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I remember years ago some guy did an experiment where he ate nothing but corn for like a week to see what his poop would look like. No clue if it was real or not but the final shit was like 90% corn 10% water and the corn pieces for sure looked chewed up The only versions of it I can find on YouTube are now censored unfortunately


> unfortunately I really don't feel all that unfortunate about missing out on this


I wanted to do this in college, but swallow the corn whole.


I think that would mess your intestines up. I know it kills dogs


I don't think they meant swallowing the entire cob


Yeah the cob goes up their ass


Comes back out filled with corn! The one trick corn farmers don’t want us to know about.


Country girls make do.


Like a cork preparing for the final cornsplosion.


Being able to swallow the whole cob seems like a popular college skill


You just reminded me that I used to swallow those little orange spheres in Trix cereal whole. For some reason the texture was really satisfying


I used to swallow cherry pits whole as a kid! Apparently they contain trace amounts of cyanide though?


That would only matter if you cracked the pits open, this is unlikely to happen for two reasons: 1. You would likely crack your teeth first. 2. The inside of the pit is extremely bitter, partly because of the cyanide. This is part of the evolutionary history that led cherry plants to produce sweet fruit, it is likely that they had bitter, poisionous and hard to crack pits first and then evolved the sweet fruit because the pits that got swallowed and spread around after defecation were more succesful at proliferation.


I tongued some cornhole in college but never got around to swallowing it.


You can't swallow the corn whole


As a parent of a toddler who will snack on a bowl of corn, i can confirm this. There’s certainly been some diapers that are like 75% corn and yellowish tint.


I remember seeing this experiment on tosh.0 and after they checked the stool we could see the bowl contained a full cob of corn.


I have a friend who ate a whole tub of gum. He said half of a turd was just gum and that it felt *super cool and fresh* coming out.


That was Jory Caron of is it a good idea to microwave this fame. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCD8F850DFDD53DF2&si=hl-FlW-WQk35qn01


Is it ok to microwave this. What a throwback. The answer was usually no.


Christ was it really 16 years ago? Really takes me back to middle school.


I remember I showed my mom. She was very much not a fan. I then got very explicit instructions on what can and cannot go into microwaves. For the record, I never actually followed them in their footsteps.


Corn isn't even the worst one. Go eat a bunch of poppy seed bagels and see what happens. Never good when your shit has a grit rating. Ask me how I know. f-ing buy 6 get 6 free bagels. The devils deal.


Jory Caron did this. Most famously of “Is it a good idea to microwave this”


It was from some punk magazine, if I remember correctly.


Yeah I remember the progression photos in VICE magazine


I have been looking for this!!


Don’t remind me I will never eat canned corn for the rest of my life


when you chew corn you don't actually break down the outer layer. you mush up in inner layer but the outer is still intact. that's what you dook out. the outer casing is hard so it still would feel like a normal kernel if you dug it out for whatever reason.


> for whatever reason. i'm looking for gold. sure, laugh all you want, let's see how much you're laughing when i strike it rich. there's gold in them thar shits


i mean i was thinking like maybe your kid swallowed something small and you are wanting to make sure it came out. or like you are a farmer or some shit. but....i mean your method works too i suppose. never know unless you try. please lets us know your results.


i'll probably forget about y'all, i'll be too busy gettin this money


tywin lannister ahh




That's how I'm funding my retirement accounts.


>so it still would feel like a normal kernel if you dug it out for whatever reason. Because it's full of poop.


This, what comes out the other end is poop-corn.


Thanks, Orville Wreckinbottom.


Extra salted and butt-terd


Don't.. don't plant that. You'll ruin thanksgiving.


It’s been recornstituted


Outer casing fills with poop, looks like corn.


>the outer casing is hard so it still would feel like a normal kernel if you dug it out for whatever reason. The whatever reason is because the now empty corn shell fills up with poop.


How is that a reason to go full turd archeologist?


Dont kink shame.


They mean "if you dug it out for whatever reason but *why would you do that?*" not "It would feel like a normal kernel for some reason"


I've heard it both ways.


oh yeah the wording is open to interpretation, I'm just providing the other way it can be read


How... do you know this?


It was the answer to a jeopardy clue recently.


What is you eat the outer shell and dook out the rest?


You watched it too, huh?


I like how you verbed that slang.


He's out there shadow boxing in the stalls


Pericarp is mostly cellulose. Humans can't digest cellulose.


It would look like a normal kernel but would it would be full if shit.


> *"for whatever reason"* SCIENCE!!!


“Dook out” 😂😭


My father used to spit out the outer layer. He’d have a little pile of corn kernel skins on his plate.


Ohhhhh. Kinda like foreskin.


You real know your **shit**


Yeah it feels hard cause it filled with poopy


You need your be clearer. Those kernels are filled with poo.


I need the answer to this as well


You can digest the soft bit inside the corn (the germ), but not the outer layer (the endosperm), and while some of the endosperm get chewed up, some of them just deform and get swallowed whole, and come out whole the other side, but they're not filled with germ anymore: they're filled with poop.


Wow 😮another great mystery of the universe has been solved. I am now enlightened


Isn’t it funny how many great mysteries of the universe turn out to just be poop filled corn skin




Protip: Don't tell your bully when they are eating corn that their mouth is full of endosperm. You will be technically right, and technically punched.


Instead, tell them you filled their mom's mouth with endosperm last night. You will be drastically wrong, and drastically punched.


i can digest sperm perfectly fine! oh you said endosperm


The Poopcorn


I remember listening to a podcast episode (I think it was Answer Me This) where a listener wrote in to say she had a rather eccentric uncle who wanted to test this exact thing. He apparently ate some corn, pooped it out and then removed the corn kernels and washed them. His test was then to eat the corn kernels again, albeit this time the insides were not corn…


The germ is just the seed part. You digest the germ, protein (some call gluten) and starch.


I think Hank green answered this, the outer layer of the corn basically becomes a bag for your poop.


Ah, that's disgusting!


But also neat. Hank Green's MO.


lol I don’t know why this is making me rethink my choice of ever eating corn again but it is!


It’s got the juice.


You chewed, squeezed out, and digested the inside. The shell is full of shit.


I remember GradeAUnderA (no idea if he's controversial or not) once suggested that someone eat nothing but corn to see what comes out the other side. He suggested we make Steve O do it.


i think someone already tried, dont remember the results




My body seems to digest the corn.. Or I chew like an elephant. Either way, you're all inferior.


If you know someone with a pet bird.. Let them have corn and see how they eat it. They eat the inside and leave the outer shell.


The truth about corn revealed in this post.


You don't actually chew your food as well as you think you do. And it doesn't matter for most foods. But corn? Corn tells you how poorly you chew.


I've seen my dog do the same thing with a nerf dart. Apparently he was able to digest the foam but not the rubber tip, which ended up on the end of his log


you need to chew better?


I read a story on reddit years ago about a dude who picked a corn kernel out of the toilet thinking it was an intact piece of corn. It was not.


Ask any sewer employee what the “corn seperator” is


What is the "corn separator"?


The proof is in the pudding so they say.


Eat some raisins!


It's in the corn hole


I thought that said cum


😑 So, from the profile pic, I thought this was an account where someone pretended to be their pet. So I didn’t even get halfway through it without thinking “cats can’t eat corn? Isn’t that a main component in dry cat food?”. The answers are cats can eat (and digest) corn, and it is a main ingredient in dry cat food. Then I read the rest. How are people this obsessed with their s**te? After reading once about the “poop knife” I realized I never again need to know about anyone’s BM. Do I occasionally look at mine as a poor man’s health checkup? Yes. But I never talk to it about anyone. And if I ever did I would be a doctor because there are clear signs that I’m dying.


If youe "chewing" it and it still comes back the same... you didnt chew it.


Corn is a food that the risk outweighs the benefit. It last little to no nutritional value, and eating corn has a high risk of exposing you to aflatoxins and mycotoxins. Corn and soy are also the most heavily treated crops with glyphosate (herbicide). So eating a food that has high risk of contamination, with little nutritional value, is really not worth the risk for me.


How are you going to leave off the fact that it's fun to eat and tastes fantastic from your pros column? Sounds like you're a little biased.


As for the taste, let’s just say, there is a reason people have to load it up with butter and salt to eat it.


Nah. That's a terrible argument. Fresh sweet corn grilled from the field is amazing. You just think how it tastes out of a can is how it always tastes.


You’re making assumptions. I have tried corn in all ways and shapes. And your entire argument is based around “well it tastes good”. Which can be said about a lot of things like McDonald and Oreos, but that doesn’t make it good for you.


No. I said "it tastes good" is a benefit that you're leaving off because you're biased. We aren't robots who run on a singular type of fuel. Corn is delicious and can be good for you. Without corn, we wouldn't have cornbread, corn tortillas, tamales, pozole, grits/polenta, or a myriad of other dishes that are delicious and nutritious. People have known how to extract the nutrition from corn for thousands of years. You just never learned it.


You have yet to mention a *single* fact about corns nutritional profile. Your entire argument was based around “it tastes good” then expanded to include “it can be made into different things”.


For a guy who claims to have had corn in all ways and shapes and is a self professed expert on corn nutrition, I would think you would know about nixtamalized corn. It's not exactly a new invention. There's no real risk to eating corn and it's amazing how scared you are of such a staple food.


It's literally a staple food. What are you talking about?


It’s usually stomach lining.