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How to cure headache? - Google: Ibuprofen, Aspirin, etc. - Yandex: ... _Ivan_


[Or Australian style, just keep strafing them over and over until they slip beneath the Sea.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AEg_2nZeVA&t=151s)


Hey a bullet is a pain killer, if used correctly.


Reminds me of that video with two wounded and a medic. One was missing half the jaw but overall fine, second one had more holes than your acerage sieve, the medic had to use four tourniquets on his limbs and patch the hole in his guts iirc. There were chunks of meat missing and bones visible but somehow he managed to survive without any amputations.


For those, who are interested \[NSFW-ish\]: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/140lgbt/the\_video\_is\_18\_a\_ukrainian\_combat\_medic\_provides/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/140lgbt/the_video_is_18_a_ukrainian_combat_medic_provides/)  [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/141kc0g/part\_2\_of\_ukrainan\_combat\_medic\_helping\_two/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/141kc0g/part_2_of_ukrainan_combat_medic_helping_two/) Hospital \[SFW\]:  [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14kahew/remember\_graphic\_video\_of\_uaf\_medic\_helping\_two/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14kahew/remember_graphic_video_of_uaf_medic_helping_two/) Rehabilitation of a soldier with a wounded jaw. \[1st image is not pretty. (injuried jaw)\] [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/142dleg/update\_on\_the\_afu\_soldier\_with\_a\_wounded\_chin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/142dleg/update_on_the_afu_soldier_with_a_wounded_chin/) There is a later video of him on a wheelchair. You can see both legs and both hands.  [\[SFW\] https://imgur.com/a/GfPzSbN](https://imgur.com/a/GfPzSbN) And here is a video of him eating shrimps with both hands \[SFW\] [https://imgur.com/a/RoCZEjO](https://imgur.com/a/RoCZEjO) Translation of wheelchair video * Hello. I'm on the street already. Everything is good. I already can go to smoke by myself. * How is your leg? * The leg is fine. They patched it up. I can reach the ground with this leg already from my wheelchair. I can move my hand. I can put the wheelchair on a brake, I have strength in my hands. * Say hello to subscribers of "CombatCanabis" (TG channel of the medic. "t .me/combat\_hemp") * Hello everyone, I'm getting better. Soon you will no be coming to visit me, but instead I will come to visit you.


That’s insane, the way you describe, he should be dead, not having functioning arms


I will never be as brave as those men. Holy fucking shit.


As a Taiwanese, I sure as shit hope that war doesn’t break out anytime soon.


He owes that medic every second free beer he earned


Human body go crazy


Indomitable human spirit


Best goddamn trauma doctors in the world.


Vatniks see this and are like "hell yeah"


No no comrade the poor buff sexy ruski was hurt because of the NATO globhomo catgirls, glorious comrade Ivan did ruski a favor because motherland is land of love


He was infected with globohomo


I too would like to be put down like a rabid dog the moment I get wounded in defense of rosskiy mir, 0Z


Was that 5.56 love, or 7.62 love?


Oldyellerovski! Is beloved Russian classic about comrade who no long can fulfil steel production quota and is taken behind smelter-shed for pension-party.


"He's my friend Ma, I'll do it." *loads AK*


*its the final painkiller* *kazoo solo*


I think the guys dick got blown off and asked to be killed. In the video he reaches for his junk (first thing dudes check obvs) and then you can see him immediately point to his temple and put his head down. Probably had goulash where his dong used to be and was like ok I'm out.


You have to keep in mind just how bad russian logistics and supplies are. A Ukrainian soldier might maybe get the lifesaving surgical treatment and the pridesaving reconstructive surgery he needs, but a russian soldier can count himself lucky if he even had a plate on his chest to absorb some of the blow. He knew he would die, and judging by how quickly he chose to ask for the mercy-kill and how quickly he received it, they had probably talked about it before.


You also have to keep in mind how little Russians value life, including their own.


When your legs don't work like they used to anymore.


I did not kill her, i did naaht oh, hi ivan


This kills the Vatnik.


*Kaarrrllll*, that kills people!


-IVAA^(aaan)...^(pain)...PAIN....KILL^(er)...^(please)... -WHAT? Speak louder BLYAT I don't understand! You want to be KILLED because you're in PAIN?!...OK don't move.


Man wishing for painkillers when they can’t even give him boots, a rifle or even more than one foot wrap.


Give me your hot take which would have you in this situation.


Well considering how apparently close they were to AFU lines [https://x.com/DefMon3/status/1804567321861599437](https://x.com/DefMon3/status/1804567321861599437) this was also shared by the people who initially received the footage btw (https:// t. me /russianocontext/3673) Dropping my weapon taking whatever white cloth I had on me and waving it in the air telling Bobo in front of me to find some long sticks and give me his jackets to make a makeshift stretcher putting him on said stretcher and surrendering instead of not checking whatsoever where he was hurt and nicking him the moment he asks me for it And for the people who wish to argue with me about his state if these people with such wounds were stable enough to make it to a stabilization point [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/comments/1c9rve3/footage\_of\_medics\_working\_at\_an\_enemyrussian/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/comments/1c9rve3/footage_of_medics_working_at_an_enemyrussian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) heavy NSFL warning btw I don't believe that a guy with potentially a few extra holes in his leg and pepe couldn't make it a few extra km ahead to an AFU position but we don't know since nobody even gave a damn to check whether any artery was severed and just nicked him the moment he asked for it ​ But hey I suppose it is better for some people to think that there was no other choice other than nicking him in seconds and moving forward while spreading Z copium about a potential wound we don't even see based solely on the guy moving his arm towards that potential direction ​ I have been documenting this war for almost 2 years and I am tired off all the excuses people make for them based on little to no evidence just because they have a hard time grasping what they just saw But what do I know I am just a random guy on reddit I must apologise If I come out as rude but I am genuinely tired off all of these excuses constantly being made


Don't forget its also a war crime to 'put someone out of their misery', you must render aid regardless. That soldier committed murder. Though id wager its easier to get a russian to believe in alcohol free drinks than it would be to get them to act civilised.


I like your answer but fuck me, those pictures are arguments for the bullet. Horrific.


That's the point if these people didn't nick themselves having such injuries and their commrades didn't nick them either and brought them to a stabilization point than this guy has no excuse for not trying anything he can before doing what he did to his commrade considering his probable situation


Yeah, if you live past the initial hit and can get stabilized, survival of nearly any wound is like 90%. Its fucking amazing what you can come back from in 2024. But thats a western military.... Who knows, Russian field medicine could basically be 1860s civil war shit at this point, dude was probably headed to triage with a drunken dentist with a hacksaw and a clench stick for painkillers.


2022: morphine and bandages 2023: bottle of vodka and a stick to bite on 2024: we're out of sticks


It is now the age of the rock-pillow


Yeah but you have to remember that Russians often think that others treat prisoners like they do themselves. 


Getting shot in the head definitely kills pain, along with everything else


tbf he did end up killing the pain


https://x.com/sadepiippu/status/1804568096163963164?t=YdTBFWc2ADro78d4uvVsmA&s=19 Source


Knowing russian they will spin it either as Ukrainian soldier executing a wounded or mercy killing of man that had no chance of survining.


Dude got his dick blown clean off and immediately asked to be put out of his misery. Gotta say I can’t blame him


"It hurts, the pain is right here Ivan!" "Blyat I can't see nothing, maybe whit a hole..."


No matter how many times I see that image or how it gets meme'd it will still be one of darkest images of this war for me.


The thing about tragedies is that they usually have silver linings. If you don't take the lining with you on the way out, the miserable bastards still have something left. But yeah, the casual nature of this is up there with the guys getting paralyzed in a ditch and slowly drown in the calf-deep water. These are the wages of serving autocrats.


sad tbh


**Doctors HATE him!** *Permanently cure migraines with this one simple trick!*


Honestly its pretty depressing to watch and thinking about it, drones are genuinely horrifying. Before if theres an air attack you might be able to hear it at the very least and maybe it’ll get detected or something and if it does make it through you could just take cover and at the very least just get turned into fine red mist. Nowadays though drones can be deployed from anywhere loitering and stalking you with not a lot of noise other than the buzz. On too of that its not just stalking you but some can just kamikaze into you or drop a grenade on your head and most of the footage I see are mfs only getting injured because of it not even killed. Its honestly terrifying, with planes you got the peace of mind that if they’re gone they’re probably gone for a bit but drones are everywhere and can be used for anything.


He is the Painkiller


HEADON, apply directly to forehead.


Just saw the video. Russian soldiers just asking to die and being given a non hesitation response is the clearest sign they are desperate


Does someone have the original video of this? Would love to see this.


The painkiller that kills more than just pain


I wonder if his junk was blown off


Did they use Starship Troopers as an instruction manual?


That was for sleeping with him his sister his mom his dad his brother and him again


And the pain is gone... Next!


Jokes aside, is this a meme edit or is the photo real?


It's real sadly


It's up there with the guy field-training a wounded mobik on how to use his rifle as a painkiller. He was a successful instructor, but the student had to do all the real work.


I guess they ran out of clean socks and ibuprofen


Bu du bu dum bum! *BANG*