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What quality dress is $7?


I saw that and immediately thought of Shein’s “quality” 💀




Shein is pretty much evil, so don't buy from there. Though to be fair, most clothing brands are about as evil, just better in quality


NOT FOR ME, I bought tons of clothes on shein, washed several times and still in good quality


The previous commenter was most likely talking about Shein’s track record of slave labour and pollution, not merely its quality. https://brightly.eco/blog/shein-sustainability https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/untold-inside-the-shein-machine-documentary


What makes it even worse is that it's all slave labor, the majority being women, making their clothes.


It has to be, there’s no other way you can sell a shirt for $5.12 and not use slave labor and other unethical practices.


Hmm would be terrible if reputed brands sold the same shit made by slave labour for 10x the price by just slapping a logo. Wait they already do


Both versions are evil.


I don’t remember what exactly it was but I remember hearing about a loophole that foreign countries are able to take advantage of that allows them to sell things cheaper in the us on top of the cost saveing of sweatshops


Isn’t there now that Temu crap that’s even cheaper? My cousin keeps promoting it so she can get freebies and ignored me with how bad it is.


Also all returns go to a landfill


Where they will sit for many human lifetimes because they're made of plastics.


What was the reaction? I’m raising daughters and I’m terrified for what the future holds




My mom hated my « pseudo goth phase » when I was 15 so I used to bring a change of clothes and change at the train station before going to school, and back into my other clothes on the train coming back. It’s not by stopping her to buy and or wear what she wants that you’ll make a change. You have to explain to her why it’s inappropriate, and what harm could come to her. Share your worries. Otherwise, she will just do stuff behind your back and may resent you for not letting her have her own « tastes ». I don’t have a teenage daughter but I used to be one long ago and I know it was super annoying to me that my mom would try to control what I wore. You do your best, you got it ;)


I had, and still have tbh, the goth phase. She can wear quite a bit of what she likes, and fairly weird stuff too. I just object to the bare bellies, tops so tight it could be an anatomical model, cold shoulder and cleavage and tits out stuff. It’s not appropriate for school, and I don’t feel comfortable sending her out in stuff that makes gross men sexualize her. She’s barely 15, and I have issues with the clothes that are sexualizing and objectifying, especially in a school setting.


I completely understand, it must be so hard to draw the line! Tbh I don’t really like bare bellies and sexualizing clothes for kids. I actually quite hate it. I understand it can be empowering but it’s also very hard not to worry about the « provocation » it could be to sick individuals. I honestly have no idea how you do it, I would not know where to start raising a 15 years old in this day and age. You seem like a very cool mom though!


I feel like raising a teen girl means I feel like an asshole a lot 🤣 but we also know we’re parents and it isn’t about being their friend, it’s about having their back and making sure they become decent adults who can manage life. That said, she does usually tell us when we impose rules that she understands why, even if she isn’t excited about it.


I’m curious what the list was, obviously you don’t have to share but I haven’t ever actually looked on shein so idk what kinda stuff it is exactly. I have, or we’ll, more so had a friend who used shein (I assume because it’s cheap and none of us teens are very flexible when it comes to large amounts of money) and unless they usually just bought accessories or whatever all of it seemed decent. Idk any of the specific items they got and I have never worn them obviously but I’m just curious is all.


I'm all for not shaming girls for what they wear, because that's counterproductive and also hurtful. but there's something to be said about how tiktok, instagram and places like shein are promoting overly sexualised looks for kids as young as 13. a girl wearing a knee skirt isn't sexual, but when you're encouraging them to wear crop tops with half the cleavage out, yeah that gets a raised eyebrow from me. had to tell my cousin when she was 14 that her wanting to "look like jailbait" was not a good thing. it's not the kids' fault, but instead the fault of those who promote looking older than you are in a sexual manner.


Yeah. A lot of the Shein stuff is cleavage and tits out, bare shoulders, cropped, super tight. She’d want to wear it to school. She’s barely 15, I’m sorry, it isn’t appropriate, and it is definitely sexualized. And half the models on Shein have large fake boobs, and it’s all overfilled lips and they just look like call girls.


They also seem to have no advertising compunctions about letting underage girls market their products


I find it hard to gauge age these days, especially with filters, fillers and what have you. Some of the models could be 16 or 26. But the tone of the clothing doesn’t give me great vibes, that’s for sure.


even shein’s dresses are at least $14 lol


That's what I'm saying, almost the most infuriating part


What kind of child support is 324$/month???


It’s largely dependent on what the parent paying support is capable of making. It’s lower for someone with a GED who works at McDonalds vs an electrical engineer who makes 100k a year.


Point is, the guys going out here rawdogging can't really afford the kids they're making




I know loads of parents that would be happy with £324 child support


324 doesn't begin to cover a kid. The rent increase alone is more than that


The same quality as the people who made this meme, i suppose 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lucky thrift store find? Idk I don't wear dresses.


Resale. I have some very nice dresses for that cost. I joke minus my matching underwear sets and some of my shoes. My entire outfit is under 25...never more than 50. That includes accesories.


Yeah I had the same question until I remembered that Shein exists


Rainbow quality


Forget the dress. Only 70K? That’s a solid deal compared to what I’m paying to raise mine and I’m married. I guess go for it.


The one in the joke with Einstein?


I don’t think we should use the word “quality” in the instance.


None, even the wish dresses are more expensive


any item of clothing that is new that costs $7 is the result of some kind of hardship and lack of fairness from where ever it came.


Even thrift stores don’t go this low.


The quality of clothing produced for people who live near these sentiments.


They're good things in a thrift shop


What dress costs $7?


A poorly made one, I guess?


Even a potato sack costs more than $7


One that'll be getting ripped off the same night it's worn 🤤


Don't let a $12-$40\* pack of condoms cost you $70,000 in child support this this summer. ​ \*the price will obv range based on brand and how many you buy etc etc


Since the price range is pretty big, especially over the period of an entire summer, I took the liberty of doing some in-depth calculations based on median sexual activity for that meme creator's demographic, average condom cost for both latex, and non-latex options. Here are the results: Average cost of 36 count brand name condoms... $17 Number of days in summer season... 94 Assuming the user is always wearing protection, correctly estimating the amount of sex he'll have this summer, and buying bulk quantity in advance, he will spend a total of $0.00 Edit: obligatory Thanks For the Award u/thesnarkypotatohead Edit: two whole awards?! I'm honored, idk that I've even gotten one award before today.


Flawless finish. 10/10. No notes.


Ty, ty. I briefly considered referencing national studies on average penis length and using major condom manufacturers' itemized sales reports to really narrow down the price point, but i found my commitment to the bit declining drastically when I realized that I was using my personal Amazon account to essentially shop for condoms for some random incel.




Planned Parenthood gives free condoms :3


The demographic in question doesn't support such unsavory places. No sir/ma'am/appropriate-gender-neutral-honorific, they'll get their quadrennial emergency condom from the $0.75 truck stop bathroom vending machine like any self respecting American.


In Norway at least you can order some pretty good ones completely for free and funded from tax money


Condoms are notoriously unreliable. How about just leave us alone?!?


ah yes a 80% and higher success rate is totally unreliable, and let’s not forget the 80% is user error and if you use it/put it on properly they’re about 99% effective. but hey have fun with the pullout me this cuz that’s totally more reliable than condoms.


Disagree with the first half, agree with the second.


I don’t need to buy condoms, I abstain from sex B)


I'm not sure never been good in math but I think condom still a lot less expensive than child support


It's okay, common core has confused a lot of us who grew up without it. If you just plot the costs on a number line, you'll have graphic evidence that 75 cents>absolving yourself of responsibility and dodging subpoenas.


Seriously!? Have these guys never heard of condoms! 🙄


Alpha and sigma men don't use condom, I think you should know that, duh /s


A true sigma rejects women, duh


Well technically sigma personalities are sociopaths with very little empathy for other people. So they probably wouldn't.


Alpha male here, we actually just get vasectomies.


Also, aren't all women baby-killing sluts anyways? 🙄 /s


Don't forget the man hating femcels. It's one or the other /s


the key is to only sleep with them 4 months before their birthday. that way they'll keep the baby to get bigger boobs for their birthday photo shoot but then casually abort it after. everyone knows this.


Or just keeping it in your pants


B-but biology!!! Don't wear those kinda clothes then my peepee can't handle it!!!11


Dude that literally will break my bank that's so expensive


I guess celibacy is the cheapest option. 😏


Honey, you can actually just go to ANY college campus and go to the clinics & student unions. Both buildings literally have bowls full of 'em in the reception area. Or better yet, go to your local Planned Parenthood. They also offer free condoms. They make sure that they use tested and FDA-approved condoms. Seriously, they sometimes even provide [femidoms](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/internal-condom) if your date wants to try one (though do note that femidoms are easier to slip off, but with practice and care--they absolutely do work. I myself use them all the time and was able to get a free one from Planned Parenthood when I asked about them as a naive 21 year old).


But look at that lady.. ugh


No we don't like to use those


To big for your weewee I assume?


every time someone complains about condoms it makes me think of how liberty got pregnant in degrassi, your comment just doubles down on that thinking lmao.


Ahahah I wasn’t expecting a Degrassi reference here😭😭rip JT




I'm hoping you intended a /j or /s?


I'll nut all in her hope shes on pills


Okay, so no, you're just a dick, got it


Well tough shit


For real, guys. Great advice. Leave her the fuck alone. Let her go about her day without dealing with you. I am totally behind that.


imagine being a father that doesn't want to support their child


That's not a father. That's a sperm donor.


As if women’s clothes are that cheap smh


Time for this again Not even half (only 44%) of all custodial parents receive the child support they are entitled too https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2018/cb18-tps03.html The average of the annual amount paid in child support is 3.5K (good luck keeping a kid fed, housed, clothed, medical care, books, school supplies etc on just that, clearly mom puts in way more than her half) https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2018/cb18-tps03.html parents can expect to pay between $15,438 and $17,375 a year raising a child. https://mint.intuit.com/blog/planning/how-much-does-it-cost-to-raise-a-child/#:~:text=As%20they%20grow%20up%2C%20you,region%20and%20household%20income%20level. Mom are overwhelmingly the custodial parent because father dearest cant be bothered and the courts are not in the habit of awarding custody you did not ask for and do not want. Only 6% of fathers ask and those who do overwhelmingly (90+%) are awarded primary custody https://www.dadsdivorcelaw.com/blog/fathers-and-mothers-child-custody-myths But sure, ah like this should just stay far far away


Saving this just in case


$70,000 over 18 years is only $324.07 per month, which is jackshit in child support. These guys not only hate women, but they don't want to help them adequately raise their own children.


Plot twist: It's $70,000 over the summer and hoo boy


Men who will never have the chance to marry a woman are so obsessed with child support


It won't cost them a dime. They've never looked a woman in the eye, let alone had sex with one


Couldn’t help but notice they picked an actual porn star to make the meme with. I mean Riley Reid is hot, but she’s definitely never going to fuck you, loser. Much less birth any of your progeny for a cut of your not-shit.


Blaming women for your own lack of ability to control your degenerate impulses is like robbing your neighbor's house and saying it's his own damn fault for not latching his windows shut.


Am I overthinking or does this sound kinda rapey?


The meme is implying that women are buying sundresses to lure them in and then trapping them with a child.


I mean, I think they're talking about how sundresses are "easy access" and "oh no; men can't control urges; ruh roh!" Atleast, I think that's it... 🤢


The woman in the picture is trying to seduce the man but we gotta stay strong. So no rapeys


7$ for a sundress? Where are they shopping that a dress is 7$?




7 dollars wouldn't buy the fabric!


My bi ass over here goin "damn, she's hot tho"


Unironically good advice. Don't do dumb shit cos of a sundress that makes u horny.


If that's what protects some poor girls from those manly men children, than spread this meme like wildfire.


Man, I miss loving sun dresses


“Hey fellas, all of us here love to engage in activities thoughtlessly with no regard for anyone but ourselves, right? Well actually, we don’t even care about our future selves! So of course we wouldn’t care about any future children, right? So much so that should we neglect to wrap it before we tap it, and it results in a pregnancy that either ourselves or the woman unfortunate enough to come into contact with our genitals refuses to abort, we’d just neglect her and the offspring! We don’t want to be fathers here at Playboys R Us! That would require being responsible, and we don’t want that, we just want to be boys forever while the whole world caters to us. Of course, should we ever have kids and neglect them, we’d still expect them to respect and worship us, we’re their fathers! And we are the best fathers! Any trauma they have from our abandonment is unacceptable!”


My exes mom posted this 🤢🤮


Dis a reverse image search and found matching dresses from $35-$50. $7 dress, sure.


Yes. Bypassing the entire 9 months of pregnancy and its health effects and possible complications for the mom, at least two decades of child care for a child in whose life, dreams, accomplishments etc I assume those being addressed want no involvement in…the irreversible life, body and health changes brought by motherhood to the woman in question…but naaaah …let’s just focus on the tight dress and how much it will cost to ejaculate into her. Because that’s all that matters, right fellas?/s


Luckily, I’ve had a vasectomy AND I have a face that could curdle milk, so tho isn’t going to be a problem. Also, I’m a grown ass adult in control of my actions. So I got that going for me, which is nice. Jfc, these dudes are the worst.


Is this a new safe sex psa?


I’ll look on the bright side and be happy that men are encouraged to maintain some self control.


Seriously. The bar is in hell. And you know, it would take so little effort to turn it into a “be smart, wrap it up.”


No, hold on, this one makes sense. There’s an old law in Georgia that states if you buy a $7 dress from this woman, you have to legally pay $70,000 in child support to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau only during the summer.


You couldn't even buy the FABRIC for $7.


Seeing men banter over shit like this will never not weird me out


Well duh. The child support isn’t something you pay *this* summer. It’s paid over the next 18-19 years!


Any excuse needed to hide the fact you can't get laid amiright?


$7 dress? From where?


Yes because MEN are the real victims here! /s


I guess some parents don't know how to have "the talk" with their sons, and rely on this?


*don’t let your gross penis make bad decisions for you. Gosh men are awful


*sigh* sure, because that's the only reason women ever wear summer dresses. 😕


She ain’t wearing the dress for you, ya clearly have no idea how hot we can feel especially when it’s that time of month


JFC women are just predatory blow-up dolls to men like this.


The fact that so many men think it’s an injustice to them to demand money to take care of a child that they co-created enrages me. And they act as if they get the short end of the stick while the woman is raising a kid by herself for at least 18 years?!


So they haven't heard of condoms?


who is paying $70K in support over 3 months


Not only weird but self report they’re going to be shitty fathers.


No! Women bad! Women fault! Get pregnant on purpose for $money$! >:(


Hahaha I’m a man so I can’t really complain but god damn my fellow men are weird as fuck dude.


Yes, don't see a woman wearing a sundress as an excuse to be creepy.


Once again, many men thinking we just exist to be considered attractive or sexualized by them. Awesome.


7 dollars for a sundress? Where? Goodwill? Cuz i aint ever seen a dress for less than 20 bucks at almost all the stores ive been to


I saw the spoilered picture and thought this was going to be some "dress for the body you have, not the body you want" crap. Worse. This is worse.


Wow you’d have a miserable existence being so sensitive


I love my husband, I do, but if I hadn’t married him at 21, he probably would have let a $7 dollar sun dress cost him $70,000 in child support. I love him, but nobody loves anybody like that man loves a sun dress 🤣


True. Leave us alone. The prettier she is the farther you walk lmao think of the money you’ll save obviously yes think of the money


Tough to resist, females are so sexy. lol 2 divorces al ready, not learning.


God's speed


Sometimes I wonder if people have a sense of humour. This was kinda funny and it’s pretty obviously a joke and not to be taken seriously. Yes it’s a stupid joke but still


She may be attractive but somebody somewhere is sick of her shit


so um sauce or do we not do that here?


What do you think?




Riley Reid


thanks king/queen 👍


You’re just proud of your depravity aren’t ya little fella? Read the room and go sit your deviant behind in a corner somewhere. Seriously, try thinking with the OTHER head sometime.


i think with all three heads thanks