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She probably lost 6-10 lb from that work out alone.


"what's the best way to quickly lose weight?" G̷̬̺̱͚̻̜̟̗̳̪̠̳̹͔͑͐̒͆͗͘͘͜Ị̶̼̥́͋̍͊̋̓̏̅͑̽̉͘V̸͔̬͖͍̙͓̼͎͍̜͖̺̟͒͘ͅI̶̢̛̞̘͑͋̑̽͊͒̎̀̄̋͝͝N̸̛͕̖̬̩̰͓͇̮͎͎̣͑̅̅̿̇̓̾̃̊̃̚͜͝͠͠G̸͙̠̖̺̦͕̤̟͔͖͇̱̫̐̽́̍̀̋͊͆ ̷̱͚͇͍̥̻̳̐̾̉̋̂̇̀ͅB̷͕̤̬̯̼̭͉̈̋̐͊̄͑͋̍͂̏̌̈́̚͝͠Ȉ̴̢̛̦̤̤͈͓̳̝̘̜̦̄̀̋̍͊͋̾̇̈́̕͜Ŗ̷̧̡̛̮̹̻̝̼̗̫̱͓̭͔͆͛͗͊̈́͐͑͌̍̓̿̓̀̾ͅT̶̗͓̈́̆̕̚H̷̛̼̝͖̪̲̠̫͉͍̓͐͗̉̌̏̐͐̎͝͝


And here the fool I am, helping women from the gym with their decapitations in the parking lot as their assistant, smh my heads


>smh my heads I'm dead. Just like the women who joined your weight loss program.


This guy kaishakus


She burned 914 calories but in total she lost probably 6000+ calories


According to [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/9nupsa/comment/e7ph57d), more like 70-80k kcal. 70-80 megacalories, if you will.


I doubt that. A 10 pound steak is only 12,000 Calories. (He calculated how many calories it would take to make a baby, not how many calories are contained within a baby)


Only gonna get like, 1-2lbs of baby meat from a baby. But, its gotta be a lot higher ratio of fat vs protein than same weight of cow.


Plenty of cultures eat organ meat and skin. I think you're really underselling the calories in a baby.


I mean, that's how much she put in. Some of it probably came back out, and plenty wouldn't be recoverable through metabolic processes if she ate the baby, but she's losing most of the energy she put into the baby regardless.


I reckon the baby also has a lot of respiratory losses tho. Just like how a cow eats ~10x the amount of calories compared to how many calories you get from eating it


I've never thought about how many calories there are in a new born, probably low carb too.


Damn. Making me hungry. 😋


I lost 20 pounds in one day when I gave birth. Turns out all the stuff in there weighs a lot


More like 30 after you lose all that blood and fluid


I walked in the hospital 185 and left with a 7lb baby and I weighed 191. I wooshed down a ton the following week but all the IV etc etc really plumped me up.


I walked out 6lbs lighter after pushing out a 7lb baby. I proceeded to pee out 25lbs worth of water weight over the next two weeks. Child birth is wild.




Not really. When giving birth, you don't just lose the actual infant weight, you also lose all the fluid as well as all the stuff that was holding the baby and whatever. The real weight loss is easily around 20 pounds or more


Plus the poop




How do you figure that? 6lbs of fat would be about 21,000 calories.


He means she got 6 pounds lighter, now think harder why


It’s more than 6 pounds. I think most babies are at least seven pounds. Then you have the amniotic fluid and after birth you lose as well.


Anywhere from 6-8 pounds is considered normal.


The average weight and height of babies (at least in the US) has been steadily rising for 80 years.


Lol fair


81 BPM while giving birth is nuts


Given that you're not having contractions the *whole* time, I can see this averaged out. I'd LOVE to see the full graph though.


I had my watch on when I got my Vasectomy done. There were two very distinct spikes about 4 minutes apart, which I assume was each snip.


What's your normal vs. the spikes? Guy with a normally high heart rate who's curious.


It was so long ago I can't remember the details. But because you're sedated, it was close to resting HR before they cut. Which is 50 for me. So stark contrast when there's a sudden stress.


The heart rate spike is real. I was loving life on the nitrous, they cut me open and I still didn’t care, and then they tugged on my tubes. I’m a competitive cyclist, we live and die by heart rate data. I can tell you my HR within a couple BPM at any time. Lemme tell you, we went from resting to zone 5 the second my insides were getting pulled to the outside. Good god did it suck. That said, all the consequence-free unprotected sex since then has been just lovely. 9/10, would get snipped again. Final star reserved for when they begin doing the procedure under general anesthesia or let you get suuuuuper baked before it.


Damn, I had no sedative and only local anaesthesia and it was not that bad, I had cortisone shots in my back that were more uncomfortable. Though I think my doc had been doing them since before I was born.


Local anesthesia for me too. Dude wanted to make small talk about sports and I wanted him to focus on the task before him.


My guy was talking about his buddy making a ton of money on crypto. I wanted to die.


I felt them doing the cauterization. Let me tell you- not a good experience


Dear lord. I guess it can always be worse. That sounds absolutely horrifying.


Me: “ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” Him: “oh could you feel that? That is not supposed to happen”


This sentence immediately made me remember anonymous question time in middle school sex-ed when the teacher answered "look, if mountain dew killed your sperm they'd sell it as a contraceptive, not 75c a 2L"


Normally not sedated anymore for vasectomies though. Ball clippers have come a long way.


I wonder if this varies by country? I went under for my vasectomy and for all 7 colonoscopys I've had. I'm in Australia. I'm never given an option otherwise. When I go to r/crohnsdisease, everyone talks about having them under local.


I bet it does. usa and I was unusual wanting to not be under for my first colonoscopy, the doc had one other patient who didn't go under for his, a german fella who told the doc it's atypical to use anesthesia for them there.


nowadays its just local numbing


And a 10mg Valium


I didn't have any Valium for mine. Just rhe local numbing. Went for the scalpel less procedure. Was like 15 minutes. Had zero pain after.


I’m sorry, you’re *conscious* during a vasectomy procedure??


No sedated. Just looking back at the HR tracking.


Oh, yeah that makes sense. I’m stupid


Two of my friends who had them in the past few years said that they could have something for anxiety if they started having an attack, but there was no sedation. Local anesthesia obviously, but they were fully aware of what was going on. They said it was fine except for the burning smell…


This was my experience. Local sedation only. It's a couple tiny incisions, couple snips ties n singe. It wasn't pleasant but the best comparison for pain and recovering was on par with having a cyst removed from my wrist. A day of being a little bitch about it, then about a week of taking it easy, and then all is normal again.


For me, the worst thing about being awake during a vesectomy was the general chit chat between me and my 4-strong female medical team. Was similar chat to getting hair done. "You got any holidays this year?"


Any time I get that option I just go, 'yep, let's go ahead and get that on board now, *before* the panic sets in.'


I can show you this! I woke up at 3:07, contractions started at 3:11, active labor started at 3:51, the baby was born at 4:15. I think the big spike about an hour later was me going back upstairs. She was an accidental home birth but we had a fully certified nurse midwife (who came in sprinting a minute after the birth) so we just stayed home when she saw I didn't have any problems. She came back after 6 hours, then again every 24 hours. God bless that woman. [heart rate stuff](https://imgur.com/a/2RGxFO9) Edit, it was a planned home birth with me seeing an OB the whole time, but we had a very different home birth planned. Not "you can't even finish a made for TV kids movie" from waking up to having a baby.


Damn that is fast. Small baby?


Huge baby. I'm only 5'2" and around 120 lbs. Husband is 6'8". This girl was 9lbs and 22 in long.


Holy shit, those contractions must have been harrowing.


They were definitely a lot. I don't remember most of it, but I do remember immediately feeling like I could breathe so much better as soon as that kid was out of me. I was also completely exhausted when I was done and my husband had to hold the girl for the first 10 minutes while I had my knees on the floor and my head and arms on the couch breathing and trying to recover a bit. I've had a 22 hour labor, 4 hours, and then 75 minutes. Honest to God the 22 hour one was the worst out of all three of my kids.


Wow, damn. Respect.


The joke I made to my husband once we got her length was that almost half of me was baby. That kid must have been real cramped in my tiny body.


Very cool!


I have the "stress level" chart my Garmin spits out. You can see where I spiked for labor around then, too. [ chart thingy ](https://imgur.com/a/H0r7kb5)


My resting heart rate is like 100


That and Anesthesia


closest I've come to that is when we were in a car accident in a tree fell on the front of our car. I was resting and kind of dozing and you can see my heart rate spike about 50 points in one leap. and then it didn't go back down for like a good 30 45 minutes while we were dealing with aftermath. thankfully everybody was mostly okay aside from a little whiplash and being very rattled


that's within the range of a a RESTING heartrate 🤯


I mean, that's pretty high for resting, I'd be concerned about someone's long-term health if that was their resting heart rate.


Mine is in the 90s and I keep asking my doctors if it’s a cause for concern, and they don’t seem to think so. I have a normal BMI and don’t feel unhealthy otherwise.


Same here. Resting 85-100, used to be higher before I started a beta blocker. My doctor says it's nothing to worry about.


I dunno why you got downvoted. 80 is my resting heart rate and I'm very concerned about my long-term health.


Per [Harvard Medical School](https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/what-your-heart-rate-is-telling-you) >the range for most healthy adults is between 55 and 85 beats per minute


My resting heart rate is 100-140 when measured by a medical professional. Around 60-70 otherwise


Ah, anxiety 🌟


It even has a name: "White Coat Syndrome"


"sir, you have high blood pressure" ....Literally only when I'm here. "yeah, so anyways we'd like to start you on 69mg of Paid Vacaglutide"


I once took part in a dietary study that involved doing a pile of tests a handful of times over 6 months, and the protocol for measuring blood pressure and heart rate was the best at controlling for this. They'd hook you up to an automatic blood pressure cuff, and then let you sit alone in a quiet, dimly lit room. After 5 minutes it would go off and take a few readings. It was great. Doing it *before* the tourniquet seemed pretty important too.


Good old [white coat syndrome](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23989-white-coat-syndrome) at work




Yeah the better shape you are the lower your resting rate, mine went from the 60s last year to 50s this year after I started exercising more


That's nuts. I thought I was ballin here at 50-53.


As a bit of a bigger guy who's had heart issues I've been told by multiple doctors that everyone's heart rate range is different, like many medical things. I'm typically in the high 70s - low 80s resting, and even with past issues I've been told multiple times that unless there are abnormalities or irregularities I shouldn't sweat it. As long as your resting rate isn't wicked high and you're consistent, things should be ok. As always, please see a doctor if you're concerned and don't take serious medical advice from anything online.


That's a perfectly normal resting heart rate dog


60-80 ish is pretty normal. Pretty high is like 90+


It's literally right in the middle for an average resting heart rate.


81 could be pretty elevated for her if she is in great shape.


Being pregnant makes your heart work extra hard. You have 1.5x the volume of blood but no extra red blood cells, plus you’re filtering for two. My resting heart rate was 20 bpm higher than normal by 9 months, and it plunged back down about after the birth, back to my old normal within 2-3 days.


I was so pissed when I looked at my Apple Watch after I gave birth and it was like this, I don’t think I broke 100 even when I suddenly hit transition while taking a shower during the nurse’s shift change (and my husband’s nap) and had to wrestle my sports bra off the IV pole and back onto my body while wondering if she was gonna pop out on the bathroom floor. I’m not in exceptional shape or anything and my resting HR is between 55-65, but birth was not the cardio workout I was anticipating and I kind of felt like I should have some proof of my effort besides, you know, the helpless infant.


Ma'am i believe the child is, to many people, the point of it all.


Nah it’s about how many calories you burn. I get pregnant just for that one workout


Think about all the extra lifting during the pregnancy via added weight, and after one arming that work out trophy for years.


Bikini bod here I come!


You know the feeling you get after taking a heavy backpack off after wearing it for a long time, and you feel almost springy and light. What's its like walking after giving birth? It must be that feeling times ten


It probably would feel like that, except for the also feeling like you pushed a watermelon out of your vagina thing that kind of overshadows it, haha. You have to walk pretty gingerly for a few days even with no tearing or other complications. What *did* feel amazing was sleeping on my back and stomach again after months of uncomfortable side-sleeping.


I mean, the kid is great and I’m a big fan, but I really wanted to burn an impressive amount of calories considering how much work it was. That shit sucked more than any of the half marathons I’ve done and then to add insult to injury I didn’t even burn enough calories to justify eating my weight in sushi afterward? I did eat my weight in sushi afterward anyway, but it was the principle of the thing.


Could also be your body's way of coping with stress. I was in a car accident a few years ago. I was sort of okay, except for an extreme amount of stress: I was shaking and shivering so hard I couldn't stand or walk or talk. I just sat in the ambulance, with chattering teeth. Watching all the monitors with my vitals, that suggested I was actually chill as hell: heartbeat of 61, blood pressure 105/60. I honestly felt cheated, like there was no proof of me feeling like shit. Ambulance personnel said that's just how some people respond to stress. 🤷‍♀️


She might be super fit. When my husband was a competitive athlete, he almost died in the ER after his appendix had ruptured because his heart rate didn't seem concerning to the ER techs who didn't account for the fact that his resting heart rate is way lower than normal. So his elevated heart rate was only like 100 while he was septic and they kept bumping him for other patients.


> She might be super fit. What gave it away? When she posted her birthing on Strava?


My mother went through something similar. Her placenta abrupted and she was hemorrhaging. But her typical hemoglobin level is so high that they didn't figure it out for hours. Her and my brother ended up being OK, but it was really scary.


I was at 110 anxious about giving plasma.


Kinda makes sense to me, if giving birth is more like a workout than cardio. Especially because that's the average heart-rate. Same with the (relatively) low amount of calories burnt per hour (for example just walking for 5.5 hours you'd probably burn like 1500-2000). For the calories though I also just assume the watch doesn't have a great way to measure that.


Tell me you're an engineer without telling me you're an engineer. Or in IT.


Practice makes perfect


You can tell she’s a runner


The calorie burn over that much time shows she was either doing a tiny amount of exercise the whole time, or more likely, she did a huge amount of exercise at the actual birth. Five hundred over five hours isn't a huge amount. (A hour run is like 6-700 cal) it's likely she was just doing like thirty minutes of immense work but started it when things got started


I mean, I doubt it's easy


Well, she did only do one rep.


New PR


9 month bodybuilding program.


Damn that was comedically economic. Four words and it's one of the funniest comments in this post, props


No fat and every word does a lot of heavy lifting. A bodybuilder of a joke.


It's a classic dad joke, for what it's worth. Still funny, though!


Two for one deal


9 month bulk, 5 hour cut


And the whole time, you can eat as much as you want and it’s a good thing.


Lol, reminds me of the time one of my XC teammates was checking his friend's Strava and there was a new interval workout recorded on there with the title "sex".


“Low intensity”




1 minute


Avg bpm 210


Dropped around 10lbs in 5.5 hours. Pretty good workout!


10lbs 😨


You have to factor in more than just the baby…


Ok yeah I just googled, didn’t realise there was that much AF for some reason lol


My son was 9.5 pounds when he was born, my poor wife...


I was 10lbs 8oz and I don't think my mum has ever forgiven me for it


She cut that bulk really quickly


ultimate dirty bulk


2 gave kudos


“Fuck it, I’m getting credit for this”


It didn't happen if it isn't on Strava


I would wager that baby was more than 914 calories


I dunno, when I eat a baby I'm hungry again in, like, 30 minutes.


Try brown baby. White baby is just empty carbohydrates. 


Is that the one with the little seeds on the crust?


I always cut the crust off. 


Exercise really is some bullshit. Forcing out another human being from your crotch over 5 and a half hours doesn't even burn 1,000 calories.


Think about how many calories the baby needed to grow.


Giving birth ✨


All lower case


Well why wouldn’t she?


i love this for some reason




Nah that's just a picture of the source, which is a strava activity


Huh, you're username is hot. Literally hot. That's... hot.


you only burn 900 calories during labor? That's nuts.


Took me about 36 hours, so I bet that was my longest workout ever (got an epidural eventually)


My mom said I tortured her for 10 hrs when I was being birfed 😂


81 bpm is pretty damn relaxed for giving birth




I suspect she lost more than 914 Cal.


What’s crazy is that it says it’s only 914 calories burnt. What the fuck?! Just did some rough math and with 28 hours for my wife, that’s around 3385 Calories. That’s like one dinner and dessert at Chilis.


Thats my birthday. Always neat to see your birthday on something unrelated


Yeah, but how many steps?


Do you actually loose that many calories while giving birth?


How many calories are in a baby lol?


Let me stick one in a calorimeter and find out Unrelated question, where can I get an average baby?


I'm assuming most of it is calories from her body existing. Plenty of activity trackers include your normal BMR in their total count. So like an hour of walking is 300 *extra* calories, but the watch or whatever will way 400, since you burn 100 an hour to live anyways.


Giving Birth Speedrun Any%


So, lifting weights for a similar time or running would burn more calories? Does that mean the difficulty of childbirth is comparable as well?


Gotta think that 914 Cal isn't accurate - definitely more than that


probably a little bit more lost than 914 calories.


81 bpm? I am a guy and my bowel movements get my heart rate way past that! Guessing yall been lying to us about how hard it is to push.


Look, if I could lose 8 pounds in 5.5 hours....


It took giving birth to burn 914 calories??!!?!?!??!?!


Only 81bpm


How many calories is a baby? Because she lost that too


A baby has gotta be more than 914 cal?


Way to earn that QoM


Nowhere near the FKT. Pretty embarrassing tbh


If it isn't on Strava, it didn't happen.


How many calories are in a baby? That seems low.


She sure lost more weight than your average 914 cal work out


The disappointing thing about giving birth was not losing as much weight as I thought I would.


Well, if it's not in Strava it never happened. Lol


A Big Mac meal is more calories


If it's not on Strava, it never happened.


That's the fastest delivery I've ever seen


Long workout… short labour though


914 cal is wild, a good 14 oz steak is like 1100 cal 😵😵


She lost a lot of weight that day.


What's the fastest birth?


Do we think she got the QOM?


Only 914 cal for 5 hours of work?! I’d be asking for a refund


5 hours and 37 minutes, that sounds absolutely exhausting.


She probably lost a lot more calories because a lot of fat and proteins left her body


Humans by weight are about 800 calories per pound so this is like a 7200 calorie workout.


81 bpm? She must have been hardly trying to


I don't really consider it a real birth if you don't have a power meter hooked up to your vagina *and* uterus. Like yeah, your dilation is 11cm, but whats your watts per contraction? Although I do want to know who has QOM for the segment at each hospital. And for real, there are women who have tracked giving birth on their smart watches over at /r/garmin


get this lady a banana


Is strava a cult. People always ask me if I have one bc I bike and have done triathlon but I just do that bc I wanna do it lol


And this was a pretty quick birth!


I heard it takes 9 months to do 1 rep. Worth?


Was she at least wearing a HR monitor linked to Strava? If not those 914 calories are Strava algorithm nonsense so probably around 400 only. Even HR measured is only accurate to 15-20%. A power meter gets to 5%. Anyway, a few hundred calories is a poor show for over 5hrs effort. Needs to change her fitness regime. 😀😉


What workout would one even select


I did the same thing with my vasectomy.. reddit blocked the post