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We did it! Wait not like that


Do yourself a favor and dont look at house prices back then


I remember a university friend and I were looking for an apartment to rent in Halifax around that time.. the total asking price before we were going to split the bill was cheaper than individual rates for a 4 roommate apartment now


I remember thinking my friend was nuts renting an apartment all included with an underground parking space for $750/month. Oh boy did I have it coming when I had to finally move there for school...


I paid $600 for a 2-bed in Highfield Park in the early 2000s. It wasn't nearly as bad as people said, good bussing options, parking, washer dryer hookup...and I could afford it working a (almost) minimum wage job on my own. Good times!


Dude I paid 600 for a very large one bed with a balcony and huge living room/kitchen area around highfield not even ten years ago man, I just saw another apartment up in the same building three-four years ago and it was triple that. Shits fucked bruh


600 lol I was paying 445 for a 2 bedroom in high crime park back in the 2000s.


My last apartment before moving out of NS in 2016 was $650 for a 1 bedroom close to downtown Dartmouth. Everything was included, even internet. Unreal!




Everything was cheaper. Nova Scotia had low wages, but job market wasn't any worse and housing market reflected the economy. Everything costs more now and we still have low wages and no real jobs. Trades are a lot more in demand, but 20 years ago white collar jobs were significantly more abundant and people from the province were able to get them - not the case now.


And it’s better now for that those that own and way worse for those that don’t. just bifurcated the people on the issue.


I have a sick house I bought in 2011 for 270k. If I were to try and get this same house it’s about $600k. I feel like I’m a boomer now


Do yourself a favour and look at housing prices all over the world. This housing crisis isn't unique to Nova Scotia or Canada. It's a global issue.


Do yourself a favor and look at the housing increase in Canada compared to other g7 countries.


Yeah prices are up everywhere due to lack of supply, some places worse than others obviously.


It's not just lack of supply. It's also governments letting a handful of companies to purchase residential housing and allowing them to dictate the market with no counterbalances, real regulations or oversight. It's letting single lots in the middle of nowhere sell for 300k+. NS is becoming the new 2000's BC. Everything is overpriced, and there's really no reason for it outside of greed


Seems like things were better when we were shrinking?


That’s because our government knew we were shrinking and have been developing and planning as if we would continue to shrink. Then suddenly we did a 180 on the plan and grew 4-8% a year for 4 years straight. Having 75-150 years worth of growth and now all those plans in motion have to change immediately and that takes time so everything is screwy.


Birthrates in NS have been below the level to sustain the population since the early 1970s. Given that we have have a rapidly aging population there better be some people here to pay taxes.


Or you know, restructure the system so that you're paying for your own generations care so a shrinking population isn't an issue.


Also maybe corporations should start paying their fair share instead of getting tax breaks again and again.


That just means one unlucky generation is paying for the next generation and their own.


The key is to progressively recoup lost tax before everything crashes or we throw a single generation under the bus. Tax wealth and inheritance harder. Slowly raise taxes of current generations. It's better to get back on track over 3 or 4 generations than just let everything collapse.


The best thing is to leave Nova Scotia and probably leave Canada altogether. Many countries offer a much lower cost of living or bigger bang for your buck. Better to do that instead of dealing with all the cucks and the cuckold economy


I would rather have too many than too few.


I don’t know why people are downvoting this, if people are leaving, so will jobs leave and the government will resort to cutting back on services (which they did and they closed schools, hospitals etc) people are just so fixated on a housing shortage that they don’t realize that is something much easier to fix than a tanking economy


I hate to say it but they are already still maintaining previously established cutbacks in the schools right now with no intent of improvement. Can’t really say much for the other industries but I imagine it’s the same if any nurses or government employees want to feel free to chime in or correct me.


They're continuing to close hospitals despite the overabundance though, aren't they?


It's been literally like 3 years, budgets and spending lag revenue considerably.


The area of healthcare I work in has seen significant investment and growth with the new government. We were inconstant cutbacks under the previous government


Look at the bigger picture.


Now we have both.


If your rent skyrocketed to $3000 and you had no family doctor you wouldn’t. People with multiple homes and a family doctor: “Why don’t people want change ?! More people the better!”


When a clinic opened in Wolfville in 2005, people were driving in ftom Moncton to see a family doctor. A dwindling population does not mean more ample resources.


Certainly increases demand and competitiveness for availability of existing services.


A stacked angry population where locals with science degrees in healthcare that can’t afford housing isn’t ideal either.


What do you propose?


the simple answer is BUILD MORE FUCKING HOUSING why is this such a difficult concept for some people ffs


Well yes. Its obvious. But new house being built are 450k low end rural NS.


It has to be the right kind of housing though. Just building more in general doesn't actually fix the supply and demand issue. Look at Toronto right now and what happened with the insane glut of investor targeted condos that got built. You have whole buildings that are a giant waste of space because the units aren't what people want to buy and aren't at the right prices to even flip them as apartments.


More people = more tax = more service. Its a chicken and egg. Like another commenter said; it was NO better 20/30 years ago for services and I would argue even WORST. I was here in 2000, in the valley and you had barely any shops nor doctors.


I don’t remember it being all *that* bad. In 2012 you could walk into a walk in clinic and they’d be like “woohoo a human being to diagnose!” . Now you wait days for an appointment at one, they’re no longer walk-in. I’m not sure what I would do, but enraging the local young population into anger due to housing prices and too much migration isn’t near the top of my thoughts.


Even 2020 when I moved back - walk in clinics were accessible. And not line up at 6am. Those with houses and doctors are delusional to the current issues.


My favourite is: *I was lucky when I bought my house in 2008, but-* That’s when I stop listening. They don’t understand the possibility of being homeless when you have a professional career with a salary in the fucking maritimes of all places.


So what happens when we don't have enough people that pay taxes to operate society?


Taxes should be structured to support the services people who are paying right now need, not relying on ever growing tax income. 


So no healthcare for the elderly. Got it. Get lost.


Healthcare for the elderly should be paid for from their working life taxes. Otherwise you're creating a system that will inevitably fail because the earth can't support infinite growth. Try rubbing those two brain cells together once and a while.


Maybe the elderly should have allowed every socal support system to be hacked down in the pursuit of more personal gains. Gen X and Millenials have been working themselves into the grave trying to fix the shitshow you handed us,


And maybe you should get off your phone and try to become a contributing member of society.


They say to the generation that needs to work 2-3 jobs to pay basic rent. How about you stop expecting everyone to cater to you because you're old and work for yourself. It's nobodies job to care for you except yourself.


Maybe you should get a better job. What is your degree in?


Electrical Engineering, with a minor in mechanical engineering. Doing that with a broken spine as well.


What happens when people with a nursing degree can’t afford to live in a 1 or 2 bedroom apartment and start a family? Live in their car ? Again, you wouldn’t be saying this if you were young, renting and didn’t have a family doctor.


Build more housing.


At the Irving's expense.


Without tax dollars we won't be able to afford new nurses. Need to start looking further down the road than a few years. This country is is terrible shape as far as aging population is concerned. Baby boomers are dying off and GenX are reaching retirement. That means a huge portion of the population no longer generate tax revenue.


Where are these nurses going to live if housing is over half a million dollars and being purchased by retiring boomers or out of towners ?


We need the government to understand we get more value out of nurses than greedy landlords. I don't know why governments are so willing to protect scumbags and not support those who make our community function. This goes to show that the private sector cannot be trusted with resources we all need.


Because they too are those very scumbags.


You obviously don't understand what I am trying to tell you. Ageing population = less tax revenue = no money for nurses.


I absolutely do understand. You don’t seem to understand that: more people bringing wealth here means more NS young people on the street with nowhere to go, revolt will be inevitable. I don’t care if people from bc or onterrible lift our economy to Vancouver real estate booms and prices if the people who grew up here are fucking homeless. Again , spoken by someone who probably owns a home and doesn’t have to worry about dying from a treatable disease.


You obviously don't. You're focused on short term issues. The aging population will impact every aspect of the country for generations. How about you stop judging me and educate yourself.


>how about you stop judging me How about no. Imagine owning a Cayman and pretending to know or care about this provinces future when there will be none if the youth revolt.


You just did the same thing you’re accusing OP of doing.


This guy is disingenuous. Don't even entertain him. The government is finally getting surplus money from income tax. More people here is good. Nova Scotia is empty; fly around and from the air its forest 90% I welcome all these people. He will mention housing BUT building cost IS through the roof. Buying a new house is expensive and as such older established house increase in price. It's not just because shit ton of people decided to live here, it's because of global cost increase too.


Exactly. Thanks for the backup.


It is because people decided to live here.


>Nova Scotia is empty; fly around and from the air its forest 90% Presumably you're suggesting that forests could be cleared to make way for more people? Are you familiar with Nova Scotia's ecosystem or geology?


Are you mister literal? Cmon now


Well I’m mid 30’s, married, he’s also mid 30’s. We have young children. And no family doctor on the wait list currently for a couple years now and Nova Scotia needs youth to balance out all the old retirees here. We also own our home here. Nova Scotia literally needs our taxes to do new things, improve and expand. Your line of thinking is short sighted. FYI rent and house prices are crazy everywhere but in Manitoba. So what do actually expect? To live in a protected bubble?


We need youth, yet the majority of people migrating here are boomers selling their homes for a million in Ontario and buying one or two homes here taxing the system further. How is the young folk supposed to get ahead and want to stay here if they can’t get a home for under $600K?


Well according to statcan in the last few months. Ppl 40 and under are now surpassing the old boomers. And if memory serves me right. This didn’t include immigration and TFW. So all I’m saying. Shit sucks everywhere. Life is definitely harder then it needs be. If you’re this angry (cause I’m VERY angry over the state of things) then vote. However that might be. Vote with your wallet when it comes to consumer goods. And vote on all three levels, municipal, provincial and federal. Vote for ppl you feel are worthy. Don’t become hopeless, that’s what the corporations want, tired compliance.


There comes a point where a political system is so broken that your vote doesn't really matter anymore because all of it is corrupt. I don't know if we're past that point, but the fact that you can say with a straight face that "this is happening everywhere!" and not see the problem with that kinda tips the scale in a certain direction... But beyond that, it's worse in Canada, quite a lot worse really.


Your defeatist attitude does more harm then good my friend.


You really don't know enough about my opinions to say one way or the other if they're defeatist, but thanks for playing.


The sad reality is, you're both right.....


Is it Canadian if you don’t declare yourself a home owner in a reddit comment?


Is it Canadian to be willfully obtuse?


Just to give you guys a reply to allll of your comments, our government doesn't give a shit about us as people. They just want our tax money. Especially that idiot, the premier of Nova Scotia, Tim, he's such a joke. We need to vote for someone who actually cares.


Truth be told, Huston was fantastic when he first came in, and I'm completely behind him trying to take NSP down a few notches. He won a hopeless situation, there was no way a conservative is ever going to make any actual lasting change in NS, because what we need to do is antithetical to the Conservative Party's core principles of an unregulated system that "balances itself"


We left 6 months ago after moving during covid . Three years, god I love Ontario!


Well, what do you like about Ontario?




There are still boatloads of people in ON and BC who are rushing here for a "better quality of life and Cheap Houses". I wish you could save them the trouble. When locals try to warn them they think we're just bitter.




There's a lot of history here that people from away don't understand. And when out of province people come here and complain about everything, it's frustrating. Hard to understand unless you've been through it.


Yeah, my experience is in generally pretty cool with people from all over coming here. Just shit talking it and comparing it to where you came from all of the time isn't a way to endear yourself with locals, even when your complaints are valid. Couple it with a history as a resource extraction province where the wealth has mostly flowed out of the province and you can see the historical roots of the issue.


Our population was fine 8 yrs ago....