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Imo you should boost 2 every unit you can. But also imo I would switch Akainu for BB


nah bro trust me akainu DOMINATES and i swap my yamato and BB around once i get bored of one with akainu most of the time i don’t even die once and end the game with around 7K score or high end 6K and like 5/6 kills he butchers


Well as long as you’re getting use out of BB at all I’m happy. I have had trouble playing Akainu in this meta but in your defense I have seen people who are good with him absolutely shit on people. What medals are you using? Maybe I try him again


ye BB is really good against DF users which are the meta now but against zoro and shanks i struggle and sometimes a lot and as for akainu i don’t know why but i just bully every game he does so much damage once you stack up his attack and his magma state is so nice and that skill one just runs through multiple opponents and helps stack up the attack and can get multi kills as for my built i don’t think my set is all that good but i’ve been using it for years now and just use it for him i’ll send a SS of it https://preview.redd.it/i8r9yhbgpt6d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e352a23525d3155b6ae726f146789ba9b765701


My medals were absolute dog shit when I last played him and i have some good ones now so I’ll give it a shot.


alright i think you should he plays well he can practically kill anyone it’s just BB s snake white beard sometimes and zoro if it’s a really good player (99% of the time you annihilate) you should watch out for everyone else is free game


oh ye btw if you wanted more motivation to use akainu here it is i just got this match an hour ago and of course it’s S+ but since it’s new season everyone i was fighting was SS players with over 60 HB each and i still cooked https://preview.redd.it/18ckzhirkx6d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c80c5f042bac49648bdf23afd5d54b230f092dec


i think it’s the % i have on my stats the way my akainu is built keeps him tanks for an attacker it’s hard to kill him but at the same time he does so much damage the medal set itself is alright it’s decent but i’ve been using it for years and gotten used to it so i just keep it


and ye i think i might go for the boost 2 i think i could get to 160 if do boost 2 and then imma be butchering left right and centre


If you boost 2 those 6 units you will gain exactly 3% support , that’s assuming they all are boost 1 with no upgrade towards boost 2 .


one or 2 of them have a few so far i have B2 my nami and luffy i got to 158 but for most of them i can buy about 3/4 slots if B3 so that should help a little but for now i ran out of B2 orbs it’s a drag being F2P


Always leave enough resources to boost 2 at least 2 new characters in case anything interesting drops other than that 1-2% increase ain’t that big of a deal .


true but i’m too broke to summon for anything for the next few months anyway 😭😭😭😭😭


I guess not having resources would make it easier to save rds in a way coz you could just be like I can’t fully boost so might as well skip .


ye that’s true i’m saving for either a attacker roger rerun or a MF shanks rerun and i’m not summoning on anything until then since i’ve had this account since practically release i’ve had MANY MANY accounts all of them were above 40 and a lot of them i’ve lost it forgetting the password to or since before you could only keep an account with the log in thing for 30 days i lost so many and during the roden meta and first ani era i suffered a lot and those were my fav characters to play so im tryna get them in this account too


If they are your favorite get them but meta wise they are just alright , if I had to choose the more fun one I would go with mf shanks though . At the end of the day get whoever you like .


ye they’re both so FUN to play with i love both their skills and traits their fun to play and i love the characters so it’s a win for me and as for who i’m getting i’m gonna just go for who ever comes first then save for whoever comes after and if i need to spend a little i’m willing to but only if it’s for these 2 no one else


A single lvl 100 6\* boost 20/52 with lvl 5 skills and 3 x 9\* medals gives 16.1% 😁 It’s worth it


oh alright thanks for the info bro


i think i can get 161 in a few months i’m already at 159 i think i just need to sort out 10 tripple 9 star luffy medals then B2 all my 4* support or get some 2/3* B4 then i might get more than 161 i think




They have been playing for years. They’re lvl 50. I’ve been playing for years I’m only lvl 44


i don’t know wat he said i been the game since the beginning of it but i’ve had MANY MANY accounts and on this account i’ve had it since the game released before first anni i even have a ticket from first anni to prove it it’s just this account isn’t stacked since i’ve had so many accounts in between all of which have been above level 40 and some even above 60 or 70


They asked why you had BB and other old units. Your account reminds me of mine and I’ve been around since 1st anni, just haven’t played much until lately


oooooh alright thanks for letting me know and ye i haven’t been active on this account much expect the past few months since i lost my other account i started maining and whaling on so this account is pretty outdated but i’ve been putting the work in and starting to shape into a pretty good account again nearly got 160% support on red with multiple tags and got a few EX’s though old still work and loads of good new BF and old ones for support and i’m building new medal sets too


Boost is roughly 0.0545% per level so whatever you’re missing multiply by that