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Weird how many people just own being a pedophile these days.


Not just owning it but **actively trying to legitimize it**. MAPs (pedos) trying to add themselves to the LGBTQ Community. Disgusting


Please don't call them MAPS. That's another way they're trying to normalize what they do/want, while it's just plain old pedophilia.


Agreed, I call them pedos - they try to call themselves maps. But people should know the term as something to beware of


i agree. never heard of it. what does it stand for?


Minors attracted persons 🤢🤢


I prefer much more appropriate names like kiddy-diddlers and child touchers.


In the UK we say "nonce". So, when the most awful royal family member was given a title in Inverness, Scottish Twitter responded with humour (as we always do with things that anger us), and named him the Loch Ness Nonce-ter.


🎶don’t diddle kids, do not diddle kiiiiiiids🎶




Yeah that sounds fucking gross


The only time that isn't disgusting is if they're *also* a minor And preferably in the same age range cos 16 years olds looking at 9 year olds is more than just questionable


Masquerading Asshole Pedophiles


"Masquerading" inplies they're disguising themselves. Let's do "Menacing Assohole Pedophiles".


"Like" does not quite express my feelings.


to me a map is and always will be a navigational tool of a birds eye view of a given geographical area


Their attempts to piggy-back on us went nowhere. Thank God. We fought hard against that. Now it is just conservatives peddling that line. Annoying.


They can't sit with us.


Us true LGBTQIA+ members do not want to see that happen. We are totally anti pedophile.


That's not a thing. It's literally just Republicans making stuff up.


The pedos were trying. Republicans were eagerly cheering that on, but a lot of pedos are republican.


Yep they literally are making child marriage legal in some states. It's literally pedophilia. Yet they try to demonize the LGBTQ+ community by lumping pedos in with us, even though usually the call is coming from inside the house. It's madness.


So many of the guys I work with have talked about how the LGBTQ+ community is trying to make pedo legal, and I have to talk them down every time. I'm convinced that none of them believe me when I explain that a few were trying to piggyback, but these idiots keep insisting that places like California are working hard to make it legal. Doesn't matter how much evidence you show them if they hear it from their favorite misinformation source.


It only happens on twitter


I hope you're right but does that mean people are owning being a pedophile but not making any effort to legitimize it? So you think they're just kidding or...?


What does MAP stand for I don't want to look it up


Minor Attracted Person


What do MAP stand for?


Minor Attracted Person


Thanks! And yikes!!!


What is a MAPs?


Minor Attracted Person. It's what pedos call themselves to sound more palatable and legitimize themselves. Someone even made a MAP flag to try and act like they'd be part of lgbtq+, but they have never and will never be allowed to join us.


Yeah, I’m like… Shouldn’t this guy be getting a visit? What the fuck? He just said this in public


People like Jordan Peterson, trump, tate, Matt Walsh and Republicans are really trying to make it acceptable. There's a reason why they argue that kids are fertile and ripe and how sexuality must be forced on kids.


It's weird because at the same time they yell that legalizing gay marriage was the slippery slope to legalized pedophilia. I guess now we know they were just hoping so.


Aha! They did know and plan it all the way!


"Well, you started it, knowing fully well where it would lead, we had no other choice but to follow the torrent."




Unless it's the Wrong Sexuality (tm)


No limit on the free speech, I don't want them being quiet, let them wave these red flags real loud so the rest of us know


He posted it with his name and location, just hanging out there on his profile, too.


I remember when it was shameful to be a pedo/racist/ sexist etc. but nowadays it seems to be more and more prevalent. I’m nit saying it didńt exist back then but at least people were pretending not to be horrible humans.


Idk. I remember hearing that gross "if there's grass on the field..." saying even when I was a kid in the 90s. And there are a TON of rock songs from the 70s, 60s, 50s, that are straight up singing about young girls. Was it really shameful 'back then', or did we just not realize it should be until we got older?


"If she's old enough to bleed, she's old enough to breed" I heard my dad say... when I was a child... in the 90s. Agreed that this isn't new, it's just that more eyes can be on a person who says it on the open internet vs in a private conversation because the internet wasn't really a thing back then.


Oh God, that's officially one of the most disgusting quotes I've ever heard.


This talk was normal when I grew up in the 80s. You'd see subtle shit like this on TV or people around you. Even in the 90s and early 2000s they said gross things. I remember men getting excited because the Olsen twins were going to be 18 soon. The things they said were absolutely disgusting.


I think it was Millie Bobby Brown or someone, but I heard someone made an nsfw subreddit before she even turned 18. I'm sick of this shit




some one needs to ask him how he knows that


Was him being a pedophile supposed to be a secret?


How exactly does this creep know how much pubic hair a 12 year old girl has compared to any other time? If you can’t post the name, report his pervy ass to the cops


studies have shown that puberty, especially female puberty, is starting way earlier nowadays. malnutrition delayed it in the past, but now some cells in fat can lead to puberty starting way too early. and instead of trying to help people who have messed up puberty, this pervert decided to sexualize them. he's probably the type of guy to say that pedophile refers to only people after pre-pubescent children, not him and his incredibly healthy attraction to 14 year olds. report his ass to the FBI


The most accepted theory on why children are starting puberty early is a combination of better nutrition (we see areas with better food start earlier) and hormones in meat and dairy But there are many reasons for it


But 12 isn’t early, is it? I’m 50. When I was 12, my breasts had formed and so had my pubes. I had more pubes then than I have now, TBH. Going bald in my old age…


Yeah 12 isn't you I'm more saying that we are seeing more that children as young as 8 are beginning puberty


That’s not new either.


No kidding, I started getting permanent teeth at 5 and my period at 8, and I'm hella old now.


Averages are what you're going to want to look at, not one or two individual examples.


Agreed, but I was a late bloomer in my grade.


I'm sure you remember it that way


I do. Not the last in my class, but out of about 30 of us, there were only 6 that developed after me. Being decidedly non straight, I paid attention.


>Being decidedly non straight, I paid attention As a also non-straight, one with fewer years between me & being that age than you- I'm sure you choose to remember it that way.


> pedophile refers to only people after pre-pubescent children like that changes anything lol? who cares about the name of it it's disgusting nonetheless


They were saying it was also because of the abundance of hormones in todays food!


Keep saying, girls don’t mature faster, they just get sexualized at a much younger age by creepy adults and learn to navigate that shit much earlier than they should have to.




I thought it was human brains don’t mature until 25. And I didn’t think it was sex dependent.


This is correct, the brain doesn't fully develop until around age 25 no matter what sex or gender. Girls often are seen to "grow up faster" because society *makes them* and the whole "boys will be boys" toxic-ass bullshit. Edit: To clarify, it's called the "Prefrontal Cortex".


Fun fact: the study that this "fact" is based on actually concluded the opposite. I think it's a pretty quick google to find it. But basically, they wanted to see when the frontal cortex stopped developing and they looked at individuals from age 18-25 but they gave up because it never seemed to end.


That’s really cool and interesting.


Neither of those things are true. The brain doesn't stop maturing or developing at either 22 or 25


This is bad science- certain physical and structural changes in the brain tend to happen at slightly different ages between girls and boys but there's been nothing proving those changes are directly linked to any kind of mental/psychological maturity.




The first article linked doesn't back up your claim- when it talks about maturation, it's talking about those physical and structural changes I mentioned, not mental/psychological maturation. That second link directly contradicts what you're claiming: >Models of adolescent brain development propose maturational changes that may contribute to normative increases in substance use during the teen years. However, these models do not explicitly consider sex differences. **Although rates of substance use between adolescent girls and boys do not differ substantially**, evidence indicates there are sex differences in underlying vulnerability pathways associated with SUD. It's saying changes to the brain is adolescence increase risk of substance use, but notes that girls' and boys' substance use doesn't substantially differ. It's saying there are psychological differences in the "risk pathways" that tend to bring each gender to the substance use but neither is more mentally/psychologically mature: >The externalizing pathway is characterized by rule-breaking, impulsivity, aggression, and sensation-seeking. Males generally show greater externalizing behavior than females >The internalizing pathway is characterized by negative affect, depression, and anxiety. On average, females show greater internalizing behavior than males. >Thus, females are more likely to have an internalizing pathway and males more likely to have an externalizing pathway to SUD. The gender differences they're talking about are these "externalizing" vs "internalizing" pathways, neither of which deals with the kind of maturity we're talking about. Also, you might want to have read a little further on from that bit you quoted. The paragraph immediately after it starts with: >The consequences of these brain differences **have not been directly investigated** They talk a little about behavior studies that may provide insight but even they point out the lack of ability to generalize those results: >Some sex differences have been reported in healthy adolescents during inhibitory control and emotion processing fMRI studies, as reviewed above, but s**ample sizes are relatively small, and the tasks and analysis methods differ across studies, which hampers generalizability** I even took the extra step to look at the study they cite there ([Sex differences in brain and behavior in adolescence: Findings from the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5098398/)) which seems like it should be what you're looking for, in order to prove your point... except: >Sex differences have been extensively documented in behavioral measures. Males perform better than females on spatial and motor tasks, while females perform better than males on some verbal and memory tasks as well as measures of social cognition. Some sex differences have been related to structural neuroimaging and functional imaging measures, including volumetric differences in executive and memory related areas, supporting neural substrates for sex differences in cognition. **However, the developmental course of sex differences in brain-behavior relationship, especially in adolescence and across neurobehavioral domains, remains to be elucidated, particularly with longitudinal studies.** Tl;dr version: your sources prove you're doing exactly what I said you were doing- mistaking a functional maturation of the physical brain for a social maturation. The brain is complex and we have barely started to understand sex differences in children for things as cut & dry as "push this button when you hear the beep" and "identify which emotion the person in the picture is feeling", let alone how a child's mental/psychological maturity intersects with their physical brain maturity.




Except, you're wrong. You've been shown why you're wrong because you're misinterpreting what you're reading and, rather than learn, you go with "na na na na" sticking your fingers in your ears. You claim to have better things to do than read and learn, yet still managed to post more studies you don't understand. It being "common knowledge" doesn't actually make it true. It just means that it's something that a lot of people believed, the earth being flat or the sun going around the earth used to be "common knowledge" too until that was proven wrong. Why are you so intent on refusing to actually educate yourself on the subject?




>Do you understand what that means? What they mean by pruning? If you understand what it means, by all means- please tell us how pruning in the brain directly relates to mental/psychological maturity in a person.


>am literally not going to read all that I'm not surprised since you didn't bother to read the sources you linked either...


Essentially you are wrong because you can’t properly interpret the studies you’re reading. You’re misunderstanding what your own articles are claiming. Females do not actually mature in any noticeable brain related way than males. Socially we may mature faster but that’s a different bag.




An LLM AI will tell you what it calculates is the most likely answer you want to your question. It is not an arbiter of truth.




The AI may indeed produce sources, as in they may not be real and they may not say what the AU says they say. It is not a search engine, it is a language generator. If you take a source from an AI, you should always read the source itself, because AI cannot be trusted to cite correctly.






Lmfaoooo so thinking that we mature at the same rate as men is internalized misogyny now?! You’re being ridiculous. It’s not some feminist take to think that women are somehow more mature or mature faster than men do.


It's only a difference of less than a year and it's more about when they begin puberty not when their brains finish developing.


Girls do mature earlier than boys but recently at alarming rates. I think on average girls are ahead by 2 years to boys when it comes to congestive ability and so on. Not sure what governments and scientific bodies class as "starting" puberty but I guess for girls first self reported age of period? Can't think of an equivalent metric for boys. No one fully knows what is to blame as it's all new research, if one factor or multiple but main blame right now is childhood obesity triggering earlier puberty.


One decent way to measure it is growth spurts, which are easy to prove and have been.


Found someone for the fbi to keep a watch on


Soooo having pubic hair = ability and maturity to consent to sex apparently? I know it should shock me at this point that these people exist but it still does


A lot of these pedos try an appeal to nature, physically their body is able to be impregnated therefore we should be allowed to impregnate them


Funny how they try to appear to nature but act -30 years their age


man can’t even spell and he thinks he has a right to comment on women. creepy that he even made that comment about 12 year olds too.


Man is paying *FAR* too much attention to underage girls


I had a hairy bush at 12, I was also flat as an ironing board, was a year away from any semblance of fertility and was a pizzafaced mess of asymmetrically maturing features and matted puberty-dried hair. Like teenagers **and especially** tweenagers are evolutionarily designed to be ugly until all that hormonal shit calms down for a reason.


These idiots always confuse "free speech" with "free of consequences". I hope the FBI has this disgusting pedo on their hitlist or that he will be on the sex offender's list soon.


The only reason the men aren't openly fucking children is because we won't let them.




Who thinks about a 12 y/o’s development? Oh yeah, this guy


Let’s be clear: free speech is so you do not get got by the you know what if you criticize it. This screenshot is an example of choosing to show you have no concept of reality except through the twisted lens of what you want, which for most of these sick bastards is to have sex. The solution pedos online offer is more “objects” to fuck, because let’s be real, none of these people actually know or care to know what survivors of CSA actually feel or want or even why they call their suffering/assault abuse in the first place. They choose not to as to not destroy the ego, the idea, the abstract concept of their identity because to do so would be to experience an ego death so large it could psychological break them.


Yeah, um PUBERTY is not a new thing so filing the existence of pubic hair under "girls mature faster these days"? 😡


I firmly believe all pedos should be annihilated. If they cannot/will not be rehabilitated, they should not be allowed to exist. This is coming from someone who's mum had been touched inappropriately by her own uncle, this is someone who, she herself, had been touched inappropriately by an older man. Pedos don't belong in the queer community.


Honestly, they don't belong on the planet. They don't deserve the luxury of being put down either. Because there are so many of them.


I mean, we don't have to end them gently. I'm thinking slow torture, where they *beg* for the sweet embrace of death. Even slower and much more painful for every little child who gets traumatized from the ordeal, or who ended up having their lives cut short. Dying immediately is too good for them, but they're too dangerous to keep alive too.


Did anyone else have to read this 10 times to understand what this pedophile is saying? His grammar and morals equally suck.


I hope someone reported him. That's disturbing.


Nah freedom of speech is good. Especially for stuff like this, because people now know to avoid him. Also if he wants to work at a school and they see this on his social media then they won’t hire him.


This one seems to be defective. The 12 gauge is the only cure


Name and shame


Another reason I love the 2nd Amendment.


Why are people like this


Man moment


I wanna know how that person knows that…


Idk where this whole “girls don’t get body hair till puberty” thing. I had body hair as long as I can remember


Same by somewhere around 8 it suddenly got really dark and coarse, and I got mine 5 years later so it wasn't really a good litmus test for THAT either.


#1 most actually hit puberty at 13 and only after then does hair start to grow and #2 even if we do mature faster that does not mean we are ready to be mothers. Stop trying to justify the fact you’re a pedophile by using BS rationalization, you’re reaching and it’s obvious.


Girls actually usually hit puberty between the ages of 8-13. Sources differ on average age of onset but most seem to say 11-12 between the UK and the US. Puberty starts with breast budding, body hair growth, and acne. One of the last stages is actually getting your period. Not that the point you're making is wrong, but having pubic hair at 12 is normal. And pubic hair does normally grow before you get your first period. Plus, everyone is focusing on when puberty starts rather than when it ends. Just because someone has started puberty does not mean that their body is physically or sexually mature. It means the opposite. Girls don't finish growth until about 16 but some can even keep growing until 20.


The old definition of puberty is also so poor IMO and too much fixation on maximum height reached and breast growth. Even if certain changes are **mostly** done by around 16/17, a lot of adult women (and men) will tell you that their bones and facial structure continued to get more robust and thicker into their early and mid twenties, in addition to the brain changes ofc. Most women at 22 have bigger hips than they did at 16. It's such a big difference that it's pretty useful when anthropologists try to age a skeleton. 16 year olds tend to not look that different but a 25 year old woman usually looks different from a 25 year old man


>The old definition of puberty is also so poor IMO and too much fixation on maximum height reached and breast growth. Well, it's technically just the period during which an adolescent becomes sexually mature and capable of reproduction. >Even if certain changes are mostly done by around 16/17, a lot of adult women (and men) will tell you that their bones and facial structure continued to get more robust and thicker into their early and mid twenties, in addition to the brain changes ofc. Yes, physical changes continue even after the end of puberty since generally adolescence ends after puberty, mainly because adolescence covers all of the major physical and psychological changes during this period, whereas puberty only covers sexual and reproductive changes. >Most women at 22 have bigger hips than they did at 16. It's such a big difference that it's pretty useful when anthropologists try to age a skeleton. This is true.


> Well, it's technically just the period during which an adolescent becomes sexually mature and capable of reproduction. I know this. I'm talking about how they define the end of puberty. People have misconceptions about when it ends and when it's optimal to reproduce. Hips aren't fully mature for a lot of women until their 20s, and women in their 20s tend to have fewer pregnancy complications than teenagers at 16 with adolescent bodies


>People have misconceptions about when it ends and when it's optimal to reproduce. Hips aren't fully mature for a lot of women until their 20s, and women in their 20s tend to have fewer pregnancy complications than teenagers at 16 with adolescent bodies I think the problem is the idea that sexual maturity means it's the optimal point to reproduce when it isn't. Also, adolescence ends with the final major developments of the body to adulthood, so according to some researchers adolescence ends in the mid-20s with the final brain development. In any case, this is why it's a good thing that average age for first child (as well as marriage) is an improvement because it's safer and people are making decisions as fully mature adults.


Right? I’m 24 now and much broader in the hips and shoulders— really everything— than I was as even at 19 when I was supposedly done with puberty. I thought the way my body’s bone structure and stuff looked at 19 was how it was supposed to look forever (width wise not like, skin and stuff I know everyone gets old and wrinkled obviously). I was unpleasantly surprised to be shown otherwise over time 😭


And those emojis he used. 🤢


Why does he have yummy face after he says it?


Honestly, I hate that that emoji is equated to "yum." I use it for many things but not "yum." Never "yum." I use the drooling one for that.


Oh, it looks like the end result of someone licking their lips to me.


This poor girls account deals with so many creeps like this guy


But how the fuck would he even know this


Thiiiiiis. How do you know what a young girls vagina looks like, my dude? How do you have enough experience to compare them grom.now to then? Are you just assuming?


Castration comes to mind... No seriously, it's a suggested treatment for pedophiles.


Why is his user name covered??


What a nasty little boy.


A list aint enough, i want this man incarcerated




Jail or hell buddy you got two choices




Omg I read “hairy brush” and was so confused and looking through the comments to see if anybody else caught that, but I found no comments on it and got even more confused lol


Why do people always censor the names of these sick freaks? They need to be blasted


I think we should have free speech and free knowledge of location of anyone who thinks like this.


This might be a little TMI, but I've always had dark body hair. Even when I was in elementary school, I had dark pubic hair. And this was way before I started my period. So yeah. This dude is obviously fucking gross.




I saw 12 and read hair brush and was like, ya they look better than I did at 12 not wanting to brush my hair.


Her opinion is funny. Shes not wrong its just kinda funny in a blunt way


I hate the “girls are more mature” because by nature we aren’t, just by nurture because boys are coddled and allowed to be childish and immature while girls are forced to grow up too quickly.


I used to be a free speech absolutist until I started reading about the French Revolution, and now I no longer believe in unfettered freedom of speech, because of intellectual contagions that prove detrimental to a functional society. I don't feel like this meets the threshold of dangerous ideas, and is a fringe opinion that at least serves the purpose of flagging the author as a suspicious and potentially dangerous person. I encourage creeps to publicly outing themselves rather than remaining closeted, allowing them to fester and stew in their secret toxicity until they eventually boil over and cause real life damage.


This reminds me of the post telling me I wouldn't have had depression at age 12 if only I had gotten pregnant like I was supposed to.


In no way shape or form do I agree with the comment on the TikTok above, but once you add a moral clause into the law, whos morals is it up to? I can see it being turned into a religious thing real quick. Obviously this kind of thing is wrong, but at some point the wrong kind of people will try to make their own beliefs and their own morals (which they think are good, but are perhaps not) part of the morality clause. I hope this makes sense. People will have different ideas of what 'moral' is.


Don’t they already do that? Look at who is pushing forced birth laws worldwide.


Nah you right. Its sad that separation of church and state cant be a thing.


Bait? Please say bait. Someone please