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Snap. I’ve got horrible OCD and debilitating social anxiety disorder. I’ve had the SAD for a decade and OCD for 6 years. I’m 26 and have had zero friends for around 12 years, quit uni and also can’t work. I have tried 7 different ssri’s, hasn’t helped much if not at all. I’m going to taper off citalopram and try medical cannabis next. If that is unsuccessful, I will maybe try Gabapentin. If that doesn’t work, I don’t know.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with this, I wish I could recommend a simple fix. Unfortunately, OCD is not really a disorder that meds can *properly* deal with. They can potentially help a lot by decreasing symptoms, but they won't get at the root of the problem. (As if OCD weren't hard enough already) I'm also sorry to say that asking for others' experiences with meds may not be productive because everyone responds to them differently. I wouldn't want you to get hurt by false hope—you don't deserve that. But a psychiatrist is the best way to get advice on meds. There are a lot of meds out there, so chances are good that if you keep trying with a professional you'll find something that helps you. That's reason enough for hope for you. Truly. Can you explain why therapy doesn't work for you? And are you talking about ERP? Sometimes it doesn't take, but therapy is a bit like meds: there are lots of different ways to do it and you may need to try several very different ones. That's another reason for hope. Therapy and meds together have a very high success rate for OCD. You absolutely *can* get better.


I hate to say it, but I think you have to be pissed off enough to even get started with ERP if your OCD is severe enough. Or maybe that was just me? I wasn't using the toliet right, and went inpatient. I REALLY didn't want to do exposures, but I really didn't want to return to the way I was living more. I was pissed off and just screamed "fuck you!!" at every OCD thought. I wanted to think the pain and the anxiety I was experiencing was killing it, and removing it from my mind. It was alot, but it helped. I won't pretend I don't have anger issues, so this might be just a well directed use of that energy.


This is quite simple: ERP is hard (really hard). Anger provides motivation and energy, (but it's not the only way to get it, just one way) and that makes it easier to start. But just about any decent reality check or strong emotion can do much the same thing.


I like it!


haha i had to get mad, too. when i looked back on my life and saw how much this disorder had taken from me, so many friendships and relationships, so many missed opportunities and experiences, so much restriction in my ability to be independent, i was furious. it was the best, such a relief from the constant shameful confusion. OP, it sounds to me like you're still letting your thoughts control you a bit - for example, you say whatever your therapist tells you to do your OCD finds a loophole in it. i know exactly what you mean, but the fact that you see meaning and legitimacy in that loophole is what makes the loophole work and what allows the disorder to regain control of your life. a lot of recovering from OCD is learning that a thought can feel true, like 100% objective, inarguable reality but you can still not let it control your actions. you don't have to buy what your OCD is selling, essentially, and the more you don't buy into it - like by engaging in avoidance or compulsions - the less convincing that little salesman's voice sounds, it gets weaker and quieter and it doesn't inspire the same insane, overwhelming anxiety/sorrow/guilt/fear. your OCD can find all the loopholes it wants but it's your choice to believe in them, to believe in your OCD and to obey its wishes. there will always be more what-ifs, and because it doesn't work on a logical level in the first place you cannot reason with it. you can't win arguments against it. you can't ignore it. and if you buy what it's selling you, it only gets bigger and scarier.


I suggest reading about the medical model versus a biopsychosocial approach to treating mental health. Only taking medicine to solve mental health is taking a medical model approach and has its limitations. OCD has a lot of factors and it ultimately takes facing your fears to get to a place of recovery.


Jesus Christ stop taking an e true pharmacy of pills


I would if I didn't need them




Clonodine gives me anxiety for some reason past 0.2mg. The buspar yeah I usually take it when I need it. Haven't tried that on the guanfacine tho.


That’s helpful. /s