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Why does everyone feel the need to ruin their beautiful noses with surgery just to end up looking like everyone else?




Yeah, why? I get pissed every time this happens!


I totally get it. Iā€™ve wanted a different nose since I was 12. Like I would cover my fast when I was younger. Iā€™ve always wanted one of those cute little noses that are so feminine.


Nah, your nose is quite nice


I quite like the current shape of your nose! I wouldnā€™t do it.


No. don't put yourself through that. Your nose is fine, this things can bcome a never ending cycle.


I wouldnā€™t waste the money. It looks fine the way it is.




While I can see the appeal of the after photo, youā€™re not gonna see that result for a couple of years because it takes a really long time to heal, and there will be a lot of swelling that will take some time etc. I personally wouldnā€™t go through the surgery, healing and recovery for a small result.


Not to mention, even after a successful surgery, serious problems may develop, which then require even more surgery. Just keep in mind that your nose works fine right now. There is a chance it might not after the procedure. Infection is always a risk too. Plus, there's nothing wrong with the way your nose looks.


Absolutely not worth it.


What's done is done. As sometimes that had a nose job I would have not done it if I could do it over. Your old nose was Lovely


Seriously thereā€™s little difference. Not worth it


Donā€™t give in to mass media (specially western culture)ā€™s perception of ā€œbeautyā€! That small bump makes you unique and absolutely does not warrant a surgery! An expensive one, at that!


Everyone wants a damn tiktok elf nose


I would look elsewhere for a better price before doing anything else. I think you can find someone who will do the exact same work for several thousand dollars less. Aside from that, I think you have to decide for yourself if itā€™s worth it. Ask yourself this: did you make this post looking for someone to talk you out of it, or into it? Whichever the answer is, act accordingly! In the case that youā€™re truly neutral and arenā€™t leaning either way, then save your money. If you want it badly, do it. Itā€™s your face, not this subā€™s, and not your familyā€™s or friendā€™s. I wish you good fortune in whatever you choose.


Donā€™t do it


Tbh I went ā€œwhatā€™s the differenceā€. Fact that I had to look for it is your answer. No, I donā€™t imo




Maybe Iā€™m odd, but a strong nose on a woman is SEXY as hell.


donā€™t do it. your nose is already nice & thatā€™s $10k you could spend on something that might help you elsewhere


There is nothing wrong with your nose. It fits your face and has flow to breathe well.


Which one is the ā€œbeforeā€?


I honestly think the after photo looks better.Ā 


thank you, people are making me feel crazy for thinking that


The after photo is definitely cute. No doubt. And it would look good. But honestly, your og nose is also just lovely. You are cute AF no matter what you do. Itā€™s a good problem, I suppose.


The entire subreddit is extremely against plastic surgery. This isnā€™t the place to ask about it. Itā€™s like someone going to a body positive/fat positive sub Reddit and asking if theyā€™d look better with weight lossā€¦


The comparison isn't really the same though because we live in a society where fat people experience anti-fat bias constantly but I find it hard to believe that OP would be getting bullied or overlooked for jobs and relationships because of her very average looking nose. The equivalent is like a woman who isn't fat asking if she would look better with a flatter stomach even though she's already fit, healthy, and meets current beauty standards just fine.


the second nose is perfection


I have been thinking about getting a rhinoplasty/septoplasty for a long time. My family/friends discourage it, so I also have second thoughts and question myself. I dislike the bump on the side of my nose, and it's slightly crooked from the front view. I have had consultations with plastic surgeons and my surgery will be about 13k. I have a deviated septum which would get fixed, and I was told I would breathe better after surgery. I have the money for the surgery, but my family/friends think it would be better spend on something else. Would a rhinoplasty really be worth it? I added the photoshop done by the surgeon showing what my "after" could look like


Dr. Youn on YouTube is really good for this type of a thing. I recently (was trying to find the clip, I think itā€™s part of a larger vid Iā€™ll try to find) was watching a video where he described the main problems that can occur after plastic surgery are normally around scar tissue which happens to grow naturally after any sort of incision. The real problem is the vicious cycle if the procedureā€™s eventual scar tissue growth needs another procedure to remove scar tissue growth. To be fair, plastic surgery as a practice was created to help people born with major deformities or are involved in life altering accidents. My honest opinion is to think about this concept before making a life decision with potential consequences about a few millimeters in change. This in turn can greatly impact your breathing for life* Also your nose looks great the way it is. I also have a deviated septum, I personally wouldnā€™t change the shape of the nose when weighing the risks UNLESS my breathing was so out of whack that I couldnā€™t help it.


If it is really a medical problem then you should do it without asking random people on Reddit, it is an emergency then but if it is for the sake of just to look good I think you don't have to because you already look good.


$13K??? For a tiny change in your bridge??? Man you must be loaded and have a lot of free time. Get the surgery if you think itā€™ll make you happy I guess. Sorry, depending on the severity of the deviation, the surgery might be worth it. But as far as looks goes imo a surgery is ridiculous.


Not at all. You already had a super cute nose.


I would've went with a straight ridge instead of the upturn, but it looks good.


Ultimately your decision but I say definitely take others advice and listen to your inner voice. If that's a lot of money to you then consider the possibility it could be a wasted expense.


Your nose looks good


Only if itā€™s done by Tomā€™s.


Definitely no šŸ˜‚ that small nose ruins you entire facial structure


I would be more worried about the grey square on your face


It's such a small, needless difference that it's not worth the risk of something going wrong. Imagine going for what only some people will view as a minor improvement and instead getting permanently messed up.


Yeah Iā€™ve seen too many nose jobs gone wrong to want to do it. Also, when you start changing your face & body, when do you stop?? Thereā€™s always going to be more to doā€¦


Yeah it looks great


I mean yh it would look better, but your current nose isnā€™t bad. Itā€™s more unique. The other nose is clearly better tho and would ascend you


Yes your nose is perfect now even though it was fine before


NO! Why try to be like everyone else? the more people get surgeries because they are vain, the more everyone looks the same. I hate it


No. Your nose still doesn't look good in the after picture.


If you wanted to get surgery, I donā€™t think you are taking other peopleā€™s opinions. Do you think itā€™s worth it?


I think itā€™s worth it if I could guarantee I wouldnā€™t have complications or any problems


Thatā€™s not possible to guarantee.


If it makes you happy, itā€™s worth it


Hell no. There is nothing wrong with the nose on the left.


hell no


Itā€™s better in the first one


No fucking need


Absolutely not


If you want my opinion, even though I don't control your life, no. It kinda defeats the whole point of individuality.


I promise you there is nothing wrong with your original nose and Iā€™m very open to being honest lol. I really donā€™t think this is worth it for the price youā€™re paying. There are tons of people with worse noses than yours and yours isnā€™t even remotely bad whatsoever.


I'm not against plastic surgery, but I also genuinely think your natural nose suits you better. The after photo isn't bad, but I guess all risks and potential complications wouldn't be worth it to me. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder, so you're going to get a ton of varied responses on here. All I can really say is that I think anyone should wait several years before going through with cosmetic surgery. I've seen far too many people whose surgery didn't turn out the way they'd hoped and regretted it. Or, everything went perfectly, but they regretted it anyway. Just make sure you're sure, and don't base your decision on the opinions of people from the internet.


Thousands of dollars for a slight changed and it's not even better


Why are people wasting their money to look like white people? Be what ethnicity you are.


Lol I am whiteĀ 




I think noses and teeth with character make the person. The unique beauty of it being taken away should be a crime


Rhinoplasty regret rate is quite high, and many end up getting secondary or even more surgeries to fix them. I wouldn't fix what ain't broke, your nose is beautiful and it's the nose of your ancestors.


In this case? Not at all. Barely a change and the original nose was much nicer to look at.


Ppl lying Iā€™d do it


You need to realize that this side view is not the impression of your face that people will store in their brains.


go full on Michael Jackson on that honker. Shave it down till you like a skeleton. Itā€™s your face, maybe tattoo it first in outline to see if it still fits. out of curiosity, is your nose larger than your breasts? Seriously whatā€™s up with all this snotty nose thing recently?


No one cares about your nose. Guys aren't looking at your nose and it's going to be awkward when your kids don't look like you


Do you like it? Itā€™s your skin you gotta live in it and even if we all tell you you looked gorgeous you gotta live with the voices in your head. If youā€™re happy great. I hope this is the only thing that bothered you for which you deem a scalpel YHE solution


It actually looks better in the before!


No. No different


That would look nice but surgery is no joke. You'll be really sore for days or weeks. Decide carefully.


Left looks way better. Right looks like a ski jump.


Hell no


Your kids will still get your honker


I love the results!


Yes, go for it, looks amazing the right pic.




Yes, do it. Screw all these nay-sayers.


Looks better with the rhinoplasty tbh.


The new nose is more unattractive.


Looks so much better now


left picture?


NOOOOOOO! Leave it. It's fabulous.