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Norm would have never made any offensive jokes, ever 


Well why don't you guys make jokes then


I do


I'm mostly seeing sad attempts at trying to recreate Norm's genius Other fan subs are filled with apprecation and literal content from who the fandom refers to But here it's almost always people trying to be like him and of course you're failing. Norm was a master of his craft, no one here is.


Yes I try to recreate norm’s sense of humor in the norm subreddit. What are you angry about? Where’s your funny content if you want to apply for the content police here?


I'm not angry. I'm saying you're not funny. You're the ones trying to be like Norm, not me. Is that so complicated?


You’re super angry, read through your posts. I thought this one was pretty funny, I was proud of it: https://www.reddit.com/r/NormMacdonald/comments/1d1k31p/general_hospital_star_johnny_wactor_was_killed/ The point isn’t to emulate norm or to replace him, the point is that the people in this sub will understand this type of humor and that I’m not posting it maliciously. Take it easy and post good content if you’re not happy with what’s posted here, whining like a little bitch certainly isn’t going to fix anything 


>You're super angry Nope But believe in what you want 🤷‍♂️ >whining like a little bitch That's what's angry. Typical projection


This sub is for for mindless meming (i.e. the pinnacle of humor). edit: I found your son.


Where do you get your ideas from?




OP is clearly sans doghouse


You might do better seeking out the communities of important comedians who say the right things and get their audience to clap really really hard.


do you feel targeted by my comment, as one of said edgelords?


OP, explain to the folks at home what an edge lord is.


He can't move the goal posts indefinitely then though


Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb, but I invented the lightbulb up the ass


There's a difference between "sneering" at someone hatefully and making a hilarious joke at their expense. Norm made jokes about anyone and everything. He didn't observe any "safe" spaces for any particular groups. If you are unable to handle this brand of humor Norm might not be the comedian for you.


i love Norm and his comedy, im making an observation about the lame edgelords who try and fail to replicate his comedic voice


There will always be unfunny imitators. Number one rule of comedy: It has to be funny. Otherwise it just comes off as lame and cringe.


Yeah but it's also subjective. Some people might find it funny just because it's at the expense of a certain group of people which is not what norm was doing. I think that's what OP meant.




that kinda proves my point no ?


it looks like you're having trouble handling the reality of Norm's observation jokes with regard to 'pride'. Have you considered migrating to r/StephenColbert? That's the place to go for good institutionally approved and politically correct humor.


Hahahahaha oh that is good


i love norm and his comedy, including his appearances on dennis miller i dont get the masses of unfunny edgelords on this forum


frankly, I'm just constantly disappointed that this forum isn't gay enough for my tastes.


I agree, it needs more cock.


The worst part about it is the hypocrisy


You don't meet many that go around saying "I love being an unfunny edgelord on the internet, I know it's not politically correct but, by God..."


Hey, just a heads up, a lot of redditors are children so your arrogant little thread here might just be you bragging about being better than 11 year olds. Remember, we must all love each other.


I will love any of you for $15.


An edge lord is a lord of an edgey joke and not of a sharp edge of an object such as a double sided sword, but, since all swords are double sided, let me offer to save time by confusing everyone with a factually incorrect point by confidently and nonsensically stating that an edge lord… is a sword.


Where do you get your ideas from?


I blame barfyman362.


Norm was a comedian that didn't really have rules. So yes, homosexuals and women were fair game.


Literal montages of norm compilations of jokes for women, homosexuals, blacks, stallones, etc. Talk about out of touch. I'd suggest you buy a dog house but I dint think you qualify. Hey next head over to louis ck subreddit and concern troll about people using the word retarded when he has 10 minutes straight of it in his act. Pray for this guy, pray for all the regahhhhed


I still can’t bring myself to get through one of those Stallone montages.


That's tough to admit thanks for being so candid and Frank


Because Norm liked to flirt with misogyny and homophobia... you need to watch more Norm


ive watched all there is to watch in terms of standup and tv radio podcast appearances


Then you're tone-deaf, what can I tell you? Norm was from another time, and you lack perspective.


Watch Norm Macdonald Live!!! NOWWW!!! https://archive.org/details/Norm_Macdonald_Live


I'm busy watching the sequel


u/John__47 I would make the guess that you could join any subreddit, label members of it's community "edgelords" without specificity, and then enjoy the ensuing flame war as people call you out for your generalizations. In fact, I would say this tactic is pretty much cliche' troll behavior at this point. Congratulations though, for your innovation on the theme of shitty behavior! In your troll bait post, you not only managed to stereotype an entire group of people... but you also somehow managed to retroactively color a great entertainer, after his death, with some pathetic attempt at guilt by association. If your throwaway account (now suspended) wasn't enough to confirm your cowardice and lack of class, your sheer ability to dazzle spectators with your carefree stupidity and lack of shame, is like a tragic work of art. We should all take the time to appreciate such an achievement... it's not often that someone comes along who can single highhandedly lower the bar of expectations we've come to have for social media, of all things, but you got it done.


Take it easy


I think there’s always going to be a subset of any fanbase that has a superficial understanding, rather than a nuanced appreciation to creative works. I also think Norm’s contrarian inclinations and iconoclastic tendencies are appealing to those who eschew political correctness. For example, the Professor of Logic joke. Some of us in this subreddit revel in how Norm subverts expectations by delivering a crass punchline from a banal setup. The joke is at the expense of homophobia; not derived from it. Whereas everyone else just thinks it’s funny that he says “faggot”. But what do I know, I’m just an old chunk of coal. (For the record, I own a doghouse. I just haven’t found a lady to lay on top of)


Yeah, you are right.


I like to combine being an edgelord with edging. So I'll whack off for hours and hours while also posting on Reddit about how women and homosexuals are gay.


If there is some cadre of homophobic misogynist rockheads that has latched onto Norm’s humor, it’s only because he’s dead- so now they can. If he were still alive and aware of these people, he’d be the first person to dismiss and discredit them by sucking a hot juicy cock.


Wait, you mean you aren't Norm Mcdonald?


Norm loved women, the ones he molested will testify to that.


Norm is a motherfucking treasure!!


this post seems gay to me.


"Stop stealing my moves!" Norm to us, on his deathbed


Are the edgelords in the room with us, right now?


Probably Youtube compilations where BASED and redpilled Norm "shits on women", etc. have something to do with it. This subreddit got a surge of subscribers after his death and it's basically just American Facebook boomer tier politics-posting by now. Around April 2023 the subscriber count also accelerated for some reason [https://subredditstats.com/r/normmacdonald](https://subredditstats.com/r/normmacdonald). Obviously there's not going to be new stuff from Norm, so why not make shitty US identity politics memes instead? They're not even jokes most of the time, just vague references at best.


It’s easy to tell a cruel joke. It’s master craftsmanship to tell a cruel joke the way Norm did—with a smile on his face and a warm, earnest personality to disarm the audience, soften the blow and leave everyone with a pleasantly confused afterglow. Reddit is the wrong medium for Norm style jokes. There’s no packaging to the jokes. There’s no delivery. It’s pure text, without tone, primed just as much for the most cynical interpretation as the most optimistic. Norm refrained from punching down unless it was extremely funny, especially in his later years. He was a wholesome man. It’s a shame that this subreddit uses his name to promote such negativity.