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Oh yeah definitely possible. What we have right now is just the start. The iterations are going faster and faster and the demand for nvidia GPUs will never stop. There might be a new Moore's law for the amount of GPUs in the world, ie it doubles every year until the entire world's power grid becomes the bottleneck.


I love this answer LOL. I feel like we should all just be in a circle jerk lol.


You are!


I agree with you. I am by no means an expert but I have been pretty successful in predicting what the market and what certain stocks are going to do and have seen nice returns. Now I am someone who considers myself to be very tech savvy and keeping up with the trends and it wasn’t until this year that my eyes were opened to the true potential and power of AI and what the potential of NVDA is. I am so amazed at everything that I have seen, I sold a lot of my positions and NVDA went from 12% of my portfolio to now 55%. What I’m getting at is that AI hasn’t totally caught on with the general population, but the reality is that AI will eventually be in everything, whether we know it/like it or not. I’m convinced of this 100%. The beauty of AI is that it can be automatically integrated into everything people already know and use on a daily basis without having to try and sell them on a new product. People won’t have to learn how to use a new technology, AI will simply enhance the features already available to them in their phones, computers, tablets, cars, etc. When Jensen Huang said this is a new “Industrial Revolution” he wasn’t kidding and I think this could be the biggest revolution in history. I came into this decade telling my dad, I think by 2030 we will have seen the largest stock market gains in history and it will tower over previous decades such as the boom we saw in the 90’s. AI can be the catalyst to make this happen. So I’m very bullish over the next 6 years and I would not be surprised if we are extremely underestimating the growth yet to be seen. Everything seems crazy or impossible until it happens. I mean we didn’t even have a trillion dollar company until when? 2018? Now we have 3 companies hovering around $3T? In a span of 5-6 years? Unless there’s a nuclear war (we would all be screwed anyways) I don’t see anything stopping this AI revolution.


Well said and this is exactly where I'm at with it as well. The next decade is going to be mind blowing. Hoepfully it's not just the rich that keeps getting richer and more of us can ride this wave while it's here.


Yup! This could be a generational opportunity. Of course we know the rich will get richer, but this is a chance for people to become rich if they are able to buy and hold. AI technology is truly going to change the world.


Already has been a life changing buy and one day at least 1 person will be very happily surprised!


Are there any other ai companies- stocks that currently are a lot smaller than nvda that could possibly grow as well? Or do you think nvda will have a stranglehold on the AI market? I’m a noob so take it easy on me.


That is always really hard to tell. I’m sure there are lots of small companies centered around AI. Some may be bought out by companies like Nvidia and some might go out of business entirely. Sure you can throw a bit of money on some small stocks to bet on, but it’s a long shot. I think you’re better off investing with the proven companies because they are ultimately going to be the ones who benefit in the long run. NVDA, GOOG, AAPL, MSFT, AMZN. Maybe you take a look at cyber security stocks like PANW or CRWD. One company I am really bullish on is NEE, due to the energy demand that these AI data centers and GPU’s will have.


You can always invest in an ETF that tracks the NASDAQ CTA Artificial Intelligence Index. Companies in this index are prominent forces within the Al world. They can generate most of their revenue through Al, or they can be key players in the Al space, but with diversified revenue streams.


Thanks for your input!


I agree. But Nvidia is just ONE. Who else is out there that we can look to, invest in?


All cloud companies.


Got ya


True. Thats why I have exposure to other companies. I expect AMZN and AAPL to take advantage of AI. I also really like NEE because of the energy demand that AI requires and of course I have VOO to help balance things out.


You mean over 200%


Doing AI animations take a longggg time to render. We are going to need upgraded gpu’s for a long time


Accourting some news outlets Nvidia will have 10 to 20 billion more added very soon due to some very large ETFs reshuffling Nvidia's importance in their fund. In other words Nvidia will be far more important than say Apple. Maybe other large ETFs will follow suit. These large ETFs only reconfigure once a year and last year Nvidia shot up so fast that they missed the boat on a lot of gains until now. Their mistake can be our gain. Lets hope!


For index investing, as long as the index reshuffles and gives nvidia a bigger %, that will trigger all the other ETF, and Mutual Funds that follows that use the index as a benchmark.


That is great news!


Who's knows but $10T is really not out of the question not just for Nvidia but Apple and Microsoft and other big tech companies.


I barely do technology, and don’t understand more than half of what Jansen talks about. My guy says “yes, it is more than possible it’s very likely.” I’ll let yall know if and when I sell.


I think it is not only possible but highly likely when you consider that their current forward guidance doesn’t provide any revenue assumptions for NIMs or Gr00t. The people calling for Nvidia’s top see it only as a hardware play and completely ignore the accretive value of the software stack which creates a fully encapsulated ecosystem that builds on and betters itself.


Thing is a company can only go up vertically so much the more it grows the slower the stock grows as well. Like that's a 3.25x gain over 6 years versus a 10x gain over 1 year. Still a phenomenal return but I think the days of Nvidia making people millionaires off a few thousand dollars are over


A reasonable approach is to consider the cyclical nature of upgrade cycles for semiconductors. Looking every four years or so a big upgrade cycle occurs. Given the demand for NVDA chips and the money invested from Hyperscalers the big moves in NVDA’s stock price will most likely taper off by the end of 2025. From there growth will remain but not at such an exaggerated stock price as we have seen. One reason is a rotation in money from Semi’s to areas monetizing AI, riding the next wave of the big AI picture. AAPL is in a great position to gain from rolling out AI to consumers. For a long term investment NVDA is a great stock to hold and will grow with the AI movement as a whole.


How will Apple monetize AI? Simply adding ChatGTP will bring revenue in how so? Will they get a cut of the sub? Or an increase in mobile device sales? But I agree with your assessment about rotating out of NVDA into other Big Tech.


The best way to make money in most business is monetizing to the consumer. For the most part consumers interface with handsets (phones) more than any other device. AAPL has a 2Billion install base for iPhone. 3/4 of that base has a phone that can’t handle on device AI. AAPL doesn’t need to develop a huge LLM like ChatGPT. They just need a small LLM for personal assistant and upgrades SIRI capabilities all handled on your phone. Anything requiring a larger search outside of your personal data will be sent to the cloud and use ChatGPT. They are not paying ChatGPT, but will get a percentage of upgrade services iPhone users pay for tiered ChatGPT services. AAPL is aiming to become the device that the main AI app companies will sell their product to consumers. AAPL won’t have total market share but through 2026 the refresh cycle is here. New AI features will roll out in the Fall and continue through 2026. Meta is in talks with AAPL as well I saw today.


I think NVIDIA can go to $10T after the elections. By 2030, a more realistic estimate is at least 30T. The second largest company will still be struggling to reach $5T at that time.


Let's do 100T in 5 years!!!


Rookie numbers... Let's do 1000T


Goodness! I like the sound of that.


People thinking Nvidia will be 10T by 2030 lololololokololololo 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Not people guy, literal math geniuses.


Place your bets accordingly then. I think the top is in.


“The top” for AI? That’s what my post is about. NVDA goes as AI goes. You think AI is at its peak?


Not necessarily no. I think Nvidia is beyond its peak like Tesla was in 2021. It is now an investment that I don’t think will catch up to investors expectations for many years.


You are talking about two different industries. One has a monopoly the other was kind of stupid to begin with. You don’t save money with an EV, it’s not necessary either. AI is making new pharma drugs.


$880 billion added to the market cap in days, is not a sign the top is in. That would be a first in Wall Street history. Money doesn’t move like that without a 15yr plan minimum.


You are free to keep buying Nvidia then. Go ahead. IMO the trade is too crowded. But rationalize however you want. I gave you my opinion. That’s all it is. An opinion.


Ai has yet to live up to the hype, just like full self driving and other promises.


Certainly! There was an interesting article from a few years ago with several billionaires. They proclaimed what Mark Twain claimed, “put all your eggs in one basket and watch that basket”. Point being “diversifying is for losers” or the average buffoon. Buffett was one of them. Another thing I saw was one should buy whether it is up or down meaning you should keep buying even if your exit strategy is right around the corner.


Putting all your eggs in one basket is also a great way to go broke. I will bet you that more people went broke doing that than became billionaires. What do you think? Do you think everyone is just going to make a ton of money on Nvidia forever? Lol


That’s why Buffett says “only invest with what you know”.


There are lots of safer ways to play Ai. And, lscc, vertiv, energy companies etc.


You buy the dip today or are you waiting for it to fall further? Lol.


As a successful passive investor, you buy the stock whether it’s up or down. Nobody can time the market. And you can always tell who the morons are, they declare that they “can time the market”. Try reading a chart moron. LOL. And not the 5m chart for losers.


Like I said. Make sure you buy the dip. And then the dip again until you don’t.


I buy whether it's up or down. It's about increasing the size of the position. I am in Year 2 of a 10yr hold minimum.


Sounds like someone missed out in the nvda rally and will continue to miss out.


It’s a crowded trade. Plenty of others out there that are less hyped and crowded.


Same thing people were saying 2 years ago…


So we all can see how your KNOWLEDGE relates to the stock market :)


The companies who can use these chips are the ones to invest into. They aren’t necessarily producing iPhones TM but rather they are procuring a product readily replaced and bettered by competitors at any moment.


Before you start taking 10 Trillion, why don’t you first get to 4.


I didn’t cite the $10 trillion. That’s a figure from literal math geniuses in finance.


You’re an idiot dude. Go bet your rent on this and get fucked.


Says the guy who missed out. I manage the development of servers moron.


I didn’t miss out, been tracking Nvidia since last November when it was $400. I got out last Thursday after it became clear that this was the top.


LOL, says the guy who can’t read a chart. And your betting against $880 billion who says otherwise.


Nvidia market cap Is mainly due to the massive profit margin. The day competitors catch up enough to force Nvidia to lower prices it will be worry much less. The don't need a better product. Just a competitor one. And was doing Grafic cards for some time. And we are very close to the creation of a pool photonic pc. Any body can catch up. But probably not yet for a couple of years. And Nvidia will not sit down on the profit like intel did.


It is not sustainable for a company to grow its market cap by 2+ quarters worth of sales, per day, on no news. The P/S ratio is getting into dangerous territory, and as it grows, so does NVDA's need to not only sustain but outperform the stellar earnings it has been reporting.


I never said it was sustainable. The $880 billion in days is a sign the top is not in.


$NVDA close on Tuesday: $3.475 Tril $NVDA close on Friday: $3.022 Tril -400 Bil market cap in two trading days (Wednesday market was closed)


I think you have me confused with someone else or the voices in your head. I never said anything contrarian. That $880 billion number is from Friday.


Triple witching Friday


Did $NVDA do that last witching ?


All I want to know is how much the price of one share is going to be at when Nvidia hits 10 trillion. Asking for a friend lol He wants to do some math, so he knows how many shares needed to become a millionaire by 2030.


$400.83. I don’t know math, but it sounds legit in my head. You’re welcome


I disagree with you. Your estimate is overvalued. There isn't enough data to support this. However, I never tell anyone their price point is wrong because they are on the other side of the trade. If everyone thinks like you, I will make sure to sell you the shares at those "lofty" prices. Your targets aren't invalid, they are only invalid if PROVEN invalid. Majority of analysts get prices wrong because they exclude so many factors to price action. Nobody truly knows what the future marbling. In a hyperinflationary environment, you may be thinning too low. How about 20 trillion? The key is to be flexible.


why AMAT in particular?


They make the machines or tooling for chip makers. And not just NVDA’s. They have exploded with AI as well.


Why not LAM( LRCX) /KLA / ONTO /ASML / ASM??


I like them all. LAM too. KLA has some Chinese risk I read. But I guess getting into the space overall is what I really meant.0


Refer to my other commennts.


Nvidia cannot sell enough GPUs by 2030 to justify even their current valuation...


Who says they have to?


They don't, but generally speaking, investor interest dies down when the revenues don't meet expectations.


The question isn’t whether or not. It’s about how much for that bottom line. And for AI, it’s super pricey.


Sure. But this might be a Metaverse situation writ large. They will look at the revenues and go: "Wait... how much did you spend on AI?" The only real upside I can see is that some company might discover something new that would not have been possible without an AI. But given how LLMs work, it is unlikely to form totally novel patterns.


Just remember “past performance is not indicative of future results.”


Yep. Competition, market saturation, economic downturns, and wars are not a thing. NVDA is going to the moon. In fact, $50T.


Absolutely, $10 trillion by 2030 for NVDA is ambitious but not impossible, especially with AI's rapid advancements and global internet access via Starlink. AI's potential is likely understated. Regarding $AMAT, it's a strong choice as they are vital in the semiconductor industry, supporting AI development.


100 trillion if you buy the dip right now


I would ask if you can read a chart, but it’s apparent you cannot. This is still so far away from the 50 LOL. Nowhere near a bearish trend.


Hi everyone! Would you sell your Tesla stocks of 6 that have lost money (paid $220 two years ago) and buy NVDA instead?


You are asking the totally wrong question. The question you should have asked two years ago about Tesla is, "when will I sell these 6 shares?" Did you say to yourself, "I want to sell them for a loss two years from now?" Or, "I am selling two years from now no matter what!" Both are much more better of a strategy than simply buying with no strategy for an exit. So, when I got in on the AI train, I was looking at 5yrs minimum no matter what. I look at NVIDIA like Apple. It's not going anywhere. The Semi Industry is just getting started. And many academics in the computer science world are saying AI is likened to the advent of electricity. The EV thing is cool but it's a car with slim profit margins and much more competitive. I bought Fisker after the Tesla blow up because I knew the Tesla was what many are calling NVIDIA today, a bubble. But the catch is AI is not a car. It's a powerful new tech designing drugs for FDA approval. Fisker on the other hand was a startup, and many were looking for the Chevy to the Ford, if you will. I lost. But I am not losing on NVIDIA and I still own my worthless Fisker LOL. I said, I am holding Fisker for 3yrs minimum for a reassessment. The company didn't make that far. Also, I DCA both. But I stopped with Fisker after the paradigm changed. You only sell when the paradigm changes or stop DCA'ing and ride the loss out. With this new information, and if you have an exit strategy for NVIDIA in your mind, yes, I would sell and transfer. Or, you can simply buy the SPY or something with less cost and not worry about markets and industry.


Thank you! Very insightful.


Assumes no other company will ever try to make an AI chip


That’s already happened. That take doesn’t make sense. I actually root on all Semis.


By saying that’s already happened are you implying there isn’t and wont ever be any competition because there isn’t any today? I own NVDA and am bullish as well but just prodding. Not sure what didn’t make sense.


There are other GPUs, just nowhere near as good as NVDA obviously What do you think about the relationship between $MU and NVDA? Edit, I see what you meant by “assumes”


Who else is going to do it? AMD? LOL!


They gonna catch up at some point.


Nvidia will be the first 10T company. if history has taught us anything it is that anything is possible


I’m hoping they’re first the world’s first 4 Trillion dollar company. If Apple gets that title first, Nvidia never will.


If apple manages to take second from MSFT then I will cry


Im bullish but 10T is not realistic. The market cap that they gain over Apple and Microsoft happen so quick I dont think its possible. I mean 3T is already cyberpunk big corpo status 😂


Wall Street doesn’t move $880 billion around for short-term gains. They do it for a 10yr plan most minimum.


NVDA has also lost $200+B in market cap over the last two days. Is that also not Wall Street moving money around?


“Most insane stat you will ever hear”. Hmmm not sure about that one buddy. Did you know that all the world’s bacteria stacked on top of each other would stretch for 10 billion light-years?


I def. make financial decisions based off of most insane facts I’ll ever hear. This is the type of language my FA uses.


Lol, guy, that was a metaphor. It’s not literal.


Yeah same


Oh, so the bacteria stacked up isn’t real. Ok got it.


It might be real but the ‘most insane’ title is subjective


I never said “it’s not subjective”. I said “it’s a metaphor”. Metaphors are not real and are always subjective.




Time to sell


Literally no one knows the future.


Well, I never said anyone does. As an MBA, there is a computation called “Net Present Value”. Organizations like Goldman Sachs can “predict the future” (metaphorically). I think $880 billion in 21 trading days is a sign.


You don’t need an MBA to know NPV brother.


I think you have me confused with someone else. I never said, “You need an MBA to know NPV”.


By 2030 most of Africa will be almost uninhabitable due to global warming causing draughts, killing crops and causing ever more deadly heat waves. What fucking use will the Internet be? AI uses a shit load of power for what benefit to anybody? So that kids can turn out bullshit essays for home work with zero effort you think will help anyone in the long run? Even bloody eBay ads written with chat gpt are shit it's completely useless as it is and totally over hyped.


Bro thinking we gonna be in anarchy in 6 years 💀💀💀💀


AI is the future. Nvidia is a great company. As far as using AI so it can make meaningful change/improve efficiency/bring financial revolution is uncertain and that will affect the stock price in the future. This happens with all big technologies. There is initial hype followed by a long painful period of realization that technology is actually much more expensive than its downstream benefits. Share prices fall and there is adjustment. I don’t think 10 trillion is a reasonable way of approaching this. It will create a lot of pain. I am a long term holder. In the immediate future nvidia is the best company to hold. Next earnings will be important. If it can beat eps close to 10% that would be a catalyst.


You NVDA dopes are high. I cannot wait until Khan fucks you in the ass. Leather Jacket will be sucking dick in prison vs signing breasts. Get ready for the biggest beat down of all time. This stock is the new INTEL NVDA investors are the dumbest group ever.


Remember Enron? You’re the new Enron. Shit chips that Su will obliterate. Under $1T cap by end of 2024. I mean come on AWS??? Shit cloud run by Garman?!? Satya will end your contacts. Disaster run by a We Work loser type Leather Jacket


Wash your filthy mouth


Loser. Enjoy the ride down dope


Yeah thats why your still suckin your thumbs…


Suck dick NVDA loser. $20 by year end


Your only vocabulary, the only thing you know how to do… great. Talk more so it will show…


I know you. A new NVDA investor who thinks this is easy money. I love taking money from dopes like you. The ride down will be a walk in the park compared to your immense losses.


Cmmon show off more of your KNOWLEDGE! LOL why change to “dope”… your around the “a hole” knowledge… the only think you can think of all year…


I know you. Dumb follow the leader NVDA easy money investor. You will be on food stamps after your money is gone


Found the poor boy that missed out.