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Not sure I get it here: Was she cheating on him? Or they just going back and forth, haven't had any dates yet, and she told him she was going to sleep but went out instead? And he gassed her like that? If it's the latter, I would say she got off easy. A relationship with that guy would most likely have been...problematic. LoL


If it was the former, she *definitely* got off easy because no one is letting that shit slide


No it’s just girls that juggles multiples guys and by now there are stock lies. Like I’m going to sleep whenever they are really going out to potentially meet another or attempt to be treated for free by a guy. It’s not rejection it’s mind games. I knew a girl that would label guys in her phone by what they provide for her. Obviously all of them wanted to take it further than friendship but she had one labeled food guy, another one was car guy/truck guy. There a hole girls just like there are men lowest of the low


Guess we’ve got a lot of abusers considering the amount of women that have the done the same by pouring a drink on men


The difference is women do their hair, makeup, spend thousands on outfits and shoes. Men, what? Comb their hair and beard and head out for the day ? Not the same thing at all. Also men dont get drinks thrown on them for nothing 🤣


A lie isn't a rejection alone, it's an insult. I'm not sure why you thought the comments would be sympathetic. However, he's still wrong for the drink, regardless on one's opinion on whether or not it was deserved.


I disagree. As far as emotional reactions go, I wish everyone acted so calmly. No one got hurt.


Wait if it was a girl doing it to a guy then everybody would be clapping. But bc it’s a guy doing it to a girl it’s abuse? I don’t get that. Both are abusive. But I’m just saying the reactions are super unbalanced.


Can that technically be considered assault?


yea it can. be they may more to the story


If I was dealing with a man this petty, I would probably lie to him too.


The lie is what caused him to be petty, not the other way around...


A real alpha male would have saw her, broken up with her, and left her be. He wouldn't need to humiliate her in public like a female on Zeus TV.