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If there is a question where it asks if employed or unemployed, click employed. Then can fix once you get in. Also you can go to your local county OMJ office and they can help if needed. Much easier than trying to call anyone. Unemployment isn't much help with that as it's a different agency.


It doesn't even let me do that. The dashboard just starts reloading over and over. I've tried stopping it by clicking the X in the upper left corner, but it still doesn't work.


Weird, yeah I'd go to your local office. They should be able to see and help. Usually my h quicker and easier in person.


Calm the Ohio Bureau of Civil Rights and file a complaint against the Office of Unemployment they do this shit on purpose so people cannt file (614) 644-2703. This is the number you will probably have to leave a message. I am filing a complaint today


I filed unemployment back in the end of January. They received all my paperwork on the 7th.here we are in april.never received a approved or denied letter.all it says its pending. What should I do?


Are you using a phone or a computer? You need to clear your browser cache. The same thing happened to me and resetting my chrome browser fixed the issue. You also have to have pop ups turned on as allowed.


I've tried: Clearing Cache Different browser Different computer Mobile Going to the Job Center and trying there. State of Ohio has opened a ticket.


Did this ever get resolved for you? Im having same issue


No, it has not. I've got a ticket in with IT on it, but it keeps happening. I had my UE denied this week because I haven't completed the career profile yet. :(


Has this been resolved yet? I'm facing the exact issue.


No, nothing yet.