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Wow! Body armour so good that there isn't even impacts!


8 seconds, between the first horizontal and second horizontal row of markings, i see two impacts. Just above the subtitles. But the hits look more like blank wadding than bullet impacts.


More like these are traumatic guns. They shoot rubber bullets and are non lethal.


Watching closely and slowly at the beginning I think there is stuff - looks kinda like a bb?? - ricocheting off without leaving any holes you’d expect from a bullet.


Some discomfort in the abdomen; not from the BB gun or anything, none of our refrigerators work


They used all their resources for the amazing body armor, so the only guns they could afford were BB's


_”can stop multiple hits from bullets ranging from blanks to .22lr”_


Just what the mobiks desire!


They’re practicing for when he gets wounded by a drone and need to finish him off.


Typed this out in quotes acting like I was from a different time period and man... There's just no good way to say you'd kill your comrade when it's not necessary.


*June 29, 1944* _Dearest Mary,_ _I hope this letter finds you smiling, sweetheart. Out here in the Pacific, the days are long but the morale is high. You’ll be glad to hear that Jim and Tommy are with me, and we often reminisce about the good old days back in Texas. It’s almost like we never left home._ _The boys and I made a pact—if any of us gets wounded, we’ll make sure the others don’t suffer. It sounds a bit grim, but it’s our way of looking out for each other, just like we always have. Tommy promised me to keep a bullet for him and one for me in his pocket._ _Thinking of you keeps me strong, Mary. The thought of holding you in my arms again is what gets me through each day. Stay safe, my love. We’ll be together soon, and I’ll never let you go._ _With all my love,_ _Johnny_


I don't know if you intend for this to be some kind of gotcha but the fact that you have to go back almost 100 years to a time when the US was fighting some of the bloodiest battles in history to compare to what the soldiers of a claimed superpower are resorting to is a pretty stark contrast.


>Typed this out in quotes acting like I was from a different time period and man... There's just no good way to say you'd kill your comrade when it's not necessary. \*me proceeds trying to write a WW2 letter in which a soldier tells his girlfriend they’d shoot their comrade when it’s not necessary trying to underline the point the comment i replied to tried to make by showing how strange something like this would read choosing WW2 deliberately because even then Allied wounded were treated better then the shit Russia does\* >I don't know if you intend for this to be some kind of gotcha but the fact that you have to go back almost 100 years to a time when the US was fighting some of the bloodiest battles in history to compare to what the soldiers of a claimed superpower are resorting to is a pretty stark contrast. Huh? Am I drunk? What’s going on?


ah, yes, very handy when Ukrainian ninjas ambush you with 9mm pistols. Just what the average soldier needs protection against.


very handy when Ukrainian ninjas ambush you with 9mm pistols filled with blanks.


very handy when Ukrainian ninjas ambush you with 9mm pistols filled with blanks and only shoot at the thickest part of the body armor and not the face


Finally, we have a protection against that kind of situation


And where’s the US MIC and the rest of NATO in all this? Hundreds of billions a year and they’ve allowed us to have a body-armor gap.


It's a pity that the resource of idiots in russia is inexhaustible


Don’t worry. They’ll “order” these vests. Most of the vests never show up, the officers get mysteriously richer and instead vests that suspiciously look vaguely the same as these get issued


I’m in Ukraine, I can not worry :( Friends and relatives at the front says that equipment and supplies on the russian side is shit, but there are a lot of them and they value their lives like nothing


They'll get the vests, just not the inserts. After all, everyone says "bulletproof vest" and not "bulletproof insert", right? ...what do you mean everyone calls these "plate carriers" and "ballistic plates" now? I already stole all the money!


The vest will be sold to American gun nuts.


Airsoft kids you mean?


Future gun nuts.


Ahhh yes the feared phantom bullets that hurt the soul instead of the actual body


You joke but D Bullets are some of the biggest problems the Imperium faces today in our war with the Xenos.


“What if we test body armor by putting it on ballistic gel” “Russian soldier is cheaper than ballistic gel”


Don't need to test blanks


Ballistic gel? Unknown technology!


"That's like kholodets, dude." "Why'd I waste good kholodets on test? Dukhs are cheaper anyway"


“This torso armor will stop bullets or your money back. Simply present the pierced body armor in person at our office and we’ll refund your money.” *Original wearer only, front and back must be pierced for warranty to apply.*


Said office is in Khasan, is only open Mondays 13:00 to 17:00 and closed the first Monday of every month.


ahhhh good old russians useing some of their last intact body armor for propaganda


Will this stop 2lbs of high explosives going off at dick level?


Oh that little guy? I wouldn’t worry about that little guy…


Simunition? Or maybe some gas firing off and the impact points are pre made..


Sometimes I wonder why they switched to multicam so suddenly. I feel like its what's available in aliexpress.


Well, good thing they're not facing bullets in the 152mm, and 155mm. The 120mm types might be defeatable though. What do you mean theyre getting Gibbed? (I'm speaking about artillery, statistically the most casualty producing branch of all the services)


pussies, us italians test body armors with an AK [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIWqRt7Xq88](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIWqRt7Xq88)


maskovians were boasting that ak can shoot through rail.


Next they'll test the Bullet Proof Cup as seen on Supertroopers, can't wait for that one


Semi jacketed wad cutters ✅


What's next, russian body armor with "proof" marks on it? EDIT: for those that don't know what I am talking about, here is an example [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d3/e1/2d/d3e12d015781fa87a658165b9daa8307.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d3/e1/2d/d3e12d015781fa87a658165b9daa8307.jpg)


Jesus they really don't trust the factory specifications do they


Please just build a mecha suit already


The (obvious) tell that this is fake is that he doesn't move at all while getting shot. Even with "best body armor in the world!!" fully stopping penetration, the kinetic energy will push you around. It's like getting punched \*\*really\*\* hard.


Balistic vests are also supposed to shatter on impact to further spread the distribution of kinetic forces so the wearer gets as little damage as possible.


Ceramic plates break apart sure, steel not so much


No matter how good the body armor a tiny projectile going mach 1-2 is gonna hurt like hell.


That's just the physics for you. The dispersion of kinetic force has to go somewhere, though, broken ribs will definitely beat a bullet hole in your chest any time of the day.


I can smell the potatoes and copium mixed tears from here, IVAN! BETTER DEAD THAN RED!