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Most men who are concerned about hoes being their wives/gfs are the same men that couldn’t resist smashing a “hoe” if it was a life or death situation. Projecting to the max.


Eh they're just salty that they didn't get action in college so now mUh chAsTitY


well yeah, they cant resist because it’d be the once in a lifetime chance to lose their virginity


Samson from the Bible


That story always confused me so much. Like how stupid can someone be?


He was down so bad


And not one of them was you. Ol boy signed into Google Faps


rate google faps on google play now!


>Google Faps You win Reddit for the day.


Google Faps 💀💀💀💀




Bahahahhahahahhahahahahhahaha!! You win


I feel like this is just promoting the idea that a woman's or man's value comes from how much sex they have. Personally I don't support it.


Good one




Men are so obsessed with women’s body count, come on dudes let’s see yours? Are you the community dick?


Right? If we’re leaning into purity culture I wanna see the dickfax. Show me the dickfax!


Or we need like, Yelp but for dicks. "Was promised multiple orgasms, didn't even get 1. 1/10, would not fuck again."


Would have given no stars but the app won’t let me 😂


If this is about that time a couple of months ago I swear it was just an off night and I'm usually much better. If this is about the time you gave me a second chance and were disappointed again let me assure you that it takes me a couple of opportunities to really find the right pacing and figure out what you like. If this is about the time after that when you thought the third time has to be the charm, well that's really on you. I mean you knew what you were getting into.


Alright, now you’re thinking!


The Rolodicks, if you will


One for the ladies too.Yelp for 🐱


Show it!!!!!


OK, here's OOP's DickFax: #0


Every man who advertises his oral game automatically gets -10


They think we get loose after multiple dicks, but not the same dick we dated for 10 yrs. We push babies outta there, no shrimp dick is stretching us out! Oh yea, they think our inner labia grows after we add a new body.


r/BadWomensAnatomy fr


Here's a sneak peek of /r/badwomensanatomy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Woman above +25 are old hags…](https://i.redd.it/3ii0i4it89za1.jpg) | [627 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/13ep87s/woman_above_25_are_old_hags/) \#2: [Who’s gonna tell them the real reason why breasts exist?](https://i.redd.it/5b5iiokbml3b1.jpg) | [304 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/13ybdqb/whos_gonna_tell_them_the_real_reason_why_breasts/) \#3: [Obesity?](https://i.redd.it/bycqw3096dgb1.jpg) | [568 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/15j81tm/obesity/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Keys and locks and all that bullshit.


Like that creepy song from the 70's about roller skates and keys? Always gave me bad vibes, like it's being sung as if it's a young girl


Oh noooo, is that what that song is about? Of course it is.


She said it was just something she jotted down in 15 minutes coming off a fast, and honestly, I feel if it *was* about sex she would've just said so and no one would've blamed her.


OMG that was the first 45 I owned as a small child, I really thought it was about skates!


I'll take the hit on this, mine is 9. I am not the community dick you're looking for. No I don't care about body count, which is a horrendous term. I'm married and still don't care what my wife did before. The dudes that pop off with this obsession need some help. And why would *anyone* even contribute to such an app? What an idiot. Fellas, get your shit together. Edit: A word


My last ex had 27 bodies and he ONLY counted people he had full penetrative sex with. I was upset when I found out he was for everyone. Especially since he barely got tested and had been with men. I felt betrayed and like I had been exposed to so many STDs


I don't think I don't people that actually had sex with, Is that wrong....? Have I been doing this wrong? Also what's wrong with being (or having had been with) men


I count oral sex as sex. And so I count it to my body count. You don’t? It was the fact he had been with men (which increases the risk of exposure to STDs) coupled with the fact he didn’t get tested often and he was adamant on not using condoms. And lied abt having sex with men and lied abt being tested.


I don't, but that fair. How does being with men increase the risk of STDs?? That's brand new news to me, I heard about that as a misconception about gay people that went around in like the '80s or '90s, with magic, Mike (I think that's his name). Not using condoms is dumb, him lying (no matter what) isn't cool. Still confused on how men are more likely to give you an STD


There is some truth to this, but more in that some activities increase risk of certain infections (like HIV) more than others. And certain demographics are more at risk because they generally do more of those activities. Unprotected, receptive anal sex (bottoming) carries the most risk, followed by penetrative anal sex (top), being on the receiving side of vaginal sex, and then the giving side. Mostly because it is easier to get cuts and tears in the anus because it isn’t self-lubricating where infection can get in. Also easier for vaginas to rip or tear than a penis. So anal sex carries the same risk for a man or a woman receiving it, but gay men might engage in that activity more frequently than straight women. Edit: typo


Forgot source: https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/hiv-transmission/ways-people-get-hiv.html Also I have to provide education about STIs for work


[Anal sex has a higher increased risk for spreading STDs](https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sexual-health/sex-activities-and-risk/#:~:text=Anal%20sex%20has%20a%20higher,chlamydia)


You're a dense potato of a person. Those are STIs those are infections, all of which are from my knowledge. Curable by antibiotics and STD is a disease like AIDS. They are dramatically different. Oh my Lord.


[STD stands for “sexually transmitted disease,” and STI stands for “sexually transmitted infection.” But no matter which term people use, they're talking about the same thing: infections that get passed from one person to another during sex.](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/sti-vs-std-whats-the-difference) [Anal sex has a higher risk of spreading STIs than many other types of sexual activity. This is because the lining of the anus is thin and can easily be damaged, which makes it more vulnerable to infection. STIs and other infections that can be passed on during anal sex include: chlamydia genital herpes genital warts gonorrhoea HIV syphilis hepatitis C](https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sexual-health/sex-activities-and-risk/#:~:text=Anal%20sex%20has%20a%20higher,chlamydia)


Hmm, I can take an L on that I suppose. But even still, The things that are commonly transmitted by doing what you're talking about are mostly curable. And so you shouldn't be saying that men are more likely to transmit STDs to one another than they are to women because that has nothing to do with it. It's not gender. It's based on where you decide to stick your dick. And since you count oral as sex, that fully means that a man can have sex with another man according to you and not transmit an STI or have an increased Chance to do so like you're saying. So it has nothing to do with being a man that has everything to do with being freaky 😩


I don’t want any STD whether it’s curable or not!! I didn’t say incurable STDs aren’t ok but I’m happy to have curable ones. So I don’t get your point. Anal sex has an increased risk of spreading STDs and he was having unprotected anal sex with men and lied abt it. You would be fine with your partner doing that because “you don’t wanna be homophobic”?


No one wants an infection! Being curable doesn’t make it any less distressing! JFC!


I don't get why people get on here like, "It's OK, it's curable!" Who wants to willingly catch a disease???


They are interchangeable terms. STD/STI is an umbrella term for *infectious diseases* that are transmitted through sex. Chlamydia is an infectious disease, as is HIV. HIV is managed by doctors that specialise in *infectious* diseases. I'm baffled at how you became so convinced that HIV wasn't a sexually transmitted infection that you felt the need to throw insults around. "Confidently incorrect" seems like much too mild a term for whatever was going on here.


I honestly think it's internalized homophobia. It's actually quite common in women


[Nope. Anal sex has a higher risk of spreading STDs](https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sexual-health/sex-activities-and-risk/#:~:text=Anal%20sex%20has%20a%20higher,chlamydia)


So. It's still homophobic. Women don't care if you used protection or not. If you've fucked a guy, it turns them off


I assure you as a woman I care if someone uses protection. And I cannot have internalized homophobia in regard to this opinion like your first comment stated bc I’m not a gay man, you’re using “internalized” wrong. I care that my ex had unprotected sex with men who were random hookups off apps, unprotected sex with me, didn’t get checked for STDs regularly, and lied to me.


You're right, the homophobia is externalized


>Women don't care if you used protection or not. If you've fucked a guy, it turns them off As a bi woman who prefers to date other non straight people, no.


Lol, this comment is completely irrelevant




>I count oral sex as sex. And so I count it to my body count. You don’t? Not everyone does. >It was the fact he had been with men (which increases the risk of exposure to STDs) It's specifically anal sex that increases the risk of an STI, particularly HIV. The idea that men having sex with men having an increased risk of infection is based on the assumption that such sex would include anal sex. >coupled with the fact he didn’t get tested often and he was adamant on not using condoms Sure, that's not particularly safe and it's reasonable to be upset at that. >And lied abt having sex with men and lied abt being tested. Having sex with men doesn't matter that much, but lying about being tested is very bad. This is why it's always a good idea to have them show you the rest results so you can verify.




Ok so I’m going through this for the last time. He was having unprotected anal sex with men who were virtual strangers to him, RIGHT before getting together with me. He wasn’t tested in between, he only got tested once before bc he actually had an STD. He didn’t disclose ANY of the information until way later on. It’s EVERYTHING coupled together. Not the one singular thing. I didn’t say he had sex with men how dare he, it’s EVERYTHING coupled together and I was simply stating what had factually happened. The fact you all are freaking out and saying that’s homophobic to simply say what fully happened and that I was upset with the full details is crazy to me. I would be upset if he was having unprotected sex with random women and didn’t get tested right before getting with me but that simply isn’t what happened. I don’t know why I should lie or omit details of the story to make you all feel comfortable




He wasn’t having risky sex with women right before getting with me. If he was I would’ve mentioned it. I told the story fully how it was.


>He was having unprotected anal sex with men who were virtual strangers to him This is different from "having been with men" and is critical missing context from your previous comment. >I don’t know why I should lie or omit details of the story to make you all feel comfortable The thing is that you did omit details from your story since you added more details later, such as what I quoted. I'm sure had you included such details in your original comment the reactions to your comment would've been different.


I don’t need to be overly specific of the dramas of my life sis


A basic explanation of the situation isn't overly specific though, it's just being specific enough so that people understand the situation.


Actually they are details you don’t need. He was having anal sex with men which is still sex with men, no?


Ah yes, the butthole. Famously known for being at the top of one's buttcrack.


It's actually referring to the amount of people who've held the small of her back while dancing. (Joking)


Gotta leave room for Jesus or else he won't leave room for you in heaven!


That is so wholesome!


If you look at hentai you'll quickly find that a lot of men do not know where the holes go.


>>woman doesn’t have sex “Her standards are too high” >>woman has sex “She’s an immoral harlot” Heads you lose, tails….


They just hate us for existing fr


So are we also going to get the guy version: X people have been here, Y people have been here enthusiastically


Highest milage 30 seconds


💀💀💀 Avg. distance 3 inches


# of g-spots hit 0


Z partners have actually orgasmed from the experience.


Give me the stats. X% of partners orgasm and Y% would recommend


Guys say they wouldn't care if we switched it on them all the time and in reality, they would.. My ex used to say I was hoe and shit for sleeping with guys before him so when we would get into it i would say he was like a church basket, passed around and everyone throws in some spare change. He would go nuts. He hated it because it portrayed him as an object being used. Hipocrates they are.


Presentage of returning customers would be the most useful.


“No, no, I’m not taking a picture of your ass, I’m just scanning to see how many times you’ve fucked is all.”


No way these men really think that most women have an average body count of 150.


Some of them think about how much sex they wish they were having and how easy they *think* it is for women to get satisfactory dong and come to the conclusion that the average woman has a new partner every few weeks from puberty.


There's a certain type of Terminally Online Dipshit who earnestly believes every woman has had an improbable number of sexual partners, abortions, cosmetic procedures, etc


No, but they want to control women and a good way to gain control is through shame. Shame is a tool for social power...... It supports group norms and shapes individual and group behavior


I’d be so interested in seeing the reactions of these types of guys if something like this actually existed and they had to come to the terms with the fact that the overwhelming majority of women in fact do not have this many partners lol.




Way too low. The actual number is closer to 2 billion.


Rookie number, I just hit 1 trillion yesterday


You beat me on the sex leader board just wait till I catch upto you :((


Way, way more if you live in a big city. Those are small numbers.


i cannot tell if this is a joke, becasue like obviously it is but. . ?


A "friend" sent this to me, he thought it was funny. My reply was "that would get women killed".


I’m dying to hear his response.


He didn't reply.


Typical. 🙄


Exactly my first thought.


I genuinely cannot understand people who obsess over body counts. Like if my GF/wife has had previous partners that wouldn't bother me. Heck, I may even ask for pointers on how I can improve in the bedroom based on her past experiences lmao. Sex is all about constantly learning and improving.


Yeah, I couldn't agree with you more. Experience is good, I'm always open to finding new ways to make the experience better for both of us or try things that one or the other of us haven't experienced before, and I couldn't care less about anyone from before me - after all, I'm the one she's with and vice versa. A friend put it pretty well a little while back when a conversation over drinks wandered on to the topic of how many people we'd been with before we met our current long term partners. She said something about it along the lines of "I don't care how many people you've been with before me as long as you've always looked after your sexual health and don't cheat on me. Show me what you've learned from experience with them instead, I'll do the same, and let's see just how damn good we can make it."


Yes it is ❤️ experience is a good thing


You’re awesome and 100% right. Experienced partners are the best teachers. 💜🖤💜🖤


Absolutely - it's just an activity people do for fun.


THIS! Those types of men think all women base men’s entire worth on having an unrealistically long dick and doing unrealistic sex positions because they rot their brains binging porn and shitty comedies where all the women are depicted in misogynistic unrealistic stereotypes


Men: Hates women’s for high body count; Also men: Spends their waking days trying to increase women’s body counts ??????????


They’re actually just that bad at math and logic when their feelings supersede everything else.


I think men who use the term body count are usually Incels, Incel-adjacent or someone who you should probably hand over to your new friend the bear


Well gee, where does all my pegging show up then?


in midair out in front


It’s just the same old shit again: these pathetic excuses for men bitch and complain about women being “too promiscuous” and then turn around and bitch and complain that no women will sleep with them.


Uh oh, someone doesn't know where the vagina is located! Dude just told on himself. I don't know why we think men can find the clit when they can't even find the vagina. We need to start with a beginner's course.


I think this problem comes from 2 things, 1 the failure of sex-ed in most school systems 2 the only people you hear about online are the ones who can't find the clit, who are probably not the most attentive to their partners needs anyway


I forgot those were map pins and they registered as arrows. I'm hoping that's what happened for the maker as well...


True, but if we're going off the black dot instead of the red arrow, I'm afraid he's even further off the mark :)


Now I'm simultaneously unsure if I even understand how maps work and grateful that GPS will guide me there street by street.


wait isnt that where your vagina is too? 😆 its the butthole thats flagged way too high not the vagina lmfao




Needs a male setting too...be warned of the bragging ZERO! 😁


Same should be put on men - - made x number of women unsafe - sexually harassed y number of women - called z number of women ugly after they refused to sleep with me


The bear. I choose the bear. Take me to the bear, please.






Root bear ….. Root beer


Well, i guess those 22/134 people should've had more respect for themselves, right?


"Alright so bend over now so I can analyse it with Google Faps" Jokes aside this is a genuinely disgusting meme lol


Ugh, why can’t people just appreciate a nice bottom without turning it into a revolting case of sour grapes


Remember that men don't wash their hands after wanking or taking the piss. They grow bacteria the size of the milky way on the palms of their hands.


How about an app that tell how many times a man was a douchebag to women? or how many times he harassed a teenage girl? Or *EVEN BETTER* how many times he treated a woman like she was a human being with full civil rights?!?!?!!!??!!


Huh. I just realized All of this Incel crap has made the bad men stick out, because they can't help but regurgitate their Incel-adjacent terms and what not. That's potentially a good thing. Now I hope that they all have an FBI profile . Like if you hang out on Jordan Peterson podcasts and other Incel-o-sphere bs like Tate you probably are on some level of watched. Maybe they have a basic page for everyone that remains empty unless people begin to show up in these spaces. I actually think that it's how they are catching so many people before they do something bad these days


just to be clear, that's a school bus right?


Looks like it


Lmao I’m laughing at everyone mentioning the guy version and hope it counts masturbation as well…..all the “alpha” bros touching their butt out of curiosity, pushing that forbidden button 🤣


>touching their butt out of curiosity, Curiosity? Out of habit and in shame filled manner


Sounds about right, because with Google maps, you don't have to prove that you've actually been where you say you've been, and so boys would Say they'd been with more women than they actually have and would produce those ridiculous figures. And idiots like the people who posted this meme would actually believe it.


I mean, is her butthole halfway up her ass?


No that's the strapon/pegging pin infront. Due to poor UI it shows up when they bend over.


The thing that just... consistently surprises me is that they don't understand that orifices don't like... get worn out over time. After a few months of a dry spell unless you're using something to dilate orifices tend to return to their sort of default state. It's obvious that the guys sharing these memes have *zero* intimate experience with any sort of penetrative sex.


>After a few months of a dry spell unless you're using something to dilate orifices tend to return to their sort of default state. I was under the impression that for sex with penises, the Vagina won't ever "stretch" The anus, that might stretch, but with normal sex, no. With huge elephant dildos, yes. But the Vagina doesn't need to go back to default.. I don't think. I don't have one, i only have my experience with them to go by and somewhat of a knowledge of sexuality


I’ve seen this picture once before and someone commented “neurons activated”. Jesus Christ…


Lmao "brainblast!" That's exactly what someone who would think this is a good idea would sound like


He doesn’t know where the vagina or the anus is. Probably thinks the clitoris is a myth.


Now someone draw a man's body: 32 women have been here, 0 women have cum here


I reported it this morning but what good does that ever do. Doesn't seem like enough of these people know this is incel pilled tripe.


Those are rookie numbers (by my bc) /s


My biggest question is why the steps of a bus were the ideal backdrop for such an important image?


This is so fucking gross, juvenile and reductive. 🤮


It's so hard being a woman, trying to fit in time to fuck hundreds of men 😂😂


People who think the average woman has slept with over 100 men before their mid 20s screams “I treat porn like a documentary instead of talking to women IRL”


I'm over 50 and mine's not out of the teens. I don't get it. There's only one reason a guy wouldn't want a woman who knows what she wants and likes. It's because he has no interest in giving it to her.


I have no words lol.. I’m a woman and ZERO have been anywhere lol. Also, the map shows 22 people have been to the top of her ass-crack? Have they even seen a women’s underside before? I’m convinced they haven’t.


I mean... I don't want to go to a restaurant or amusement park that nobody has ever visited. Seems like there's probably a reason people stay away.


Well damn, just when I thought they couldn't get any more disgusting


This is so gross. That poor girl?


A pic of the guy who made the app, pointing at his crotch, 0 people have been here


If women are such hoes why is oop still virgin?


The oop of this post would just have one big arrow saying nobody has been anywhere near me especially not a woman.


Plot twist, the photo is of his mother.


Ugh.. reminds me of all that bizarre stuck porn. It's always with a Mom or a step sister or something.


Because apparently the whole stuck scenario wasn’t creepy enough already. They had to add the whole family angle to it.


I don't get these males. like complaining about experience when after one of these subhumans took a young girls virginity she came on Reddit posting about how he had a list of things she needed to change about sex with him. If I remember correctly it seemed like mostly stuff you would learn through experiencing sex. Y'all can't win 😞.


same people forget everyone could see that "0 people" were on their D


It should have a caption at the bottom "None of those people were you."


Honestly, that's about accurate for me 😅




I can’t believe someone doesn’t actually know where the butthole is, I mean everyone has one!


For a second I thought that said “22 people were born here” and I was thinking that’s definitely not how girls work 😅😅


Lol, so many people apparently getting what they never will! Cope and seethe harder, incel!


These men so concerned about "hoes" and body counts are the same ones that won't let an opportunity pass to cheat on the girlfriends and wives they got, precisely, because they could not be with a "high body count" woman


And they know this how? Sounds to me like someone just likes to trash women. This kind of salty usually comes from men who can't get the time of day from most women.


Well, we can create an app that detects penis size, so we don't waste time getting to know him. 😈


So we're cars now?


Do Pap smears and colonoscopies count?


Damn I’m jealous of her where are the guys lining up for me?


Somebody said Google faps 😭😭 I canttt😭💀💀


Yeah the app will be up for all of 24 hrs before getting banned off the app stores and have to use a APK file just to get it


Are those school bus stairs and handrails?


So I don't like how this joke is just a sexist joke, but I would like that app. Because A) Imagine being able to prescreen your boyfriend's to see if they lied about(Ment To, not about) you. B) cheating would be hard, it's tracked right? C) I would not have had the issues where a partner said they loved to be choked all the time and had experience in what I enjoy. Then they forgot the safeword and the hand motion because it was not something they had experience in, and I was not able to appropriately take care of my sub.


... They're not THAT far apart...