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Bro,don't paint countries blue, I thought it was the sea.


Buster Bluth ass map


Well the blue part is clearly the land


Not really at first glance


I messed up the quote but it's a [reference](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VwTCjUJo3wk)


Oh my fault gšŸ’€


Why would I want a map of Bluster Bluth's ass?


Well, a map of Tobias FĆ¼nkes balls revealed WMDs in Iraq. Who knows what is hiding on a map of Busters ass, maybe the code to time travel


No, those are balls. At this close they always look like landscapes


Underrated comment


Same. It took a second for me to register the terms. I thought it was a really closeup picture of Gotland, since that is what drew my attention first, and then got confused as I began to read the rest of the map.


Yeah. Straight to jail!


One million years dungeon. No trials.




Map Jail.


It is traditional to make NATO blue and Russia+ red, though. But I agree that they could have selected a less sea-like nuance of blue.


It's also like the number one rule in modern cartography not to use blue for anything other than water. Especially light tones. Unfortunately most infographics that use map data are created by graphical artists without any consultation with cartographers nowadays.


And here I thought I was the crazy one because my brain bsods every time I see maps with white water and light blue countries. Fucking hell.


From the river to the sea, Kaliningrad will be freed!


It's probably graphics from The Economist.


Kaliningrad atoll


If you do it better be a dark fucken blue so it actually somewhat looks like Nato colours.


To be fair, the sea belongs to NATO.


Well it was labelled NSF


"I got you surrounded !" *said Kaliningrad, without realising they were the ones being surrounded*


NATO did that. NATO somehow convinced Russia that being surrounded/cut off from the rest your your troops is a tactical advantage... "We trained them wrong as a joke"


Comparing the Russian army to Wimp Lo is peak NCD


My economy is gutted making me the victor


ā€œWe have nukes, hereā€ *gets Mcfuckingerased*


You are surrounded, at least from this side!


Kƶnigsberg will be a free republic. Sooner or later.


Some completely unrelated facts: 1. As in other areas Russia has drawn down its Kaliningrad garrison by 80% since February 2022. 2. By invading Ukraine through Belarus, but still regarding Belarus as not part of the war, Russia has set a precedent that belligerent troops can traverse other countries without them becoming a part of the war.


Quick! Somebody make a presentation about the creation of People's Republic of Konigsberg!


Purposefully trying to activate NCD's reality bending powers doesn't work. It only does something when the post is made out of gold, titanium, sulphur and molybdenum.


You forgot the autism, can't make a good ritual without the core component


*round goggles on, big metal tongs and huge leather gloves* let's go to remove it from the core now *chris-chan's essence combined into a small round sphere* weaponized autism, the future of the future


You don't know your chemical symbols, do you?


I work for the NCD software division, I make sure the missile knows where it is, the smart people do the real science. That's top tier clever though.


So you just tell the missile where it's not?


Easier that way.


I'll admit I didn't catch the chemical symbols at first either. That was well played. Must inject more MMR vaccines to increase my tism.


Oh snap. I'm out of my league again. That took me 10 minutes.


So my 6 four leaf clover on a prehistoric dolmen under a cumulonimbus is useless ? Darn...


We're getting to Russian TV with this one


The Peopleā€™s Republic of the Independent Commonwealth of Kƶnigsberg


> By invading Ukraine through Belarus, but still regarding Belarus as not part of the war, Russia has set a precedent that belligerent troops can traverse other countries without them becoming a part of the war. damn, that really never happened before?


The precedent of previous wars is less important to the precedent for this war in particular. If one went by the Korean War precedent, for instance, then the Americans could outright engage the Russian airforce directly and they would still not consider themselves at war with each other.


Only because they were pretending not to be russian as far as I recall.


So in 2014 we could have parking lotted the entirety of occupied Crimea and prevented this shit?


Unironically yes and we should have done exactly that. ā€œOh those arenā€™t Russian troops? What a shame. Since they donā€™t belong to any country, the Geneva conventions donā€™t apply to them.ā€


Oooo, another good opportunity to plug the Battle of Khasham. US: "Hey, Russia, are you sure those aren't your guys? ... For real, you say you don't have anyone near here? ... Okay then, thanks for the clarification." *Russian forces obliterated*


The Mattis knife-hand took no prisoners that day. Khasham should be the gold standard to which all future FAFO maneuvers should be held.


My nextdoor neighbor was a US marine captain at that battle. His description of it was, and still is ā€œit was like shooting fish in a barrel with a 12 gauge.ā€ Also ā€œFucking amateur hour, those guys.ā€


Weren't those Russian forces that got destroyed the Wagner group? Russia was glad to knock them down a peg, even going so far as to turning off their SAM sites to allow American helis to fly. I have no idea if I am dreaming this all up though.


"Suspected to be" Wagner, yes. Wagner was there as Russia's plausible deniability. Still, wary of engaging in direct combat, American forces had been avoiding any potentially Russian troops they might encounter in Syria. So when Russia said "that ain't Russians", it was go time.


Yeah that was the real Chamberlain moment and here we are, close as fuck to a European ground war with 2 nuclear powers on one side and 3 on the other. Putin isn't wrong that the political leadership in the west is weak and flailing.


Someone get me an F-35 and a couple buckets of blue and yellow paint, I have an idea.


The tinfoil hat on my head makes me believe that the only reason we don't see this happening is that Russia would have withdrawn and cried foul 2 years ago, and that western powers are willing to only give enough equipment to keep Russia invested in sending their troops and equipment into the meat grinder. If we in the west give Ukraine the tools to soundly defeat Russia, then Russia would still have a military, and the goal is to get them to spend the entirety of their Soviet inheritance so they're no longer a threat to Europe or in Africa. They want a supplicant Moscow, not one that simply got slapped and is quietly licking its wounds. Of course, the realist in me says there would be more aid to Ukraine if we didn't have a bunch of wimpy Putin apologists, and there is no conspiracy to let Ukraine grind down Russia to dust.


And also the UN officially sanctioned the actions of the Korean War. Because China's seat on the Security Council was still held by the ROC (aka Taiwan) and Russia was boycotting the UN.


By crusade standards even pillaging allied cities is just boys being boys.


It has happened before. And it is unambiguously an "act of aggression"(=war) by Belarus against Ukraine. From the *Definition of Aggression, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3314 (XXIX)*: > Article 3 (f) The action of a State[=Belarus] in allowing its territory, which it has placed at the disposal of another State[=Russia], to be used by that other State for perpetrating an act of aggression against a third State[=Ukraine];


This is too credible for me


I mean, realistically, is anyone actually going to complain if we sweep aside the army of Belarus on the way? Like, other than tankies no one cares about?


> By invading Ukraine through Belarus, but still regarding Belarus as not part of the war, Russia has set a precedent that belligerent troops can traverse other countries without them becoming a part of the war. You would need to repeal the UN resolution 3314 first (Definition of Aggression): > Article 3 (f) The action of a State[=Belarus] in allowing its territory, which it has placed at the disposal of another State[=Russia], to be used by that other State for perpetrating an act of aggression against a third State[=Ukraine];


>By invading Ukraine through Belarus, but still regarding Belarus as not part of the war, Russia has set a precedent that belligerent troops can traverse other countries without them becoming a part of the war. Works for me in ck3


Drawn down its Kaliningrad what????




thank you for the edit


Based and Teutonic-pilled


\*looks at the flare\* Ewww... Brother, ewwwww. What's that?! What's that, brother?


Krolowiec for the Poles. I spit in the face for a new Prussian republic


We already decided to gift KrƔlovec to the Czechs for a beer pipeline. Let them have that aircraft carrier they desire.


Being from Germany: As far as Iā€™ve still got a say in the matter (if any), in my mind Kƶnigsberg, Krolowiec, KrĆ”lovec and Kaliningrad are all already Czech territory. The only thing left to do is to wait until the last Russian soldier has been ordered to leave and support an all-to-well-known ā€œspecial operationā€, and the flag šŸ‡ØšŸ‡æcan be hoisted.


Just imagine the friendship between our countries if this thing actually happens, that would be the most wholesome act of geopolitics.


Czechia can into Baltic???


Always has been


Americans have aircraft carriers, NATO is about shared defense and supporting each other playing on our strengths. Americans have ditched the Ice cream barges, so in case of conflict we will provide Beer barges, plugging tactical gap and playing on our strength. And it shall be called JƔra Cimrman.


3000 leased production Ford class carriers for the eu army when?


I am not sure we can base European defense on my Galactic Civilizations 2 strategy, that is: step 1 - build substantial number of of largest ships you can step 2 - let them become totally obsolete over time, no upgrades step 3 - You shall be destroyed weakling!!! step 4 - Upgrade the whole class in one step, getting into ABSURD amount of debt which will stop whole economy dead for years to come step 5 - Win the war in no time with a ton of ships sporting latest and greatest in military technology step 6 - repay the debt in 5 years, over which absolutely NOTHING gets done other than repaying the debt, maybe start another war to use those ships...


I'm not seeing the flaw in the plan: 1. Build substantial number of ships because you are a new regional power trying to become a big player. 2. Let them become obsolete as you can't realistically be threatened by any enemies at this time. 3. Take the phillipines from Spain. 4. Skip a bunch of unimportant wars and historical moments -> get pearl harbored, decide depression is for chumps and magically create a functional economy overnight with all these new jobs upgrading ships. 5. Win the war in no time with your disgustingly op manufacturing and sheer volume of planes, tanks, and ~~automobiles~~ aircraft carriers. 6. Debt is only relevant if they can come collect, money printer go brrrrr. 7. Start a war to use all this weaponry now that everyone else is too devastated to threaten your great power status. 8. Vietn... Ok fuck now I see the problem


Beer stream 1 must be complete


Poland and Lithuania don't really need more sand and pine trees anyway, which is all that's going to be left in the end.


Dude, we make bank from pine trees growing on sand. We'd love more, but Czech beer is Czech beer.


Czech beer is like Dunes spice, and the spice must flow in Baltics.


I still think this is the based geopolitics move that would solidify Czeck, Baltics, Polish friendship for hundreds of years to come.


No no no no, Kralovec and access to the baltic sea for our Czech brothers. We will get the baltic beer pipe in return.


At this point just unite Poles and Czechs, to form CzechoPolakia


Polish-Lithuanian-Czech Commonwealth


Stop trying to make Zapadoslavia a thing, it's never going to be a thing


Fine, I will settle for Intermarium


Yep, Multislavias can only be created and held together by force. See: Yugoslavia, Vostochnoslavia (Russian Empire & USSR)


God i wish


as fun as it sounds ... 80%+ Catholic country and 70%+ atheist+"non of your business" country just won't work.


As long as it not russian


What we need is a revival of the State of the Teutonic Order. Y'all need more Jesus in your life.


Asking a Pole to allow this. We don't need Bandits with a cross on their armour.


Are you sure? That does sound like your government for the last 8 years. But you got a new one now, so I guess you changed your mind.


As Pole I agree with both statements, we don't need more, we have them already XD


Cmere you Lil fucking shit ill do you like Grunwald


Birthplace of Immanuel Kant. That land is too comformative to the *a priori* principles of transcendental reason, insofar as it is given in intuition as an object of possible experience, to be under Russian rule.


Isn't Kƶnigsberg where the original Prussia was?


I was confused why theres a corridor between Belarus, a tiny russian enclave on a way too huge Gotland. What a terrible paralleluniverse for Sweden that would be. It's too early and the map coloring is bold.


What absolute animal uses light blue for land...


Somebody natopilled


It's supposed to using the internationally recognized color blue for good guys and red for bad guys.


Green is also a decent color for good/land.


Your map colours arenā€™t credible! Well done.


[Obviously the blue part here is the land.](https://youtu.be/VwTCjUJo3wk?si=rpMLfdpZ-0W9BNBd)


I never really understood why this is supposed to be a weak point


Basically it's not so much a direct military weak point, but a logistical one. The Baltic states weren't going to fend off a Russian offensive indefinitely on their own. Their options were to hold out long enough for NATO reinforcements, or essentially get captured and wait for those NATO reinforcements to push the Russian occupation back out. Places like Bucha show why those countries themselves had a slight preference for the first option. Only to have a standing army that can hold out until NATO reinforcements get there, you obviously need estimations of how long that is going to take. Especially before NATO lake became NATO lake, when the only ground connection to the Baltic states is this tiny strip, that is a giant headache of uncertainty and doubt. Like even without the Russians advancing a single inch, any logistical lines through there are fully within artillery range from Belarus and Kaliningrad. That is where their SAMs already are, and that is where they are definitely going to focus a potential offensive and SF action. The region is going to be instantly contested. So when you are forced to run the logistical artery for three countries through there... that is not a happy time when trying to make realistic plans.


And most of RU Baltic Fleet is stationed there with ASM batteries, so naval supply would need to go behind some kind of constant naval siege of both Kaliningrad and Petrograd/St. Petersburg/Leningradv2


I must call the Finns, we got a Gulf to close... What's your poison for it, HIMARS? M270? K9's? Mines? RBS-15? Blue Spear? + You don't really need to siege Kaliningrad, enough to close the Danish straights and the Gulf of Finland to cut it off from the "mainland"... but that assumes that there will be any fleet left to siege...


My point was that they will attack ships going to Baltic States by fleet or ground/air lanched missiles, so NATO would need to place their own ships between supply ships and Russian bases to cover them with own AA/AM weapon, or as target(one that can defend itself)


Which of the US fleets would you like to dominate the baltics? I donā€™t imagine the Russian Navy would last very long with the US Navy sailing in. Add the German, French and British and Iā€™d say the only word to describe them is ā€˜fuckedā€™. Add the fact that to enter the Baltics theyā€™ve to sail past a lot of unfriendly countries through a lot of unfriendly waters.


>What's your poison for it, HIMARS? M270? K9's? Mines? RBS-15? Blue Spear? Calling the dutch and letting them build a dam in advance


The Baltic tripwire forces are composed of a diverse set of troops rotating from all NATO countries for a reason, their job is to die and in turn force everyone to uphold article 5 and commit to war with Russia


Afaik post Butcha, Nato (officially) doesnā€™t have tripwire forces (in the sense that they are only there to draw other Nato states into the conflict, and we would then liberate the Baltic states with a counter offensive) anymore but continuously stationed forces with the plan to fight Russia right at the border and to outright prevent a occupation of the Baltic states in the first place.


The solution is simple: Invade Belarus and Kaliningrad.


Because if an advance from Belarus and Kaliningrad joined up they cut off Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania from the rest of NATO. Although now that Sweden and Finland have joined NATO it's not so much of a big deal as they could supply the three baltic states by sea.


I see


It's less of a weak point and more of a strategic g-spot.


Inb4 ā€˜strategic g-spotā€™ becomes military jargon and the British defence secretary casually using this term on live tv


Well Krolewiec was suposed to be armed to the teeth, which it was before they pulled out everything info Ukraine.


It is not, but in case of a full-scale war between Russia and NATO which is NOT out of the question concerning how Russia works it is the only logical direction to advance, other than Warsaw. That is also the reason why it is both a heavily fortified region with 2 whole divisions, one armoured and one mechanized, and why there is almost no proper infrastructure there. It's just lakes and forests. It is a weak point in the meaning that it is the only place that could be a target of a potential offensive.


Let's rollback to pre-Ukraine and we will pretend that the Russian army is as powerful as many feared. Invasion D1H1 - Russia attacks from Kaliningrad and Belarus and closes the gap in moments. The area has been pre-sighted by artillery and the local troops have been planning this for a while. The Baltic Sisters are cut off before NATO is aware they are at war. Invasion D1 - The Baltic countries are now surrounded and being invaded from 3 or 4 sides. Their militaries (and all tripwire troops) are now on borrowed time, without aid they will run out of ammunition and fall in days. NATO is now aware of the attack and beginning to react but has to decide if liberating the Baltics or defending the Fulda Gap (and Germany/ Western Europe) is more important. American support is still days away. Should NATO decide to uphold its commitment to the Baltics they will have to assault a heavily fortified, nuclear equipped enclave that has spent decades preparing for this moment. Any attempts to resupply via sea are forced to confront the Baltic Fleet and the anti-ship missiles stationed in Kaliningrad. Swedish neutrality will scuttle any attempts to sail North of Gotland, especially early in the conflict. In short the gap required NATO (especially Europe) to choose between trying to relieve the Baltic or defending itself. Now it no longer has to make that choice because Finland and Sweden joined NATO.


"(especially Europe) to choose between trying to relieve the Baltic or defending itself." Where would it have to defend itself if it pushed towards Russia? Attacking through Belarus literally achieves defense and helping the baltics with the same action. And the baltics are of course also in this situation an enclave that has spent decades preparing for this situation that Russia has to attack. Both pre and post Ukraine the absolute consensus in NATO has been that the question is only "would we help or fail to act", there aren't war games conducted by NATO that shows it would fail to push Russia back if it committed to doing so. Even in worst case scenarios NATO always manages to push Russia back, all the war gaming scenarios conducted only show a Russian victory if NATO just does not declare war.


because russia can invade, capture the gap and then sit there pretending it's business as usual while nato debates whether they should do something about it and is it enough of an "armed attack" to respond in kind or should they just sit this one out.


Sounds like doing something would be an escalation!


It is a weak point by default because every other scenario is completely impossible. That doesn't mean that Russia has a chance to win a war with NATO or even cause more than an inconvenience(Non-Nuclear scenario), it just means "if they are going to attack they will attack here and possibly take a few miles of land before being defeated". People are just confused by the term and think that Russia could easily cut through the corridor, put down some trenches and it would be impossible for NATO to do anything about it, which is of course not at all remotely close to reality.


The moment Sweden join NATO, that gap is pretty much useless


Reject logistical bottleneck, embrace NATO lake


Sweden where?


Sorry my photoshop trial expired. But believe me he's there waiting in line with the other scandinavia bros


Reject Terms of Service. Embrace open source. Join the G.I.M.P. side...


Become G.I.M.P and find new range of control..


There's an infinite trial if you look around for it


Hoe can you forget FINLAND????!?


Finland and Norway too busy fighting each other dividing up the Kola Peninsula.




Cyprus wants to enter the game.


Everybody knows Norway gets the coastline and Finland gets the inland


Lucuckshenko on the Cuck chair. LMAO


Why is the water with and the countries blue, that had me horribly confused


NATO countries can submerge to defend against long range attack. It's the sweetest feature, breathings a bit hard for a few minutes but you get used to it.


Jesse we can't cook I'm a body of water


Kaliningrad is about to go back to its proper name if russia keeps fucking around. The poles have already started changing their road signage to konigsberg.


Broke: The Suwalki Gap won't exist because the Russians will take over the Baltic States with ease Woke: The Suwalki Gap will remain a tactical point of importance for the entire war Bespoke: The Suwalki Gap won't exist because Kaliningrad and Belarus will fall within days of war breaking out.


I for one will attend the first Czech Sea day celebration in person in Kralovec


I used to know the sweetest old lady from Kƶnigsberg who had escaped to Bavaria as a teen after running away from Soviets shooting up the town. She married a GI who brought her back stateside and never got to return to East Prussia, unfortunately. Sheā€™d always talk about the castle/museum in the middle of town and how her Wehrmacht officer father passed away before the war started. Cheers to her if we get it back.


The other alternative is to create new Israel there with New Jerusalem for the Jews away from middle East, think about all this sweet investment and GDP growth... Plus it would be an awesome new party destinationĀ 


How is this both the stupidest thing Iā€™ve ever read and something that *must* happen right fucking now!?


putin: rate my encirclement nato: putin, you are the one who's encircled


ā€œHey Russia why are you trying to move thousands of troops to Kaliningrad?ā€ ā€œDonā€™t worry about it.ā€ >:3 ā€œā€¦okay weā€™re blockading the port.ā€ ;-;)


They forget that beyond Kaliningrad is literally NATO Lake


non credible Kaliningrad is Czechia


Imagine thinking that russian troops trying to close the suwalki gap wouldn't be immediately pulverized by overwhelming long range artillery the instant they leave their starting point. All while the polish army speedruns Konisgsberg and the russian baltic fleet gets sunk by those pesky, nigh-undetectable Swedish submarines.


Crimea belongs to Ukraine, sure, sure... This war isn't over until we make kaliningrad Koenigsberg again. There is absolutely no fucking reason on earth that russia, a land grabbing bunch of fucks has an exclave in the middle of Europe. Fuck off. Can't park there mate. Give it to Republic of China and leave fake China an empty ass island. Entire Pacific theater is solved. Thank me later.


Kalinigrat šŸ¤® KrĆ³lewiec šŸ˜Ž


Ok, but why would the Baltics, Poland and Germany attack Czech territory? O_o


Claimed by war hawks that like to tell such fiction in order to drum up the Military Industrial Complex against the Bear that is gonna steamroll all over Europe yada yada... Good that this gets debunked here, in a humours way aswell!


Where czech? It was a meme that poland could take kaliningrad but decided to give it to czechs so they can get sea access


Fulda gap is so last season. Suwalki gap is the new shit.


At least the life estimates for soldiers might be higher here


Ahhh yes the Belgium of CSTO


Sweden holding the camera


Watch Poland go full funni mode


Russians when you tell them that NATO knows about the obvious choke point and therefore gives it special attention and wonā€™t leave it undefended šŸ˜³


You are forgetting Sweden and Finland. Ever since they joined NATO the Suwalski Gap is pretty much a non issue. The Baltics would no longer be separated from NATO allies, if the gap would ever be closed by an attack. Finland and Sweden are now there and act as connection to NATO allies.


Needs updating, not enough Sweden. All respect to Estonia but the Swedish air force and navy are going to be way more important.


Kaliningrad and Minsk would be in NATO hands within a month. Then Russia would have a 1,500+ war front on it's borders.


Next time paint the sea green so it looks more confusing


It's the weak point but so is Kaliningrad. Funny, innit?


Lukashenko with the cuck chair


Man you forgot sweden accriss the sea smiling heavily at Russian ships trying to flank and and the Finnish artillery smilling at st petersburg the party got larger cause of the mastermind Putin best NATO recruiting operation




Let's give it it's proper Title again!


The forbidden landbridge. I'd like to see them try.


I love maps where the countries are ocean blue. Gotta be one of my favorite genders


Oh great heavens not the baltics and the 1 division of germany


I mean it is a weakpoint. Lithuania has no heavy forces at all.


Not right now but a new german have brigade is fromed there and they just ordered leo2


KrĆ”lovec belongs to Czech republic! We will liberate it one day! Ř!


Who's recording ? France ?


With a finger on a nuke pointed at West Germany just in case, even if Germany is unified now.


Russia constantly fails to understand how *fucking eager* Poland, the Baltics, and Finland are to unleash the Mother of all Fuckenings on them. The Americans aren't there to support them. They're just the handlers to make sure things don't get *too* depraved.




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Bout them nuclear suitcases.


That color of blue should be banned from all maps except when itā€™s the ocean


Everyone knows NATOs weak point is just Canada.


Lukhasenko is a br\*t\*n confirmed


Hold up does Sweden not control all of Gotland? Who else has territory on it?


Germany would like its land back


Make Prusia great again


Don't forger Sweden and Finland... They have the back door.


They should just do what America does and spend everything on defense. Itā€™s not that hard.Ā 


I suppose nobody else would like it, but as someone who's into philosophy, I say we call it Immanuelland with the capital Kant City. (Not Kantgrad, because we have had it with grads, am I right?). As a form of social experiment, it would be governed strictly by Immanuel Kant's moral and political philosophy.