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I get annoyed because it just plays the same 12 songs


try adding more than 12 songs to your playlist 😁😇


There are hundreds. It's YouTube music and they put all my liked songs in a Playlist


Recently, every time I've told YouTube to shuffle my music playlist, it starts with the same song. Every time for the last like 8 times.


Right?!? I’ve got at least a thousand songs and like 5 classical music pieces. So surely it will play any of the hundreds of bangers I have… Nope, it’s Bach. Every fuckin time. Bach.


I prefer spotify because even though they have awful ads and it gets annoying the shuffle mechanic for it is really good.


I mean it's still not a true shuffle, I have a playlist of like two thousand songs but the pattern I notice feels like 30% newest songs added, 40% most listened to songs, and 30% true shuffle.


Spotify shuffle plays the songs you have listened to the most and most recently last


Download a fake spotify app and you'll get all the same things as normal spotify but without ads and a monthly payment


its more satisfying to get the song you want by shuffle


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*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- # \#8 **Sahil**, @_Sahiiiil I'll put my music on shuffle then I'll get annoyed because it doesn't play the songs I like --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Or play the song I like again and again so I get bored of that song.