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Nah, you're good. In my opinion, the reason why Omori doesn't succumb is because he's a representation of Sunny's repressed trauma, and it's a metaphor for how even if you "beat" your trauma, it never truly goes away.


Imagine Sunny's imagination - his Headspace - is a world with a very particular set of rules. Omori chooses to play by these rules, but for many of them, he doesn't have to. Omori is a tricky character to understand, albeit really well written, with many different interpretations. Whether he represents depression, or shame, or guilt, it's clear he isn't something that will merely vanish, at least not for a very long time.


You can interpret it in a few ways. One way to view it is, it's Omori's dream, his world, and so he simply can't die in it. Your interpretation also makes sense, and there are others too. You aren't overanalyzing.


![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2460)oo theres omori emoj- anyway i think it might be him not succumbnig to his depression. i will not go back and fix the tyoiops because i simply do not caer as long as its reaedable.


Sometimes to cope with stress and trauma we adopt coping mechanisms that allow us to "not succumb" in childhood, but aren't functional in the long-run. When we try to adjust our response away from the old coping mechanisms they resist us by doing what they did best: survive. I imagine Sunny's struggle with Omori encapsulates that difficulty with healing.