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Do we need to bring up the coconut again?


or babies or dead animals


Or dead animal babies


or dead women in mortuaries


Dead girls stolen from cemeteries.


sadly they dont have do be dead dont look up zoosadists on youtube, you will lose your will to live and lose even more trust in men


I feel like you would also end up on a list after searching that 😅


Maybe don’t specify exactly what to look up. Even that makes me cringe.


Or pieces of women, or mummified corpses, or dolls containing corpses, or....


Grape fruit


Aw, no. What did I miss with grapefruit. If it’s anything like the coconut story, that sounds really painful.


If i am thinking of the same thing, it was a somewhat viral video of 'the grapefruit technique' which uses a cored out grapefruit to, ahem, enhance the guy's experience when giving oral pleasure.


What. The fuck. Citric acid does not sound like a fun time anywhere near oral pleasure.


I guess some people like the tingling on their wiggly bits 🤷‍♂️


More power to them, I guess. It takes all kinds.


People do be odd. Tis the beauty of life


The video is hilarious if you’ve never seen it. It definitely doesn’t make it look pleasant for either party. 


That’s a video I will absolutely be skipping. I can only imagine how unpleasant it might have gotten.


The video in question is a woman talking about doing it, not an actual video of a grapefruit bring used in this manner.


Oh, thank goodness. Still not sure I’m going to watch it, but slightly higher chance now.


Iirc it is demonstrated on a toy but yeah


Yup exactly this. I distinctly recall being out camping with friends about 4 years ago, and my friend playing it over the speaker. My god the sounds are etched into my brain and I’m forever a little bit traumatised


It supposedly feels like a vagina. It's also messy and annoying to clean up.


There is a picture of the body builder Kai Greene fucking a grape fruit


My big list of things I could have happily gone my entire life not knowing has gotten noticeably longer from this thread alone. But grapefruit. WHY? Why not something sensible like a watermelon or a honeydew?




Wouldn’t the rough skin kind of chafe?


Or the pringles can and the sponge. (It's a cylinder.)


Honestly, that sounds like what the fleshlight guy used as inspiration.


The mini MnMs tube.


I am going to be spending so long on brainbleach today. (Yep. That one is going on the list.)


Or the couch…


Oh god. I’m learning so much more about reddit lore than I wanted to by making that comment. My fault entirely, but whew.


It puts the cum in the coconut you drink it all up


Nooooooooo. I regret all of my life choices.


Me too


What about the Sega Dreamcast?


Holy crap. Please tell me we aren’t still on the topic of what men will fuck.


Yes we are https://youtu.be/qloNeD7xN3Q?si=brQg558rl0qxO4iS


Holy overshare, batman.


What coconut


Okay. [Just remember you did ask for it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/6rtQbnOuKD)


I should not have read that


Welcome to the club. I did warn you.


The reptile in India!


Oh that poor huge lizard! Those men deserve to be treated exactly the way they treated it.


The show Gen V does a gag about object fucking in one of their episodes and it’s pretty spot on.


Having been on Reddit long enough to see a wide variety of those kinds of choices, I believe you.


[There was also a table.](https://www.fox19.com/story/8083860/ohio-man-facing-charges-for-having-sex-with-a-picnic-table/)


The shower head XD. Probably nobody is „fucking“ the shower head. We are just enjoying the water pressure. What is their definition of fucking something?


>What is their definition of fucking something? Penetration. If anything enters the "vagina", it is sex, which is also why they think tampons are sexual.


I was today years old when I learnt women are putting entire shower heads inside their pussy. And here I thought I was pretty kinky.


look, it typically starts off as an accident. you’ll be watering the hydrangeas with the hose head set to misting mode and ooops! where did it go? oh… huh… that feels kind of nice actually... from there it’s a procession of increasingly more powerful faucets, sprinklers and spigots, as you chase high after watery high. sooner or later you’re manoeuvring yourself atop the roaring geyser where once stood a fire hydrant, as your girlfriend races away in a stolen tow-truck. still, even as your nether regions are basking in 350 kilopascals of unthrottled subterranean flow, you can only think ahead to the rush you’ll feel once you take a heavy-duty pneumatic drill and abseil naked down the side of the Hoover Dam. water pressure. not even once…


You’re my hero


haha, thanks! glad my little unhinged shower monologue found an appreciative audience. before i hit post i was going ‘is this a good idea? will anyone get this?’


Not the whole shower head, just the stuff that comes out of the shower head. Apparently that counts in their heads and also tells me a lot about them. 👀


Who is shooting water UP their vaginas when masturbating with a shower head? Those women should probably talk to their gynecologists about that.


That's like a sure fire way to fuck up your vaginal pH and destroy the good microbes in there.


Please know that I'm speaking according to incel-logic when I say: "Some of it gets in there and that's good enough."


If women feel good its fucking and bad and gross, big ew ew/s


“Women will fuck anything” and they bring up a cucumber. “Men will fuck anything” and it’s literal corpses. Hmm.


"women will fuck anything" except for them


As a woman, the idea of inserting food of any type immediately gives me an infection. Whoops, thought about it, headed to the pharmacy.


Literally, i am not risking any more utis at this point in my life 💀


Forgive my ignorance, but what's with all the comments regarding necrophilia? Did something happen recently? I was under the impression that necro is extremely rare


A study by Rosman and Resnick in the 1980s looked at cases of necrophilia and found that men made up 92% of the cases. Of course this study was done a while ago and the sample size could’ve been smaller, but men commit necrophilia WAY more than women.


I think I've heard of a similar study that said about the same thing, I just didnt think it was a common enough occurrence to warrant as much discussion as it has. I thought the number of cases was only a few dozen worldwide in the past few years. I'm in no way trying to minimize how terrible the crime is, or excuse the perpetrators, I'm simply curious if something occurred to spark this much discussion


I’ve heard anecdotally that sometimes funeral homes or places that hire morticians tend to avoid hiring men, so maybe it’s borne out of that discussion.


I appreciate it. My original comment wasn't intended to be malicious, (I'm just very stupid) so apologies if it came off that way.


Now I'm just confused how the remaining 8% even physically and biologically possible tbh


One of those is literally a sex toy designed and built for fucking. It literally doesn't have a purpose other than fucking. Honestly, his time on Saturday Night Live should've made that clear. 


Had me in the first half, ngl




🫠 Is your name M. Night Shyamalan? Because that was a great twist!


Women fuck the thing that was created to help them orgasm?😨 horrific


It's unheard-of!


This is gold!


I was hoping that was where you were going 🥹


Who even is that?


Pete Davidson. He dated Arianna Grande and Kim Kardashian and someone else famous that's slipping my mind. 


The woman who played Daphne in Bridgerton


he also dated one of his bodies bodies bodies costars i forget who tho




I was a medic in the Air Force, and I worked in a level one trauma center for most of my career. Between men and women, any guesses as to the ratio of who showed up with things jammed in their butts more often? Hint; it wasnt even CLOSE.


Every emergency medicine worker I’ve talked to says the same thing. And they always “fell on it” 😂


Like, which company is making such slippery showers?


There are also needs to be more PSAs about the danger of keeping lightbulbs, flashlights, unflared dildos, and so on in those showers. The radiology sub has foreign body Fridays (great timing) which usually features all sorts of creative “accidents”.


I'd like to see a coffee table book featuring things found in people's asses.


“I swear to God, Doc, it was a million to one shot!”


Guys should own their sexuality more often and just buy a damn toy for their arse before we have another case like the fall of Yugoslavia.


My husband was at max age when he joined the Air Force and was older than his drill instructors and some of the higher ranking guys. It got around that he was the one that the younger enlisted could come to for advice and often it was sex advice. He advocated for Bad Dragon. We have a collection, he's the one who bought them and would surprise me with a new one.


>I was a medic in the Air Force >Between men and women, any guesses as to the ratio of who showed up with things jammed in their butts more often? As a former army medic the answer is pretty obvious. This is why I always said "always use something with a flared end".


And men out there are fucking coconuts, jars,the Thanksgiving turkey, sandwich....... But oh a female SEX TOY made for sexual purposes? Horrifying.


And animals, don’t forget.


Even dead animals. I saw video of a guy fucking a dead fox.


I’d bleach my eyes lol


Yeah I should get rid of my eyes. I've seen too much growing up on the internet


I had heard from Wine & Crime, a dude who went to a person's house and shot and fucked the owners dead horse.The owners were home and witnessed the horrendous crime. I believe his name was Bryan Hathaway.


I have read that a guy was continuously raping a horse every night till the owner catch him. The owner noticed that the horse was showing distress every day entering the building where they slept so he placed cameras. And he saw a guy coming in and raping the horse. When the police caught him, he said he did it because the horse winked at him, so it was obviously flirting! Some ppl really need to check their fucking brain.


I think he also got caught fucking a dead deer too. Guy had problems.


Do they make a list of these people as well? I very much hope so!


Idk, it was the first episode of Wine & Crime podcast. The episode was about Necrophilia and I learned there is multiple tiers to it.


I had never thought the necrophilia has more tiers and includes animals as well. They seriously have some issues.


Oh yeah.


I can’t look at octopi the same after the boys


The monitor lizard.


Don't forget the truly bizarre shit men shove up their butts and urethras. I've seen x-rays of Buzz Lightyear, wings (accidentally) deployed. Magnets that entered the bladder and went from fun column to problematic clump. Dildos on the ends of powertools, without the dangerous parts removed (you cannot just stick a rubber schlong over a sawzall blade and go to town. If I have to explain beyond that, the horse is already out of the barn.) Horny people make some deeply astonishing decisions that never fail to impress and horrify me. Like getting an action figure up there, that takes some doing, that's strategic. It's not ergonomic or designed for rectal penetration. That took *work*.


You forgot pies… men will also fuck a pie. Sorry, couldn’t resist. I’m gonna go now.


And also don’t forget all those men who ‘slip and fall’ on tv remotes


A couch


They have such an issue with the idea of women masturbating. It's bizarre.


They are afraid that we can pleasure ourselves better than they can (often true), and this intimates them. Also some men seem to believe that sexual gratification is only for men; women are just objects to get them there. This is why they view women who enjoy sex as “sluts” and why they are so insistent on BJ’s and anal. They want to subjugate and degrade us, and sex is a way they can do that. The idea of us not only being satisfied, but doing it without them and without any humiliation or pain is an insult to them. It removes their power.


That is a great response and it makes perfect sense. I agree completely. And the funny thing is that I don't think there is a woman on this earth who can't make herself orgasm better than any man ever has!


We know exactly where the right spots are, and just how much pressure to apply. The kinds of men who are upset by this either don’t know, or don’t care to try.


and the funniest thing about the whole thing with Peter Davidson is those guys can't say that the women he dated were after his money/fame, because he dated like Ariana Grande and Kim Kardashian, who are completely richer and more famous than him lol


I absolutely love how mad dudes get over women having the hots for Pete Davidson.


I got weirdly obsessed with the Kim/Pete relationship because it just seemed so odd, but then when Kanye basically started stalking her it suddenly made a ton of sense why a really low key man who receives treatment for his mental health issues might be extremely attractive to her at that time. Also apparently he's just really nice and fun to be around according to Kate Beckinsdale, who he also dated.


I thought women had insanely high standards?? Which is it ?


The cucumber payed for the date


At least it becomes a nice salad after.


it's pickle rick


Well the cucumber is kind of a big dill.


Anything but you \*wink\*


Mortuaries hire mostly women is all I'm gonna say


People like this are just jealous because they've been taught to be ashamed about trying to stick up anything up their own hole. Ignore your priest. God gave you a prostate for a reason, use it. Enjoy yourself.


Me, a 34 year old virgin man who recently embraced his bisexuality: I wish I had something (or someone) to stick up my bum... Thanks religion for suppressing my internal feelings and turning me into a repressed anxious mess unlucky with EVERYONE


I mean, you can just buy toys (make sure the dildos are flared and you use lots of lube and preparation though)


Thanks... It's gonna be my first though so... also the flared thing is common sense.


It *should* be common sense but a lot of (particularly men) end up in the ER because they used a dildo that wasn’t flared


Or any other object and end up with internal FOD.




This is the problem with SexEd. Legitimately. It's the sort of stuff we should be taught but aren't. Too much focus on trying to scare us away from sex, not enough talking about how to do it safely, consent etc.


I've heard good things about the njoy pure wand for prostates.


I always cringe so damn hard when incels say “Pete Davidson must have a 10in+ dick” and claim its the only possible reason why women would like him🤢


I’ll admit, the Pete Davidson thing got me laughing. He kinda looks like Jared Leto’s Joker had sex with Beetlejuice.


Alright, i may have issues, but there’s something about Pete… he’s not pretty, but there’s just something… i get it And Sex toys are just great, nobody ever apologize fot that


He’s funny, emotionally aware and healthy (open about mental health issues), and it seems like he would be a fun person to be around who doesn’t behave like a dick to others in real life. Something incels can’t understand for the life of them.


Gotta be Pete's smile. Just look how goofy and cute he is


He looks like he gives the best cuddles and he's goofy. Silly dudes are HOT


That’s gotta be it. He looks like we would genuinely have a good time


I love seeing so many other people who feel this way! I've always thought Pete deserved more love and less hate


There are very few things more attractive than humor, a relationship is no fun if you can’t laugh together


He’s funny and his jokes don’t come with putting down women etc. if a guy is funny that’s the main thing I want He’s also very self aware and knows his own shortcomings


What is their problem with the random dude in bottom right corner?


Pete Davidson, SNL cast member. He's had some very public relationships with some really big-name female celebrities despite not looking like a Chad meme and being very open about the fact he deals with severe mental health issues (there was even one SNL segment he did with John Mulaney after Pete and Ariana Grande split up where he mentioned suicide, and from John's reaction in the moment you can tell suicidality had been a recent concern) and living with his mother. Basically, he has many of the traits that incels think would make a guy an incel, yet he can *clearly* get it.


Can't speak for some of the people who get weird about it but pretty much everyone (including him and his castmates on SNL) all know he seems to always bat above his level. He ends up dating really big actresses and models while he's an okay at best guy lol. So it usually comes down to confusion over what these people see in him


Bottom right?


Yes, I meant bottom right. Fixed, thanks


Okay the vibrator is the equivalent of a flesh light, personally I have never used a vegetable, shower head, or some random guy I don’t know just to get off. Just like guys we can use just our hands too.


Pete Davidson has a very non threatening vibe. Idk how to describe it but I know he wouldn’t say some “alpha male” shit. His comedy is always self deprecating and I haven’t seen him punch down or make cheap shots at the expense of others. Plus, like a true New Yorker, he’s mastered the art of minding his business.




There was literally a video of a man fucking a Mc chicken sandwich. Some men would stick it in an ant hill just to see if it would fit.


No one is talking about masturbation when they say that.


my ex once got so high on heroin that he fucked his couch


why are men so mad about the damn shower head the literal only explanation is that they hate when women enjoy things idk


Didn't one man get a darwin award because he used a shotgun during sex and one time forgot to unload it?




Has any woman actually fucked a cucumber? I feel like that’s a yeast infection waiting to happen…


Better to have a vibrator than offer sex to strangers in the middle of the street


Women will fuck anything that consents. Men will fuck anything that can’t consent.


I mean I do struggle to comprehend what Pete Davidson has going on Do not get it


He's funny, and not in a way where he just pokes fun at others. He is emotionally mature and open about seeking therapy and taking medication when it's needed. He's goofy (I love goofballs). He's confident. Even if we don't take his appearance into account (I happen to find him very physically attractive) then he has a very attractive personality.


He a goofy boy


Okay, but Pete Davidson, and THAT pic of Pete Davidson. 💀 I’m not mad at it, it's funny. Putting that pic at the end pushes it into the realm of satire for me, which isn't meant to be taken seriously. It's meant to be ridiculous. Like “Women are actually out there sleeping with this guy?” It's kinda dumb but I laughed.


why is there a showerhead


Some women like the water pressure on their crotch


I snorted when I scrolled to Pete's picture, ngl.


They forgot banana


I don’t understand why the Incels hate Pete so much. I mean, does it just damage the delusion that women only want Chris Hemsworth? Does it piss them off that we may actually care about humor and personality? Are they avoiding the fact their personalities just suck??


Am I the only one who actually finds Pete Davidson attractive??? Like yeah he’s funny and seems to have a good personality but he’s also actually hot??


Who's the lad in the bottom right?


Pretty sure it's Pete Davidson


What did he do that they don't like him? Or is it just the way he looks? Never heard of him before


He doesn't perform masculinity in the way he 'should'. He talks about *mental health* he has PTSD after losing his father, firefighter Scott Davidson, in the 9/11 attack at the age of seven, and as an adult has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD). He has dated / been seen with Ariana Grande, Kim Kardashian and other 'celebs'.


Can't say that I even remotely like Kim Kardashian (I know almost nothing of Ariana Grande except a few of her songs and that she's a former Nickelodeon star), but the rest seems...reasonable (for the lack of a better word)? How dare he speaks openly about mental health as a guy. I wonder if his haters also belong to the people who complain about pride month overshadowing men's mental health month. Anyway, more power to him, it's good he's open about it and a role model for younger guys in that regard


The main dislike seems to be that women like him. He likes his mother.


Even though he doesn't look like a chad who supposedly get all women, leaving nothing for _nice guys_? Heresy


It hasn't been mentioned yet but he also dates these high profile celebrity women *while still living with his mother*


TIL about his father. That’s sad.


He has a rep for 'punching above his weight.' He doesn't look like someone who's conventionally attractive, yet he has dated several conventionally stunning women, plus has a lot of fangirls. This pisses some people off. Mainly people who think they are the arbiter on who gets to be viewed as attractive.


No idea. Heard that he has some dedicated haters, but what it's about? Your guess is as good as mine.


Bummer. At least from this pic I'd say he's pretty cute. But that doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. I could see though why some "super masculine" whatever-pill gymbros would hate on him due to his looks. Was just thinking that maybe there was some scandal or that it's related to wohever he dated.


He has dated the most famous women even though he’s not conventionally attractive


People will fuck anything. I hate that this simple fact has to be discussed over sexes or genders. Men were able to be more open and were less shamed about their perversions and thats for centuries. Cant expect that this image changes over just two or three generations, would love to but im sure we have some way before us. I had the questionable luck of meeting multiple ends of that spectrum, with both sexes and a surprising number of genders.


What's wild is all those women choosing Wade Wilson... Like A LOT of them... Crazy world we live in.


The Pete Davidson made this a little funny.


Remember guys,STD’s came from animals,The no sex with corpses thing was because of men,Y’all can’t say anything to us.


Two of those things I wouldn't touch even if Satan dared me


Is it the cucumber and the showerhead? You have to stay hydrated and get your vitamins!


Shower heads were God sent


Pete Davidson’s addition here is honestly what makes this for me but I can understand how it’s still offensive


They mad.


I've never gotten the Pete Davidson thing. He just looks like A Dude to me. Stick a choppy mullet or a rat tail on him, and he's a dime a dozen in my hometown


We should ask the ER staff what they think about this post.