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The easiest solution it to have two identical barrels pointing away from each other. You then fly into the **middle** of an enfilade fire position and go ham.


No, you just take an MG3, strap it under a Baba Jaga and start spinning


Aerosolized MDMA and all tracer rounds so it just looks dope af. Stop an entire assault in their tracks


This one's on to something, boys


Add speakers continuously playing *un-tss un-tss un-tss un-tss*.


Tracers still got the dangerous part, lol, it’s gonna be a bit bloody during this trip.


What lifes worth living without a bit o' risk eh?


When the "I'll try spinning, that's a good trick" & the "So anyway I started blasting" memes get combined


"I'll try spinning. That's a neat trick!"


One can be just empty charge, without projectile, that only will make equal thrust on opposite side.


Commander Cleland Davis, is that you?


No no no! 4 barrels and you shoot at people to steer/move lol


Broadsides are for naval drones, silly.


Why stop at two? Have sixteen barrels in 8 directions and their opposites.


You took a recoilless rifle, and did the thing to it that would *make it recoil*. Congratulations, you’ve reinvented *the cannon*. Can I interest you in M1028 Canister, or perhaps a slightly smaller M1040 Canister?


Easy fix, just point the barrels in opposite direction and shoot them simultaneously.


And we’re back to recoilless. Time’s a flat circle.


I think you missed his point. Take the m40 recoiless and shrink it to standard 12ga and modify the ammo. It's not totally insane.


How would it make it recoil? Is it because of the wad?


look at the shell "casing", then look at the back of the gun, and think about it for a second. It'll come to you.


Only thing I can think of is it backblasting the rest of the drone. Shotgun shell-sized recoilless rifle ammo for a shotgun-sized recoilless rifle should work fine otherwise.


except the fact that shotgun shells cant vent out the back, so it would blast only forward and have recoil


Except this is saying shotgun shell SIZED, not actual shotgun shells. Obviously an actual shotgun shell wouldn't work.


Recoilless rifles don't take shotgun shells last time I checked, so I'm not sure what you want me to think about


I'm not suggesting putting shotgun shells in, I'm talking about making a recoilless shot that's *shotgun sized*


Would be pretty simple as long as you accept single fire. Metal tube with electronic primer in the center, powder charge to the left and right, normal shotgun load on the business end and some form of recoil mass on the other. Plain steel slug for hunting drones over enemy territory, maybe a 3d printed or sintered frangible one for friendly territory to avoid debris strikes.


Right. A part of me wants to test what happens if you just cut off the rear end of a bird shot shell (in design, not literary) and fire it from a tube with both ends open. Math needs to be done so I don't end up as yet another backyard genius trying to make a canon out of a drain pipe.


Gotta have some kinda mass behind it to build pressure, but you could do what's basically a double ended shell with Airsoft pellets for mass, they will slow down much more quickly than the metal shot


Nah bro don't worry. Physics is for pussies anyway.


Every day we get closer and closer to the world of black ops 2


Now train some rats to reload them mid-flight and you're golden.


I feel that this is just slightly as dumb as a flying brick


Just make the flip button on the drone controller the “shoot” button. Gun fires, drone flips and stabilizes. Recoil issue negated.


The thing is, there already is a flying brick to take out drones. Look up anvil drones


Yes, I was referring to it. It's stupid, but it works.


I'll just leave this here. [Rheinmetall RMK30 30mm recoilless revolver cannon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheinmetall_RMK30)


Wtf? *Automatic* recoilles cannon? >”Though recoilless, the RMK 30 has a higher muzzle energy than conventional 30 mm autocannons” ????




A shit load of propelant.


Rheinmetall fuck yeah. As for you question, the secret behind the higher muzzle energy than a GAU-8 is apparently very expensive caseless ammo. They really should have put this on the Wiesel as intended.


"An unusual study (Project MORAINE) suggests mounting an RMK 30 gun in a retractable mast on a Type 212 submarine. Such masts would extend the capabilities of submarines, which currently lack appropriate means to fight small surface targets or just give warning shots. This study has directly led to the Muraena concept." Even the proffessionals come up with some really NonCredible ideas.


Wow, they had this for decades and they didn't put this to use?


I hate to be that guy, but I fear the brits have out-jerked us on this one: [Jackal drone test fire](https://www.forces.net/technology/watch-jackal-drone-used-launch-martlet-missiles-first-time-during-trials)


So this is kind of a MANPADS armed drone, if I understand this correctly. This will work. But my idea is dumber and much much cheaper.


Punt Gun. Get flocks of them are a time.


A disc filled with bullets that radially rotates with the force of firing them. Call it the shimmy.


Please make square ammunition for middle east.


Don't think hunting.  Think fishing. Add a lightweight stick and some fishing net underneath. Air from propellers will probably keep it vertical. Attach it using tape and weak clamps or something that releases as soon as the enemy drone gets tangled.


Time for the gyrojet to make a glorious return.


My father was a marine officer in Vietnam. They used to turn them around and back them up towards the wire when expecting an infantry assault. The combined back blast was incredibly lethal. So I’m thinking it might not be great for the propellers.


…they used the back blast instead of the, y’know, 6 105mm beehive rounds?


My understanding is in cases where all they had was HEAT, which was often, it was a fallback method.


Instead of a standard ‘X’ frame drone, think of more of a ring-shaped drone with an open center. Mount the recoilless rifle in the center pointed down at an angle. This way the backblast avoids the rotors.


Hmm, sound like I need to build a prototype to test this effect


If you go that way, instead of scaling down a recoilless rifle like that, you take the [RMK30](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheinmetall_RMK30) and scale that down till it works. Because then you actually could have more than one shot per barrel.


Remington 10/22 on a clip, stuffed into a fpv drone, hunting in packs


Something something, high ***PING!*** rate in a wireless environment, but wrong weapon. Carry on!


I used to skeet shoot with a single action .22 rifle, it had cannister instead of a lead slug. It was reliable in busting up skeet discs.


Oh, no, I get it. But they said "clip", and my head went to the Garand. Then I realized I grew up shooting the 10/22, with a *magazine*, and understood my error!


Or we build a drone that rams other drones at high speeds, like anduril has done


Metal Storm, but shotgun shells!


I was suprised nobody else thought about that before. Albeit when I told my brother about, he said that there already existed, but launched rockets instead, more practical. [And he was right.](https://www.forces.net/technology/watch-jackal-drone-used-launch-martlet-missiles-first-time-during-trials)


Honestly I feel like a 410 slamfire shotgun would be perfect for drone on drone action.


You... Did you... Just photoshopped ontos turret to a drone?


Yeah, just shrunk it down


Once again I'm called here to point out that the barrels of these guns are weight you could instead be putting into MOAR PAYLOAD by using Rockets/grenades. Guns on drones no make sense.


Bullets make sense on a cost-per-meatcube basis.


This system would be used primarily to engage other drones. It could also possibly be used to pick off individual moving stranglers in a reusable fashion for FPV drones. The range of this system would be limited to under 10 feet.


Timed rockets > this. There's absolutely 0 chance you're hitting other drones with a weapon mounted on a slower larger drone. Under 10 feet is also going to get your fancy gun drone killed by the blast/shrapnel of the explosive drone. At which point you might as well bring your own explosive drone and ram it. Picking off individuals is once again: better handled by grenades. How many shots per pound of weight do you think you can get? MAYBE 1, but probably closer to 1/2. For a pound of payload capacity you can also bring a small pipe bomb.


This does not need to be a large drone. I just showed one example. You can do this with an FPV drone with a single smaller tube. I foresee this being used to pick off observation drones mostly. There are no explosives involved. This would not work against FPV drones due to their maneuverability. The primary weapon payload would be bird shot, which 1) would not penetrate metal casings of most explosive grenades 2) would not have enough energy to ignite an explosive charge if it did penetrate (except for volatile explosives compounds) 3) At 10 feet it might survive depending on the detonated payload 4) based off an FPV platform, it would be cheap enough to loose if it did not. In the second method, it allows you to reuse the drone. Think cruise missile versus CAS. You'd use an FPV drone, but replacing the bomb payload with an anti personnel round (maybe even armor piercing sabot?). The best application is against individual targets. Targets clustered together would be served with a bomb FPV drone. Now drone dropped grenades is valid method of delivery, but does not work against moving targets. There isn't any point of retrofitting a bomber drone with this system though. Think mini cruise missiles (FPV bomb), strategic bombers (air drop bombs) and CAS (this). But, having said all that, I really see this more like a mini anti drone fighter plane.


Everyday we stray closer to having actual air battles with ww2 miniature RC-planes. Please god let it happen it would be so goddamn funny.


Remember how they made 40mm buckshot rounds for grenade launchers? I just wanted to point that out…


Time to bring back 12 pdr cannons with grape shot.


We need to invest in better batteries to arm them with Gauss weapons. Or dig up some Necron tombs to arm them with the other Gauss weapons.


Just drop explosives, a good sized drone should be able to carry a W54 (Davy Crockett) warhead, don't need to aim either.


This is it, the pinnacle of human weapons tech


The range would be too low.


That's correct. This is a short range system, I suspect no more than 15 feet


Drone on drone warfare time!


Just mount a mg a little offset, it can now fire at everybody.


Ok. Now that we have a drone flying with rockets: How about superlight, supercheap Ground-to-Air rockets? Like. Radar-based or LiDar-AI-based or smth?


To be honest, I'm surprised they have not mounted S-5 rockets (57mm) on drones for use against moving targets. You could just point it straight down. I wonder if it is due branch differences (air force has the rockets, while drone is army).


MB weight, idk?


Good point, each rocket is 4 to 5 kg. That might be it.


Isn’t ukraine testing this or something?


I have only seen machine guns mounted on drones. The results were predictable, the recoil made the whole thing move around pretty badly. In theory you could counter the recoil by careful redesign of the gun, with some limitation.


Why’s it called a recoilless rifle?


In a recoilless rifle there is no recoil of the gun, because the powder blast is allowed to went both to the front and the back at the same time. It is less efficient but allows for a lighter package overall.


Bring in the WH 40k Bolters


The real Wunderwaffen of the war is using Comic Sans in the memes.


Why don't they just point a regular shotgun straight down? In the center of gravity? It would only generate additional lift


Well, I thought of this ... First problem is that a drone is never perfectly level with the ground. If there is any wind, the drone would have to tilt just a little in order to stay still over one spot, this would result in the gun not pointing straight down. The deviations are small and add up with distance. At short distances, this could work - provided you had a way to double check the aim. Alternatively, I thought if you could just drag the shot gun by a string - but the gun would most likely just swing around. Last method is the use of a stabilization mechanism that keeps the gun pointed down, this would work, but then I realized that the weight involved made it too heavy and pointless.


What would happen if we scaled up the size of the shotgun to the size of a cannon?


Congrats you reinvented the punt gun but added it to a drone.


A punt gun is just an oversized shotgun with recoil to match. This is a miniaturized recoilless rifle.


hear me out: ₛ ₘ ₒ ₗ ₘ ᵢ ₛ ₛ ᵢ ₗ ₑ


AIM-9m (The small m stands for mini)