acting like he’s the asshole for pissing on him, when he was pissing long before Uncle Sam even arrived. Besides, he can just swim around a bit and it will all wash out. Bro is making a big deal out of nothing 🙄




He should take his skills to Big Bill Hell’s, home of Challenge Pissing.


Man is hydrated too, that piss is clear as glass.




I mean. It’s imaginative. I’ll give it a 6/10. China still has the best anti-American propaganda.


China always draws uncle Sam as a bodybuilder that hits the gym 7 days a week and all days are arms and chest


Chinese artists looking at Senator Armstrong thinking "Yes, this is peak America."


Making the mother of all omlettes President Xi, can't fret over every military exercise!


No the chinese ones are more pro-america than american ones.


Usa: Sends aid to Gaza Gazans:


"I don't remember who sent us aid last week, let's beat up some women and hate the great Satan USA a bit."


I'd rather have a cent go to some people that would appreciate it like Ukrainians, Ethiopians, or Tanzanians than a dollar go to these people that just hate us and want to destroy our country and genocide the jews


Agreed, we spent a shit ton on getting aid to Gaza, at this point I'd rather have that money go to Ukraine.


Or literally any other suffering country where the people don't hate us


Sudan, South Sudan...


Tanzania has some new problems or is "just" shitty state?


Tanzania always has problems


I mentioned Tanzania only because back when I was a christian before I lost my faith, in my hometown the church I went to did a lot of aid projects to feed Tanzanian kids and my family donated to help. It's just a bit of a personal childhood memory.


I love how the US has literally moved heaven and earth to get these people aid and they still think we are The Great Satan. The entire Palestinian mindset is broken.


Brainwashing... A combo of extremist Islam, Iranian influence, Hamas antisemitism and american diabolism.


And a good heaping dose of fascist authoritarianism based on a "pure" race since they wanna kill the Druze and Bedouins too


And, funny enough, further propagated by a cartoonish Mickey Mouse lookalike.


This same artist chose to depict one of the recently rescued hostages enjoying life and a bottle of Coke, finally free after hundreds of days in captivity, as a laughing grotesque pig caricature drinking blood.    Kid you not:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C79uMDLCfho/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


This dude probably has a few hostages himself


not anymore most likely, most were arleady saved ​ now in oct 7th and 8th, maybe


Most were not already saved. There's like 120 left and 30 of those are dead who they want the bodies returned.


It made me so fucking pissed when I saw it yesterday. The asshole is a member of cartoonists for peace btw. 


It's wild. Their entire ethnicity is based on how unwilling they are to live next to Jews. A bunch of Jordanian Arabs hated Jews so much that they created a entire ethnicity.


National or cultural identity, or just “culture” is more apt. Ethnically, an Arab in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jordan are indistinguishable. But yeah it’s fucking nuts to have your cultural identity be “suicidally hating Jews.”


Makes sense when you realize they've been turned into and wielded as a weapon against Israel by the same Arab states that couldn't defeat them in direct warfare. The brainwashing and weapons inpouring is all intentional and furthering the regional dream of a holocaust 2.0.


Israelis: First time?


jews, after fighting for germany harder than the average german, and then being blamed for the loss and murdered after ​ now that i think about it nazis are just league players that actually went outside




There's plenty of Islamic nations that aren't nearly as pitiful as Palestine. Plenty have normalized relations with Israel and the West and are moving forward. Palestine is the only state in the Levant that hasn't grown past what they weree in the 60s.


Since Black September and the Lebanon civil war, everyone knows what to expect from palestinians to do in any place where they get to a sizeable population


Everyone ? Not American college students


**Your comment was removed for violating Rule 4: No Racism/hatespeech** No slurs. No advocating for the killing of people or insulting them based on physical, religious, or ideological traits (even people you don't like: Russians, Asians, or Middle Eastern ethnic groups). **Your comment was removed for violating Rule 5: No Politics.** We don't care if you're Republican, Protestant, Democrat, Hindu, Baathist, Pastafarian, or some other hot mess. Leave it at the door.


so they dont want the aid?


No, they want to starve so they can complain about starving.


You know, they are the lucky ones. Darfur folks and Rohingyas are another story.


If they don't have someone to hate then they have to come to terms with the reality they've suffered and humiliated themselves for decades for nothing.


Did you see th3 videos posted after the us sent in MREs? They aren't edible!(despite our entire military running on them). They arent Halal!( despite them being Halal). The US is evil!!!!


Also didnt they complitly ignore the main meal and the food heater ?


Complaining in English while refusing to read the instructions, which are in numerous languages, including English.


Source of the literal "Rock or something" meme, and they still won't read it.


Should have sent instructions in form of tik toks


If the people aren't suffering, Hamas doesn't have as many or as strong Boogeymen to yell about to the west


I don't think they're getting the aid. Surprise surprise, the men with the guns get fatter while the disposable masses starve.


The masses aren't starving. There's always been just enough food. Hamas is filing it out slowly to use as a leash. It's part of why they attacked food convoys and the pier.


Considering how the Palestinians started not one but two blood civil wars in the countries that openly supported and welcomed them, being an enemy is not that bad. (There is a reason why no Arab countries are welcoming Palestinian Refugees)


>Giant comes out of the ocean to bring your starving ass food >piss on him Absolute Philistine behavior.


What's funny is that at the time, the Philistines were an advanced and relatively liberal Greek city state. The term exists because they got left in the dustbin of history by the sons of David. As will happen again 


would this count as touching the Boats?


'DO NOT...TOUCH...THE FUCKING BOATS' - Habitual Linecrosser as Japan


Iranian trained gazan artist.


Same artist that drew a Pic of the recently rescued hostage as a pig with blood coming out of her coke. Very peaceful.


What the actual hell? That's fucked.


The ayatollah himself smuggled an ipad and an apple pen for this man


The boy cannot complain if he gets pissed on in return.


Oh he will


Hell complain that he was pissed on for no reason while pissing. All while the us hasn't even started to urinate 


Yes! Bite that hand that feeds you!


"You think kids eating meals are good footage to get western college kids in dreadlocks riled up? We need some starvation and dead bodies."


as Stalin once said ​ never let a good starvation go to waste!


wow.. it takes the courage of a hero to say "le america bad"


They cry that America doesn’t help, but then America tries to help and they cry about it too. Stupid


The only thing keeping Israel on the chain is the USA. If Israel felt they were true existential danger (aka unable to reload Iron Dome to protect the cities from Gaza and Lebanon or precision munitions to strike back launcher sites) things would be bleak as hell. Increase any death toll by a factor of 10x as real carpet bombing begins (not the Tiktok version, the Dresden version) and turn south Lebanon into the surface of the moon. Hell they might have nuked Iran by now.


Mmmmmm Dresden 🤤🤤


That's a strong stream, he must be showing Uncle Sam how good his aid is and how much he appreciates it. A little crude but appreciation transcends language barriers.


If it’s one thing that countries are universally good at its making America look dope asf in their propaganda


Yes. Piss on the one country holding Israel back and the one country actually giving you aid.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Palestine is a project of the Soviet Union and Russia - it’s their responsibility to provide aid. No matter what the U.S. does here, these people will forever see them as villains.


Why don't they hate the UK more, for creating the problem in the first place?


They would be hating on them for letting the Jews have access to half of Jerusalem, while the Arabs got the vast majority of the land. Also most russian and Iranian propaganda mention the US more, so that is the focus.


USA is way cooler to hate. Like my man Kim would say, they hate us cause they ain't us.


/r/propagandaposters would like this.


You can always rely on the Palestinians to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Over and over and over, they’ve been doing it, for decades now. Why should this time be any different?


I don't see what the Gazan was trying to say? Like what I'm inferring from this cartoon is that the USA could flatten the guy on the beach if he wanted to, but yet Uncle Sam restrains himself from violence. Isn't the message then that the USA is powerful but is disciplined on its use of force? Enemies of the West really do make the best pro-West propaganda.


And Uncle Sam isn't really doing anything to begin with, just sitting there in the water with a disgruntled expression on his face because he's being peed on.


Cool don’t take our aid then? They can keep bitching to social media.


I can't wait to see you on all r/SubredditDrama when this inevitably ends up there. I'm sure they'll draw a cartoon of the US shitting in the water after they are forced to leave or attacked by terrorists.


That’s a subreddit about reddit fights. When we dunk on Chinese propaganda no subreddit fights happen before. And they have better social media psyops division. It won’t happen here.


Accurate. They do be pissing on us. Unfortunately our college students hate Jews and love watersports 


I have as much sympathy for the gazans as I do the Berliners of 1945. They let evil people take control and are now suffering the consequences.


Thought it was forbidden to draw faces in islam


Just Mohamad's you're thinking of the Amish.


What if Uncle Sam is Mohamad?


Depends on the flavor. The Umayyads didn't allow any depictions of animals even. Shias in the Middle ages didn't have such qualms and even had depictions of Muhammad. The modern consensus seems to be to avoid depictions of your major prophets.


This piece, titled "Fuck Around", is actually half of a diptych


Do they mean the pier we built so they could get more aid?


Be the giant the enemy propagandists think you are. (The pee, not so much)


Was removed before due to Rule 8, so here it is again with artist credited. https://www.instagram.com/ma3bs/p/C7m-lULNUcq/


I'm sure the people who don't have the luxury of drawing cartoons under AC with their 500 dollar wacom tablet very much appreciate not starving for a day


Honestly pretty accurate uncle sam comes to help and they piss him off figuratively and literally


Wheres the predator drone?


“Dude….first of all rude”